Thursday 25 December 2008

Seasons Greetings!

Merry Christmas
Happy and Prosperous 2009
to all our readers!

Friday 19 December 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Sue Reilly
Very sadly, Sue died on December 15th in hospital with her husband Gerry and son and daughter by her side. She had only lived in the village a relatively short time, but had become friends with many and loved the village. Her funeral is on Tuesday December 23rd in Chearsley Church at 2 pm. Our thoughts are with her family.

Chearsley Shop
Best wishes for a speedy recovery go to Janine who underwent an operation to remove her appendix on Wednesday 17th. Perry and Jay's staff have worked well to keep the shop and tearooms open and running smoothly while she has been away.
Christmas hours at the shop :
Christmas Eve - closes at 12noon
Christmas Day - closed
Boxing Day - closed
Saturday, 27th - 9am - 12pm
Sunday 28th - 9am - 12pm
Monday 29th - 7am - 5pm
Tuesday 30th - 7am - 5pm
New Years Eve - 7am - 3pm
New Year's Day - closed

Christmas at The Bell
Opening hours and events :
Christmas Eve 12pm - 3pm and 6pm - 12pm. The Long Crendon Mummers will be performing here at about 7pm
Christmas Day - 12pm - 2pm
Boxing Day - 12pm - 3pm. The Owlswick Morris Dancers will be performing from 12.30 onwards.
27th - 30th - normal hours.
New Years Eve - 12pm - 3pm and 7pm - 1am. Tickets for this are £10 to include refreshments, music and a glass of bubbly.
New Years Day - Breakfast from 12pm - 2pm

I would like to wish everyone in Chearsley and readers of this column a very happy Christmas and New Year.

Thursday 11 December 2008


It would seem that the article published here has inadvertently caused offence.

I would like to assure all readers that the satirical content was not intended to be taken seriously, and that we unreservedly apologise for any unintentional upset resulting from it.



A special report from our undercover correspondent

Rumours have been circulating for some time around “the Three Parishes” of strange goings-on in the village of Chearsley. These centre around the self-styled “Mayor” of Chearsley, one Councillor Brown, who slipped almost imperceptibly into power some years ago, and who now seems to be developing a stranglehold on the village for, as yet, unknown purposes. Although external visitors are, if not exactly banned, certainly unwelcome in Chearsley, I slipped in under cover of darkness and joined locals at the B**l Inn, one of the best known pubs in the village. It was early evening in what seemed like a normal small village pub; the atmosphere was friendly at one end of the bar (at the other end neutral) with the usual pub banter, most of it intelligible, until the beer ran out after thirty minutes and the locals started drinking spirits. What I learned over the next couple of hours was chilling.

As the evening wore on the locals, who had initially been elusive and reticent on the subject of Brown and his antics, became increasingly vocal and forthcoming. They are clearly a frightened people when sober.

It seems that nobody can recall the exact moment when, or the reason why, the position of Mayor was established, and none can remember anything about an election even taking place, let alone being won by Brown. It seems, therefore, inconceivable that a figure such as he has emerged as “leader” over the past couple of years. Some say that he has always possessed dictatorial tendencies akin to those displayed by a certain African president, Robert Mu****, but that the restraining arm of his wife prevented him from displaying these over the years (as it did with many other things!). Sadly Jackie passed away just over a year ago and, after an initial period of quiet, the “Mayor” really began to get into his stride. It seems that he had been systematically building a power-base of cronies over the years in the secret knowledge that they would support him in his quest for power in the future. Now, in the glare of reality, those Friday night “curry romps” round at his place, and the occasional “tapping up” for a cheap deal on a hotel room probably do not seem quite so innocent. It must feel like being part of a massive hangover with no end in sight.

Not all Chearsleyites, though, are his supporters. Some, angered at local prices and shortages, have taken to travelling outside the village to buy their food and even to visit neighbouring pubs in places as far afield as Cuddington. One is a local who we shall refer to only as Jimbo in order to protect his identity, and that of his wife, Nicola, who is a jeweller. Brown has got wind of this and, keen to keep abreast of what connections his subjects may be making with neighbouring democracies, is even rumoured to have struck up a discreet relationship with at least one member of such a community in order to keep himself informed; although this is viewed by many as improbable in that it would, by definition, require an element of discretion, a quality that it is hoped the reviled Mayor will learn later. It is said that one well-known lady of Chearsley, occasionally employed by the Mayor in his home to do things he should be doing himself, has been lent out by him to one or two residents of neighbouring villages to spy on local goings-on whilst appearing to do useful things around their houses; at the same time she has been instructed to talk cheerfully of life in Chearsley in order to allay any fears being harboured by Chearsley’s neighbours that might lead to intervention and, possibly, calls for fair elections.

Let us now look at how a number of the many important and previously revered aspects of life in Chearsley have changed for the worse under the “Mayor”:

Already during Brown’s tenure the local food retail economy has been seen to collapse mysteriously, only to be replaced “miraculously” in a move that many see as having been orchestrated by Brown - he certainly claimed some credit for it – and which has involved the creation of a new retail and restaurant complex in which he may even have a stake. Indeed, whereas previously the main commodity sold over the counter was postage stamps, whose small margin of profit was constitutionally placed beyond Brown’s reach, now we see the beginnings of a small restaurant chain where the elders of the village gather to socialise and take coffee (and who knows what else) whilst not realising that the profit margins are more than that on stamps, and they will soon be skint.

It can surely be no coincidence that the reviled Mayor’s despotic reign has also seen unprecedented disruption to the local mail service. People now have to travel much further (nearly to the edge of the village) to post a letter, and, in the way of tin pot dictatorships the world over, there has even been high-level political debate over the shade and hue of the post box itself.

That this mind-numbing argument rages as the God-fearing people of Chearsley continue to go hungry on Monday nights owing to the shortage of pubs serving food underlines the intellectual poverty of this and similar regimes. Although the lack of pub food is allowed under the bye-laws, one can be sure that the hated Brown and his cronies remain well-fed as he has been known to have food sent in from as far away as Long Crendon to enable them to party well into the night.

Brown is known to have links with the Crendon restaurant scene going back some years, and it is rumoured that it may not be long before we see the villagers being enticed away from their normal consumption of dried or (in the case of the affluent) tinned foods stock-piled from the previous village shop to participate in a burgeoning restaurant scene, thus lining the evil dictator’s pockets even further and, presumably, contributing to the cost of his growing number of offshore properties. And all this is happening in a village that only recently got electricity – an event for which the “leader” will undoubtedly try to take the credit but which, in fact, came about as the result of a phone call to the electricity company from an old-age pensioner at the bottom of Dark Lane.

