Thursday 27 March 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Litter Pick

Without a great deal of fuss, a few villagers got together again recently to clear rubbish from the village hedgerows. 20 black bags of rubbish from the lanes and especially the roads leading in to the village were collected. Beer cans, takeaway food wrappings, a rusty shovel, £20 note, pornographic magazines were among the exhibits taken to Rabans Lane. Jayan from the shop played his part in providing bottles of water to help the litter pickers keep going for the morning. Thank you all for just getting on and clearing the mess.

Parish Council Meeting – Monday March 24 - An encouraging number of 15 members of the public were present.
  • From a member of the public during the Open Session, heartfelt concern was voiced about the damage by lorries in Dark Lane delivering to the building work at Cedar Cottage causing increasing erosion to the sunken lanes, to the extent now that the roots of some trees are exposed. There was a plea that householders and builders should be made aware of the harm being done and asked to use small lorries and that this could possibly be incorporated as a condition in the planning permission. Nic Brown, chairman of the Parish Council sympathised and said the Council could only make requests, which had already been made to the householder at Cedar Cottage, but they had no formal powers.
  • Regarding possible deviation from the building plans, the Enforcement team were currently looking at this. Debris from trees in Hicks Path was commented on and Graham King would be asked to tidy up. 
  • White lines in the village, particularly near the shop need repainting. Bucks County Council would be asked again to do this. A matter of discussion at the April Parish Meeting could be the use of village money for the village to pay for our own contractor to paint the lines. 
  • The repair of road signs in Church Lane and Winchendon Road was in hand. It was agreed to hold a site meeting concerning the planning application to extend the car park at the cricket field. 
  • It was noted that garden clippings had been dumped in the verge in Aylesbury Road. The Council would speak to the owners responsible.
  •  Mention was made of the village entry in the Best Kept Village Competition in which last year we were runners up. Judging would shortly take place. A consultation on School transport by Bucks County council could be a cause for future concern, if there is a decrease in the present subsidy for transport to schools of children of secondary school age. The Council had received proposals for a skate park in the village. This had been put forward by children in the village and would be discussed at the forthcoming Annual Parish meeting.

Adoption of the Chearsley Village Plan
John Lewis, as Chairman of the Village Plan Steering committee was now asking for formal adoption of the Village Plan. Discussion about the Village Plan had started in November 2011 with a public meeting, followed by the formation of a Steering committee and many Topic groups. Further public meetings were held with very wide consultation with the village, resulting in the Final Plan with 13 objectives and an action Plan. The Plan had been commended by AVDC and by Community Impact Bucks. John thanked all the villagers who had given their time, particularly to Gerry Wyles, the secretary for all his work and for organising and supervising the vote. The Proposal was put to the Council and The Village Plan was adopted:

The Proposal “Chearsley Parish Council today agrees :
  1. To adopt the document “Chearsley 2014 to the be the Chearsley Plan.
  2. To use the document to the maximum extent possible as a guide in future Policy making and decision making.
  3. Not to be absolutely bound to follow the document where it has clear and valid reasons, case by case, for not doing so, but in such cases to state and record in its meeting minutes, the reasons for departing from the document.
  4. To incorporate the Action Plan contained in the document into its everyday work with a view to giving effect to the actions as soon as possible.
  5. Within 4 years of the date of this Resolution to establish a formal review of the document, with the objective of producing an updated version within 5 years from the date of this Proposal.

Annual Parish Meeting - this will be held on Monday April 28 in the village hall. Please see the notice board for details of time and the agenda. If anyone would like a particular topic included for public debate at the meeting, please contact the Secretary of the Parish Council, Clare Clark email, or write to her at 2 Church Lane, Chearsley.

Fibre Broadband With thanks to Johnathan Hirst for the following information:
You may be interested to know, or know already that Long Crendon telephone exchange is marked as “future exchange” for fibre broadband, with a forecast date by the end of 2014. Please go to for more information and details of what has to happen before we can have fibre broadband in Chearsley. From another website comes the information that Long Crendon cabinet is in Phase 3 which means survey work is due to begin this June. Following the completion of this survey work, details of the cabinets expected to be upgraded next will be revealed. Haddenham, Brill and others are in this group.

