with Margaret Morbey
Mobile Library – new time
This next visits The Bell car part on Monday 10th November. The time has changed. Please note that the van will be there from 1.10pm to 1.35.
Epilepsy Big Tea Break
Debbie Corpe and her mother, Joc raised the sum of £400 by selling tea, cakes, plants and holding a raffle at their event in aid of Epilepsy on Friday 17th October.
Chearsley Uncovered
There will be a launch party of a special Chearsley calendar in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice in memory of Jackie Brown at The Bell on Saturday, November 15th at 7.30. Come along and have fun to view it, enjoy a glass of bubbly and canapés and buy the calendar.
CHUF Christmas Shopping
Come to Chearsley Village Hall on Wednesday evening 12th November at 7.30 to support Chuf and do some early Christmas shopping for the whole family. Entry is £2 to include a glass of wine and seasonal refreshment. There will be a good selection of presents, stocking fillers, books, cards, jewellery, handbags, homemade preserves etc.
There will be fireworks when Chearsley Youth Club meets on Friday November 7th.
Thefts from cars
There have been a couple of car crimes reported in Chearsley during the Saturday night of October 25th. Both cars were unlocked and articles stolen. Be warned, that nowhere in the village, even quiet cul de sacs or your private drive, is safe from opportunity thieves.
Service of Remembrance
This will take place at the War Memorial on Sunday 9th November at 10.45
Parish Council Meeting, Monday October 27th
A few points from this meeting :
Public Session
The footpath sign into the Old Cricket Field needs attention and its position altered. Highways would be contacted.
Parking in the village was raised again, particularly the proposed scheme in School Lane and Dark Lane. Nic Brown, the chairman, again said that the committee was well aware of concerns and problems and they were looking at possible solutions.
Building work without planning consent to two properties was mentioned. It was agreed, after a heated discussion that the planning situation should be referred to AVDC.
It was noted that wheelie bins for garden rubbish would be available in the future.
The Shop and Tearooms
Janine reported that she felt more support from Chearsley villagers for the shop was needed to help make the much applauded venture viable.
Planning Matters
Prospect Cottage application had been turned down.
Permission had been granted for The Pightle
It was suggested that Graham Churchill of Churchill lorries be approached about the number of Churchill lorries coming through the village and not keeping to their designated routes.
Village Trust
The committee was disappointed to learn that the Village Trust had turned down the application for a grant to restore Stockwell.
Next Meeting
The Budget Meeting will be held on November 24th.
Next Committee meeting will be on 8th December
Friday, 31 October 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Stocking Fillers...
Available after Saturday 15th November from all good pubs and shops in the village.
Proceeds to The Florence Nightingale Hospice in memory of Jackie Brown.
More info from uncovered@chearsley.com
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Get Yourself Fit!

The Bucks & Milton Keynes Sports Partnership is coordinating an aquatics project to try to encourage adults to be more physically active and to improve their health through aquatic activities.
Activities such as aqua fit, aqua jogging and polo fit are a more sociable way to work out, making exercise a more enjoyable experience. There is also the opportunity to improve swimming technique with adult swim clinics, swimming lessons and swim fit sessions. All sessions are instructor led to help you get the most out of your time in the water.
Water based activities are low impact by nature, so lend themselves well to those who are less mobile or rehabilitating from an injury whilst still offering a good cardiovascular workout.
"Make a Splash" activities have already been established at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, Aqua Vale and The Chiltern Pools, with plans to develop many more activities in pools across the county very shortly.
More info here on Learning To Swim and Fitness Classes at Aylesbury's Aqua Vale - but probably nearer for us over the border in Oxfordshire (not part of this project) is the Thame Leisure Centre.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
More Tales of Caution!
It seems that Andy was not alone, with at least two other cars - both apparently unlocked - having been rifled in recent days here in Chearsley.
Our neighbours in Nether Winchendon have fared worse, with two** vehicles being physically broken into over the last week.
The message is clear: DON'T leave your car unlocked and DON'T leave valuables in it! Quiet cul-de-sacs and parking in your drive are no protection against the opportunist thief.
For Neighbourhood Watch updates, and to subscribe to email alerts, visit the Chearsley NW site now!
** Updated - apparently three vehicles in Nether Winchendon.
Our neighbours in Nether Winchendon have fared worse, with two** vehicles being physically broken into over the last week.
The message is clear: DON'T leave your car unlocked and DON'T leave valuables in it! Quiet cul-de-sacs and parking in your drive are no protection against the opportunist thief.
For Neighbourhood Watch updates, and to subscribe to email alerts, visit the Chearsley NW site now!
** Updated - apparently three vehicles in Nether Winchendon.
Monday, 27 October 2008
A Cautionary Tale
from Andy Yorke, our Motoring Correspondent
Last Saturday, 25th October, I forgot to lock my car after a shopping trip, but my car was parked on our drive at South Mead, Bernards Close. Somewhere between midnight and 6.00am on Sunday morning, someone entered my car and stole my Snooper 4 speed warning device which is fitted to the windscreen - much like a satellite navigation system. Nothing else was take but the interior, including the boot, were well and truly turned over to see if there was anything else of value. The upsetting thing is that I am sure we have all forgotten to lock our cars at one time or another but always felt safe in the knowledge this sort of thing doesn’t happen in our village - especially if, like us, the car is on your driveway at the end of a hidden cul-de-sac.
Please, if anyone offers to sell you such a device, contact Thame Police and make sure you don’t make the same mistake as me!
Last Saturday, 25th October, I forgot to lock my car after a shopping trip, but my car was parked on our drive at South Mead, Bernards Close. Somewhere between midnight and 6.00am on Sunday morning, someone entered my car and stole my Snooper 4 speed warning device which is fitted to the windscreen - much like a satellite navigation system. Nothing else was take but the interior, including the boot, were well and truly turned over to see if there was anything else of value. The upsetting thing is that I am sure we have all forgotten to lock our cars at one time or another but always felt safe in the knowledge this sort of thing doesn’t happen in our village - especially if, like us, the car is on your driveway at the end of a hidden cul-de-sac.
Please, if anyone offers to sell you such a device, contact Thame Police and make sure you don’t make the same mistake as me!
Friday, 24 October 2008
No 'Trick or Treat'

