with Margaret Morbey
Congratulations to Leif and Petra of The Green on the birth of their second son, Torleiv, on the 21st February, a brother for Mungo. The best of days for a birthday!
Cricket Club Teas
Would you like to do the Teas for Chearsley Cricket Club this season? They need one or more persons over the age of 16 to commit 2 hours ( 3 – 5pm) each Saturday afternoon from May 7th until September 3rd. Please phone Steve Vear on 201347 for more information.
Bar Staff
The Club are also looking for bar staff who must be over 18 years old. Again, please contact Steve Vear on 201347.
Cricket Club Pavilion
The newly refurbished pavilion is now available to book for groups, clubs, parties, etc. Bar available on request. Please contact Louisa Gadsby on 07738220842 or email louisagadsby@hotmail.co.uk.
Jumble Sale
There will be a Jumble Sale in the Village Hall on Saturday April 9th – time to be announced - in aid of refurbishment of the Village Hall. Offers of help and donations of clothing, toys, bric-a-brac would be much appreciated. Please phone me, Margaret Morbey on 208913 or email margmorb@mail.com.
Collection of baskets for paper, cans and plastics as well as the boxes for glass will next take place on Tuesday 8th March.
Long Crendon Day Centre
Would be you be able to be a volunteer to help at the Day Centre in Long Crendon? Drivers and carers are much needed to help out. The Centre is open 2 days a week from 9.30am until 3.15pm, Tuesdays and Fridays. There are presently spaces for any elderly person who would like to attend. Please contact Andrea Camden on 208508 for more information.
Frydays at The Bell
The Bell currently has a fish and chip deal on Friday evenings – 2 fish, chips and peas plus bottle of wine for £25.00.
Thursday 24 February 2011
Wednesday 23 February 2011
Community Message
This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Tuesday 22 February 2011.
A burglary has been reported on Clifden Road, Worminghall, between 12:05 and 12:45pm on Friday 18 February. Offenders forced entry via the rear door and then stole a laptop computer, jewellery and cash from inside.
Officers would like to hear from anyone that might have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area between the times given. If you have any information please call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505 and state that you are responding to this message.
Alternatively if you do not wish to give your details you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
A burglary has been reported on Clifden Road, Worminghall, between 12:05 and 12:45pm on Friday 18 February. Offenders forced entry via the rear door and then stole a laptop computer, jewellery and cash from inside.
Officers would like to hear from anyone that might have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area between the times given. If you have any information please call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505 and state that you are responding to this message.
Alternatively if you do not wish to give your details you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Thursday 17 February 2011
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Bingo at The Bell
The next Eyes Down will be on Tuesday 1st March, aiming to start at 8.30pm. It is advisable to arrive early to get a table. A meal costing £6.99 is available for Bingo players.
Rugby on TV at The Bell
The Bell will be open all day on Saturday 26th February when the England v France match with kick off at 5.00pm will be shown. Bacon baps and chips will be available at half time. It is planned to show other England matches against Scotland and Ireland.
Mobile Library
This is next in the village on Monday 28th February from 12.20 to 12.45pm
Parish Council
This met in the Village Hall on Monday February 14th under the chairmanship of Nic Brown with several members of the public attending. Some of the matters discussed :
Grit bins – these had now been satisfactorily repaired and several new ones positioned at strategic points. In order for the bins to be refilled as necessary, cars should not be parked to obscure them, neither should the grit be used for private driveways.
Potholes in Dark Lane – the bad state of this lane and other highway matters of maintenance and long term planning in the village will be discussed with Dave Smith of Highways, AVDC at a meeting with the Parish Council in the near future.
Royal Wedding Party – it was agreed to have further discussions about the actual date of this.
Difficulty of access past parked cars in Watts Green – Nic Brown agreed to visit and discuss this problem with residents in this area.
Planning Matters - Planning permission was approved at High Bank, Dark Lane.
Traffic Calming – data collected from the strips on three approach roads into the village showed that 85% of traffic was over the speed limit and Chearsley would qualify for some sort of traffic calming, which could now be looked into and a grant applied for.
Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge – more details about this which aims to protect outdoor recreational sites, will be sought.
Benches – the ones for The Green had now been made and delivered and would soon be erected. Two small tables and seats had been purchased from the shop; one to be placed near the phone box and one by Stockwell in Church Lane.
Poppy Party – it is hoped Chearsley will participate in celebrating 90 years of The Royal British Legion in June.