Spring Garden Security Campaign - several Road shows in the Aylesbury area have been organised in this campaign to drive down thefts from sheds, gardens and garages. At the Road shows a range of bolts, hasps and padlocks will be demonstrated and garden security advice provided with free literature available and the opportunity to have garden tools given a security mark. This will make the tools less attractive to thieves and easier to trace if stolen. Road Shows will be held at Home Base, Aylesbury on Wednesday April 9 from 11 to 3; at B & Q, Aylesbury Wednesday April 16 from 11 – 3 and at Haddenham Garden Centre on Wednesday April 23 from 11 to 3. You will be able to bring 3 tools from home or purchased that day at the road show to be given a free security mark and also 1 cycle. For the over 60s or disabled, Aylesbury Vale District Council offer a free Home Service which will provide a handyman to put locks on garden sheds etc, supply and fit free door locks, window locks and smoke alarms. Please ring 01296 585605 or email for more information.

Diary Dates –
  • Sunday April 6 - Family communion at 10.00am at St Nicholas Chearsley
  • Sunday April 6 - Service of Healing and Prayer at 6.00pm at St Mary’s Long Crendon
  • Sunday April 6 - Sunday Quiz at The Bell – 8.00pm. An informal fun evening. Come on your own or in a team.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting Monday March 17
This Parish Council meeting was to discuss the proposed planning application for 10 houses at Stoney Furlong, Chilton Road on land adjoining the Cricket Ground. This is application number 14/00581/APP/ and can be viewed on Aylesbury Vale Website. Over 50 villagers attended to voice mixed opinions in agreement and against the proposals. Objections to the proposal to build 10 houses were that this would be in conflict with the recent Village Plan which supported 10 new homes over 20 years, that the site was beyond the village boundary, the sewerage system would be unable to cope, medical, school, transport and other services are already fully stretched, the fear that this development would lead to other large sites being developed, although reassurances were given that every proposal is judged on its own merits and a precedent would not necessarily be set, and access and visibility on an already busy road was poor.
There was support for the proposals – the new houses would bring more support to the pub, shop, church and other village facilities, each unit would attract a large financial contribution from the developer to AVDC to go towards education, leisure and transport, the detailed plans provide for a mix of houses, including affordable housing for shared ownership or rent by Chearsley people. The council were mindful that they had a duty of care and responsibility to the village and should be consistent in their views. They had concerns about sustainability, strain on the sewage system, schools and doctors and the setting of a precedent for future development. The proposal that the scheme should not have the backing of the Parish council was agreed on a majority verdict.

Mother’s Day meal at The Bell – The Bell is offering either a 2 or 3 course special Mother’s Day menu on Sunday 30 from 12 until 3. Please phone Sharon at The Bell on 01844 208077 to book a table. Places are limited, so don’t delay and be disappointed.

No Chocolate until Easter - Sharon and Sarah at The Bell have given up eating chocolate for Lent and would welcome sponsors to raise money towards funding the Oli Bell in Chearsley church.

Bingo - April 1 It’s no joke. There will be the monthly Bingo at The Bell on Tuesday April 1 at 8.30pm. Everyone is welcome for a fun evening for cash prizes. Bingo players can enjoy a meal for a special price of £7.50.

Local Taxi - Did you know we have Peter of Church Lane who has started a taxi service, Bernwode Cars at The Hundred? He is available for airport runs as well as local journeys. Peter would be particularly delighted to taxi you to The Hundred of Ashendon, where his daughter, Pia with Matt offer a village pub with top quality food. Peter can be contacted on 07936 532579 or 01844 220002.

Bucks Open Studios - The annual event of Bucks Open Studios will take place from June 7 to June 22. This year will be the 29th year when a wonderful opportunity is available for anyone to visit and view the work of a wide variety of local artists. Over 500 painters, glass workers, basket weavers, metal workers, wood turners, jewellery makers, book makers, print makers, silk makers will be opening their studios to the public, free of charge, to showcase their talent through demonstrations, exhibitions and workshops. Directories with details of all the participants will be available from libraries, tourist centres and art galleries from May. The website at also gives of list of participants and venues and dates when the studios are open. Very locally, there are several venues in Cuddington and Haddenham.

