Saturday 31 January 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Birth Congratulations
These go to Laura and Ian Skinner on the birth of their second son, a brother for Henry, and another grandson to Mike and Suzie Heybrook, on Tuesday 27th January.

Birthday Congratulations
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Hogbin last Monday, 26th January on her special day.

Chearsley Cricketer Club
The Quiz held in the village hall on Saturday 24 was very well attended and enthusiastically enjoyed by everyone, raising £588 for Cricket Club funds. The Club would like to thank everyone who donated raffle prizes, took part or helped in any way.

Chearsley Cricketer Club 100 Club
This is a new way of raising money to maintain and improve the facilities for senior and junior cricketers and your support for this scheme is much needed.

It costs £24 for the whole year payable annually which buys one number to go into the monthly draw. There will be three cash prizes, being approximately 50% of the ticket revenue. The other 50% will be available to the committee to spend on the club. The size of the prizes depends on how many tickets are sold. So, please come forward and get involved. You are very likely to be lucky at some time during the year! Please contact James Veness, the Club’s Director of Fun and Games at, or on 07732 438568 for more information, or pick up details and a form from the Shop and Tea Rooms.

Valentines Day at The Bell
The Bell is offering a main meal and pudding for £9.95 to celebrate 14th February. Please contact them to book a table on 01844 208077

Friday 23 January 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Cricket Club
The Cricket Club are anxious to find a lock up area or garage to store furniture for a short period of about 3 months, while the water damage to the clubhouse is repaired.

Any offers of help, please get in touch with Clive Weston on 01844 208088

Mobile Library
This next calls at The Bell Car Park this coming Monday, February 2nd from 1.10pm to 1.35pm

Short Mat Bowls
This is held in Chearsley Village Hall each Friday evening, at 7.30pm. except the first Friday in the month, when the Youth Club takes place. New members are always welcome

Cuddington and Dinton School
A “Back to Skool” party is being held to raise funds for the school. It will be held in the Bernard Hall, Cuddington on Saturday February 7th. Tickets are £15 each. This will include live music, disco, bar, dinner. Please come dressed in a school uniform theme. Bring your tuckshop money for raffle tickets. Please contact Annie Connolly on 01844 290146 or Emma Goddard on 01296 748884 for more information or tickets.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Friday 16 January 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Cricket Club Quiz Night
The Cricket Club are hoping to raise much needed funds by holding a Quiz in the Village Hall on Saturday 24th January at 7.30pm for a prompt 8pm start. Do come and have fun. Tickets are £5 per person. Come in a team of 8 (maximum number), or come on your own. Bring your own food and drinks. There will be a raffle, and donations of prizes for this will be gratefully received. Telephone James Veness on 07732 438568 or on 01844 292209 to book a table or for more information.

Mobile Library
This next calls at The Bell Car Park on Monday, February 2nd from 1.10pm to 1.35pm

Parish Council Meeting
A few matters arising from the latest meeting held at the Village Hall on Monday 12th January.

An additional grant of £8,000 has been received by our Parish council towards kerbing to maintain and restore the verges and banks in Chearsley.

Stockwell Project
A cheque for £500 has been received from Councillor Edmonds towards this. The availability of another grant for this project will be looked into and another quote obtained for the necessary work, after which, under Perry Smith’s supervision, work could start.

Painting of the village gates
These are looking very shabby and the Highways dept is to be approached about repainting.

Christmas Tree on The Green
Leif Hytten and Sonia Timberlake are to investigate having a Christmas Tree and Christmas celebrations on The Green next Christmas.

Parking on land in School Lane and Dark Lane
Clare Clark was asked to reply to a letter about the Council’s decision not to back this scheme, setting out all the appropriate correspondence and minutes.

Planning application at Dieudonne, Dark Lane
A site meeting to discuss this application was arranged. It was agreed that emphasis should be placed on the importance of reinstating any damage to the banks and kerbs if the building work goes ahead.

The Green
Quotes for new benches on The Green had been obtained, but no replies had been received regarding making good the path. It was suggested that a Grant could be obtained towards this.

It was made clear that, in view of the present economic difficulties, Chearsley Parish Council had agreed to decrease the precept by £500, unlike neighbouring villages.

Litter Pick and Task Force
It was agreed to arrange a Litter Pick for February and enlist a team of volunteers to tidy up footpaths and untidy hedges in the village

Next Meeting
This was arranged for Monday 9th February at 7.30 in the Village Hall.

Friday 9 January 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Birth Congratulations!
Two babies have been born in December in Chearsley.

Sharon Sampson, the notable photographer of the delightful Chearsley Uncovered Calendar, gave birth to Annabelle on 4th December. Congratulations to her and husband Darren, of Lower Green Lane, and to Oliver and Libby who now have a little sister to play with and look after.

Richard and Tara of School Lane now have another daughter born just after Christmas, sister for Saskia. Congratulations to them.

Chearsley Uncovered.
There are still calendars for sale in The Bell and Chearsley Tea Rooms. All proceeds of £10, the sale price of the calendar, go to Florence Nightingale Hospice.

Pilates in the Village Hall.
Debbie Corpe has been running very popular and successful pilates lessons for the past 2 years in Chearsley and currently has a few places available. There are two sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm and 8pm. Ring Debbie on 01844 201295 for more information.

Neighbourhood Watch - Community Message

This is a Ringmaster message from the Aylesbury Watch Office on Friday 9th January 2009.

We have reports of companies 'cold calling' in the Aylesbury area offering block paving, driveway, patio and wall work. Some of these companies are not what they appear and often the work is expensive and sub standard.

If you are considering getting this type of work done, you are advised not to employ 'cold callers', no matter how good the initial cost or offer sounds, but to get estimates from reputable companies.

Friday 2 January 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Christmas Sale in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice
The sale held in the Village Hall on Saturday, December 6th raised £333.45. Thanks go to everyone who supported the venture and to Julie Gibson for organizing the event.

Carol Singing round the village
Two evenings by an enthusiastic group of singers led by Keith Wright, raised £566, to be divided between Cystic Fibrosis and Debra, a charity for people in the UK with a genetic skin blistering condition.

Refuse collections
The next refuse collection is for bins only, Thursday, 8th January.

Wednesday 14th January is a collection for bins, paper, cans, plastics and glass containers. The following week, collections are back to normal on the Tuesday.

Chuf, the playgroup operating from the village hall in Chearsley and from Haddenham and which was given an outstanding award by OFSTED this year, is pleased to be able to offer places at Haddenham and Chearsley. Ring Sally on 07948342407 or email for more information.