Not content with having a hand in the retail, food and utility sectors the feared despot has recently snurgled his way into the blossoming Chearsley sex industry – sadly a common feature of desperate economies. The growing trade in titillating literature had always been kept strictly undercover; that is until recently when Brown, without shame, and under the guise of charitable fund-raising, forged links with the publishers of an “artistic” calendar, the innocent contributors to which are a group of ageing (mostly over 30) local female residents, many of whom, having recently retired or been put on short-time working, were unable to raise the money by other means to visit the tea shop. These poor women have been enticed to strip off their clothes and have their photos taken and compiled in a calendar that is being hawked around at exorbitant prices. No benefits have been passed on to these unfortunate women, but to a charity nominated by Brown himself, and with which he is known to have had previous links. It is clear that the phrase “short-time working” was ominously prophetic in this case. In recent radio interviews one BBC insider and another unnamed woman who is married to Andy Yorke, when ruthlessly quizzed by journalists about the venture, continually played down the “embarrassment factor” insisting that it was all in a good cause.

One is tempted to ask why, faced with the appalling events of recent years and the downturn in Chearsley’s fortunes, nobody has stood up to the Mayor, and sought to overthrow him for the good of all and the future of democracy in Chearsley. And so, shortly before closing time, I did just that. The effect on the locals was astonishing; almost, although not quite, as bad as if someone had called last orders too early. There was deathly silence for almost a minute; all present peering down at their shoes or trainers, until an older gentleman pushed through the crowd and in a halting tone related a story that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up:

Apparently, around the time of last year’s Carnival, several members of the community had taken quite a few drinks in the bar early on a Friday evening and conversation, including some about the Mayor, was in full flow along with the associated bravado. Around 6.45pm Brown entered the bar and folk kept the conversation going, although now a little more cautiously, whilst Brown, after a muttered exchange with the owners and the transfer of sums of money, turned around to face the drinkers, a very large glass of wine in hand. His eyes darted sharply around the room, across the faces, never resting, as if he were registering the identities of everyone in the bar and deciding who he was going to talk to, whilst, at the same time, receiving future episodes of his life via his mobile phone. At this point one of the foolish youngsters, a large lad who had taken too much drink, made some crack about whether Brown was looking for a running mate for the next Chearsley elections. At this, Brown put down his drink and without smiling pointed outside to the Village Green. The drinkers followed his gaze. What they saw next shocked them to the core. Scattered around the Green were a number of crude effigies of people of the village that had been created from straw, paper and old rags, some standing or leaning oddly, and some scattered around the floor with their heads torn off. Wandering amongst them with glazed expressions were some of the women of the village dragging crying children by the arms asking them who they thought the effigies looked like. The entire pub fell silent and the customers filed out slowly, drinks unfinished, no words. I left as well and didn’t look back. It was obvious that the effect had been achieved.

Over the next few weeks one well known village family, who hadn’t even been in the pub that night, went into voluntary exile in an Arab country, whilst another, a hybrid Anglo/Australian family unit, are believed to be considering a similar self-imposed departure for foreign shores.

I fear we have not heard the last of this. My sources within the local area tell me that the controlling committee of a nearby smaller, less raucous, capitalist hamlet had recently arranged for Brown to be “interviewed” in a blacked-out and sound-proofed coal shed at the end of someone’s garden to try to ascertain his long-term intentions and to challenge his dictatorial behaviour. Apparently he gave the excuse that, because his background had given him only a Palin-esque grasp of world politics, he had confused Mugabe with Mandela, and that it was in trying to emulate the latter that he had therefore “made a few mistakes”. He was let go on the basis that the neighbouring village elders would be content to allow his behaviour to go unchecked, and for the excesses and debauchery exhibited by those in power in Chearsley to continue as it was, thus eroding the economy and infrastructure of the village to the point of implosion. This would obviously provide opportunities for the neighbours to pick up the pieces to their advantage.

It is unlikely that the intelligent residents of Chearsley will stand up and be counted and face up to this tyrannical regime, as it seems that both of them are already in Brown’s pocket. One ray of hope for the community might be the emergence of an unlikely figure to challenge for the reviled leader’s position. He is always seen to be sitting at the bar on the occasions when Brown comes in. He says little but watches a lot. Inside sources say that he has the local knowledge, the experience and the time to challenge for the leadership. We cannot identify him here for fear of reprisals of the worst kind (the bar has been known to run out of Chiswick before when he has been visiting friends in Spain…), but we can simply say that he has a house in School Lane which appeared in one of the infamous Calendar photos, and that he is always watching, and, some would say, waiting, for an opportunity…….

Monday 8 December 2008

Neighbourhood Watch - Community Message

Christmas is the time of year when burglars can see our homes at potential rich pickings as we stock up with lots of presents. Don't allow your Christmas to be spoilt by not taking some very simple precautions.

Consider the 3 L's Look, Lights and Lock
Look - around your home what is on display that may entice a burglar and keep it out of sight.
Lights - keep a security light on when you are out preferably a timer light.
Lock - always lock doors (and double lock them) and windows and don't keep your keys near your letter box.

Please contact your local Crime Prevention and Reduction Advisor if you need guidance on how to make your home safe.

Visit for crime prevention advice.

We wish you a very merry and enjoyable Christmas and a safe New Year

Inspector Sean Hodgson
Head of Crime Prevention and Reduction

Thursday 4 December 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

British Legion Poppy Appeal

The collecting box in Chearsley Shop raised £40.38 this year, contributing to a total of £1,041 raised in Chearsley and Cuddington from house to house collections and collecting points, slightly more than last year.

Chearsley Tea Rooms and shop

Credit and Debit cards can now be used here. There is also the facility for you to top up your phone cards and gas and electric keys.

Christmas Table Decoration Workshop

Joy Payne is holding a demonstration and workshop at Chearsley Tea Rooms on Thursday 18th December from 7.30 to 9.30pm. If you are interested in being inspired and helped by Joy to make your own individual Christmas table decoration, call in at the shop for a booking form. Be quick, as places are limited. The cost is £18 for all materials, tea or coffee and light buffet or £20 to include a glass of wine.

Sunshine Club Christmas Bring and Buy

You are invited to come along to Tyringham Hall, Cuddington on Thursday 11th December at 2.30pm. Buy Christmas presents and enjoy a cup of tea. Entry is free. All proceeds go to the Sunshine Club Christmas dinner and party. Several residents from Chearsley enjoy their Mondays at the Sunshine Club, so please come and help support them.

The Sunshine Club participates in a recycling appeal for old mobile phones and ink cartridges. Les and Jan at Cuddington Post Office will take any contributions you may have, or phone 299150 for collection.

Christmas services at St Nicholas, Chearsley

The Christingle service is on Sunday 14th December at 4.00pm

The Carol Service is on Sunday 21st December at 6pm

Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4pm

Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve at 11.30pm

Christmas Praise on Christmas Day at 10am

Carol Singing round the Village

Come and join the throng, meeting at the bus stop on Wednesday, 17th December at 6pm. There is also another evening of carol singing round a different part of Chearsley on Monday, 22nd December. Again, meet at the bus stop at 6pm.