Mix 96 Tour de Vale Bike Ride - this fund raising event, now in its 11th year raising funds for WheelPower takes place on Sunday June 8 when bike riders can choose from 1 of 3 routes of 15 miles, 35 miles or 55 miles (the challenging one) through Bucks countryside starting and finishing at Stoke Mandeville stadium. WheelPower is based at Stoke Mandeville and helps disabled children and adults improve their lives through sport. Last year, over 1,500 riders helped raised £34,000 from this event. Entry is £12.50 for adults, children under 16, who must be accompanied by an adult go free. On the day, entry is £25. If you would like to take part, please ring WheelPower on 01296 395995 or download an entry form from their website

Diary Dates –
  • Saturday March 29 - help Alicia make the posies for Mothering Sunday from 1.00pm at Great Barn. Donations of small flowers are very welcome
  • Sunday March 30 Mothering Sunday Service at 10.00am with posies and simnel cake
  • Sunday March 30 Mothering Sunday lunches at The Bell 12 until 3.00pm
  • Tuesday April 1 Bingo at The Bell at 8.30pm

Friday 14 March 2014

Betty Lane - Funeral

Betty's funeral will be at 11am on Friday 21st March at St Nicholas Church, Chearsley.  All friends welcome.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Betty Lane - it is sad to learn of the death of Betty Lane on Monday March 10. Betty who was in her 80s, had been unwell and in hospital for several months. She was born and lived in Chearsley all her life, going to the village school. There are references to her and her family in Ted Hooton’s book on Chearsley and of her brother, Den who also lived and died in Chearsley and who wrote a small book on Chearsley. It is unfortunate that Betty was absent when a photo was taken of children at the village school. She worked at Brown’s chicken farm in Church Lane until she retired. The chicken farm is now built on at Bottom Orchard. In the 80s our family had chickens and when they became broody and then bored with the whole idea of sitting on the eggs, we would take the eggs down to Betty who would place them in the incubators for them to hatch out. Betty never married, and her closest relative is Anita, the daughter of Betty’s brother Den. Anita married the son of Margaret Braley of Elm Brook Close who also died recently. Condolences to Anita and her family.

Pub lunch at The Bell - Wednesday March 26 at 12.30pm. Anyone who has time to come out to lunch in our lovely local pub and would like to join the group this month is very welcome to come and enjoy a very reasonably priced 2 course meal with tea or coffee afterwards. Choices on the menu are Chicken curry and rice, meat pie, mash and veg and toad in the hole with mash and veg. Puddings are crumble, sticky toffee pudding, lemon tart or cheese and biscuits. Please contact me on 208913 if you would like to come and what your choice of menu is.

Village Hall Survey Please return your completed questionnaires either on line to or to the collection boxes in the shop and The Bell or post to The Old Granary, Chilton Road, Chearsley HP18 0DN by Monday March 24. Please let me know on 208913 if you have not received a printed questionnaire or would like any more.

Parish Council Meeting Monday March 17 at 7.30pm in the village hall. This meeting of the Parish Council was originally to be a general meeting. It will now be a public meeting to discuss the proposed planning application for 10 houses at land adjoining the Cricket Ground. This is application number 14/00581/APP/ and can be viewed on Aylesbury Vale Website.
The next Parish Council meeting put off from this date will be held on Monday March 24 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Cricket Club - Peter Redfern, the Director of Cricket at Chearsley Cricket Club is appealing for help to get the ground and club house ready for the new season. Help of just a few hours from as many volunteers are possible is needed for rolling or cutting the grass, painting and generally tidying up inside the pavilion. Please contact Peter on 07775 618929.

