Thursday 28 April 2022

Bin Collections over Early May Bank Holiday

Bin collections across Buckinghamshire will be operating to a revised timetable next week.

With no usual collections on Monday 2 May (Early May Bank Holiday), all usual collections that week will take place one day later than usual.  So Chearsley will be Tuesday.

Residents in the south of the county are reminded to please check to see if an additional one-off collection has been scheduled for your property the week commencing Monday 2 May. These collections are being provided to households which would otherwise experience a long delay between collections as the new bin collection schedules are being introduced. Please note the additional one-off collections are not impacted by the Bank Holiday and you should present your bin on the day listed. Please check your new bin day online.

As the weather continues to improve, it’s likely that BBQ season will be fast approaching in Buckinghamshire. Remember all foil drinks cans, plastic and glass bottles can be recycled at home. If you use a disposable barbecue, please make sure you’re disposing of it safely and responsibly after use. For helpful hints and tips, please take a look at our online Waste Wizard.

All of Buckinghamshire’s nine household recycling centres will remain open over the Bank Holiday weekend, including Monday 2 May. Before making a trip to the tip, please check the Council's website for all the latest household recycling centre information.

For more information including how to check your Bank Holiday bin collections and where to find your nearest household recycling centre, go to

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Village Hall Playground Online Survey closes end April

***** Survey Closes end of April*******

Over the last few months, Anne Adams and members of the playground committee have been busy researching the costs involved with updating our playground at the village hall.  

The plan is that a new playground will predominantly be targeted at younger children but will have some new pieces of equipment for older children and teenagers and will also be as accessible as possible.

As part of the process to secure funding, a consultation with the village and other users of the playground is being undertaken.  We would be grateful therefore, if you could take a couple of minutes to answer a few simple questions at this survey link below.

Wednesday 20 April 2022

Friday 15 April 2022

Wednesday 13 April 2022

John Wynburne

 It is with great sadness that we have to report that Rev John Wynburne, a well-loved vicar of this parish from 2009 to 2015, passed away last Friday.  Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Anna, their children and grandchildren.

Monday 11 April 2022

Good Friday

Join us for all or part of our Good Friday walk from Nether Winchendon to Long Crendon, via Chearsley. We have a service to suit everyone. First a family friendly service in Nether Winchendon, then a more sombre service in Chearsley, suitable for older children and adults, and finally the very traditional Stations of the Cross in Long Crendon. Bring your own picnic, or enjoy a ploughman's that we will be providing in Chearsley.

Note from Cllr Brown on Hedgerow Works on Crendon Road

I am pleased to provide a report which hopefully will answer the many questions raised by interested parties of recent late regarding the works to hedging along the main road from Chearsley to Long Crendon on the land owned and managed by the Reynolds family.

I hope that this is helpful in providing folks with an accurate and informative note after a conversation with the family who are and continue to be committed to the welfare of their land and those many wildlife residents that live there. 

They are replacing the old hedge with a new, more resilient hedge of our various native British species. 

They are part of the Government’s Higher Level Stewardship scheme and promote the provision of mature wildlife habitats and sustainable farming. 

Roadside hedging does have a tough time due to the obvious fumes and salt from passing vehicles and as the hedges age the bottom becomes very thin and vulnerable with that particular hedge still having remnants of Dutch Elm plus it had become choked with Elders and Ivy.

They do not like seeing the hedges when they are being replaced but are happy in the knowledge that they did not sustain much wildlife due to the thinning plus they have a lot of great wildlife habitat on the farm into which they can fairly easily relocate that wildlife until the new works have rejuvenated the area alongside the road.

Early March is a particularly good time for them to replace that hedge as the field it borders has been left to stubble this year to provide good cover for the English Partridge plus they have overlaid it with stubble turnips for the in-lamb ewes to feast upon. 

The result is that they are not destroying any crops and this coupled with the recent storms having caused even more damage to the already fragile hedge, resulted in there decision to bite the bullet and completely replace it.

Hopefully with all this investment the wildlife will benefit for many years to come.

If there are any further questions i am sure the Reynolds would welcome some sensible dialogue or please write to me at my Bernward Buckinghamshire Council email address if preferred below

Nicholas J Brown 

Chairman Chearsley Parish Council & Bernward Buckinghamshire Councillor 

Saturday 2 April 2022

Friday 1 April 2022

Ultrafast Broadband is coming to Chearsley

The Parish Council has today been given a presentation by Gigaclear, the company that will be bringing ultrafast broadband (up to 900Mb) services to the village in the near future.  The information we received was very useful and reassuring, particularly in terms of the way the installation will be carried out, the arrangements they will make to minimise disruption to everyday life during installation, and the services they will provide.

Current planning is for the Installation work to start around the end of April, with the first customers offered service July/August.
Recognising the level of interest there is likely to be in this initiative, Gigaclear has agreed to host two open meetings for village residents to provide full information on their plans and answer all the questions you will have.  The first will be on-line, probably using Microsoft Teams, and the second live in the Village Hall.

Gigaclear will be writing to all households in the village soon, introducing themselves and providing details of these meetings.  We strongly recommend that residents try to attend one of them and use them to raise your questions and concerns.  If however anyone has a question you would prefer the Parish Council to ask on your behalf please send it to us at the usual address:

In the meantime, you may like to take a look at the services provided by Gigaclear at