Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Community Message - Snow Saviours Wanted!

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Tuesday 6 December 2011.

The search is on by Buckinghamshire County Council for this year's snow saviours - volunteers with four-wheel-drive (4WD) vehicles to help reach vulnerable people during heavy snowfalls.

And the message is, even if you don't have a vehicle you can still be a snow saviour by volunteering to help clear paths at the homes of vulnerable people.

"During last year’s heavy snow, despite superhuman effort by the County Council’s home carers, some had difficultly reaching vulnerable people," said Trevor Boyd, Head of Commissioning for Adult Social Care.

"Our staff thought nothing of walking when driving wasn't possible to provide much-needed care and support to vulnerable people," said Trevor. "But we could do so much more, and much more quickly if we had the help of volunteers with 4WD vehicles."

Martin Phillips, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, said: 'We're looking for the snow saviours of Buckinghamshire! It's a Big Society ask, and we know our county has so many community-spirited people who'd be so willing to help our vulnerable people during the winter.'

Ch Insp Colin Seaton, Wycombe’s Deputy Area Commander, said: “Last year the county was affected badly by the snow and we want to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be this year.

“It is important for us to ensure that the more vulnerable people in our community are looked after during these times and I hope that anyone who is in a position to help, comes forward.”

If you can help please call the County Council's Localities Team on 01296 383409 or email locality-services@buckscc.gov.uk  with your name, where you live, contact details and whether you can help with snow clearance or whether you have a 4WD vehicle.