Friday 31 July 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Goodbye John
Sunday July 19 was The Reverend Canon John Wynburne’s last service in the United Benefice of Long Crendon, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon before his retirement and move to Brill at the end of August. It was a beautiful and at times very emotional Holy Communion Service held at St Mary’s in Long Crendon, with members of the congregation from all three parishes in attendance.
John’s farewell sermon was typically charged with touching anecdotes, quotations from the Bible, classical literature and pop culture, plus a smattering of his popular witty repartee! He included a warm tribute to his family, in particular to Anna, his lovely wife who has supported him throughout many years of his lifelong ministry in The Church of England. Chearsley will miss him, though he will be found on occasion enjoying a sneaky pint in The Bell.
We wish him some wonderful times ahead, enjoying his new career as a grandfather with 2 grandsons already and another well on the way. “ Goodbye” which John reminded us on Sunday, originally meant, “God be with you”.

A letter of thanks from John:
For Anna and me, Sunday July 19 was the perfect finale. The sun shone, the church was full, the flowers looked lovely, the choir sang magnificently. Chris played the organ gloriously, the worship was lively and enthusiastic, the service went at a seamless pace. The congregation sang with great spirit, the drink was bubbling and bountiful, the food was delicious, the service outside excellent, the whole ambience was one of warmth and kindliness. What a day for us to remember!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to make it happen. However, my other purpose in writing is to express our heartfelt thanks for the cheque which was unbelievably generous. Anna and I were overwhelmed by the kindness of your gift. I also love the cartoon picture which Alicia painted together with the book of messages. There really are times when words seem quite inadequate to express our appreciation and gratitude but be assured, we are profoundly grateful for your generosity.

John and Anna

Road Closures
All the roads around Chearsley and neighbouring villages seem to be affected by road works, pavement works and temporary traffic lights at the moment. Inhabitants in Chilton Road Chearsley have been given notice of the closure of this road from Monday August 10 for a period of 6 weeks while off-site drainage works are carried out by Rectory Homes at Stoney Furlong. It is planned to start works from the junction on the Crendon Road and work back up to the site entrance within 5 to 6 weeks, then returning to the Crendon Road junction to complete the final drainage connection once the main run has been completed.
Although the drainage installation itself will be completed safely behind fencing, we are reminded that this is dangerous and young children should be briefed on the dangers of playing around building works. Jim Clarke, Site Manager of Rectory Homes can be contacted on 07494403752 for any matters regarding the development at Stoney Furlong.
I have also been told that Winchendon Road from Cannons Hill towards Waddesdon is now closed for 2 weeks between 7am until 8pm until August 7.

Chearsley Show
This will take place on Saturday September 5th in the village hall, and the schedules will soon be delivered around the village. I can only hope that other villagers’ vegetable plots and gardens are more successful at the moment than mine and Phil’s this year – blackfly devastated broadbeans have produced hardly enough beans to feed a mouse; courgettes which have suddenly been attacked by something and now producing nothing; potatoes with warty bits all over most of them; runner and French beans, not so badly affected by the blackfly as the broadbeans, but still not thriving. Apart from that, the tomatoes may be up to producing something decent for the show and in the flower garden, I am, as ever, hopeful that my zinnias will outdo those shown by Joy! Oh well, perhaps by September there will be something to put in the show.
There are categories in the Show for flowers, fruit and vegetables, baking and preserves, art and craft and a special section for children. Please try to find something to enter and come and make this year’s Show a great success.

Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day - entries are now being accepted for all vehicles at this show on Sunday September 13 in the Cricket Club field. Entry is free and registration can easily be achieved by going to and clicking on registering a vehicle.

Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday August 9 There will be no Morning celebration. Evensong at 6pm
Diary Dates:
  • Saturday August 8 – Sunday 16 Sculpture in The Garden at Turn End from 11 to 6pm Free entry.
  • Sunday August 9 12.30 to 4.30pm BBQ in aid of Hope for Children at The Old Bakery
  • Saturday September 5 Chearsley Fruit and Veg Show in the village hall
  • Sunday September 13 Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day 12 to 5pm in the Cricket Field, Winchendon Road.
  • Monday September 21 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall

Monday 27 July 2015

Chilton Road Closure - 10th August

Off-site drainage works for the Rectory Homes site on Chilton Road will commence on Monday, August 10th for an expected six weeks. Full details, including maps and diversions, can be downloaded here (750KB pdf file).

