Friday, 2 December 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Planning Meeting Monday
The Planning Meeting held at the village hall on Monday November 28 was very well attended by over 50 villagers. The meeting was led by Parish Councillor John Lewis with Andy Kirkham from AVDC. The Localism Act will enable Chearsley villagers to have an opportunity to influence future housing development in Chearsley. AVDC are asking each parish for their initial view of development needs. Each householder will have the opportunity to complete a questionnaire to this end. These are available in paper form, and soon to be on-line via, and should be completed as soon as possible for the Parish Council to be able to formally submit the results to AVDC by mid January. As a first indication of Chearsley’s future housing needs, John Lewis thought it very likely that the Parish Council would support the Option C – that small scale development would be likely to be most suitable and to pass this information on to AVDC after the December meeting.
The questionnaires would enable all Chearsley residents to give their views. Drawing up of a Parish Plan would be the next stage,which would empower the village to shape the future of their community with regard to environment, community and social, economy, transport, planning and infrastructure. This plan would be recognised by AVDC and Bucks County Council. It would also act as a guide to the Parish Council in future decision making. John envisaged that the Parish Plan would involve as many villagers as possible to meet in small groups to discuss the various issues and referred to 2 previous similar plans which had been drawn up by Chearsley villagers, the last appraisal being in 1988. Nearly 40 people at the meeting volunteered to become involved in drawing up the Parish Plan.
There would also be the opportunity in the future to create a Neighbourhood Plan with regard to planning and infrastructure, but as this would be a formal, costly document involving professionals and a referendum, no decision need be taken as yet. Anyone who was unable to attend the meeting can view all the details discussed by logging on to Leif’s magnificent website and clicking on Planning Forum.
The Parish Council wants everyone to fill in a questionnaire, preferably on line, or a paper one available from John Lewis or other Parish Councillors and would welcome any more volunteers to help complete the Parish Plan, which is envisaged to be completed by the end of next year.

Sunshine Club Bring and Buy Thursday December 8

This annual fund raising afternoon will be start at 2.30pm at Tyringham Hall, Cuddington. There will be many bargains, raffle and refreshments. Proceeds will go towards the club’s Christmas party.

Appeal for used ink cartridges and mobile phones
The Sunshine Club would appreciate any used cartridges and mobile phones. They can be given to Yvonne Edmonds on 208603 or taken to Les and Jan at Cuddington Stores.

Christingle at St Nicholas Church
This candlelit celebration will be held in Chearsley Church on December 11 at 4pm. The children are all given an orange with lighted candle, red ribbon and sweets on cocktail sticks, each part representing a symbol of the Christian faith. A collection with go to the Children’s Society.

Carol Singing
As is the custom, there will be 2 nights of carol singing around the village. The first on Monday December 19 and another one on Wednesday 21, both starting at 7pm meeting at the bus stop. Everyone is welcome to come and take part. Proceeds from the collections will go to DebRA anad Cystic Fibrosis.

Christmas Pub Lunch at The Bell
A two course turkey lunch will be held on Wednesday December 14 at The Bell. Please let Ann Hooton on 208306 or Alan Mitchener on 208893 know if you would like to come.

Bins , baskets for plastics, cans and paper and boxes for glass will be collected on Tuesday December 13.