Thursday 26 June 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Shed and garage break-ins - Crime Prevention and Security Marking Event
A locked shed in the garden of a house in Bernard's Close has recently been broken into overnight. Nothing was taken, but a lot of damage done. On the same night, the garage of Pear Tree Lodge, Dark Lane was broken into and again, nothing was taken, but damage done in breaking in. It is thought that both these properties were accessed from Hicks Path. Since then, there have been more shed break-ins in the village, locks broken and lawnmowers and other equipment stolen. If anyone has any information on any of the break-ins they are asked to contact PC Kingham on 101. As a result of these recent crimes, a Crime Prevention and Security marking event has been arranged to take place on The Green, Chearsley on Saturday July 19 from 1.00 to 3.00pm. The local neighbourhood police will give crime prevention advice and security mark your power tools and lawnmowers.

Aylesbury Vale Community Safety Partnership has prepared a pocket sized card with tips to help keep residents from being victims of house burglaries, including a holiday check list to keep your house safe while you are away on holiday and advice to keep doors, windows and side gates locked even when you are out in the garden. The cards can be found at various outlets, such as libraries and doctors surgeries.

Slow Down Sign - there is now a Vehicle Activated Sign to warn motorists that they are travelling at more than the 30mph speed limit in Chilton Road. This is thanks to the work of the Parish Council and as often is the case has taken a while to achieve. The sign is moveable and will, when the Parish Council decides, be placed on one of the other busy main roads into the village.

Chearsley Cricket Club - the club has hosted 2 County Veterans Cricket matches recently, the last being Bucks v. Sussex on June 17. Players and officials have been impressed with the pitch and facilities which Larry Warr as groundsman and Peter Redfern, Director of Cricket, have achieved. The profile of the Club has been helped by holding these games at the Club.

Aunt Sally - a previous report in my column omitted to make clear it was about Aunt Sally, in which a team from Chearsley Cricket Club take part. This game is often played at the Club on Wednesday evenings when spectators and supporters are very welcome to come and watch and enjoy a drink at the bar. This year the Aunt Sally team plays in Division 5, having been promoted from Division 4. So far, under the captainship of Adam Lazaruk, they are unbeaten at home and top of the league. They lost in the second round of the Cup to a Division 3 team by 2 legs to 1. Adam Lazaruk and Andy Gray are top doll scorers.

Bring and Share Picnic - Sunday July 13. This will be held after Morning Celebration in the garden of Paul and Ann Persson in Dark Lane. Bring a picnic to share, and blankets or chairs to sit on. There will be games for the children. Please contact Sharon Sampson if you can help with games and with an idea of what food you will bring. Sharon’s phone number is 01844 208740 or email

The Bell
Bingo and Quiz Nights are having a holiday until September. To tempt new and old customers there will be a new burger menu on offer in July, and Friday night continues to be fish and chips with a bottle of wine for £25. Thursday evenings will be 2 steaks for £25. The monthly BBQs have proved a great success. The next one will be on Sunday July 27 from 5.00 until 7.00pm in the garden, after the weekly Meat raffle draw. The Find The Joker competition continues with the Joker still waiting to be drawn out – the amount to be won rising every week, now standing at a considerable figure. Come and buy a ticket for £1 on Friday nights and you might pick the lucky number. A Summer Party is planned for Saturday August 30 with an evening disco, barbecue and fish and chips.

Wedding Congratulations - Steve and Lisa Whitton, now living in Stone, lived in Chearsley for many years, where their first daughter Sophie was born 26 years ago. On Saturday June 21 she was married to Sam Lock at Holy Trinity Church, Penn Street, with a wedding reception at the Kings Arms Chapel, Old Amersham. Her sister, Phoebe was Maid of Honour. It was a beautiful occasion blessed with lovely weather. May Sophie and Sam continue to have such good fortune and happiness throughout their marriage.

Jack Neil - Jack, who lived in a bungalow in Shupps Lane for many years died on Sunday June 23 in Castlebar Care Centre, Sydenham, London. Jack was a church warden at St Nicholas for many years. Details of the arrangements for funeral which will be held in Chearsley Church will be put on the notice board when known.