Tuesday, 16th December is the next recycling day for collections of glass, paper, plastics and cans

Best wishes

These go to Sue Reilly, of Bottom Orchard, who is at present in Stoke Mandeville hospital. We hope Sue is soon home again and feeling a lot better

Monday 1 December 2008

A Little Reminder

Available form the Village Stores and Bell Inn.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Neighbourhood Watch: Ringmaster Messages 28 November

An attempted burglary has been reported in the Carters Lane area of Long Crendon on the 26th November. Noises were heard by the occupant at around 11:15pm and jemmy marks were discovered the next day to the back door. PC 5867 Clegg is the officer dealing.

A property on Worminghall Road, Ickford was subject of a burglary on the 27th November. Offender(s) gained entry between 8:30am and 5:30pm, via an insecure bathroom window. Once inside, they stole property including TV's, computer equipment and iPOD's. PC 5924 Kingham is the officer dealing.

Police are keen to hear from anyone that noticed anything suspicious in the areas mentioned, around the times given. If you have any information, please call on 08458 505505 and state that you are responding to this Ringmaster message.

A purse has been stolen from a shopper's handbag, whilst shopping in the Broadfields area of Aylesbury on the 27 November, between 2pm and 2:15pm. The purse contained cash that the owner had just taken out of a nearby cashpoint.

At this time of year it is worthwhile reminding all your watch members to be vigilant with their personal belongings whilst out shopping. Make sure that purses are kept out of sight and that handbags are closed and secure - avoiding the possibility of someone 'dipping' into them. Don't keep wallets and mobile phones in back pockets where they could be easily accessible to a potential criminal.

When using cashpoints, be aware of who is around you or if anyone appears to be paying attention to the area around cashpoints. If you spot anyone suspicious, call the Police and alert bank / shop staff.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting

Monday 24th November

Some matters arising from this meeting :

Public Time. The Millennium Field was discussed with regards to money spent on it, how much it was used and its poor condition, possibly with some broken glass. It was agreed that the Parish Council should arrange a site meeting to inspect the field.

Chuf were thanked and commended for the wreath they had provided for the Remembrance Sunday service.

Unclaimed land by the phone box was discussed. There has been a change in legislation recently which has slowed progress as to establishing the ownership of this land. It was agreed that the Parish Council would apply for a search for ownership.

There had been no planning applications . A complaint raised with AVDC by a resident concerning building works in Needlemakers had been rejected by AVDC , on the grounds that the works were not substantial enough to require permission.

The question of speed traps in the village was brought up with the local Community Police Officer but as resources are limited, it is unlikely that this request will be granted.

The next meeting will be on December 8th – the Annual Budget meeting.

The next full meeting will be on Monday January, 12th.

Christmas Sale
Saturday 6th December
A sale in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice is being held in Chearsley Village Hall on this day from 11 until 2pm. Come along and buy cakes, gifts, Christmas puddings, marmalades, pickles, etc. There will be a raffle and refreshments.

Mobile Library
This is next in the village on Monday 8th at The Bell Car Park at its new time of 1.10 to 1.35

Chearsley shop and Tearooms
The Christmas decorations are up and the shop is stocked with Christmas goodies. Come along and support your village shop. If you know you will need extra milk, bread, eggs, etc. over the Christmas period, why not place an order now. Christmas meals are also available for parties of 4 or more for £15 each. Ask Janine for a booking form.

Monday 24 November 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley W.I. Christmas Coffee morning
On Thursday, 27th, we are all welcome by the W.I. at 2 Bernards Close from 10.30 to 12.30 to have mulled wine, mince pies. There will be a raffle, and cakes and craft items will be on sale.

Tons of Money

Eric Carte has now been performing in Tons of Money at The Theatre Royal Windsor for over a week, alongside Christopher Timothy, well known for being the lovable vet in All Creatures Great and Small, Caroline Langrishe, whose credits include Judge John Deed and Lovejoy, and Finty Williams, daughter of Judy Dench. The last performance at Windsor is on Saturday November 29th. In the New Year, the production goes on tour. Tons of Money is a comedy by Will Evans and Valentine, adapted by Alan Ayckbourn.

Chuf Table Top Sale

Remember, this Saturday, 29th November, the table top sale at Chearsley Village Hall, 2-4pm.

Short Mat Bowls
This takes place every Friday, except the first of the month at the Village Hall from 7.30pm. New members are welcome.

Friday 21 November 2008

Uncovered, and Unleashed...

News of our Favourite Calendar for 2009 soon reached Three Counties Radio...

First, Justine Yorke, broadcast on Saturday the 15th at 07:20...

...then Gilly Travers, broadcast on Tuesday 18th at 15:15 on the Lorna Milton Afternoon Programme.

Don't forget - copies can be obtained from the Village Stores and the Bell Inn.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Parish Council Meeting: November 24th

The Chairman and Councillors invite you to the next meeting of the Parish Council, to be held at the Village Hall on Monday 24th November at 7:30pm.

The Parish Council is responsible for the care and upkeep of the village and decides where to spend your money! If you want your opinion or ideas heard, or if you just want to find out what happens and how it works, please come along.

Visit the Chearsley Parish Council site for the agenda, information about meetings and minutes from previous meetings.

Thursday 13 November 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Katy Spencer Bernard
It was a great shock to learn of the death of Katy Spencer Bernard recently. She had suffered ill health for many years. Although she no longer lived in Nether Winchendon, she continued to contribute to the Parish Magazine which served that village and Chearsley. Her funeral took place on a very wet November 13th.

Chuf Table Top Sale
The ladies from Chuf are holding a table top sale at Chearsley Village Hall on Saturday, November 29th from 2 – 4pm. A good chance to do some Christmas shopping where there will be lots of bargains, nearly new toys, some still boxed and other good quality items. If you miss it, you miss out! A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to CHUF.

Chearsley Calendar
This very individual and local calendar will be on sale from The Bell and Chearsley Shop from now on. Proceeds go to Florence Nightingale Hospice in remembrance of Jackie Brown.

Mobile Library
This is next in the village at The Bell carpark, or nearby, on Monday 24th November. Don’t forget that the time has changed to 1.10 to 1.35pm

Adrian Flanagan
Adrian, who's wife, Louise, used to live in Dark Lane, Chearsley, has written about his sailing expedition. His book “Over the Top” is now on sale at all good book shops for £16.99 and details how Adrian became the first lone yachtsman to sail vertically around the world.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Service of Remembrance

Sunday 9th November at 10:45, Chearsley War Memorial

Thursday 6 November 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Recycling collections

Tuesday 18th November is the next collection date for glass, plastics, paper and cans. Remember these are collected early on Tuesday morning, so it is advised to put them out on Monday evening.

Compensation for interruption of electricity supply in the Summer

It has been brought to my attention that there have been several successful applications to EDF for compensation when certain parts of the village were without electricity, and when a generator had to be supplied during June and July this year. If you would like any more information about claiming from EDF, albeit only a fairly modest compensation, please get in touch with me.

