Tuesday 18 June 2019
Oxford Cambridge Expressway Update
Following the Parish Council village hall presentation by the Expressway Action Group on March 18th the Parish Council would like to ensure parishioners are up to date on the latest information.
The official status of this development from Highways England stating that corridor B has been chosen is here:
There are several groups opposing this development in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire areas who have detailed information on their websites.
The most recent presentation from the NEG is here
This states that corridor B3 could be the preferred option.
This ‘East of Oakley’ proposal of 82,000 workers would involve building 64,600 houses for a total population of 150,440 people over the next thirty years or so.That is about the same size as Oxford City. The development corridor could run as close as Long Crendon and create greatly increased traffic in the local area. The Parish Council urges parishioners to read the NEG report and express their view to Chearsleypc@chearsley.com or John.Howard@chearsley.com who is leading the village working group.
Sunday 16 June 2019
Friday 14 June 2019
Monday 10 June 2019
Village News
with Margaret Morbey : margmorb@mail.com : 01844-208913
Historic Chearsley
This exhibition held on June 2nd and sponsored by the Parish Council had more than 100 visitors throughout the day. There were 12 photographic boards featuring a range of photos and information from Ted Hooton’s book, Chearsley-Living Through History, as well as contributions of photos and other memorabilia from villagers. It was wonderful to welcome Ann Hooton back to the village for the occasion when she was given a special presentation in recognition of all the support given to the community by Ted and Ann in the years they lived in Chearsley.
Ann was also the editor of the Chearsley News from 10 years from the mid 80s to mid 90s. John Howard outlined progress by the group working on this project and for future plans. These include another Remembrance Sunday event in the hall this year, and also to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May 2020.
The team have already started interviews with a wide cross section of Chearsley residents to produce a comprehensive picture of our community life today. St Nicholas Church Revisited is one of the projects, adding to information on the history of the church and looking at the role of the church now. A group, including the owners of all the houses or properties which were once pubs in the past are working on a plan for a “Chearsley Pub Revival Day” next year. A Chearsley School Reunion party is being planned with plenty of school day anecdotes from those who attended as pupils, parents and teaching staff. It is planned to set up a dedicated Historic Chearsley website which will act as an archive and library for all the information gathered. Future projects might include looking at other aspects of village life in Chearsley – farming and traditional crafts, sports and recreation including our Cricket Club which started life in 1922 on Lower Green. The group members welcome input on any other projects or ideas which will help them reconnect with our traditional village heritage. Please get in touch with any of our group members to share your thoughts, help and support :
Anne Adams paxos.aa@gmail.com; John Cragg johncragg181@gmail.com; John Howard jnh@dbmc.co.uk and Sara Turnbull sjt3456@gmail.com.
Parish Council response about Recent clearance work in Church Lane
The Parish Council reports:
A letter was recently published in the Chearsley News from Ms Thorstad regarding the clearance work carried out earlier this year in Church Lane. Details of the proposed works were discussed at two Parish Council meetings and a further site meeting before the work was carried out. Whilst the Parish Council subsequently received letters and calls applauding the work which was carried out, a letter was received from a parishioner who did not support the clearance. As a further letter from Ms. Thorstad has been posted on Chearsley News, re-iterating the complaints, the matter was again discussed at the Parish Council meeting 22nd May and the Committee felt it appropriate to publish a copy of the original letter sent to Ms Thorstad which addressed all the issues raised.
We, as a council do appreciate engagement from the community and are always delighted to see Parishioners in attendance at the monthly meetings and contributing in the public sessions at the start and end of the meetings – useful feedback for all of us as we cannot operate in a vacuum and certainly can’t undo work which has been discussed and subsequently carried out.
As a reminder to all, the dates and times of the Parish Council meetings are published in the Chearsley News and together with the Agenda for the next meeting and Minutes from the previous meeting are displayed on the notice board next to the bus shelter.
A Parish Council Meeting in June will take place on Monday June 17 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Chearsley Village Community Notice Board
The main purpose of this noticeboard is to display the following information : Formal notices from Chearsley Parish Council (in the locked section); items from other Chearsley village organisations and groups, such as the church, Village Hall, W.I. Flowr and Produce Show, Cricket Club; other notices relating to life in the village e.g.” Lost and Found in Chearsley”. If free space is available then the following postings will be allowed : advertising of services offered by business in Chearsley village (on a temporary basis only); news about events in local villages. Use drawing pins only – no staples, nails or screws; no permanent notices allowed; do not overlap or cover other notices (or they will be removed); Please remove out of date notices; when it is very windy, notices can be blown away, so attach with extra drawing pins; advertising from businesses outside Chearsley Village and political notes are NOT allowed and will be removed. For more information, please contact Alicia Howard on 07970 804330 or email alicia@greatbarn.net
Chearsley Peakers
A group of walkers from The Bell are again walking for charity when they are planning a 50km walk around the Peak District, aiming to complete this in 12 hours or less on July 13th. Taking part are Sharon Woodford, Nicola Harrison, Chris Morbey, Jay Gibson and Terry Gadsby. The chosen charity of The Bell for this year is Alzheimer’s Research UK and the walkers have a target of £1,200. Over £600 has already been pledged. An easy and secure way of donating to this very worthy cause is via their Just Giving Page, https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chearsley-peakers1 where the money goes direct to the Charity. Well done and good luck to them all.