Turn End Townside, Haddenham – Sculpture in the Garden.
This fund raising event of outdoor sculptures will be held from Saturday July 5 until July 13 from 10.00am to 5.00pm; open until 8.00pm on Thursday and closed all day Monday July 7. Entry is free. Refreshments available served by volunteers with money raised going to various charities.

Send a Cow - There is a new collecting box on the bar in The Bell with thanks to Sharon, to support the Send a Cow charity. This initiative is a UK-based international development charity that works with poor African families to promote self-sufficiency through the development of small sustainable businesses based on growing and selling food. It provides training, livestock, seeds and support to families to equip them to make the best use of their land and resources. The current emphasis is in providing dairy cows which will help support poor rural families to feed themselves over a period of time and help them to establish sources of income and nutrition for their children. Throughout the current 2 months, British Government Overseas Aid funds will match every penny raised by charitable collections in this country. Members of St Nicholas Church Chearsley hope that villagers will agree to support the initiative in whatever way they can, including contributing via this collection box in The Bell. Libby is also offering to sit your pets – chickens, cats, dogs - while you are away. She is asking for donations in support of Send A Cow. Libby can be contacted on 208740.

CHUF - the local Pre-school, Chearsley Under Fives, which has daily sessions in Chearsley Village Hall and Haddenham, have sessions available from September 2014.Chuf is a fun, friendly and educational environment with a good Ofsted report. Please contact Sally on 01844 299123 or email for more information.

 Apologies from me to anyone who has missed my column recently. I was away on holiday and then due a misunderstanding, Bucks Herald didn’t print my column. More annoyingly, I have had internet problems, which Leif, the king, has been helping me overcome.

Diary Dates:
  • Sunday June 29th - 10.00am Special service in St Nicholas Church with choir
  • Sunday July 6 - Family Communion at 10.00am in St Nicholas Church
  • Sunday July 13 – Bring and Share Picnic in Ann and Paul Persson’s Garden after Morning Celebration
  • Monday July 14 - Mobile Library in The Bell car park from 10.00 until 10.24am

Chearsley & Haddenham Under Fives

 Chearlsey & Haddenham Under Fives Pre-school

Are you looking for a fun, friendly and educational environment for
your pre-school child?
Good Ofsted
Currently sessions available from September 2014 in our Chearsley setting.

For more information call Sally on (01844) 299123 or email

Friday 20 June 2014

Shed burglaries in Chearsley

Thames Valley Police is appealing for information following two shed burglaries in Chearsley.

Between 1:45pm and 2pm on Thursday 19th June a resident in Dark Lane heard a noise in the back garden and saw a white man, described as heavy build, with grey hair, running from the location. 

A lawnmower and a chain saw had been taken from the shed.

Another shed burglary was reported on Elm Brook Close, sometime between Sunday 15th and Thursday 19th June – again a lawnmower was taken.

Please be vigilant with your own security and make sure that sheds and outbuildings are locked and consider using a shed alarm, which can be purchased at little cost from most garden centres and DIY stores.

Further crime prevention information and advice can be found on the Thames Valley Police site.

Make sure anything suspicious is reported to the police (at the time it is happening).  Try to get a description of them, along with details of any vehicle they may be using, especially the registration number.

PC Dean Kingham from the Waddesdon Neighbourhood Policing Team is the officer investigating these crimes.  If you have any information in relation to these incidents please call PC Kingham via the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre number 101.

If you don’t want to speak to the Police or give your details you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or report it online.  No personal details will be taken, information will not be traced or recorded and you will not have to go to court.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Neighbourhood Police Newsletter

The Neighbourhood Police Update for June is now available here.