Friday 31 October 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Mobile Library – new time
This next visits The Bell car part on Monday 10th November. The time has changed. Please note that the van will be there from 1.10pm to 1.35.

Epilepsy Big Tea Break
Debbie Corpe and her mother, Joc raised the sum of £400 by selling tea, cakes, plants and holding a raffle at their event in aid of Epilepsy on Friday 17th October.

Chearsley Uncovered
There will be a launch party of a special Chearsley calendar in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice in memory of Jackie Brown at The Bell on Saturday, November 15th at 7.30. Come along and have fun to view it, enjoy a glass of bubbly and canapés and buy the calendar.

CHUF Christmas Shopping
Come to Chearsley Village Hall on Wednesday evening 12th November at 7.30 to support Chuf and do some early Christmas shopping for the whole family. Entry is £2 to include a glass of wine and seasonal refreshment. There will be a good selection of presents, stocking fillers, books, cards, jewellery, handbags, homemade preserves etc.

There will be fireworks when Chearsley Youth Club meets on Friday November 7th.

Thefts from cars
There have been a couple of car crimes reported in Chearsley during the Saturday night of October 25th. Both cars were unlocked and articles stolen. Be warned, that nowhere in the village, even quiet cul de sacs or your private drive, is safe from opportunity thieves.

Service of Remembrance
This will take place at the War Memorial on Sunday 9th November at 10.45

Parish Council Meeting, Monday October 27th
A few points from this meeting :

Public Session
The footpath sign into the Old Cricket Field needs attention and its position altered. Highways would be contacted.
Parking in the village was raised again, particularly the proposed scheme in School Lane and Dark Lane. Nic Brown, the chairman, again said that the committee was well aware of concerns and problems and they were looking at possible solutions.

Building work without planning consent to two properties was mentioned. It was agreed, after a heated discussion that the planning situation should be referred to AVDC.

It was noted that wheelie bins for garden rubbish would be available in the future.

The Shop and Tearooms
Janine reported that she felt more support from Chearsley villagers for the shop was needed to help make the much applauded venture viable.

Planning Matters
Prospect Cottage application had been turned down.
Permission had been granted for The Pightle

It was suggested that Graham Churchill of Churchill lorries be approached about the number of Churchill lorries coming through the village and not keeping to their designated routes.

Village Trust
The committee was disappointed to learn that the Village Trust had turned down the application for a grant to restore Stockwell.

Next Meeting
The Budget Meeting will be held on November 24th.
Next Committee meeting will be on 8th December

Thursday 30 October 2008

Stocking Fillers...

A Calendar for 2009

Available after Saturday 15th November from all good pubs and shops in the village.
Proceeds to The Florence Nightingale Hospice in memory of Jackie Brown.

More info from

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Get Yourself Fit!

The Bucks & Milton Keynes Sports Partnership is coordinating an aquatics project to try to encourage adults to be more physically active and to improve their health through aquatic activities.

Activities such as aqua fit, aqua jogging and polo fit are a more sociable way to work out, making exercise a more enjoyable experience. There is also the opportunity to improve swimming technique with adult swim clinics, swimming lessons and swim fit sessions. All sessions are instructor led to help you get the most out of your time in the water.

Water based activities are low impact by nature, so lend themselves well to those who are less mobile or rehabilitating from an injury whilst still offering a good cardiovascular workout.

"Make a Splash" activities have already been established at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, Aqua Vale and The Chiltern Pools, with plans to develop many more activities in pools across the county very shortly.

More info here on Learning To Swim and Fitness Classes at Aylesbury's Aqua Vale - but probably nearer for us over the border in Oxfordshire (not part of this project) is the Thame Leisure Centre.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

More Tales of Caution!

It seems that Andy was not alone, with at least two other cars - both apparently unlocked - having been rifled in recent days here in Chearsley.

Our neighbours in Nether Winchendon have fared worse, with two** vehicles being physically broken into over the last week.

The message is clear: DON'T leave your car unlocked and DON'T leave valuables in it! Quiet cul-de-sacs and parking in your drive are no protection against the opportunist thief.

For Neighbourhood Watch updates, and to subscribe to email alerts, visit the Chearsley NW site now!

** Updated - apparently three vehicles in Nether Winchendon.

Monday 27 October 2008

A Cautionary Tale

from Andy Yorke, our Motoring Correspondent

Last Saturday, 25th October, I forgot to lock my car after a shopping trip, but my car was parked on our drive at South Mead, Bernards Close. Somewhere between midnight and 6.00am on Sunday morning, someone entered my car and stole my Snooper 4 speed warning device which is fitted to the windscreen - much like a satellite navigation system. Nothing else was take but the interior, including the boot, were well and truly turned over to see if there was anything else of value. The upsetting thing is that I am sure we have all forgotten to lock our cars at one time or another but always felt safe in the knowledge this sort of thing doesn’t happen in our village - especially if, like us, the car is on your driveway at the end of a hidden cul-de-sac.

Please, if anyone offers to sell you such a device, contact Thame Police and make sure you don’t make the same mistake as me!

Friday 24 October 2008

No 'Trick or Treat'

Halloween posters warning off unwelcome trick or treat callers are now available either direct from the Thames Valley Police Crime Reduction web page or by clicking on the image above.
The posters can be downloaded and printed off and then displayed in windows or doors of homes. The posters ask trick or treat callers not to visit.

Thursday 16 October 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting
A reminder that the next Parish Council meeting takes place on Monday October 27th at 7.30pm in the village hall. Do come along to have your say and hear what is happening in your village

Mobile Library
This next visits the village at The Bell Car Park on Monday October 27th from 10.35 until 11.05am

Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner
This takes place at The Spread Eagle Hotel in Thame, this Saturday, 24th October. Tickets are £30 each. See here or the advert in the tea rooms for more details.

Local community groups in Chearsley
Did you know that is an online directory of community groups, voluntary organisations, clubs, societies and service providers that benefit communities in Bucks? Contact them if you would like information of your club included on the website for free.

Christmas in Chearsley
Details about Christmas meals at The Bell are now available, and be sure to call in at Chearsley Village Stores and Tearooms to see what Christmas merchandise is now on sale.

Thursday 9 October 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Barn Dance
It is proposed to hold a Barn Dance on the Village Green on Saturday 27th June 2009, preceded by a variety of attractions and entertainments for children, to make this a family day out, culminating in a fun Barn Dance with a meal available. Make a note of this date. If you are interested in helping or have ideas to offer, please contact Claire Lazaruk.

Money from the Fete
It was decided at the meeting on Monday 6th October to divide the £1,500, kept back for a separate village amenity, between the Church, the Village Hall and the Village Trust.

Short Mat Bowls
This has now started again on Friday evenings at the village hall, beginning at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.

Tuesday, October 21st is the next monthly occasion when glass, paper, plastics and cans are collected.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Chearsley Cricket Club - Dinner & Dance 2008

A booking form is available here - contact Neil Davies on 07736 038 055 for more details!