Chearsley Show Scarecrow Parade
Anyone thinking about making a scarecrow for the scarecrow parade at the forthcoming Show on September 7 might like to do a tour of the many scarecrows in the Scarecrow Festival in Haddenham, where inspiration and ideas of how to make one could be found. There are more entries than ever this year displayed all over the village. A map showing all the locations for the scarecrows is available to purchase from the library and Blooming Fruity. (They were last year). This is the third year the Haddenham branch of the Scouts and Guides Association have organised this Festival which runs until June 24 with proceeds going to the Association and Douglas and Helen House.
Best Kept Village Competition
I don’t know whether our village has yet been visited by the judges, but please try to pick up litter from the lanes and verges when you see it, just to keep Chearsley looking as well kept and lovely as it can be.
Services at St Nicholas Church:
Historic Chearsley
This exhibition held on June 2nd and sponsored by the Parish Council had more than 100 visitors throughout the day. There were 12 photographic boards featuring a range of photos and information from Ted Hooton’s book, Chearsley-Living Through History, as well as contributions of photos and other memorabilia from villagers. It was wonderful to welcome Ann Hooton back to the village for the occasion when she was given a special presentation in recognition of all the support given to the community by Ted and Ann in the years they lived in Chearsley.
Ann was also the editor of the Chearsley News from 10 years from the mid 80s to mid 90s. John Howard outlined progress by the group working on this project and for future plans. These include another Remembrance Sunday event in the hall this year, and also to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May 2020.
The team have already started interviews with a wide cross section of Chearsley residents to produce a comprehensive picture of our community life today. St Nicholas Church Revisited is one of the projects, adding to information on the history of the church and looking at the role of the church now. A group, including the owners of all the houses or properties which were once pubs in the past are working on a plan for a “Chearsley Pub Revival Day” next year. A Chearsley School Reunion party is being planned with plenty of school day anecdotes from those who attended as pupils, parents and teaching staff. It is planned to set up a dedicated Historic Chearsley website which will act as an archive and library for all the information gathered. Future projects might include looking at other aspects of village life in Chearsley – farming and traditional crafts, sports and recreation including our Cricket Club which started life in 1922 on Lower Green. The group members welcome input on any other projects or ideas which will help them reconnect with our traditional village heritage. Please get in touch with any of our group members to share your thoughts, help and support :
Anne Adams paxos.aa@gmail.com; John Cragg johncragg181@gmail.com; John Howard jnh@dbmc.co.uk and Sara Turnbull sjt3456@gmail.com.
Parish Council response about Recent clearance work in Church Lane
The Parish Council reports:
A letter was recently published in the Chearsley News from Ms Thorstad regarding the clearance work carried out earlier this year in Church Lane. Details of the proposed works were discussed at two Parish Council meetings and a further site meeting before the work was carried out. Whilst the Parish Council subsequently received letters and calls applauding the work which was carried out, a letter was received from a parishioner who did not support the clearance. As a further letter from Ms. Thorstad has been posted on Chearsley News, re-iterating the complaints, the matter was again discussed at the Parish Council meeting 22nd May and the Committee felt it appropriate to publish a copy of the original letter sent to Ms Thorstad which addressed all the issues raised.
“Dear Ms Thorstad, Thank you for your recent e-mail which arrived via the Chearsley Website. The work carried out on 2nd and 3rd January was the removal of low quality trees and scrub (terminology used by the tree surgeon) alongside Church Lane. The trees were principally elder, self seeded blackthorn, together with bramble and ground elder. There was no hedging on the banks. The overall objectives of the exercise were to : Restore historic banks down Church Lane, which had been lost under the undergrowth. Open up the views across to the Church and the open countryside for anyone driving or walking down Church Lane. Expose the Lime trees which had been planted by the PCs in the 60s but which had been swamped in particular by the elder and blackthorn. Remove trees which had been in danger of falling across the road in similar fashion to the two which had fallen over the last 12 months (thankfully no damage was done). Before any work was carried out, the owner of the land adjoining the PC land was consulted and advice taken from 4 Seasons Tree care. The matter was discussed and included in the Minutes at a recent PC meeting, when the public were able to give their views.A further comment - In the latest posting (from Ms Thorstad), somewhat confusingly entitled “hedge in Church Lane” (as there wasn’t one), mention is made of The Best Kept Village Competition and quite categorically, the removal of the low quality scrub and overgrown blackthorns, which posed health and safety risks, was nothing to do with the Best Kept Village entry.