Friday 24 July 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Happy Ending for missing dog Ruby, a miniature dachshund/shih tzu cross went missing on Saturday morning July 18 in the field behind Manor Farm. To the great relief of her owners and family, she was found the following day by the river safe and well.

Chearsley Family Wedding

John and Alicia Howard’s son Charlie married his beautiful fiancĂ©e, Anna James from Harpenden, on July 11 at High Elms Manor, Hertfordshire. It was a wonderful family celebration on a sunny day with his older brother, John as Best man, sister Emily as bridesmaid, nephew Charlie, 5 as ring bearer and Tom, 18 months as a reluctant pageboy.
John Howard Senior acted as Master of Ceremonies for the day. Alicia gave a reading and made the Wedding Cake. The Howards moved to Chearsley in July 1987 when John and Charlie were 7 and 5 and before Emily was born. They both attended Chearsley school for the last 3 weeks prior to its closure and Charlie’s name was the last to appear on the school register. Both boys played cricket for the village and rugby for Aylesbury at mini, junior and senior level. Charlie and Anna will continue to live in Harpenden when they return from honeymoon in Morocco. Congratulations to them and best wishes for their future life together.

Chearsley Village Wedding 
A lovely sunny day saw the wedding in Chearsley Church on Saturday July 18 of Debbie Button and Roy Brookes who have lived in Chearsley for the past two years. The service was conducted by John Wynburne. The bride was majestically transported to the church in the Morbey Riley, cleaned and polished to perfection and decked in ribbons and bows for the occasion and driven by an unrecognisably smart and very proud chauffeur. The Riley then took the bride and groom to the reception in the village hall for a fish and chip supper and dancing. Congratulations Debbie and Roy and every good wish for your future together.

A BBQ for Charity is being held at The Old Bakery, Church Lane, Chearsley on August 9 from 12.30 to 4.30pm to raise money for Georgie Allen, who is planning to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in September in aid of Hope for Children. This is a charity working in seven different countries across the world, including the UK, with the aim to improve the health, livelihood, rights and education of children. Tickets cost £10 per person for a burger or hot dog, salads, beer or wine. Additional drinks will be available for a small donation. There will also be a raffle which will be drawn at 3.30pm. Please reply by July 30 to or phone 01844 208324 if you would like to come.

Parish Council Meeting
This was held on Monday July 20 under the chairmanship of John Lewis, in the absence of the chairman Nic Brown, with five members of the public present, including Mike Hawkett, District Councillor for the Long Crendon area. The question of risk assessment was discussed that the declared value of assets insured, e.g. bus shelters, war memorial and possibly the playground equipment, needs to be realistic and correct which would be reflected in the premium. Clare is to ask for another quote from the insurers.
  • Michael Edmonds agreed to be the representative on the Parochial Church Council and Michael Heybrook the representative on the Village Hall committee as well as the footpaths officer.
  • John Howard agreed to ask Angela Gray if there would be sufficient funds from the Fete to fund the purchase of a defibrillator and the cost of necessary training. Clare Lazaruk who had first mooted the suggestion to be asked to inform the council of necessary details before the council can make a decision as to its siting.
  • Planning matters. Postcodes and street naming at the Stoney Furlong site had been confirmed. Site meetings were arranged for planning applications at The Caveings, School Lane and Byeways, The Green. It was agreed that any decisions made by the Council concerning planning applications should be minuted at the next meeting. The Council had no objection to the planning application at Bees Cottage, Crendon Road.
  • The traffic calming device which is still currently not working and the matter of kerbing could not be discussed as Julia Witcher was away on holiday. This will be on the agenda of the next meeting.
  • Quotes for a new notice board had been obtained by Julia. Clare would find out if planning permission is needed to have a new flagpole, to be of similar height to the existing one in the grounds of the village hall, in a new position by the War Memorial.
  • Highways and open areas – the bus stops which are in need of repair and updating will be inspected by an engineer from the bus company.
  • No further action is necessary in relation to the footpath over the Persson’s ground in Lower Green Lane.
  • A letter from a villager had been received concerning more dog mess in Dark Lane and a complaint that the slip road by The Old Plough in Aylesbury Road was being used dangerously the wrong way by certain villagers – a matter considered out of the hands of the Parish Council.
  • There was a request that the broken light in Church Piece, Winchendon Road could be mended. The Council agreed to find out how much it would be to mend it and running costs. It was pointed out that the Village Plan was generally against street lighting.
The date of the next meeting will be Monday September 21 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

