Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Christingle this Sunday

 This Sunday we have our beautiful Christingle service at 4pm where every child will be able to decorate and light an orange and if you are lucky they might share the sweets with you, or at least the raisins! Then we will go outside and count down to the lighting of our giant star. Donations to the Children's Society.

Friday, 24 November 2023

Friday, 17 November 2023

This Sunday


Manor Farm shop 10-12 Saturday Nov 18

Reminder - Rose Dale’s farm shop will be open from 10am-12pm tomorrow, Saturday 18 November with fresh beef and lamb, apple juice and organic sheepskins available.

Monday, 13 November 2023

Remembrance Sunday

Yesterday’s Remembrance Sunday service at the village War Memorial yesterday was well supported by our community.

Once again, the service was taken by our Lay Minister, John Scholefield, who recalled all those from our village who sacrificed their lives during both World Wars.

Air Marshall Sue Gray led the laying of the wreaths, including a number of our village youngsters, and John Lewis kindly organised all the necessary technical support.

Following the service, many joined our ‘Chearsley Remembers’ celebration at the Village Hall. Thanks to the many who helped in providing ‘refreshments for the troops’.

The event provided those attending with an opportunity to enjoy a fascinating range of ‘memorabilia’, providing broader insights into the realities of life in those difficult times. In particular, Fenella Tillier, Gladys Arnott, John Scholefied and Alan Mitchener shared memories from their own families’ involvement during the Great War.

Alan also paid his own tribute to a number from our own community who gave such valuable service to their country during World War Two, as well as sharing with us some of his own still vivid experiences living as a young child in London during those difficult years.

He also urged us to remember all those who have suffered in the many conflicts which have taken place since that time and indeed continue to do so to this day.








Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Monday, 6 November 2023



10-12pm at Manor Farm, Chearsley.

Fresh beef and lamb and freshly pressed apple juice. All organic and nutritious and delicious! 


Try a box of beef with mince, stewing steak, roasts and prime steaks or a mixed box of beef and lamb. To suit your budget and taste - see my website for details www.rosedalesorganicfarm.com 
Feel free to email and tailor your box. 

With colder days setting in why not try a beef stew? 

500g for just £8.50 - this will feed the family and it's packed full of protein iron and essential fatty acids! Brown the meat, add onions, carrots, potatoes or dumplings, bay leaves, stock, a dash of wine and leave to slow cook - you can’t go wrong!

Or if you would rather just pop something in the oven - a roast is the ultimate easy meal!