Tuesday 30 September 2008

thameFM 87.9

Update - October 30th:
Unfortunately the planned broadcast can not now go ahead as planned, but ThameFM hope to be back on air next summer for the Thame carnival.


On Air - 15th November to 12th December 2008

Building on the success of thameFM 87.9 , in June as part of the Thame Festival, the radio station will be on air again as part of the ‘Try Thame First’ advent promotion.

thameFM 87.9 will broadcast a local radio service for a four week period from Saturday, November 15, to Friday, December 12, with news and information on advent events and promotions in the town, along with details and awareness of local community groups in the Thame, and the surrounding areas

The station will play a cross section of popular Classic Hits of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s along with selected 90’s and quality current hits.

The website - - will include a “listen now” facility whilst on air.

Barn Dance?

There is a meeting on Wednesday 1st October at 8pm in the Cricket Club to discuss a Barn Dance in Chearsley. You can email Claire Lazaruk at if you would like to get involved but cannot come to the meeting.

Monday 22 September 2008

Have Your Say!

After donations to the Village Hall, Village Trust and St Nicholas Church, the Chearsley Carnival Committee has around £1,500 left from this year's proceeds.

What would you like it spent on?

There will be a meeting on Monday October 6th at 8:00pm in the village hall when you can voice your thoughts, or drop a note in the suggestion boxes in the village shop and The Bell.

Or email Claire or Leif.

Thursday 18 September 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Mobile Library
Please try and use this village facility when it next visits on Monday, 29th September. It is important to show that we need the library to keep coming to Chearsley. The library van will be in The Bell car park from 10.35 until 11.05.

Chearsley Mother and Toddler Group
It is good to learn that there are new ventures happening. The first meeting of the Mother and Toddler Group will take place today, Wednesday 24th September at 9.30 at the Cricket Club, Winchendon Road. Phone Angela on 202105 for any further information.

Short Mat Bowls
This has now started again and the next meeting will be this Friday, 19th September in the village hall, 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Meetings are held every Friday except the first Friday of the month (when there is Youth Club). Everyone is welcome to turn up and play and enjoy a friendly but competitive atmosphere. Each session costs £1.00.

Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner and Dance
This annual event is taking place this year at The Spread Eagle Hotel, Thame on Saturday October 24th. Tickets are £30 each. Contact Neil Davies on 07736638055 or James Venness on 07732438568 for more details, or see the advert in the Tea Room’s window.

Chearsley Tea Rooms
Janine is looking to employ part time assistants. Please contact her on 07506731191 or call in and see her – it’s a good place to work!

Chearsley Environmental Group
Another new venture in the village – it is proposed to hold monthly meetings with the aim of encouraging young and old in the village to get actively involved in conservation and environmental issues within Chearsley. The group will undertake practical conservation work, which could be anything from flora, fauna, hedgerow and tree identification, bat watching, pond dipping, bulb planting, litter picking, growing your own vegetables, fun days and teaching the importance of recycling and understanding global warming on our ecosystem. Membership will be open to anyone interested in taking an active part within the group. Please contact Perry Smith of 1 Church Piece on 201393.

Francis Heybrook
Congratulations to Francis and Diana who were due to be married in Gallicia, Northern Spain on Friday, September 19th.

Parish Council Meeting
A few matters arising from the meeting held on Monday 15th September.

During the time open to the public to put any points to the committee, it was reported that there has been no further progress concerning the proposal for a new area for car parking in School Lane. Nic Brown, chairman promised that a decision about this would be ready for the next meeting.

There was a general discussion about speeding in the village and the possible proposal that the money set aside from the fayre be put towards a permanent fence around the village green with children’s safety in mind and the use of a speed gun and camera to record speeding drivers. Clare Lazaruk notified the meeting that there would be a meeting open to all the village to decide how to spend the £1500 put aside for village amenities. Notices advertising this meeting would soon be put round the village.

It was reported that there had been thefts and trespass problems in the old Cricket Club field, Aylesbury Road.

Pollarding of trees on The Green.
It is necessary for planning permission to be granted for the pollarding of the trees outside The Bell and this will be put in hand.

Shop and Tearooms
Perry reported that it is early days , but the tearoom is being used by the villagers and passing trade- bacon sarnies on a Saturday and Sunday morning when newspapers are collected , being a welcome novelty. He emphasized the importance of the shop and tearoom being used to help keep it open. He confirmed that it would not be possible for the Post Office in any form to be there. It was hoped that a facility for bill payment, phone top-ups and cash back would soon be available in the shop.

Planning Matters
Planning application at Regency Cottage had been withdrawn. A meeting to discuss the application at Prospect Cottage was arranged.

Betty Duval Legacy
There was a discussion about placing a bench on The Green engraved with Betty’s name as a fitting use for her legacy.

Next meeting is planned for Monday, 13th October at the Village Hall at 7.30pm

Thursday 11 September 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Show
A very successful Chearsley Show was held at the village hall on Saturday 6th, very well attended and with a very good display of local produce. 10 more entrants had participated this year with 50 more entries in all the different categories. It was pleasing to see so many children taking part with entries for art, garden on a plate and the baking. The judges commented that the standard of entries was up to County standard, and this, despite the difficult weather conditions with which we have all had to contend. The overall winner was Michael Edmonds. Congratulations go to him and to the following who received trophies :

Best Photograph – Joy Payne; best model – Pat Miles; best art entry – Caroline Dean; Craft prize – Joc Faulkner; best children’s entry – Edward Baines; Children’s champion – Tessa Siddal; Men’s jam tarts – Derek Allen; best domestic - Jackie Allen; best flowers – Mary Scholefield; best flower arrangement – Anne Pratt; craftsmanship – Joc Faulkner; best fruit was shared between John Tribe, Joy Payne, David and AnnaTaylor, and Mary Scholefield; best vegetables – Mike Edmonds.

Our thanks go to Rosemary Wallis, Margaret Braley and Jean Tribe for organizing the event and to all the others who helped on the day with teas and raffle ticket selling.

Harvest Festival at St Nicholas
This will take place on Sunday 28th September at 11.00am. We are all invited to bring a plateful of something savoury or sweet to share with everyone at the Bring and Share lunch in the church after the service.

Back to Church Sunday – 28th September at 11.00am

If you have got out of the habit of attending church or have never come, this is the day to give it a try. The family Service is short, simple and easy to follow.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Chearsley Show

Saturday 6th September
2:30 pm in Chearsley Village Hall
Don't Miss It!

Thursday 28 August 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey
It’s good to learn that our village website is visited by people from many places. I have received an email from Paula Wilson who now lives in Australia as she had read the report about Harry Ashworth’s death. She is the niece of Renee Baker of Church Lane and writes that she has one of Harry’s paintings of Chearsley school, hanging above her fireplace in Melbourne. This was bought by Paula’s parents, Pat and Norman Baker from Harry after Paula had written about her childhood memories of Chearsley school published in the Chearsley News in 1992. Renee is looking forward to seeing Paula’s brother and his son when they visit her later this month.