AVDC is launching a new website in the first week of August which will be easy to use, attractive and functional with a reliable search, and clear navigation with the aim to find what you are looking for in less than four clicks. There will also be an improved Council and Democracy area to see the latest agendas and minutes for any AVDC committees. This is the first step in a phased plan of improvements with a shift to online contact rather than traditional telephone and face to face service, although this will still be available. Because of cuts in government funding, this will enable AVDC to continue to make savings and keep delivering vital services to residents. The web address will remain the same as present

Retirement of John Wynburne

Sunday July 19 was the last service to be taken in our Benefice by our vicar for the past 6 years, John Wynburne. The villages of Long Crendon, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon wish John and Anna a very happy retirement in their new home when they move around the end of August. When asked if John was looking forward to retirement he replied yes and no. He felt a huge sense of loss but also had the excitement of a new beginning. Chearsley parishioners have thanked him for making a real connection with the village community, touching the lives of so many with his love and care, his tireless energy and great sense of fun.

The Bell – Open all day all weekend. New menu now available.

Thames Valley Air Ambulance
I was prompted to use Google last week to confirm what I thought must be a sighting of the distinctive red and yellow Thames Valley air ambulance hovering over Chearsley last week and then landing on the Cricket Field. I was very saddened to later learn that it had been called out to the new housing site in Chilton Road where the site manager had suffered a heart attack. On this occasion, his life was unable to be saved. From the website I learned that on average three people every day find themselves in a life threatening situation requiring urgent medical treatment at the scene. The air ambulance, with doctor on board, can reach such a situation within minutes ready to deliver the same level of care to be found in the hospital emergency department. Each mission costs approximately £2500. The service is a charity and relies totally on the generosity of the communities in Bucks, Berks and Oxford which it serves. They ask for support to help them to continue to save lives. There is an option to donate to this invaluable life saving service on the website.

Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday July 26: Family Service at 10am Sunday August 2 Family Communion at 10am
Diary Dates:
  • Monday July 27: Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema showing of Arthur in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 1.30pm.
  • Friday July 31: Teddy Bear’s Picnic with Chuf at Chearsley village hall 10.30 to 12.30pm
  • Saturday August 8 – Sunday 16: Sculpture in The Garden at Turn End from 11 to 6pm Free entry
  • Sunday August 9: 12.30 to 4.30pm BBQ in aid of Hope for Children at The Old Bakery
  • Saturday September 5: Chearsley Fruit and Veg Show in the village hall
  • Sunday September 13: Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day 12 to 5pm in the Cricket Field, Winchendon Road
  • Monday September 21: Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall

Sunday 19 July 2015

Missing Dog - FOUND!


Have you see Ruby? - a miniature Dachshund/Shih Tzu cross.
Last seen at 9:15 on Saturday 18th July in the field behind Manor Farm by the gate to Church Lane.

If you see her, please call:
07525 195 207  or  07939 113 653  or  01844 201319

Friday 17 July 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Bucks Best Kept Village Competition
The results of this year’s competition have now been announced. Chearsley put in an entry for the Morris Cup (for villages with a population of 500 to 1500) which was won this year by Cuddington with Castlethorpe as runner-up. Chearsley had a good tidy up and looked good, but did not score enough points by the judges to be a winner. Cuddington also has the added honour of being selected for the Savills sponsored Community Award. The competition chairman, Richard Pushman commented that there was a record number of 57 entries this year.
Standards were high in all the competing villages. The judges were very impressed with the general upkeep and absence of litter . Almost all the entries displayed much evidence of good community spirit with numerous activities and community enterprise. Cuddington had a special mention by the chairman as being a worthy winner of the Community Award with particular reference to the Cuddington Picture House, an ambitious community project run by volunteers which has been a great success. Oving , although not a winner this year, was also congratulated for its new village hall, which has been a tremendous achievement for the village. The judges look for well kept open spaces, community facilities and evidence of community involvement.
We can only try again next year and in the meantime strive to keep the village as well kept and litter free as possible.

