Thursday 30 July 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Charity Golf Day in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice
Chearsley residents Paul and Elaine Bown of Waterside Investments organized this very successful Charity Golf Day on Monday 13th July at the Oxfordshire Golf Club. This year, which was the third year the event has been held, a record breaking amount of £8,000 was raised which was way ahead of expectations. Paul and his wife, Elaine, who supplied the golfers with Pimms, would like to thank all the local businesses who sponsored holes and donated some superb auction items, and to the 84 golfers on the day who supported the “on course” challenges and so generously bid for the auction prizes. The Bowns are corporate companions of the Florence Nightingale Hospice, to whom the funds from this year’s event were donated, and this was their third Charity golf day and the combined proceeds for the 3 years now tops £21,000.

The date of Monday 19th July 2010 has been arranged for next year’s Charity Golf Day, when a full day and exclusive use of the Oxfordshire can be enjoyed. If you would like more information, please email Paul on

St. Nicholas Church - Footsteps
St Nicholas Church warmly invites all local children to walk in Jesus’ footsteps at a Craft and Drama activity day, on Tuesday, August 25th. The day will start at 10am in Chearsley Village Hall with “Crafts” followed by a walk down to Ann and Paul Persson’s garden, where the story of Jesus’ “baptism” will be told. “Feeding of the 5000”, or picnic time for the participants is from 12 noon, after which there will be a time for drama, music and games, “Walking on Water”. “Off to Jerusalem” is a walk past the donkeys, up the road into the church yard, waving the palms made earlier and making as much noise as possible with the home made musical instruments.There will then be a short quiet time sharing bread for the “Last Supper”. The older children can then act out the soldiers coming to arrest Jesus - the “Garden of Gethsemane”, while the younger ones can play sleeping lions. The “Crucifixion” and Burial and Resurrection” will then be acted out. The day ends at about 2.50 with a piece of cake and drink and chat.

Sharon Sampson, the organizer, is asking for cake donations, large cardboard boxes, small cola bottles (for shakers), and volunteers to tidy up the village hall at the end and to look after a craft table.

If you can help or would like your child to join the 28 already registered, please contact Sharon on or ring 208740.

Chearsley Tea Rooms and Shop
The opening times have changed very slightly as from Monday, 3rd August. The shop now opens half an hour later at 7:30am Monday to Friday. Deliveries of milk, bread and newspapers will have been made by that time. Closing times on these days of 7:00pm remains the same. Weekend hours are unaffected.

Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 27th July 2009

This took place at Chearsley Village Hall under the chairmanship of the Vice Chairman, Leif Hytten.

A few points arising :

The broken street light serving Church Piece is the Parish Council’s responsibility and quotes will be sought for it to be mended.

It was agreed that the Police would again be contacted regarding speeding through the village with a view to arranging an on site meeting, at a time when speeding was particularly bad.

No developments with regard to Stockwell had taken place. Quotes for the building work would be obtained. Trimming of the hedges would take place in October.

It was reported that the Churchill lorries no longer regularly came through Chearsley.

The Planning application at Furze Farm had been passed.

Graham King had agreed to repair the grit bins.

It was decided not to proceed further with providing dog poo bins in the village.

A challenge from Cuddington to take part in a tug-of-war on August Bank Holiday is to be taken up. Nic Brown will be approached regarding arranging the team.

It was decided that the Council would remain neutral about the proposed incinerator site at Calvert.

The Crown at Cuddington and the Ghurka Tavern in Long Crendon had both been broken into on Sunday 26th July.

The next meeting was arranged for Monday September 14th at 7.30 in the Cricket Club.

Sunday 26 July 2009

Anyone got a BIG idea?

Village SOS is searching for six UK villages with a great business idea, and six enterprising individuals to act as Village Champions to help them achieve their ambitions. Together they will create a brand new venture that will bring new life and energy to the village with funding of between £100,000 and £400,000 from BIG.

See the BBC Village SOS web-page for more details.

Friday 24 July 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley W.I.
The Garden Meeting took place on July 21st at the home and garden by kind invitation of Vanessa Doyle of Upper Farmhouse, Chilton Road. About 20 members and visitors managed to dodge the showers to enjoy a tour of her delightful garden and indulge in a strawberry tea.

There is no meeting during August. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 15th September at 2.00 in Chearsley Village Hall. For more information about this meeting, please contact Secretary, Anne Lewis on 201011

Special Coffee Morning
All are welcome to this coffee morning, organized by Chearsley W.I. and will take place on Thursday, July 30th from 10.30 to 12.00 at 2 Old Plough Close. There will be coffee and home-made cakes for sale. Proceeds from this fund raising event will go to “Learn as One”, a charity funding the building of a school in Zambia.

Mobile Library
This is next in The Bell car park on Monday, August 3rd from 1.10 until 1.35pm

Saturday 18 July 2009

Community Message

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Neighbourhood Watch Office.

A new website, which allows anyone with access to the internet the ability to view figures and maps of crime in Buckinghamshire, has recently been launched.

