Monday 15 July 2024

Sunshine Club


Cuddington Sunshine Club

Open to Senior Citizens in Cuddington and surrounding villages.  Activities include monthly Tea and Card Games in Cuddington Playing Fields Clubhouse, bi-monthly Matinee Cinema in the Bernard Hall, Coach outings, a Summer Garden Party at Tyringham Hall and a Christmas Party in the Bernard Hall.

Next events:  

Monday 22nd July, 1.30pm - Matinee Cinema, ‘Ticket to Paradise’

Monday 5th August, 2.00pm, Tea and Card Games;  

Monday 19th August 2.00pm,  Garden Party Lunch, Tyringham Hall.  

For more information phone Angela 01844 291932.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Rose Dale's Organic Farm Shop


For this Saturday we have an exclusive offer on our chuck beef. To find out more including a Mexican-style pulled beef recipe, sign up to our newsletter or pop in and see us from 10am-12pm. To visit the shop follow the farm drive or the side gate on church lane - HP18 0DL Sign up to our newsletter here -


Monday 8 July 2024



This Harvest, we will celebrate the abundance of food and good things that God has given us.  We always collect food for Foodbanks and Homeless shelters. 

This year, we would also like to collect your old tools for a fantastic local charity, that helps young people in Africa by giving them your refurbished tools and training them in how use them.  Have you got old tape measures, drills, saws, spades, shears, watering cans, wool, scissors, dress fabric, buttons, thread, ribbon, ironmongery?  If so, please put it to one side and bring to our Harvest Service on 22nd September.   A full list of what is needed, can be found by following this link:

Contact Sharon on 07767 310465 for more info.



Friday 28 June 2024

Rose Dale's Farm Shop - This Saturday

We will have fresh beef available this Saturday 10am-12pm at the farm shop, including burgers and steaks—perfect for a BBQ!
If you can’t visit us on Saturday, you are welcome to order a beef or lamb box for collection or local delivery. We have a list of different cuts available on our website, and you can mix and match lamb and beef to stock up on your favourites. To visit the shop use the postcode HP18 0DL and follow the farm drive or the side gate on Church lane.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sunshine Club


Cuddington Sunshine Club

Open to Senior Citizens in Cuddington and surrounding villages.  Activities include monthly Tea and Card Games in Cuddington Playing Fields Clubhouse, bi-monthly Matinee Cinema in the Bernard Hall, Coach outings, a Summer Garden Party and a Christmas party.

Next events:  Monday 8th July, 2.00pm – Tea; 

Monday 22nd July, 1.30pm - Matinee Cinema, ‘Ticket to Paradise’

All welcome! For more information phone Angela Wenham 01844 291932 

or email:

Monday 10 June 2024

Monday 3 June 2024

Thursday 23 May 2024

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Monday 13 May 2024

A message from Sally Poulson

I wanted to let you know of a little challenge myself and my daughter have set up this month all in aid of the amazing charity Spinal Research UK.

We have decided to undertake a combined wheel/run of 400k in May.  Emily, my daughter, will be running - I will obviously be wheeling.    We would like to raise money for the Spinal Research charity which is something very close to my heart.   It was 14 years ago when I suffered a spinal stroke and overnight my life moved into the twilight zone of a wheelchair user.   It was a life changing scenario and one that I still rail against daily.   The world is not really designed for wheelchair users - so many everyday menial tasks take so much longer and even just one step into a building can mean the difference between engaging with life or just going home.

Now, I'm a bloody-minded character as I'm sure a lot of you will know and I have been given way more opportunities to continue with life and work than a lot of people in my situation enjoy.   My injury in my spine was reasonably low down and I still have full mobility in my arms (and mouth - as my family frequently comment ðŸ˜‚).   I remember during my stay in hospital someone dropped a bottle of water accidentally on the floor - I was the only person out of the 8 there who had enough arm mobility to bend down and pick it up!  14 years later and I think about that one thing nearly every day.   Can you imagine your life not even being able to pick up something you dropped on the floor.

We would love to raise money to create a little more hope for my fellow comrades diagnosed with spinal injuries and pushing on with research can open up opportunities for improvements in their lives.