The Chearsley Cricket Club Junior Awards were recently held at the pavilion to celebrate another good season with 100 junior players registered including 30 girls. Head Coach, Dave Richards, praised all the youngsters who turn up regularly on Tuesday evenings for coaching sessions and thanked all his fellow coaches and other parents who make such a valuable contribution to the smooth running of the juniors section of the Cricket Club.
Awards were presented in the Under 11s for Best Batsman to Henry Wiltshire, for Best Bowler to Joe Littlewood for Most Improved Player to Joseph Grapes and for Best Newcomer to Jack Hawkin.
In the Under 9s, Best Batsman was Mungo Hytten, Best Bowler, Charlie Littlewood. The Girls, Emma Morris was Best Batter, Rowan Chantry was Best Bowler, Saskia Day was Most Improved Player and Tiffany Pettiford was Best Newcomer.
Head Coach awards went to Joe Littlewood and Harry Lazaruk and for the girls to Olivia Sawrey-Cookson and Alice Grapes.

Veterans County Match
Chearsley Cricket will be hosting a County Game at the club on Tuesday July 21 commencing at 1.30pm between Bucks and Middlesex Veterans. Come up and watch. The bar will be open and a BBQ afterwards.

Sculpture in the Gardens at Turn End Haddenham

80 pieces of sculpture from 15 different artists will be on view in the various garden rooms of 1 acre at Turn End, Haddenham from Saturday August 8 until Sunday August 16. Free entry from 11 – 6 daily. The sculptures will be available for sale and refreshments of teas and cakes will be available throughout the day.

It was a lovely evening for this latest village event fund-raising for the 3 new bells, already installed and ringing out each week. There are some photos of MeadowSong to be found at here.

Chuf Teddy Bears Picnic Friday July 31 10.30 to 12.30 - The children are now on holiday and would love to have a morning out at Chearsley village hall with Chuf for a teddy bear’s picnic. Entry is free for games, arts and crafts, music, stories and lots of fun with squash and biscuits available. There also be a bouncy castle with a charge of £1. Bring the family, bring a picnic and a blanket and the favourite teddy bear.

The Bell
Monthly Bingo evenings and Quiz Nights are not held during August, but will restart in September. Friday coffee and cake mornings are growing in popularity. Call in for coffee and home-made cake and a chat for £3.50 every Friday morning from 10 to 12pm.
Chase The Ace has not yet reached its climax on Friday evenings, with one more ace still to be found. Tickets can be bought throughout the week for £1 and on Friday night for £1.50 ready for the draw at 8pm. The Bell is then open all day Saturday and Sundays.
Check the Bell notice board for details of planned BBQS and other events. Sunday afternoons continue to have the Meat raffle at 3pm.

Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday July 26 Family Service at 10am

Diary Dates:
  • Sunday July 19 Benefice Service at 10am at St Mary's Church Long Crendon
  • Monday July 27 Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema showing of Arthur in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 1.30pm. Phone Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets 
  • Friday July 31 Teddy Bear’s Picnic with Chuf at Chearsley village hall 10.30 to 12.30pm
  • Saturday August 8 – Sunday 16 Sculpture in The Garden at Turn End from 11 to 6pm Free entry.
  • Saturday September 5 Chearsley Fruit and Veg Show in the village hall
  • Sunday September 13 Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day 12 to 5pm in the Cricket Field, Winchendon Road.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Village News

UPDATE: Please note that the Benefice Service to mark the retirement of John Wynburne at St Mary’s Church, Long Crendon on Sunday July 19th is at 10:00am.

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Cricket Club
The season has already been a very exciting one for the club despite the on field performance of the senior teams where there is room for improvement, but there are now over 100 juniors on the books (including 30 girls) which will help to build a much wider “talent pool” for the future. The Club has also entered into a new sponsorship agreement with Alcatel, the mobile phone manufacturers, which has enabled the Club to purchase a mobile practice net, which has been a wonderful addition to the midweek training sessions. The club also has a full range of “designer label” sportswear which can be viewed and purchased on the club website

Aunt Sally
A “Chearsley Cricketers” team play in Division 4 of the Bicester & District Aunt Sally League during the summer. “Aunt Sally” is a traditional pub game which is still played locally. League and cup matches are played on Wednesday evenings on a home and away basis at Chearsley Cricket Club ground. Spectators are welcome to come up to the Club house, where the bar is open. If you are interested in playing, please contact Adam Lazaruk on 07865 093154.

Classic Vintage Fun Day
Sunday September 13 Plans are well in hand for this major fund-raising event for Chearsley Cricket Club. Chief organiser Fred Crawford would be pleased to hear from anyone who can help beforehand or on the day. Phone Fred on 07739 915559. Full details of the day can be viewed by going to where there is an easy link to give details of a classic car you wish to show on the day.
If you would like to support the day by sponsorship, there is a personal sponsorship of £25 to include acknowledgement in the event programme. A Company sponsorship of £100 would include a full colour page advert in the event programme. Please contact John Howard on 07970 651326.