Click for the Thames Valley Police website

Friday 13 June 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council meeting at the Cricket Club on Monday June 9.
About 8 members of the public attended the meeting chaired by Nic Brown, who was duly re-elected by the Council for another term as Chairman, with John Lewis as Vice Chairman and Clare Clark as the Financial Officer. Clare Lazaruk would continue as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Management committee and Sandra Towel who was absent from the meeting would be asked if she would continue to be the Parochial church council representative.
During the Open session, it was requested that the frequent large farm vehicles which are currently driving from Long Crendon towards Winchendon at a speed not suitable for such a large size should be asked to be more considerate. It was agreed to write to John Lloyd. Similarly to Bucks Recycling as it was considered some of these vehicles drove without due consideration through the village. There was also a request and discussion about buying a Defibrilator for the village at a cost of about £800. This would be discussed in full at the next meeting and to decide its location and details of training available.
  • John Lewis asked that the Council’s proposals regarding the recent 2 planning application should be minuted in detail.
  • A letter had been received from Long Crendon Parish Council concerning the inability of some children in Long Crendon being able to attend the local first school and schools in surrounding villages, as these are at full capacity. They are interested to learn if such difficulties have been encountered by Chearsley families. It seems that all local schools will be at full capacity by September of this year. Long Crendon Council is of the opinion that there should be a second reception class at Long Crendon School.
  • Nic Brown put forward the possibility of increasing the village precept to enable village projects, such as repair of the village roads, to be undertaken. This would mean an increase in the council tax, so that the Parish Council would have more money to use in the village . Nic is keen to have comments on this suggestion from villagers. A decision could not be made until the Budget meeting which takes place in December.
  • It was reported that a Give Way sign had been re-instated and that white lines around The Green and on the main road will be painted late July/August. The vehicle activated sign which has been acquired should be put in place shortly.
  • Entry into the Best Kept Village has brought about a big tidy up of sign cleaning, litter pick, The Green and churchyard tidied. The railings by the bus shelter are to be painted black and the duck pond will be tidied by the local residents. It was questioned whether the Church Lane road sign had been mended.
  • Mike Heybrook gave a report on the progress of the cycle path between Chearsley and Haddenham Railway station. Little had happened as yet, with different departments of Chiltern Railway and Network Rail becoming involved.
(I am unable to report on the rest of the Parish Council meeting as I had to leave to get home for my supper (ready and waiting on the table by my husband/cook!) 
The Minutes of this meeting will be made available to read on the notice board a few days before the next meeting in July. Please come to the next meeting to find out what is being planned and what has happened in your village by the volunteer Parish councillors who do a thankless job.

Monday 9 June 2014

Parish Council Annual Meeting

A quick reminder that the 2014 Annual Meeting of Chearsley Parish Council takes place tonight at 8:00pm in the Cricket Club. More details on the CPC page here.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Planning Application by the Heybrook Family on land at Stoney Furlong Chilton Road. This planning application for 10 houses and garages has been refused by AVDC. Details of the application can be found on the AVDC planning website under reference 14/00581/APP.

Mary Scholefield moved to her house in Chilton Road Chearsley over 20 years ago with her husband, Jock at the same time as Phil and myself had started to run the village shop and Post Office. Mary loved her garden and spent many hours making it beautiful. Jock died last October and Mary is now leaving to live in a village near Cambridge which will bring her closer to her daughter and grandchildren. Mary involved herself wholeheartedly in St Nicholas church with flower arranging, brass cleaning, cleaning the church, becoming a lay preacher, member of the PCC and holding bible meetings in her home. She appreciated that village amenities needed support for them to survive and always shopped first at the village shop before going further afield. She supported Jock in helping with the car pool and was always to be seen with a car full of those who had no transport of their own, taking them to get their pension and to go shopping. She was always the first to visit the sick in hospital and would not forget them when they came home. Thank you Mary for all the love and care you have brought to Chearsley over the past years. We wish you all the best in the future.