Trees on The Green – tree surgeons to be asked for advice about pollarding these and other trees in the village.
Bonfires on land between the Aylesbury and Winchendon Roads. – as a result of complaints about these, AVDC have asked for reports of any future bonfires in this location by ringing a freephone number 0800 807 060.
Path across The Green. – 1 quote for £3,000 has been received. More quotes will be sought and a possible grant investigated.
Delegated Responsibilities – Derek Allen will be responsible for the maintenance of Stockwell and Peter Grimsdell for footpaths.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday March 14th in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
Bingo at The Bell
The next Eyes Down will be on Tuesday 1st March, aiming to start at 8.30pm. It is advisable to arrive early to get a table. A meal costing £6.99 is available for Bingo players.
Rugby on TV at The Bell
The Bell will be open all day on Saturday 26th February when the England v France match with kick off at 5.00pm will be shown. Bacon baps and chips will be available at half time. It is planned to show other England matches against Scotland and Ireland.
Mobile Library
This is next in the village on Monday 28th February from 12.20 to 12.45pm
Parish Council
This met in the Village Hall on Monday February 14th under the chairmanship of Nic Brown with several members of the public attending. Some of the matters discussed :
Grit bins – these had now been satisfactorily repaired and several new ones positioned at strategic points. In order for the bins to be refilled as necessary, cars should not be parked to obscure them, neither should the grit be used for private driveways.
Potholes in Dark Lane – the bad state of this lane and other highway matters of maintenance and long term planning in the village will be discussed with Dave Smith of Highways, AVDC at a meeting with the Parish Council in the near future.
Royal Wedding Party – it was agreed to have further discussions about the actual date of this.
Difficulty of access past parked cars in Watts Green – Nic Brown agreed to visit and discuss this problem with residents in this area.
Planning Matters - Planning permission was approved at High Bank, Dark Lane.
Traffic Calming – data collected from the strips on three approach roads into the village showed that 85% of traffic was over the speed limit and Chearsley would qualify for some sort of traffic calming, which could now be looked into and a grant applied for.
Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge – more details about this which aims to protect outdoor recreational sites, will be sought.
Benches – the ones for The Green had now been made and delivered and would soon be erected. Two small tables and seats had been purchased from the shop; one to be placed near the phone box and one by Stockwell in Church Lane.
Poppy Party – it is hoped Chearsley will participate in celebrating 90 years of The Royal British Legion in June.
Trees on The Green – tree surgeons to be asked for advice about pollarding these and other trees in the village.
Bonfires on land between the Aylesbury and Winchendon Roads. – as a result of complaints about these, AVDC have asked for reports of any future bonfires in this location by ringing a freephone number 0800 807 060.
Path across The Green. – 1 quote for £3,000 has been received. More quotes will be sought and a possible grant investigated.
Delegated Responsibilities – Derek Allen will be responsible for the maintenance of Stockwell and Peter Grimsdell for footpaths.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday March 14th in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
Tuesday 15 February 2011
Neighbourhood Police Team: February Newsletter
The February 2011 Newsletter can be downloaded from the Haddenham area web-page.
Thursday 10 February 2011
Community Message
Thames Valley Police are urging residents to be vigilant after two distraction burglaries were reported to police in Aylesbury Vale over the past 24 hours.
Each time a different method of distraction was used on elderly victims and police are reminding people not to let any strangers in unless they have a prearranged appointment and have the correct identification.
Aylesbury Vale Crime Reduction Advisor, Kama Wager, said: "There is no reason why a stranger should ever come into your home. All agencies or utility companies should make an appointment and carry identification.
"I would urge anyone with elderly or vulnerable relatives, neighbours or carers to check their home security and alert them to the dangers of opening the door to a stranger".
It is a good idea to have a chain or security bar on the front door, but it is still difficult to say 'no' to someone who is trying to get into your home. Many people are persuaded to take the chain off and let offenders in.
"Distraction burglars prey on the elderly and vulnerable. If you see people calling at houses and are suspicious of their intentions, I would urge you to contact police immediately, giving any details you can, for example, number plates and details of any suspicious vehicles, descriptions of suspicious people. Any piece of information, however small could help the police catch the offenders".
There are some simple rules to follow which will keep you much safer:
If you are worried about your security, contact your local crime reduction office via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505. Anyone with information about these incidents is urged to contact Aylesbury police station, via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505. If you don't want to talk to police and don't want to leave your name call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.