EasyFundraising for Chearsley Village Hall
My recent online purchase of a lawnmower from HomeBase has earned £1 for the new village hall! This might not sound like very much, but every little helps. I had previously registered at which generates free donations by around 3,000 retailers who will pay Chearsley village hall a percentage of your online spend – for free.
In brief, users of easyfundraising pay the usual price and the retailer makes the donation. It is very easy to register and you can agree to download a tool from the site which will remind you to donate, which is what happened with my recent purchase and another £1 goes towards £25 already raised for the new hall.

Parish Council Meeting - the July meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday July 20 at 7.30. Everyone is welcome to attend and voice any concerns or problems they may have during the open sessions at the beginning and end of the meeting. Minutes of June’s meeting are displayed on the noticeboard together with the agenda for July’s meeting.

Lighthouse in Thame
Mike Hill, the chairman of Lighthouse Thame, has put out an appeal to local vicars for volunteers to help with this year’s Lighthouse scheme which runs from Monday July 27 to Friday 31 at Thame Showground. Volunteers must be aged 17 or over and be part of their church congregation and recommended by the vicar. 910 children have registered for this year’s week, but unless more volunteers are found if not for the whole week for a couple of days, some children will be unable to attend. See the website for details of how to help and contact Linda Newton, in charge of helpers on 01844 260065.

Dementia Support
Bucks Age UK at Meadowcroft, Aylesbury, can provide support, and a listening ear for anyone who looks after someone with dementia. They offer the opportunity for carers to talk about their concerns and feelings in an impartial and non-judgemental environment with support, advice and information. If you think you, or someone you know would benefit from this service, please contact Yolande Smith on 01296 431911 or email

Diary Dates:
  • Sunday July 19 Benefice Service at 10.00 (not 10:30 as previously advertised!) at St Mary’s Church, Long Crendon to mark the retirement of John Wynburne. All are welcome. Please note that there are no other services on this day.
  • Monday July 20 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall
  • Monday July 27 Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema showing of Arthur in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 1.30pm. Phone Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets
  • Friday July 31 Teddy Bear’s Picnic with Chuf at Chearsley village hall 10.30 to 12.30pm
  • Saturday September 5 Chearsley Fruit and Veg Show in the village hall
  • Sunday September 13 Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day 12 to 5pm in the Cricket Field, Winchendon Road.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Midsummer Fete 2015
Congratulations to Angela Gray and her committee for organising another very successful village Fete. The weather could have been better, but it did not deter a very good turn out and resulted in almost £3,600 being raised. The Grand Draw raised over £1,100 with the bottle tombola and BBQ being the highest money raisers. Angela thanks everyone who contributed on the day and those who helped to plan the Fete.

Plant Stall at The Fete 
Rose and Laura Heybrook would like to thank all the green fingered villagers who so generously donated to the plant stall, providing a wonderful array of fruit bushes, shrubs, herbaceous, annual and vegetable plants in addition to posies, gardening equipment and books. More than £300 was raised and the few remaining plants have been donated to Cuddington Fete Plant stall on Saturday July 11.

Chearsley Cricket Club
The development of Chearsley Cricket Club reached an important milestone recently with the signing of a 50 year lease, securing its tenancy on its current home in Winchendon Road. The Club raised a glass to the Heybrook family, the owners of the cricket ground to express the Club’s sincere gratitude for all the support the family have given since the club was “reborn” in 1989. The granting of this long term lease gives the Club the opportunity to develop a cricket, sporting and leisure facility worthy of the 21st century for the benefit of the whole community of Chearsley village. The committee will now start detailed planning of an exciting future. The security of tenure will enable the club to apply for a wide range of grants to help develop the infrastructure of the club.

Farewell to John Wynburne, who has been vicar of Chearsley, Long Crendon and Nether Winchendon for 6 years is retiring at the end of August was unable to make the planned informal farewell gathering at The Bell recently. John’s last service will be held at Long Crendon Church on Sunday July 19 at 10.30am followed by refreshments in the church.