Pre wheelchair I really enjoyed running - the exercise both physically and mentally is liberating.    It weirdly took until our enforced stay at home during Covid to realise the potential of wheeling - that and the fact that you have to wheel up the hill to get to the Bell (the journey back is exhilarating!).  

So far I have clocked up 84.25km (just over 11 hours of wheeling) - so I'm getting towards the halfway mark!  

If you would like to support this please do go to our Just Giving page - any donations would be absolutely wonderful  - just click Here

Spinal Research is the UK’s leading charity funding medical research around the world to develop effective treatments for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. Every year 1,000 people in the UK and Ireland are paralysed following an injury to their spinal cord. They receive no government funding and rely entirely on the support of the public to raise funds for research. Because of the efforts of our supporters, we have funded innovative medical research that has achieved a number of groundbreaking changes in the field.

 Thank you




Sunshine Club


Cuddington Sunshine Club

Open to Senior Citizens in Cuddington and surrounding villages.  Activities include monthly Tea and Card Games in Cuddington Playing Fields Clubhouse, bi-monthly Matinee Cinema in the Bernard Hall, Coach outings, a Summer Garden Party and a Christmas party.

Next events:  Monday 3rd June, Outing to Witney & Cogges Manor Farm;  

Monday 17th June, 2.00pm, Tea & Card Games.  

All welcome! For more information phone Angela Wenham 01844 291932 

or email:

Friday 10 May 2024

Thursday 9 May 2024

This Sunday

No spring cleaning to do this time, just relax and enjoy each other's company.

There will also be an opportunity to check out our Soul Spark Reflective Stations that will be laid out around the church.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Pub Revival

 A final reminder that the next event organised by our historical society is the Chearsley Village Pub Revival Day, which takes place on Sunday 19th May.

 We hope it’ll be a great afternoon with an opportunity for us all to ‘reconnect’ with some our traditional village heritage.

 It has already attracted a lot of interest, so don’t miss it.

 Details below … in yourself, family and friends without delay by contacting John Howard at or 07970 651326

Thursday 25 April 2024

Rose's Farm Shop

Rose Dale Organic Farm shop, Chearsley, HP18 0DH, will be open tomorrow 10am-12pm. We will have a range of steaks, burgers, roasts, mince, and exciting cuts like tomahawk steaks, picanha, and bavette stir fry available for purchase. We will also have some beautiful sustainable and locally grown flowers available from Pied beauty flowers. Come support local!


Wednesday 24 April 2024

Keith Wright

A Message from Beryl Wright

After 61 years living in Chearsley, I always know how special a village it was but even I didn’t

know just how special until St David’s Day 1st March. Keith, my best friend and the love of my life died peacefully at home free from pain and happy.

Jungle drums were sent around the village and soon I felt a blanket of warmth was wrapped around me. On that evening Chearsley Church became alive with bells music and candles it was amazing. I thank you all, I can’t tell you how much it has helped me come to terms with my loss and be positive. The cards that have been dropped through my door have been beautiful with such well chosen words.

All I can say in answer is that whatever Keith has invested in the village, he has reaped tenfold from the village. He wouldn’t have wanted to live anywhere else and I certainly wouldn’t ! From last October when Keith first became ill I have been overwhelmed with kindness and thoughtfulness and nothing seemed to much trouble, I didn’t need to ask, things just happened to help.

The climax came with Keith’s Thanksgiving Service. Once again a most beautifully decorated  St Nicholas church came alive with music, beautiful readings and well chosen words followed by a happy gathering in our village hall. Keith would have loved it all. The day culminated in the most glorious peal of bells ringing out over the whole village. They were amazing and to add icing on the cake the sun came out so we could stand outside to listen to them.

So many people helped so much to make the day so very special.

To all those wonderful people who have helped me in so many ways to make everything flow happily along may I say a very big  “THANK YOU “


Tuesday 23 April 2024

Saturday 13 April 2024

Church History Day

Don't forget that tomorrow, this door will be open and you can climb the ancient steps, squeeze through the little door, and step out onto the roof of the tower to try and spot your house. Then climb back down, enjoy a slice of cake and learn all about the history of the church and our village.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Pub Revival Day

The long-awaited Chearsley Village Pub Revival Day will take place on the afternoon of Sunday 19th May…get the date in your diaries.