The posters can be downloaded and printed off and then displayed in windows or doors of homes. The posters ask trick or treat callers not to visit.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Parish Council Meeting
A reminder that the next Parish Council meeting takes place on Monday October 27th at 7.30pm in the village hall. Do come along to have your say and hear what is happening in your village
Mobile Library
This next visits the village at The Bell Car Park on Monday October 27th from 10.35 until 11.05am
Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner
This takes place at The Spread Eagle Hotel in Thame, this Saturday, 24th October. Tickets are £30 each. See here or the advert in the tea rooms for more details.
Local community groups in Chearsley
Did you know that bucksinfo.net is an online directory of community groups, voluntary organisations, clubs, societies and service providers that benefit communities in Bucks? Contact them if you would like information of your club included on the website for free.
Christmas in Chearsley
Details about Christmas meals at The Bell are now available, and be sure to call in at Chearsley Village Stores and Tearooms to see what Christmas merchandise is now on sale.
Parish Council Meeting
A reminder that the next Parish Council meeting takes place on Monday October 27th at 7.30pm in the village hall. Do come along to have your say and hear what is happening in your village
Mobile Library
This next visits the village at The Bell Car Park on Monday October 27th from 10.35 until 11.05am
Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner
This takes place at The Spread Eagle Hotel in Thame, this Saturday, 24th October. Tickets are £30 each. See here or the advert in the tea rooms for more details.
Local community groups in Chearsley
Did you know that bucksinfo.net is an online directory of community groups, voluntary organisations, clubs, societies and service providers that benefit communities in Bucks? Contact them if you would like information of your club included on the website for free.

Details about Christmas meals at The Bell are now available, and be sure to call in at Chearsley Village Stores and Tearooms to see what Christmas merchandise is now on sale.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Barn Dance
It is proposed to hold a Barn Dance on the Village Green on Saturday 27th June 2009, preceded by a variety of attractions and entertainments for children, to make this a family day out, culminating in a fun Barn Dance with a meal available. Make a note of this date. If you are interested in helping or have ideas to offer, please contact Claire Lazaruk.
Money from the Fete
It was decided at the meeting on Monday 6th October to divide the £1,500, kept back for a separate village amenity, between the Church, the Village Hall and the Village Trust.
Short Mat Bowls
This has now started again on Friday evenings at the village hall, beginning at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.
Tuesday, October 21st is the next monthly occasion when glass, paper, plastics and cans are collected.
Barn Dance
It is proposed to hold a Barn Dance on the Village Green on Saturday 27th June 2009, preceded by a variety of attractions and entertainments for children, to make this a family day out, culminating in a fun Barn Dance with a meal available. Make a note of this date. If you are interested in helping or have ideas to offer, please contact Claire Lazaruk.
Money from the Fete
It was decided at the meeting on Monday 6th October to divide the £1,500, kept back for a separate village amenity, between the Church, the Village Hall and the Village Trust.
Short Mat Bowls
This has now started again on Friday evenings at the village hall, beginning at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.
Tuesday, October 21st is the next monthly occasion when glass, paper, plastics and cans are collected.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
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