I:onbucks is the first public website to display crime and community safety information by using hotspot maps and by providing summary crime figures at postcode level. You can visit the website at

Friday 17 July 2009

Severe Weather Warning

The Met Office released a Flash Warning of Heavy Rain for Buckinghamshire at 10:38 this morning:
"A band of locally heavy and slow moving thundery showers will affect some parts during the day, with accumulations between 15 to 25 mm or more in three hours for the worst affected places.
The public are advised to take extra care and refer to the ’Highways Agency’ for further advice on traffic disruption on motorways and trunk roads."

Thursday 16 July 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Congratulations galore:
Leif Hytten, vice-Chairman of Chearsley Parish Council and controller, and Petra took most of their friends in Chearsley by surprise by getting married in Aylesbury on Tuesday 14th July. By the evening, the word was out and the congratulations messages poured in.

Exam Successes
Congratulations to James Corpe on graduating in International Business Studies at Leeds University and to Tim Morbey graduating at Bristol University with joint honours in Geology and Biology. Well done! Good luck to them both for their future.

Chearsley Cricket Club
The annual Wicked Maiden Trophy between the youths and seniors was held at Chearsley Cricket Club on Sunday 12th July. A very close match, won in the last over by the Youth Team. A fine debut being made for the seniors by non-cricketers, Perry Smith and Ian Houseman. A barbeque and bar contributed to the success of this event.

A reminder that Tuesday 28th July is the next collection time for bottles, baskets and bins.

Waddesdon Manor
Volunteers to be Additional Room wardens are needed. This is because it is hoped to open more rooms, hold more tours and open The Stables Gallery for exhibitions, thus making a visit to Waddesdon Manor a really wonderful time. Volunteers are also being sought for garden guides, attendants for the land train and aviary assistants.

Get in touch with me if you would like some first hand knowledge of volunteering at Waddesdon Manor, or get in touch with Liz Wilkinson on 01296 653307

News Wanted!
Please let me have your news – family birthdays, anniversaries, exam successes, events, etc. anything you wish to share with others. My phone number is 01844 208 913 or you can email me at

Thursday 9 July 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Show – hanging baskets
Monday July 20th is the date by which time entries must be in if you would like to enter your hanging basket for judging that week. Take your entries with 20p entry fee to Rosemary Wallis of Merrifield, Dark Lane, Joy Payne of 1 Bernards Close or Jean Tribe of Greenways, Church Lane. Entry forms are available from Chearsley Tea Rooms.

Don’t forget Saturday, September 5th as the date for Chearsley Show in Chearsley Village Hall.

Mobile Library
This visits The Bell car park on Monday July 20th from 1.10 until 1.35pm

Tuesday 7 July 2009

National Severe Weather Warning!

Received from the Bucks County Council "Resilience Team" at 11:15 this morning:

Heavy thundery showers will develop this morning and afternoon giving 20mm of rainfall generally and up to 40mm locally in the space of three hours.
The public are advised to take extra care and refer to the "Highways Agency" for further advice regarding traffic disruption on motorways and trunk roads.

Met Office Warning (pdf attachment)

Monday 6 July 2009

Summer Fun

Click here for more information.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Best Wishes
Best wishes for a full recovery go to Janine Rees of Chearsley Tea Rooms and Neville Dean of Old Plough Close after their recent hospital treatments.

Wedding Congratulations
Julie-Ann McKay, daughter of Anne and the late Danny McKay who were landlords of The Bell in Chearsley from 1974 until 1992 married Bruce Johnson on Saturday 27th June at Notley Tythe Barn. Although Julie no longer lives in Chearsley, she has kept close ties with many friends, including Eric Carte (our esteemed actor) who gave her away, and many others attended the evening reception.

Birthday Congratulations
Emily Howard was 18 on June 26th. Congratulations to her, a Chearsley girl, being brought home by Alicia and John on Fete Day in 1991.

Baptisms at St. Nicholas Church
Recent baptisms in the Church have included Thomas De Glanville, son of Tim and Lindsay of Watts Green.

Chearsley Cricket Club
The club ran a major fundraising event “Midsummer Madness” at the Village Hall on Saturday 27th June. The evening included a Hog Roast, serving of traditional ales and dancing to “Hair of the Dog”, a local band. Around 150 attended and, despite the rains arriving later in the evening, it was a huge success. Around £750 was raised for the development of Junior cricket in Chearsley and more events are planned for the future.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Community Message

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office.

At this time of year, when many people are looking forward to their holidays, please consider some of these simple, but effective steps that can be taken to secure your home and valuables:-

If you have a domestic alarm always ensure this is set and that you give details of the key holder to your monitoring station.

Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your home.
Ask them to collect your mail or push it through the letter box.
Ask them to open and close curtains, put your bin out and bring it back in after collection and switch lights on to make the house look occupied.
Also, why not ask them to park their car on your drive if you have taken your car.

Most burglars are opportunists, so make sure that all windows and doors are closed and locked securely before you leave.
Remember to cancel milk and papers before you go.

Using a timer switch for lights and maybe a radio, can the impression that the house is occupied.

Always make sure that ladders and garden tools, which could help burglars to break in, are not within view or easy to reach.

Lastly, enjoy your holiday, knowing that your house is not looking attractive to opportunist criminals.