Coming Up .....


Wednesday 3 April 2024

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Keith Wright


Many in our community attended Monday’s wonderful celebration of the life of Keith Wright.

For those wishing to make a donation in memory of Keith, Beryl and family requested that this be made to St Nicholas Church to support its many works.

If you would like to make a donation via an online transfer, the account details are as follows:

Account Name: St Nicholas Church

Sort Code: 60-21-21

Account No. 69030561

The bank details given on the Service Sheet were incorrect and apologies to any who may have tried unsuccessfully to make a donation.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Keith Turnbull


As advised, Keith Turnbull’s funeral service will take place at St Nicholas Church on Thursday this week (28th March) starting at 1pm.
For those unable to attend but wishing to be part of the celebration, the service will be live-streamed via an online platform. The joining instructions are as follows:

Main Live Stream Link:

Backup Link (Alternate Server):

Friday 22 March 2024

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Keith Turnbull

The community of Chearsley was devastated to hear of the recent passing of Keith Turnbull. Although resident in the village for just a few years, Keith and Sara made a huge contribution to life in our village in so many wonderful ways.

Sara and her family have now finalised their plans for the celebration of Keith’s life. A funeral service will take place at St Nicholas Church, starting at 1pm on Thursday 28th March.

This will be followed by a reception with refreshments at the Village Hall from 2pm.

If it does not prove possible to seat all those attending within the church itself, an outdoor speaker will broadcast the service live for the benefit of those outside the church and some shelter and chairs will be located in the churchyard for those who are unable to be accommodated within the church itself.

In addition, for those unable to attend but wishing to be part of the celebration, the service will be livestreamed via online platform, Zoom. The joining instructions will be announced ahead of the day itself.

Sara and her family would like all those who knew Keith to participate in the celebration of his life.

However, unsurprisingly, they do ask that available seats in the church should go to Keith’s family members first and foremost and then his close friends, especially those who have travelled some distance to join the celebration.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Keith Wright


The Funeral service for Keith will be held at

St Nicholas Church, Church Lane, Chearsley
11.00am on Monday 25 March
Refreshments will be served after at Chearsley Village Hall, Winchendon Rd, Chearsley.  

All welcome.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Easter Services




Mike Heybrook is leading a litter pick this Saturday, to help clear our village and verges.

Meet outside the Bell at 9.45.

Volunteers needed.  Bring gloves and UV jacket, if you have one.

You never know, you may be rewarded with a hot drink and slice of cake after a couple of hours!

In previous years we have collected over 20 bags of rubbish and paraphernalia. 

Who can find the strangest object?

Thanks in advance

Monday 4 March 2024

Friday 1 March 2024

Prayers in church tonight in memory of Keith Wright


We are sorry to hear of the death this morning of Keith Wright. Another significant life lost in the story of the village.

Rev Richard will be leading prayers for him, Beryl, and his family in St Nicholas Church at 7pm this evening (Friday). All are welcome to join him and light candles should you wish.

God bless you.

March Services - udpated


Monday 26 February 2024

Prayers for Keith Turnbull and his family this evening

Out of respect for Keith Turnbull, there will be no bell ringing from St Nicholas' tower this evening. 
Instead, at 7pm in church, candles will be lit and prayers will be said for Keith, his family, his first responders, and his community.

All are welcome to come and join in together. Alternatively, please remember the church is open every day if you would like time to reflect and light candles on your own.

Rev Richard

Thursday 22 February 2024

Chearsley Parish Council Initiatives Update


Chearsley Initiatives Update

Hello Chearsley

We would like to let you know about a number of initiatives that are of merit and currently forming part of the wider PC thinking and vision for the village of Chearsley over the coming years.

1.          Horse Chestnut Intersection improvements.
This is live and has been for some time, although currently developing slowly as more Bucks Council commitment is awaited.

2.          Increased car parking provisions.
This is now live and progressing towards a site meeting, costs, a village survey and meeting.

3.          Introduction of a Village Maintenance Plan to protect and enhance lanes, verges, footpaths, grass cutting and walkways.
This is agreed in principle as a strong possibility with a proposal being written for discussion and further consultation within the PC.

4.          Introduction of roadside Oak Bollards to protect from verges damage in key locations.
Work has already involved completion of a village mapping survey and details of a trial location will be agreed and announced shortly.