Chearsley Village Trust
Applications are invited for a grant from any village organization, society or individual. This is for any project which may be of benefit to the village. Please write to Val Davies, the Clerk to the Trustees, at Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA, giving details of your project, who will benefit from it and what other funds will be available. The deadline for applications is September 28th.

Village Quiz
There will be a Village Quiz in the Village Hall on Saturday, September 27th. Tickets are £8.00 each with a maximum of 8 per table. Tickets include food by the WI. Bring your own liquid refreshment, and some cash for raffle tickets. There will be posters advertising the event nearer the date.

Chearsley Show - September 6th
I hope you remembered to put in your entries! The timetable for Saturday is 8.30 to 10.15 when the hall is open for entries to be brought in and set up. Judging takes place from 10.30. At 2.30, the hall is open to the public and those participating with 30p entry. The presentation of awards is at 3.30. Tea and biscuits are available. Do come along to this fun occasion.

Village News
I need your news. Please email or phone or write to me about any family celebration – birth, death, special birthday, or let me know details about your Club’s activities and forthcoming events. There is only so much news I can glean from “having to go” to the Pub and being in the shop and tearooms!

Wednesday 20 August 2008

House to House Collection

Kidney Research UK will be carrying out a house to house collection throughout the whole of the Aylesbury Vale Council Area, between Saturday 30th August and Sunday 14th September 2008.
All collectors will have a badge and a certificate from Kidney research.
Feel free to ask for identification from anyone collecting at your door, and only donate if you are satisfied with who they say they represent.

Friday 8 August 2008

More village crime...

Ringmaster message from the Aylesbury Watch Office on Friday 8th August 2008:

Between 11:00pm on Wednesday 6th and 11:00am on Thursday 7th August, offenders gained entry to the rear garden of a premises in Watts Green, Chearsley, they forced entry to a garden shed and stole property consisting of garden equipment and two pedal cycles.

If you have any information that might assist officers dealing with this crime, please call on 0845 8 505 505 and state that you are responding to this Ringmaster message.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to give your details, you can call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Thursday 7 August 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Harry Ashworth
Harry died on Saturday August 2nd. Harry was in his nineties and lived in a bungalow in Dark Lane until about 2 years ago when he moved to Chilton House Nursing Home. He will be remembered in a great number of ways, not least for his involvement with the church for many years.

He was responsible for setting up the car pool and for being one of the first committee members of the Village Trust.

Being a good artist, and many Chearsley people will have one of his paintings or sketches in their possession, he founded an art class, which still meets in Long Crendon.

He will also be remembered by many meeting John Miles for a Wednesday lunch in The Bell, often to be joined by Hazel Cahill, who was 101 this week (happy birthday Hazel!) and Renee Baker.

His funeral will be held at St. Nicholas, Chearsley on Monday 11th August at 11am.

Condolences to his daughter, Marion and her family.

Chearsley Show
This is getting closer, taking place on Saturday 6th September. Entry forms must be in by Tuesday 2nd September – you should have an entry form, but if this has been lost, please get in touch with Rosemary Wallis of Merrifield, Dark Lane. So, as you go busy yourself in your garden these next few weeks, just bear in mind which roses might be coming up to perfection for the 6th, or which courgettes, carrots or beans etc. are going to be suitable for entry. (Don’t forget, and inadvertently pick and eat the chosen ones!) As well as all the usual fruit and veg to show, there are classes for men and boys to bake jam tarts, flower arrangements, art and craft, models, photos of “Around Chearsley”- something for everyone. Have a go and support this village affair. It is good fun.

Mobile Library
This will next be in the village at The Bell car park on Monday August 18th from 10.35 to 11.05am

The price of fuel...

A Neighbourhood Watch message:

Between 5:30pm on Wednesday 6th and 8:00am on Thursday 7th August, offenders have cut the petrol fuel lines of two vehicles whilst parked in Shupps Lane, Chearsley.

If you have any information that might assist officers dealing with this crime, please call on 0845 8 505 505 and state that you are responding to this Ringmaster message.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to give your details, you can call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Thursday 31 July 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

A wonderful opportunity to acquire 10 years of Chearsley “happenings” as recorded by the Bucks Herald is available. Newspaper clippings covering house prices, features on residents, articles about the Parish Council, W.I. battles over footpaths, drains and many other everyday stories. There are also 8 A1 size card mounted photos with captions, suitable for displays and fundraising events. Contact me if you are interested or have any suitable suggestions as to where they could be safely housed. It would be a shame to have them put in the skip.


A few matters arising at this meeting on Monday July 28th:
The new Chairman has introduced a public session at the end of each meeting in addition to the beginning, when the public is permitted to voice its comments.
Nic Brown, chairman, in reply to a question from the chairman of the Village Hall committee about their grant, emphasized that he would be looking to have better communications with all other committees in Chearsley, in order to better understand how they all work for the better good of the village.
In this connection, he had set up a meeting with officers from AVDC to discuss matters concerning villagers, especially, parking, speeding, state of the roads and drains etc. The proposal for extra parking spaces in School Lane and Bernards Close was brought up, and this would also be acted upon.
The Shop reported that it is being well supported by people from Chearsley and other villages, the cafe doing well, and possibly offering bacon butties on a Saturday morning. There was a complaint that the sign on the Green was blocking visibility.
It was noted that Winchendon Road had been re-surfaced and that kerbing of granite sets would be start in the Spring.

Planning Applications
The demolition of The Pightle was discussed and a suggestion that a friendly visit be made to point out that the long working hours were causing noise and disturbance to neighbours.
Regency Cottage. There were concerns over this application and the question of the roads as “ancient Holloways” and to prevent them being eroded as much as possible was discussed.

Betty Duval legacy
The Parish Council had been left £1000 in Betty’s will. It was felt that a new bench for the Village Green and re-surfacing the path across the Green would be a fitting use of this money.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 15th September at the Village Hall.

Friday 25 July 2008

Parish Council meeting: July 28th

The Chairman and Councillors invite you to the next meeting of the Parish Council, to be held at the Village Hall on Monday 28th July at 7:30pm.

The Parish Council is responsible for the care and upkeep of the village and decides where to spend your money! If you want your opinion or ideas heard, or if you just want to find out what happens and how it works, please come along.

Visit the Chearsley Parish Council site for information about meetings.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Antiques Roadshow!

At Thame Town Hall, 24th September 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. in support ofDig out your treasures and bring them along for valuation by the experts on Wednesday 24th September at Thame Town Hall, Thame between 10.00a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
Bonhams, who have been auctioneers and valuers since 1793 will be using their expert skills to value your household wonders, all in aid of Home-Start Southern Oxfordshire, a local charity helping local families with small children.
The cost of valuing 2 items is £5.00 and £1.00 per subsequent item. Refreshments will also be available.

Come along and bring your treasures, ceramics, books, toys, silver, pictures etc. - you never know what might be in your attic!