100km cycle ride
Congratulations to Sian Lewis of Church Lane who was recently one of 2000 women taking part in a 100km cycle ride to raise awareness of 3 women’s cancers. Sian was riding in memory of her mother, Pam, who died of Ovarian Cancer aged 66 in 2009. The race commenced at Windsor Racecourse into Central London and back. Sian completed the course in 6hrs 30minutes which included 2 pit stops and stopping at all the red lights. More information including details of her GPS tracking can be seen at where donations can also be made. Ovarian cancer affects more than 6,500 women in the UK each year and is the fifth most common cancer among women. Sian wanted to take part in the event to raise awareness of the disease and the work of the Ovarian Cancer Action –

Dorothy May Woodford
Dorothy died suddenly very recently, aged 96. She was the grandmother of Sharon Woodford, landlady of The Bell and will be very much missed by all her family, including 5 great grandchildren. She had lived in Cuddington for many years where she entered into village life with great spirit and energy – a founder member of Cuddington W.I. of which she was honorary secretary for over 50 years; helping with the football club; selling poppies round the village; distributing Church magazines; treasurer of the Sunshine Club and endless work for the Bernard hall including organising bingo sessions and whist drives and undertaking caretaking duties. Despite becoming a widow 27 years ago, she continued her volunteer work in the village and was very proud to be awarded runner-up in the AVDC Volunteer of the Year competition in 2002. Only recently, having suffered a fall had she given up some of her work. She died suddenly in the garden she loved having come home from a W.I. meeting. Two piles of weeds were found on the path nearby. Still busy to the end. She has been described as a lady of character, forthright and determined and fiercely independent.

Bingo at The Bell
The monthly Bingo sessions have now finished for the summer. The last one was held on Tuesday June 3 when £26 for charity was raised by proceeds from the raffle, and £60 was the final Full House prize. Thanks go to the stalwart callers, Andy and Paul – they just about manage to keep order. It became clear, with thanks to Glenys during the rather raucous evening, that it would be Dennis Gascoyne’s birthday the following week. Dennis, who lives in Thame, is a very loyal supporter of Bingo Nights and comes most months with his wife and sister. Happy Birthday Dennis! Bingo will restart on Tuesday, September 2.

Find The Joker
This game every Friday evening goes from strength to strength attracting more and more customers each week as the prize money grows, hopeful to buy the lucky ticket and find the Joker. Come along to The Bell and find out what all the fuss is about. You have to be at the pub to take part.

Father’s Day Sunday June 15
The Bell is offering a free pint of beer to every Father having lunch on Father’s Day. As places are limited please make sure you ring in good time to book a table. Meals will be served from 12 until 3.00pm.

Mobile Library - this will next be in Chearsley at The Bell carpark on Monday June 16 from 10.00 until 10.25am.

Chearsley WI – the next meeting of Chearsley W.I will be held on Tuesday June 17 in the village hall when Annie Bradley will be speaking on “Insight into being a BBC Producer”. Annie who lives in Chearsley, has produced Eastenders and Casualty. All non-members are very welcome to come to listen to the talk which will start at about 2.30pm. There is a charge of £4.00.

Best Kept Village Competition
Please help to support this entry by keeping your garden and surrounding area as litter free and tidy as possible. Last year we were runners-up. This year, let’s hope we can be Winners.

Three Bells Fund
Fund raising for 3 new bells at the Church has now reached £25,000, nearly halfway to the target of £55,000. For more information about The Bells or to donate, please contact Jeremy Pratt on 01844 201611 or email

The Flower Festival at St Nicholas Chearsley will be held in the church to raise money for The 3 New Bells on Friday September 19 to Sunday September 21. More details will be announced later.

Services for June at St Nicholas Church:
  • Sunday June 15 - Holy Communion at 9.00am
Diary Dates:
  • Monday June 16 Mobile Library 10.00 until 10.25
  • Tuesday June 17 Chearsley W.I. 2.30pm in the Village Hall

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Village Tidy Up

Village Tidy Up - Sunday 8th June at 10am

Last year’s Results
Morris Cup (small villages)
Winner: Great Brickhill,
Runners-up: Chearsley, Hyde Heath

Please come along and help weed, litter pick, clean benches, tidy the notice board …

The competition awards are for BEST KEPT villages. Care, cleanliness, maintenance and community effort are what the judges will be looking for when they visit the village in June.

Meet on the Green
Black bin liners provided. Please bring your gloves!