Thursday 30 April 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Aylesbury Vale Village Pub competition 2009
Have you nominated The Bell for an award in this competition? Forms are available in The Bell.
Chearsley is fortunate to still have a pub as an important part of our amenities, whether you use it regularly or just now and again. We often read in the press of how many pubs are closing. So why not use this competition as a way of supporting The Bell? Come and have a meal or just a drink, pick up a form and send it off.

Fenella Tillier
Fenella of School Lane was recently interviewed on BBC Oxford, talking about her Great Uncle Charles Phipps, who died in the Battle of Fromelles during the First World War in 1916. He was 20 and died alongside many other members of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

Flora London Marathon
Chearsley was represented by Anna Taylor of Watts Green, who took part in the London Marathon last week, completing it in a very good time. Congratulations to Anna.

Mobile Library
This will next be in The Bell car park on Monday May llth from 1.10 to 1.35pm

Mamma Mia at Cuddington
Tickets are on sale for a Mamma Mia Sing-a-long on Saturday 9th May at 7pm at Bernard Hall, Cuddington. Prices are £6.00 for adults, and £1 reduction for advanced booking. Refreshments will be available. Phone 01296 651850 for more information. Proceeds are for Cuddington Youth Drama.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Race for Life 2009

Julie has asked me to remind all you girls that the Chearsley Chix will rise phoenix-like for a reprisal of last year's effort.
Same Time...
Same Day...
Same Tree...

Chearsley Youth Club

There will be no Youth Club on Friday 1st May.

Due to current work commitments, it has not been possible for anyone to help until 7pm. If anyone is interested in helping out for just 2 hours on the first Friday of each month between 6:15 and 8:15pm, it will help to keep the Youth Club going.

Please contact Gilly on 202469, or Paul on 202202 for further details.

Friday 24 April 2009

Chearsley Parish Council - Site Meeting

Saturday, April 25th 2009 at 10:00am

Dark Lane, Chearsley


Thursday 23 April 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Annual Parish Meeting

This was held on Monday April 20th in Chearsley Village Hall with a fairly poor attendance from Chearsley residents, which possibly indicates that our present Parish council are doing a good job, with nobody raising complaints.

Nic Brown, the chairman, reported on the latest stage of kerbing to preserve the banks from erosion by lorries. The possibility of having smaller kerbstones was raised as being more suitable and will be put to AVDC for future kerbing work.

Future plans are in hand for the footpath across The Green, and for new benches once the footpath is done. The council will look into the possibility of replacing the phone box with an original red one; having a webcam; holding a Barn Dance, pig roast and children’s tea in the summer , a Christmas tree on The Green, introducing a poopascoop scheme, mending the sand bins – all things to improve and tidy up Chearsley. Nic and The Council welcome ideas and comments. A regular Newsletter is still very much in the pipeline for the future.

Some other matters arising :

Millenium Field
This has recently been improved and levelled, by the Cricket Club and will be maintained by the Parish Council in future, to make it a more viable field for ball games.

Village Shop and Tearooms
Janine reported that although she was pleased with the success of the tearooms, attracting all ages, she was disappointed by the lack of support for the shop, particularly after the enthusiastic welcome it had been given almost a year ago. It was emphasised by the meeting that it was a case of “use it or lose it”.

Neighbourhood Watch
The village continues to be well served and kept informed by Ringmaster messages and is mainly a “quiet” village, and benefiting from the PCSOs who are regularly seen in Chearsley.

Stockwell Project
A builder is being sought for the work needed to be done to the well. Clearing of undergrowth to encourage flora and fauna will take place in October.

Cricket Club
This is now up and running again after the flood damage earlier in the year with a thriving junior section on Tuesdays from 6 – 7.30, when new members are always welcome.
Matches take place most weekends, when the Clubhouse facilities are open to all Chearsley villagers.

Car Service
Jock Scholefield reported on another successful year in which 9 participants had been taken on 60 visits to hospitals and Drs. etc by the 11 volunteer drivers.

Village Trust
This had given awards to 10 organizations, amounting to £835.

Village Hall
There is an attractive new willow structure in the grounds and children’s games have been painted on the car park, all funded by Chuf. Following a health and safety inspection, it was reported that the kitchen needs to be updated and improved and the Village Hall committee will look into the possibility of redecorating the rest of the Hall and having a new heating system.