As you are aware, the clearance has now taken place (with the exception of one additional blackthorn which needs to be removed) with a lot of previously fallen trees remaining to provide habitat for wildlife. The cost of the work as confirmed at a previous PC meeting was £1,450 plus VAT. There will be future costs involved in keeping the banks clear.
Your own comments aside, all feedback from the residents in Church Lane (and from a number of visitors) has been extremely positive and supportive.
We feel that the work carried out has made a massive improvement to Church Lane, restoring the historic banks and the superb views down to the Church and across the countryside. For the avoidance of doubt, the PC would not be looking to plant a hedge on the sloping banks. Thank you for your interest. We always appreciate the views of the Parishioners although, particularly with a venture of this sort, it’s easier to take views into account before rather than after the work has been carried out. Parish Council Meetings take place once a month and all Parishioners are encouraged to attend and express their views.
(from) Chearsley Parish Council”
We, as a council do appreciate engagement from the community and are always delighted to see Parishioners in attendance at the monthly meetings and contributing in the public sessions at the start and end of the meetings – useful feedback for all of us as we cannot operate in a vacuum and certainly can’t undo work which has been discussed and subsequently carried out.
As a reminder to all, the dates and times of the Parish Council meetings are published in the Chearsley News and together with the Agenda for the next meeting and Minutes from the previous meeting are displayed on the notice board next to the bus shelter.
A Parish Council Meeting in June will take place on Monday June 17 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Chearsley Village Community Notice Board
The main purpose of this noticeboard is to display the following information : Formal notices from Chearsley Parish Council (in the locked section); items from other Chearsley village organisations and groups, such as the church, Village Hall, W.I. Flowr and Produce Show, Cricket Club; other notices relating to life in the village e.g.” Lost and Found in Chearsley”. If free space is available then the following postings will be allowed : advertising of services offered by business in Chearsley village (on a temporary basis only); news about events in local villages. Use drawing pins only – no staples, nails or screws; no permanent notices allowed; do not overlap or cover other notices (or they will be removed); Please remove out of date notices; when it is very windy, notices can be blown away, so attach with extra drawing pins; advertising from businesses outside Chearsley Village and political notes are NOT allowed and will be removed. For more information, please contact Alicia Howard on 07970 804330 or email alicia@greatbarn.net
Chearsley Peakers
A group of walkers from The Bell are again walking for charity when they are planning a 50km walk around the Peak District, aiming to complete this in 12 hours or less on July 13th. Taking part are Sharon Woodford, Nicola Harrison, Chris Morbey, Jay Gibson and Terry Gadsby. The chosen charity of The Bell for this year is Alzheimer’s Research UK and the walkers have a target of £1,200. Over £600 has already been pledged. An easy and secure way of donating to this very worthy cause is via their Just Giving Page, https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chearsley-peakers1 where the money goes direct to the Charity. Well done and good luck to them all.
Chearsley Show Scarecrow Parade
Anyone thinking about making a scarecrow for the scarecrow parade at the forthcoming Show on September 7 might like to do a tour of the many scarecrows in the Scarecrow Festival in Haddenham, where inspiration and ideas of how to make one could be found. There are more entries than ever this year displayed all over the village. A map showing all the locations for the scarecrows is available to purchase from the library and Blooming Fruity. (They were last year). This is the third year the Haddenham branch of the Scouts and Guides Association have organised this Festival which runs until June 24 with proceeds going to the Association and Douglas and Helen House.
Best Kept Village Competition
I don’t know whether our village has yet been visited by the judges, but please try to pick up litter from the lanes and verges when you see it, just to keep Chearsley looking as well kept and lovely as it can be.
Services at St Nicholas Church:
- Sunday June 16 10am Chearsley Praise
- Sunday June 23 6pm Evensong
- Sunday June 30 10am Benefice Comunion
- Monday June 17 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the hall
- Sunday June 23 Teddy Bear Family Fun at St Nicholas Church 2 to 4pm
- Saturday July 13 Chearsley Peakers 50km walk
- Saturday September 7 Chearsley Show including Scarecrow Parade
- Sunday September 15 Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day starting at 11am
- Saturday November 16 Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner and Dance at The Oxford Belfry
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