For more information, please contact Home-Start Southern Oxfordshire on 01235 511152

St John’s County Primary School

Calling all former St John’s County Primary School, Wallingford Pupils!

2010 sees the Centenary Anniversary of St John’s County Primary school in Wallingford. We are hoping to contact as many former pupils and staff who went to the school to help us join in the celebrations as possible.
We are preparing a special book, marking the history of the school, the changes that have occurred in the past 100 years and to make the book extra special, would like memories and photos from you, the former pupils and teachers. It will be a wonderful project and if you, or anyone you know attended the school, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Claire Satchwell on 07770 456050 or e-mail for more details.

Thursday 17 July 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Country Fayre
This highly successful day made a profit of £6,414, the Grand Draw contributing significantly to this. It is proposed to divide this amount in a 4 –way split – to the Village Hall, to the Village Trust, to the Church and something for the village, to be decided at a future meeting. Proposals have been for the Village Green to be fenced permanently by the main road, developing the Millenium field and replacing the seat on the village green. It was also proposed that a Fete meeting would be held in September to discuss next year’s plans, with the suggestion of holding a Barn Dance as an alternative village get together and fundraiser. Please see the Notice Board for dates of future meetings and do come along if you have ideas and would like to become involved.

Village Coach Trip to Sonning Theatre
A coach party of 38 villagers enjoyed a hilarious evening, despite arriving later than anticipated because of the traffic and appallingly wet weather on Wednesday July 9th, when they travelled to see Love’s a Luxury, a comedy by Guy Paxton and Edward V. Hoile, with Chearsley’s Eric Carte as Charles Pentwick. After a good meal and a glass or two of wine, our laughter and fun started as soon as the show opened, continuing right to the end. It was obvious from our noisy participation that we all thoroughly enjoyed it, a fact which didn’t go unnoticed by Eric and the other actors on stage. We made the performance “rock”, Eric said. Thank you Eric for being centre stage and for helping to arrange the evening. The show, Love’s a Luxury is on at The Mill at Sonning until 2nd August.

Glass and basket collections.
It is noticed that some villagers have been putting these out in the wrong week. Tuesday, July 29th is the next collection for glass, cans, plastics and newspapers. You are advised to put them out the night before, as collections start early in the morning.

Parish Council Meeting
The next Council meeting is on Monday, July 28th at the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Come and find out what is being discussed, voice any concerns you may have during the public time, and support your Councillors.

Thursday 3 July 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey.

Chearsley Country Fayre
This took place on a sunny Saturday, June 28th on the village green, heralded the previous week by a collection of scarey scarecrows - the winner, Holly Hot Lips created by the Minford family. The hot day brought a good crowd to enjoy all the entertainment - Morris Dancing, The Animal Man Show, and all the usual side shows and stalls. It was also a good chance for the newly- opened shop to be inspected. The Grand Draw and Fayre made well over £6,000 which will be shared between the Church, The Village Hall and the Village Trust. This great village affair climaxed with fireworks after a pigroast and dancing to Silver at The Bell that evening. The fete committee, led by Claire Lazaruk and Joy Payne are to be congratulated for all the hard work and organization they put in to make the day such a success.

Mark Lowther
Saturday June 28th was also a very special day for Mark Lowther, one time organist and choirmaster of St. Nicholas, Chearsley, who left here to live in London about 5 years ago. On Saturday, he was ordained a deacon together with 33 other men and women at St. Paul’s Cathedral by the Bishop of London. This very special ceremony was also attended by Mary Scholefield who had the important role of being one of 2 people to present Mark and walked up the aisle with him. Mark will now become a part time curate at St. Peter’s, Eaton Square, London.Congratulations and good luck, Mark.

Chearsley TeaRoom
It is very much hoped that the tearoom will be open on Saturday July 12th for its first day. Please check notices in the shop window for confirmation and information.

Saturday 28 June 2008

Chearsley Country Fayre Today!

Attractions include:

BBQ ~ Teas ~ Thatching Demonstration
Sheep Shearing ~ Splat the Rat ~ Children’s Lucky Dip
St Tiggywinkles ~ The Animal Man ~ Morris Men Bottle Tombola
Guess the weight of the Cake
Nearly New Stall ~ Plants ~ Toys
Cakes and Home Produce ~ Wet Sponges
Books and Media ~ Coconut Shy
Jewellery and Accessories ~ Bouncy Castle
Face Painting and Tattoos ~ Pound in a Bucket
Ice Cream ~ Sweet Stall ~ Test your Strength
Guess the Name of the Teddy ~ Children’s Ride
Ball through the Clown’s Mouth ~ Milking the Cow
Decorate Bag and Biscuits ~ Panning for Gold
Mini Thomas the Tank Engine Ride
Fire Engine ~ Pimms Tent ~ Basket Weaving

Starts 2:00pm - don't be late!

Thursday 26 June 2008

Village News

with Margaret Morbey
Have you had a look at Chearsley website lately? It has up to the minute photos and news about the latest events in our village – photos of the cheque presentation of £7077.20 to Florence Nightingale at The Bell on Friday June 20th by Nic Brown on behalf of the organizers of the Race for Life Aftermath. What an an achievement. Congratulations to all involved.
Photos of the Chearsley Tearooms and store grand opening on Saturday June 21st. What a wonderful, happy crowd gathered there, excited to see the new shop and tearooms. All agreed how well Janine and Perry have done. So if you were unable to come to the opening, come along with your shopping list. It is now open 7 days a week.
Keep up to date with what’s happening in Chearsley by checking our website.

Chearsley W.I.
At the June meeting, the speaker was Nick Miers who gave a comprehensive talk on the history of Bletchley Park and the Enigma. Afterwards, tea and cakes were enjoyed by members and visitors.
July’s meeting will be garden visits in Chearsley on Tuesday afternoon, July 15th. Visitors will be most welcome.

Chearsley Cricket Club
The Club is holding their Wicked Maiden 20/20 Challenge on Sunday 6th July at the Cricket Club in Winchendon Road.
Dads v Lads starts at 11am and Under 25s v Over 25s starts at 3pm.
Come along and support our Cricket Club. All spectators are welcome to enjoy the fun - with barbecue and bar from 12 noon.

Chearsley Neighbourhood Watch
Bucks County Council’s Waste Partnership will be carrying out door to door research relating to home composting in the next few weeks. The questionnaire will be short – approximately 10 minutes and it will focus on around 250 households in Bucks. The research is being conducted by Exodus Market Research. If anyone should call at your premises, make sure you check their identification.

Saturday 21 June 2008

Chearsley Shop is back!

Noon on a grey Saturday afternoon but Janine brightens the day with a few words...

The ceremonial scissors are passed to John Bercow...

...the ribbon is cut...

...and before you can say "Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies", Margaret is back behind the counter!

Free quiche and scones to celebrate the opening...

... and wine, tea and coffee were on offer.

A quick preview of the tea room still to officially open.

Friday 20 June 2008

Race for Life, and the Bucks Herald strikes...

