Tuesday 30 November 2021

Food and Toys - updated information

Apologies that the previous poster had the wrong collection points

Christmas Services


Monday 22 November 2021

Thursday 18 November 2021

Cuddington Local plan Consultation

 Cuddington Parish Council has produced a Draft Neighbourhood Plan covering the entire parish area. 

The Neighbourhood Plan is being publicised for seven weeks in advance of an examination. The consultation period runs until 7th January 2022.  The neighbourhood plan documents, comment form and further information can be found on the Your Voice Bucks website https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/planning/cuddington-neighbourhood-plan/

Please note all comments must be received in writing by the Council’s Planning Policy Team before midnight on 7th January 2022. Any comments received after this time will not be accepted or taken into account. 

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Monday 15 November 2021

Village Meetings


  1. The monthly village Parish Council meeting is tonight at 7.30pm Monday Nov 15th in the Village Hall. All welcome.
  2. The Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall Committee is 7.15pm Thurs Nov 25th in the Village Hall. All welcome.

Sunday 14 November 2021

Chearsley Remembrance Sunday Service 2021

Our Remembrance Sunday service took place at Chearsley Village War Memorial on Sunday morning.

Following the ‘social distancing’ restrictions which applied last year, it was wonderful to return to a more traditional format.

The event was well attended by villagers and refreshments were available in the Village Hall after the service.

A big thank you to all those contributed to this moving and memorable occasion, in particular our Lay Minister, John Scholefield, who took the service, Air Marshall Susan Gray, representing the serving members of the armed forces, and several youngsters from the village, who laid tributes on the steps of the War Memorial.

Youngsters from CHUF (Chearsley & Haddenham Under Fives) also produced a magnificent wreath, which can be seen in one of the attached photographs.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Saturday 6 November 2021

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Save our Surgery Meeting - Thursday 4th November at 7.30


Long Crendon Save Our Surgery Update

This is a reminder of the meeting tomorrow evening of the Long Crendon SOS Group. 

The Group is working hard to ensure that surgery facilities continue to be available in Long Crendon - the objective being to create a new surgery plus wellbeing centre on the Greenings development in Pinners Way, Long Crendon.

Good progress has been made but more work is needed and time is running short.
If successful this initiative will be of great benefit to many in Chearsley and surrounding villages.  The SOS Group needs and deserves our support.

Please make every effort to go along and hear what is happening, and show your support, including making a contribution to their campaign fund if you feel able.

Meeting details:
Thursday 4th November at 7.30
Long Crendon Baptist Church

More details of the campaign were distributed by letter to all households in Chearsley last week.  A copy that letter is here.