with Margaret Morbey
Barn Dance
It is proposed to hold a Barn Dance on the Village Green on Saturday 27th June 2009, preceded by a variety of attractions and entertainments for children, to make this a family day out, culminating in a fun Barn Dance with a meal available. Make a note of this date. If you are interested in helping or have ideas to offer, please contact Claire Lazaruk.
Money from the Fete
It was decided at the meeting on Monday 6th October to divide the £1,500, kept back for a separate village amenity, between the Church, the Village Hall and the Village Trust.
Short Mat Bowls
This has now started again on Friday evenings at the village hall, beginning at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.
Tuesday, October 21st is the next monthly occasion when glass, paper, plastics and cans are collected.