Mobile Library - this is next in the village on Monday March 24 from 10.00 t0 10.25am

Honey Bee Swarms – with improving, milder weather there is a timely reminder about Honey Bee swarms and what to do. The declining number of honey bees make the collection of swarms an important part of the work of bee keepers. Don’t panic if you see a swarm which is merely en route to a permanent home and the bees will not normally sting if left alone. If you do see a swarm, please contact Brian Bush as soon as possible, before the swarm moves off, for him to come and collect it. Brian Bush of Mid Bucks Beekeepers and the BBKA swarm officer is based at Haddenham with phone number 01844 292195 or mobile 07767304067

The Big Allotment Challenge – BBC2 TV - keen gardeners or allotment owners are being sought to take part in the Big Allotment Challenge which will follow several talented amateur gardeners as they transform a plot of earth into a patch of beauty. Auditions are now taking place. If you are interested in contacting the organisers to take part, the deadline for applications is March 20, with auditions on March 21 and 22. An application form can be downloaded from the The Big Allotment Challenge web page, or email them at

Computer Lessons – Bucks County Council has a small amount of money to run short computer workshops to help people start off with computing. Classes can be held all over the county and the Council is keen to work with over 50’s groups. A free 2 hour taster session would be offered with progression onto a free scheme the libraries are running to help people improve their computer skills. If you are interested, either as a group having a session or attending one individually, please contact Pei Harper, Outreach Officer on 01296 382252 or email

Diary Dates –
  • Saturday March 15 St Patrick's Day meal at The Bell
  • Sunday March 16 Holy Communtion at 10.00am
  • Monday March 17 Parish Council Public Meeting to discuss planning Application at land adjoining the Cricket Ground
  • Tuesday March 18 Chearsley W.I.
  • Sunday March 23 Family Service at St Nicholas 1t 10.00am
  • Monday March 24 Mobile Library 10.00 until 10.25am
  • Monday March 24 Chearsley Parish Council at 7.30pm
  • Wednesday March 26 Pub Lunch at The Bell at 12.30pm
  • Saturday March 29 - help Alicia make the posies for Mothering Sunday from 1.00pm at Great Barn. Donations of small flowers are very welcome
  • Sunday March 30 Mothering Sunday Service at 10.00am with posies and simnel cake

Thursday 6 March 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Result of Vote for the Village plan
The village has voted in favour of the Village Plan. 222 forms were issued. 108 were returned (a 49% response). There was a total of 210 votes cast, of which 118 were Yes (56% of votes cast) and 92 were No (44% of votes cast). A motion proposing formal adoption of the Village Plan will now be put to the Parish Council at their next meeting on March 17. The champagne bottle was won by Brian and Ineta Green of School Lane.

Parish Council Planning Meeting - Wednesday March 5th
Over 50 members of the public attended this meeting arranged by the Parish Council to discuss the proposed housing development in Chilton Road by John Lloyd. John Lewis, as chairman of the steering committee for the Village Plan, commented that many points raised by John Lloyd in a document accompanying the planning application, in which he referred to the Village Plan were inaccurate and misleading and he would be submitting his objections and comments to Aylesbury Vale personally.
Mike Edmonds criticized the way in which the Housing Section of the Village Plan had been handled in which particular possible sites had been highlighted and the landowners approached. He considered that this had actively led to the present and other planning applications being submitted. He cited many reasons why this planning application should be opposed by the Council and his objections and feelings were endorsed by many members of the public - by emails sent to the Council and by comments on the night.
The Council agreed to object to the planning proposal and encouraged individual householders to write voicing objections to AVDC as well. There is a period of 3 weeks from the date of the yellow notice being put up in which complaints and comments can be sent. Details of the planning application can be seen on the notice board or by going online to with planning reference 14/00308/AOP

Baby Congratulations – John and Alicia of School Lane are proud to announce the birth of their second Grandson Tom on Sunday March 2nd in France to their son, Johnnie and Clare, a brother for Charlie. .

Celebrate St Patrick’s Day in the Bell - Saturday March 15th at 7.30pm
Although St Patrick’s Day is actually on Monday March 17, celebrations are taking place at The Bell on the Saturday beforehand when either a two course or three course meal is on offer. For £16.95 there is a choice of starter – Mulligatawny Soup with a chunk of bread or a Pastie of minced pork with potato and onion in a parsley butter. The main course is either steak and Guinness pie with colcannon with buttery mash mixed with kale and served with carrots and peas, or a slice of Limerick ham with creamy mash and braised red cabbage with caramelised onion chutney. For £19.95, there is the addition of desserts of Baileys Mousse or Barmbrack and whiskey butter – a sweet raisin bread, sliced and toasted. Please phone Sharon to book your table before the evening is sold out on 01844 208077 or email