Charity Bike Ride for Bliss
Richard Tuxworth of Aylesbury Road will be riding in the 100 mile RideLondon cycling event in August, to raise money for Bliss. Richard and his wife Pam’s son, Ben, was born 13 weeks prematurely weighing only 2lb 2oz in January 2014 with very serious complications, but with good medical care at The John Radcliffe and Stoke Mandeville hospitals, Ben was able to come home in May 2014 and is now thriving and doing well.
Bliss provides vital support for parents who have to cope unexpectedly with premature and sick babies and funds research into the causes of prematurity. Donations to support Richard in his charity ride to help the work of Bliss can be made by visiting

The Bell will now be open all day Saturday and Sunday hopefully encouraging the sun to shine.

Chilton Road Closure - the road will be closed to through traffic from Monday July 20 for up to 6 weeks to enable a sewer servicing the housing development by Rectory Homes to be constructed.

Chearsley and Classic Vintage Fun Day Sunday September 13

The CCVFD website, with all details of what promises to be an even bigger and better day than last year, is now up and running. Some good photos of last year’s exhibits are on the website, including one of a very familiar, very local 2 and ½ litre black Riley, which should be on show again this year.
Anyone with a vintage or classic vehicle which they would like to display at this fantastic show in the grounds of Chearsley Cricket Club should go to the website to register, and give details. Anyone who would like to book a pitch for an auto jumble or for charity fundraising can do so via the website,or anyone who would like to place an advert in the programme. The planned programme for the day, which includes an RAF Spitfire flypast, can also be found here.

CHUF Teddy Bear Picnic
Chearsley and Haddenham Under Fives Pre-School invite everyone to join them for a teddy bear’s picnic and Fun Morning on Friday July 31 from 10.30 to 12.30pm at Chearsley Village Hall. Entry is free for games, arts and crafts, music, stories and lots of fun, squash and biscuits. There will be a bouncy castle with a charge of £1.
Please bring your own picnic, blanket, not forgetting the favourite teddy bear.

Mobile Library - this will next be in the village by The Green on Monday July 13 from 10 until 10.25am.

Cuddington Fete, which takes place in the streets around the shop and Bernard Hall, has the theme “Around The World” and will be opened by Matt Brown, children’s book writer and DJ for Heart FM, on Saturday July 11 at 2pm. Draw tickets for some good prizes are priced at £1 each and can be bought from Cuddington Village Shop.

Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema tickets are now on sale for Arthur, a comedy starring Dudley Moore, Liza Minelli and Sir John Gielgud which will be shown on Monday July 27 at 1.30pm (doors open at 1pm) at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington. Tickets cost £5 (£4 concession) which includes tea and cake during the interval can be obtained from Liz Davies on 01844 299150.
The film is 99 minutes long. Please park in the Playing Field car park at the end of Bernard Close. Drop off can be made outside the hall before going to park to leave space for disabled drivers to park near the hall.

Play Around The Parishes
AVDC and SureStart Centres are providing play, sports and arts activities for children from 1 to 11 around the villages during July and August. Chearsley is not a centre but there are days at Stone and Long Crendon when sessions have been arranged.
At the Sports Pavilion on the Playing fields in Long Crendon, sessions take place on Tuesday July 28 from 10 to 12; Tuesday August 11 from 10 to 12 and Monday August 24 from 10 to 12. At Stone, sessions take place in the Jubilee Pavilion in the War Memorial Park on Thursday August 6 from 2 to 4; Monday August 17 from 10 to 3 and Monday August 24 from 2 to 4.
There is no need to book, just turn up with your friends and family for some fun in the sun.

Diary Dates:
  • Saturday July 11 Cuddington Fete at 2pm
  • Monday July 13 Mobile library 10 to 10.25
  • Sunday July 19 Benefice Service at 10.30 at St Mary’s Church, Long Crendon to mark the retirement of John Wynburne. All are welcome. Please note that there are no other services on this day.
  • Monday July 20 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall
  • Monday July 27 Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema showing of Arthur in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 1.30pm.
  • Friday July 31 Teddy Bear’s Picnic with Chuf at Chearsley village hall 10.30 to 12.30pm
  • Saturday September 5 Chearsley Fruit and Veg Show in the village hall
  • Sunday September 13 Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day 12 to 5pm in the Cricket Field, Winchendon Road.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

John Wynburne’s Farewell

Unfortunately, John will be unable to attend his planned farewell appearance at The Bell this Friday, 3rd July.

However, there are two great opportunities to say goodbye and wish him well in his retirement – on 4th July at the Meadowsong concert in Chearsley, and at his last service in the Benefice, at St Mary’s Long Crendon, on Sunday 19th July at 10.00 am, followed by refreshments in the church.