Litter Pick

Without a great deal of fuss, a few villagers got together again recently to clear rubbish from the village hedgerows. 20 black bags of rubbish from the lanes and especially the roads leading in to the village were collected. Beer cans, takeaway food wrappings, a rusty shovel, £20 note, pornographic magazines were among the exhibits taken to Rabans Lane. Jayan from the shop played his part in providing bottles of water to help the litter pickers keep going for the morning. Thank you all for just getting on and clearing the mess.
Parish Council Meeting – Monday March 24 - An encouraging number of 15 members of the public were present.
- From a member of the public during the Open Session, heartfelt concern was voiced about the damage by lorries in Dark Lane delivering to the building work at Cedar Cottage causing increasing erosion to the sunken lanes, to the extent now that the roots of some trees are exposed. There was a plea that householders and builders should be made aware of the harm being done and asked to use small lorries and that this could possibly be incorporated as a condition in the planning permission. Nic Brown, chairman of the Parish Council sympathised and said the Council could only make requests, which had already been made to the householder at Cedar Cottage, but they had no formal powers.
- Regarding possible deviation from the building plans, the Enforcement team were currently looking at this. Debris from trees in Hicks Path was commented on and Graham King would be asked to tidy up.
- White lines in the village, particularly near the shop need repainting. Bucks County Council would be asked again to do this. A matter of discussion at the April Parish Meeting could be the use of village money for the village to pay for our own contractor to paint the lines.
- The repair of road signs in Church Lane and Winchendon Road was in hand. It was agreed to hold a site meeting concerning the planning application to extend the car park at the cricket field.
- It was noted that garden clippings had been dumped in the verge in Aylesbury Road. The Council would speak to the owners responsible.
- Mention was made of the village entry in the Best Kept Village Competition in which last year we were runners up. Judging would shortly take place. A consultation on School transport by Bucks County council could be a cause for future concern, if there is a decrease in the present subsidy for transport to schools of children of secondary school age. The Council had received proposals for a skate park in the village. This had been put forward by children in the village and would be discussed at the forthcoming Annual Parish meeting.
Adoption of the Chearsley Village Plan
John Lewis, as Chairman of the Village Plan Steering committee was now asking for formal adoption of the Village Plan. Discussion about the Village Plan had started in November 2011 with a public meeting, followed by the formation of a Steering committee and many Topic groups. Further public meetings were held with very wide consultation with the village, resulting in the Final Plan with 13 objectives and an action Plan. The Plan had been commended by AVDC and by Community Impact Bucks. John thanked all the villagers who had given their time, particularly to Gerry Wyles, the secretary for all his work and for organising and supervising the vote. The Proposal was put to the Council and The Village Plan was adopted:
The Proposal “Chearsley Parish Council today agrees :
- To adopt the document “Chearsley 2014 to the be the Chearsley Plan.
- To use the document to the maximum extent possible as a guide in future Policy making and decision making.
- Not to be absolutely bound to follow the document where it has clear and valid reasons, case by case, for not doing so, but in such cases to state and record in its meeting minutes, the reasons for departing from the document.
- To incorporate the Action Plan contained in the document into its everyday work with a view to giving effect to the actions as soon as possible.
- Within 4 years of the date of this Resolution to establish a formal review of the document, with the objective of producing an updated version within 5 years from the date of this Proposal.
Annual Parish Meeting - this will be held on Monday April 28 in the village hall. Please see the notice board for details of time and the agenda. If anyone would like a particular topic included for public debate at the meeting, please contact the Secretary of the Parish Council, Clare Clark email, or write to her at 2 Church Lane, Chearsley.
Fibre Broadband With thanks to Johnathan Hirst for the following information:
You may be interested to know, or know already that Long Crendon telephone exchange is marked as “future exchange” for fibre broadband, with a forecast date by the end of 2014. Please go to for more information and details of what has to happen before we can have fibre broadband in Chearsley. From another website comes the information that Long Crendon cabinet is in Phase 3 which means survey work is due to begin this June. Following the completion of this survey work, details of the cabinets expected to be upgraded next will be revealed. Haddenham, Brill and others are in this group.
Spring Garden Security Campaign - several Road shows in the Aylesbury area have been organised in this campaign to drive down thefts from sheds, gardens and garages. At the Road shows a range of bolts, hasps and padlocks will be demonstrated and garden security advice provided with free literature available and the opportunity to have garden tools given a security mark. This will make the tools less attractive to thieves and easier to trace if stolen. Road Shows will be held at Home Base, Aylesbury on Wednesday April 9 from 11 to 3; at B & Q, Aylesbury Wednesday April 16 from 11 – 3 and at Haddenham Garden Centre on Wednesday April 23 from 11 to 3. You will be able to bring 3 tools from home or purchased that day at the road show to be given a free security mark and also 1 cycle. For the over 60s or disabled, Aylesbury Vale District Council offer a free Home Service which will provide a handyman to put locks on garden sheds etc, supply and fit free door locks, window locks and smoke alarms. Please ring 01296 585605 or email for more information.
Diary Dates –
- Sunday April 6 - Family communion at 10.00am at St Nicholas Chearsley
- Sunday April 6 - Service of Healing and Prayer at 6.00pm at St Mary’s Long Crendon
- Sunday April 6 - Sunday Quiz at The Bell – 8.00pm. An informal fun evening. Come on your own or in a team.