Friday, 8:00pm, and the photographer snaps the happy throng assembled to see a cheque for over £7,000 presented to the Florence Nightingale Hospice.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Race for Life – Aftermath Party Proceeds

There will be a presentation to The Florence Nightingale Hospice on Friday June 20th at 8.00 at The Bell of a cheque for £6,000. This was the final total raised on Sunday afternoon after the Race for Life when the BBQ and drinks raised £1,740; the auction raised £3,760, which together with a donation of £500 comes to £6,000!

Everyone who contributed in any way is thanked by the organizers. Come along on June 20th and celebrate a wonderful effort.

Saturday 14 June 2008

Parish Council meeting: June 16th

The Chairman and Councillors invite you to the next meeting of the Parish Council, to be held at the Village Hall on Monday 16th June at 7:30pm.

The Parish Council is responsible for the care and upkeep of the village and decides where to spend your money! If you want your opinion or ideas heard, or if you just want to find out what happens and how it works, please come along.

Visit the Chearsley Parish Council site for information about meetings.

Friday 13 June 2008

Village News

from Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Shop – Grand Opening – Saturday June 21st
Do come along on Saturday June 21st to view your re-vamped village shop and to meet Janine Rees, who has spent the last few months busily planning and organising for this day. Come and see how things have changed, browse the shelves of the shop, have a glass of wine and piece of quiche or cream tea in the tea rooms “on the house” and meet up with neighbours old and new again.
The Grand Opening will be at 12 noon and the shop will be open for business until 4p.m. The shop will be open on the Sunday from 8 – 1p.m. and thereafter in the week from 7.00a.m. to 7.00p.m.
The tea rooms will be open for business shortly.

Chearsley W.I.
Chearsley W.I. has been very busy lately preparing their resolution for the W.I. AGM. On Tuesday, June 5th, five members travelled to Liverpool, where their President, Pauline Parkes, spoke, most professionally, in presenting their resolution, which called for a ban on the fishing practice known as “bottom trawling”, where it causes catastrophic loss of marine life.
Although it was defeated by 184 votes, the W.I. feel that their aim of raising awareness about the future of worldwide fish stocks and the need to show responsibility for them has been achieved.

Eric Carte at The Mill at Sonning Wednesday, July 9th
It is hoped to arrange a coach trip to the Dinner Theatre Mill at Sonning on Wednesday July 9th, leaving Chearsley at 5.30. Eric is appearing in the comedy, Love’s a Luxury from 25th June to 2nd August.
Tickets, to include the coach fare and dinner before the play will cost about £45.00 each.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to come. I need to know by June 21st.

Ruby Wedding anniversary
Congratulations to Ann and Malcolm Wakeling of Lammas Lane on 40 years of marriage this month.

Garage Sale – Sunday June 29th
Louise Flanagan invites us all to her garage sale at Pear Tree Lodge, Dark Lane, where she will have books, DVDs, videos, CDs, toys, TVs, computer, glass, china, plants, furniture, garden bits for sale.
She is also inviting offers for a solid wood climbing frame which cost new £1,200 2 years ago. Get in touch with Louise at

Mobile Library
This is next in The Bell car park on June 23rd from 10.35 to 11.05am

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Shop Opening

The revitalised village shop will once again open its door on

Saturday June 21st
at 12:00 noon
...and the tea room will be opening in the not too distant future!
Please support this great village amenity.

Monday 2 June 2008

Village News

from Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Country Fair - Saturday, June 28th
A fundraising evening for this year’s fair has been organized for Wednesday, 11th June at Chearsley Village Hall. This is a ladies and children’s fashion show and clothes sale, starting at 7.30p.m. Tickets, to include a glass of wine to help the occasion along, cost £4.00 in advance or £5.00 at the door. Tickets are available from The Bell or from Claire on 208087.

Children’s Scarecrow competition
All children in Chearsley are invited to design and make up a scarecrow, in any shape or size, preferably attached to a pole so they can be displayed on the village green. Judging will take place on the Green on Sunday 22nd of June at 12p.m ( I will gladly buy one to keep the pigeons away from my veg. Patch!)

Vertical circumnavigation of the earth
Adrian Flanagan, whose ex-wife, Louise lives in the village and has been managing the shore side of this adventure, has now completed this magnificent and at times dangerous single-handed trip vertically round the world after starting 2 and half years ago. He sailed into Southampton on Wednesday 21st in Barrabas, his 40ft stainless steel yacht, being the first person to achieve such a difficult trip. Glad now to be home, he is writing a book “Over the Top” about his experiences to be published on 9th October. Congratulations to Adrian.

Chuf – 40 years on
The playgroup held in Chearsley Village Hall each day is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and is inviting all past staff, helpers, parents, committee members to a Dinner Dance at The Oxfordshire on June 20th. Tickets cost £40 each. The present committee are gathering together photos and mementos of the last 40 years to produce a display at the Dinner Dance and would welcome any contributions from past Chuf people. If you can help or would like to attend the Dinner Dance, phone Karen on 01844 299321.

Chuf – Ofsted Report
Chuf are delighted and proud to have been deemed “outstanding” by a recent Ofsted Report. Congratulations for all the hard work put in by the Committee, staff and children.

Pauline Parkes will be leading a group from Chearsley W.I. at the Annual Meeting in Liverpool on June 4th when the resolution put forward by them will be debated. Their resolution is that the EU should ban trawling of the bottom of the sea which causes catastrophic loss of marine life. This is a very exciting achievement for them an we wish them good luck in the speeches they have to make and look forward to hearing that their resolution has been carried for submission to the Government.

Youth Club
This next meets on Friday 6th June at Chearsley Village Hall from 6.30 to 8.00 Everyone from the ages of 8 to 14 is welcome. Contact Gillie Travers on 202469 for more details.

Chearsley Show
A date for your diary – Saturday, September 6th, when you have a chance to show off the fruits of your year’s labours in the garden. There are categories for flowers, vegetables, flower arrangements, cake, shortbread and scone making, jam making, art and craft and children’s classes. You should have received a timetable and entry form through your door. Please support this annual village event, either by exhibiting or attending on the day. It’s all fairly low key and good fun.

Friday 30 May 2008

Race for Life - The Aftermath

Proceeds from The Aftermath Party on May 11th were as follows:

Corporate Donation:
Grand Total: £6,000!

Many thanks to all who donated, gave up their time, and to all who attended.

What a great day in Chearsley!

A cheque presentation to the Florence Nightingale team will be made at The Bell, June 20th at 8:00pm. The Bucks Herald and Thame Gazette will be there to cover the event.
All Welcome!

Sunday 25 May 2008

Bank Holiday Cricket

- due to our normal Bank Holiday weather.

This Bank Holiday
Monday sees the annual Chearsley 6-A-Side competition at the cricket ground on the Winchendon Road.

Starting at 10:00am, there will be a BBQ, lamb roast, bar, teas, soft drinks, and some great cricket.