Aunt Sally and the Chearsley Cricketers
Thank you to Richard Veness who has provided me with the following information. For the second year Chearsley Cricketers have entered the indoor Aunt Sally league in Bicester and finished a very creditable 6th place out of 8. Most of the other teams competing play in Division 1 in the summer league, whereas Chearsley have just won Division 5. So a very good result. Chearsley were at one time riding high in 3rd spot, but slipped up after Christmas. They were proud to reach the Cup final losing to Black Bull “A” from Launton, one of the top teams. Captain Adam Lazaruk came a commendable 9th in the personal rankings with Andy Gray 10th. Perry Smith, Dave Arnott, Richard Veness and Larry Greenfield have also been in the team.
There is now a couple of months’ break until the Summer League resumes. Matches are played on Wednesdays at the Cricket Club and spectators are always welcome to the home games when the bar will be in operation. Many thanks to summer player Paul Kingsman for the superb food provided.

Have your Received your Village Hall Survey?
Chearsley Village Hall committee are considering the possibility of a major refurbishment of the hall and would like help from villagers with their ideas and support to make this exciting project a reality. In the recently adopted Village Plan, almost ¾ of respondents felt that the hall needs improvement and that the facilities are inadequate. Improving and refurbishing the hall will not happen overnight, but with proper planning and support, the village will have a flexible and modern community space that will be able to be used by all. Other villages in the area that have recently renovated their halls report a doubling of bookings and hence increased revenue.
A feasibility study will be carried out on the hall in the next few months and to help inform this study and grant applications, the Committee needs to understand what Chearsley wants from its village hall. To this end, a short questionnaire has been prepared and is available to view and complete - see here. Paper forms are also being delivered around the village.
All residents over the age of 11years are being asked to complete these and return either on line to or use the collection boxes in the shop and The Bell, or post to The Old Granary, Chilton Road, Chearsley HP18 0DN by Monday March 24. Please let me know on 208913 if you have not received a printed questionnaire or would like any more.

Mothering Sunday March 30th
Alicia Howard of Great Barn, School Lane will be making posies with any children who would like to come and help on Saturday March 29 from 1.00pm. She would welcome any donations of small flowers or foliage for the posies.

Diary Dates –
  • Sunday March 9 - Quiz at The Bell at 8.00pm. Come on your own or in a team.
  • Saturday March 15 – St Patrick’s Day evening meal at The Bell. at 7.30pm.
  • Sunday March 16 - Holy Communion at 10.00am at St Nicholas Church
  • Monday March 17 Chearsley Parish Council - the next meeting will be in the village hall starting at 7.30pm. Time is given at the start of the meeting for members of the public to voice concerns or put problems and questions to the Council.
  • Tuesday March 18 - Chearsley W.I. their next meeting will be held in the village hall when Mike Heybrook will be giving a talk entitled Farming and the Countryside. Everyone is welcome to come, member or non-members. There is a charge of £4.00 for non-members . Meetings start at 2.00pm.

Monday 3 March 2014

Village Hall

The Chearsley Village Hall committee are considering the possibility of a major refurbishment of the village hall and need your help, ideas and support to make this exciting project a reality!

In the recently adopted village plan, almost three quarters of respondents felt that the hall needs improvement and that the facilities are inadequate.   Improving and refurbishing the village hall will not happen overnight but with proper planning and support we will end up with a flexible and modern community space that will be able to be used by all.  Other villages in the area that have recently renovated their halls report a doubling of bookings and hence increased revenue following renovation.

A feasibility study will be carried out on the hall in the next few months and to help inform this study (and grant applications), the committee needs to understand what Chearsley wants and needs from its village hall.  So we would be grateful if as many residents as possible (over 11 yrs of age) could complete the questionnaire by Monday 24 March.  Completed forms can be emailed to or printed and placed in one of the collection boxes at the shop or The Bell or returned to The Old Granary, Chilton Road, Chearsley, HP18 0DN.  Thank you!
Click to download the forms: PDF version or Microsoft Word version.

Sunday 2 March 2014


John and Alicia Howard proudly announce the arrival of grandson number 2, safely delivered to Johnny and Claire in France this evening – a brother called Tom for Charlie!