5.          Chearsley Village Historical Society.
Very much up and running with many events and presentations already confirmed or being planned.

Hopefully this update provides further transparency and inclusivity as to the wider thinking of the PC in securing and protecting our village assets. 
We also urge all parishioners to keep abreast of PC and other activities by regularly checking the new village website  As well as updates on the initiatives above and other PC work of interest, this now provides direct access to other village websites for a one-stop village-wide view of what’s on.
Remember also that everyone is welcome to attend PC meetings, to ask questions or comment on what you hear.  Meeting dates are here.

Thank You and Best Wishes
Chearsley Parish Councillors & Officers

Saturday 10 February 2024

Thursday 1 February 2024

Thursday 25 January 2024

Cuddington Sunshine Club

Cuddington Sunshine Club

Open to Senior Citizens in Cuddington and surrounding villages.  Activities include monthly Tea and Card Games in Cuddington Playing Fields Clubhouse, bi-monthly Matinee Cinema in the Bernard Hall, Coach outings, a Summer Garden Party and a Christmas party.

Next events:  Monday 5th February, 2.00pm, Tea & Card Games;  Monday 19th February, 2.00pm, Tea & Card Games. All welcome! For more information phone Angela Wenham 01844 291932 or email:

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Manor Farm shop this SATURDAY 27th JANUARY 10am-12pm

 Farm shop this SATURDAY 27th JANUARY 10am-12pm, Manor Farm Chearsley. 

Please just come down the farm drive.

I have delicious beef and lamb in the freezer and this season’s freshly pressed apple juice. The meat is packed with vitamins and other healthy nutrients and extremely freshly frozen. 

Until I find a new abattoir, I am unable to get fresh meat – see about this below - so there are no beef steaks but all cuts of lamb and plenty of diced beef and mince for nourishing stews and pies. 

I’m off to make a spaghetti bolognese now!

On the farm… 

A spell of blue skies and frosty weather made a welcome change to the endless grey and rain. December was a very wet month! The cold snap will have done some good - killing off pathogens and invasive pests from warmer climes. Some of our most lovely wildflowers like primroses, cowslips, bluebells and foxgloves flower better after a cold period which breaks their seed dormancy or promotes flowering. Perhaps we can look forward to a glorious flower-filled spring.

I was delighted to see lapwings both in the lower and upper fields on either side of the village and a good number of snipe along the river meadows. These wetland birds have become quite rare and it would be wonderful to see their numbers increase with our fertile soils enhanced by our livestock, chemical-free farming and wetland habitat creation. 

Abattoir closure!

While it might be something most people don’t want to think about, a good local abattoir is essential to being able to sell good value and high quality, local meat directly. 

In 1970, there were well over 1000 abattoirs across the country with one as local as Long Crendon but now there are only 150 in England. This means longer journeys to and from the abattoir which is not good for livestock and, of course, adds to costs for small scale producers.

I was using a good, small abattoir in Long Compton (already over an hour away) but it is due to close at the end of January due to ageing staff and difficulty finding new staff exacerbated by a lack of foreign workers; greatly rising energy costs and increased bureaucracy have meant it is unable to continue. 

A well-priced, high quality food production system relies on competition and smaller scale producers having access to the market but all we are seeing is larger and larger supermarkets and food wholesalers controlling the market. They drive down farming standards and prices, pushing farmers to maximise production and minimise everything else with an inevitable impact on food quality and farm wildlife. 

However, this new challenge makes it increasingly difficult for me to provide my meat to local people at an affordable price. The government must invest in essential infrastructure such as well-run abattoirs to ensure food quality and security and good animal welfare. Short supply chains, cutting out the middleman means better quality food and a better price for the consumer with money spent locally benefiting the local economy. 

Monday 22 January 2024

Monday 8 January 2024

Baby Group every Tuesday


Chearsley Baby Group meets tomorrow and every Tuesday morning from 11.00am to Midday in Chearsley Village Hall. All mums or carers and their babies are all welcome for a sociable coffee and cake, with toys and a few songs.

Run by St Nicholas’s Church, supported by Chearsley Village Trust and Cricket Club.

Saturday 6 January 2024