Refuse collection
Monday 4th May is a Bank Holiday, which means the rubbish will be collected on Wednesday, 6th. There will also be a collection of glass, plastics and paper on this day. Remember to put them out the night before to ensure they are collected.

St Nicholas Church
Rosemary Wallis

On Sunday, 19th April, Rosemary Wallis retired as a Churchwarden after 30 years of devoted service. A small ceremony at Chearsley Church marked the occasion at which she received flowers and gifts to a standing ovation. Rosemary and her late husband, Don, came to the village in the 1950s and both immediately immersed themselves in village life. Don served as chairman of the Parish Council for many years. Everyone in Chearsley knows Rosemary, who intends to remain active in church and village affairs.

New Vicar
After a year without a vicar, The Rev. John Wynburne takes over the Benefice of Long Crendon with Chearsley and Nether Winchendon at a ceremony at St. Mary’s Long Crendon on 5th May. All who worship in the three parishes eagerly look forward to the arrival of our new vicar and his wife Anna, who will be living in The Vicarage, Long Crendon.

Gary at The Bell
Best wishes go to Gary who has been in hospital in Oxford for the past 2 weeks, where he is making a slow recovery. Gary has been pulling pints at The Bell since Ollie and Sharon Babington became the new Landlords and his presence is greatly missed.

Theatre Royal Windsor
Eric Carte is appearing in The Grass is Greener, a classic comedy by Hugh and Margaret Williams, at Windsor. Performances end on Saturday 2nd May. Phone the box office on 01753 853888 for more information and to book tickets. I understand that later in the year, the show will go on tour round England, with Eric.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Show
Our annual village fruit and vegetable and craft show will take place on Saturday, September 5th in Chearsley Village Hall. Keep this date in mind for joining in the fun and maintaining this village event by sowing now. All those tending allotments should be well placed to be able to put in some entries. Schedules will be available shortly.

Race For Life
This year, for the first time, Ann Hooton of Elmbrook Close and who is a past correspondent of the Chearsley village column in this paper, it taking part in the Race for Life at Waddesdon on 10th May. She says “most people have been touched by cancer in some way, whether it is friends or family and this is my attempt to help support research to cure the disease”. Ann aims not to come last and would welcome sponsors. Donations can be made online at or in person.

Mobile Library
This will be next in The Bell car park on Monday, 27th April from 1.10 to 1.35pm.

Best wishes for a full recovery go to Maggie Cragg, ex- teacher at Chearsley and Cuddington schools and John Daishe after their time in hospital.

(Apologies for the late posting of this edition of the Village News - Leif.)

Thursday 9 April 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Annual Parish Council Meeting
This will take place on Monday April 20th in the Village Hall. There will be posters on the notice board with more information, including the time the meeting starts. If you are interested in what your Parish Council is doing for your Village,and what is proposed for the future, then come along and find out.

Florence Nightingale Hospice
A cheque for £7,000 was handed over to a Florence Nightingale representative in The Bell on Friday 27th March. This was made up by the sale of Chearsley Uncovered Calendars which raised over £5,600, the proceeds of a collecting bottle on the bar of The Bell amounting to about £1,100, and a very generous donation from a Chearsley lady for the balance. A very creditable achievement by everyone concerned.

Chearsley Tea Rooms
A summertime menu is now being offered at our own Tea Rooms. Come and try it out, sit outside and watch the bustle of Chearsley. The shop and tearooms are also open for longer hours at the weekend . Saturday 8 until 3pm and Sunday 9 until 3 pm.

St George’s Day, April 23rd
The Bell is celebrating St. George’s Day on Thursday 23rd April, when a traditional English evening meal is on the menu. Places must be booked.

Pumpkin Competition
Pumpkin seeds can now be bought from The Bell - 5 seeds for £1.00 - to enable you to enter this prestigious competition for judging in October.

Saturday 4 April 2009

Community Safety Team Message

Hello All,

As part of Buckinghamshire's Community Safety Agenda, we have the obligation to meet a Local Area Agreement target regarding Serious Acquisitive Crime (SAC).
SAC is broken down into 4 crime types: Burglary Dwelling, Robbery, Theft of Vehicle and Theft from Vehicle.
The SAC publicity group have broken this down into calendar months so crime prevention information can be sent every month.
For April, we have decided to focus on vehicle crime in beauty spot areas and you can download the Home Office leaflet here (pdf).

Hannah Maher
Community Safety Officer - LAA
Buckinghamshire County Council
01296 387168