Each time a different method of distraction was used on elderly victims and police are reminding people not to let any strangers in unless they have a prearranged appointment and have the correct identification.
Aylesbury Vale Crime Reduction Advisor, Kama Wager, said: "There is no reason why a stranger should ever come into your home. All agencies or utility companies should make an appointment and carry identification.
"I would urge anyone with elderly or vulnerable relatives, neighbours or carers to check their home security and alert them to the dangers of opening the door to a stranger".
It is a good idea to have a chain or security bar on the front door, but it is still difficult to say 'no' to someone who is trying to get into your home. Many people are persuaded to take the chain off and let offenders in.
"Distraction burglars prey on the elderly and vulnerable. If you see people calling at houses and are suspicious of their intentions, I would urge you to contact police immediately, giving any details you can, for example, number plates and details of any suspicious vehicles, descriptions of suspicious people. Any piece of information, however small could help the police catch the offenders".
There are some simple rules to follow which will keep you much safer:
- Never open your door to a stranger. If someone comes to your door, use your intercom system, or shout through the door to see who is there.
- If the person is not expected, do not open your door. Tell them to make an appointment. If they say there is an emergency, check with the police.
- If the person is expected, put the chain on and then check ID if you are able to. If you do not have a chain, ask for ID to be put through the letterbox.
- Some offenders will not bother to 'trick' their way in if they find an insecure window or door. Make sure all your windows and doors can be easily locked and are locked whenever you leave the room. Padlock your side gate.
- If you are elderly and need any work done in your home or garden it is advisable to contact Age Concern to ask for advice. There are many 'bogus callers' who are offering to do work for people and it is difficult to check whether they are genuine.
If you are worried about your security, contact your local crime reduction office via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505. Anyone with information about these incidents is urged to contact Aylesbury police station, via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505. If you don't want to talk to police and don't want to leave your name call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Flowers in Chearsley Church
We are being invited to sponsor the flowers for one Sunday in St Nicholas Church as a way of marking a particular occasion or date special to us and as a way of supporting and being part of our charming Church. It can be to mark any special occasion, or just as a gift to the church, in memory of a loved one who has died, on the anniversary of a death, to celebrate the birth of a child, a wedding anniversary, a special birthday or as a token of thanksgiving to God for a particular blessing. Please contact Joy Payne at 1 Bernards Close Chearsley. Telephone Number 208513, or email joychearsley@talktalk.net for more information.
Baskets for paper, cans and plastics will next be collected on February 22nd.
Pub Lunch
Have you booked your place and ordered your meal for the next Pub Meal at The Bell on Wednesday 23rd February? If not, please contact Ann Hooton on 208306.
W.I. French Evening
A successful French evening was held on January 29th in the Village Hall when 64 guests enjoyed a French meal, par excellence, cooked by the ladies of Chearsley W.I. Great amusement and fun was provided by very local entertainers, involving can-can dancing dolls, poetry reading and singing. The W.I. would like to thank everyone who participated and helped.
Bridge Club
Aylesbury Aces Bridge Club is a small friendly, relatively new club and would like to hear from anyone who may be new to the area and would like to take up bridge again. The Club meets at Sivatech Training Centre at Gatehouse Close, Aylesbury on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Players of all abilities are welcome and as a host system is played, everyone is assured of a game whether or not accompanied by a partner. Please phone Gill on 07725 338967, email Gloria at gloria.wren@sky.com or visit their website at http://www.aylesburyaces.com
Proud Grandparents
Sue and Peter Grimsdell are very proud to have become first time Grandparents. Holly Rose, a daughter for their son John and wife Heidi, was born on Sunday, February 6th. Congratulations to all the Grimsdell family.
Short Mat Bowls
This takes place in Chearsley Village Hall on most Friday evenings from 7.15pm. More members are needed to keep the group continuing. Everyone of all ages is welcome. Why not come up one evening and give it a try. It is a friendly, informal group. Please contact Keith and Beryl Wright on 208607 for more information.
Flowers in Chearsley Church
We are being invited to sponsor the flowers for one Sunday in St Nicholas Church as a way of marking a particular occasion or date special to us and as a way of supporting and being part of our charming Church. It can be to mark any special occasion, or just as a gift to the church, in memory of a loved one who has died, on the anniversary of a death, to celebrate the birth of a child, a wedding anniversary, a special birthday or as a token of thanksgiving to God for a particular blessing. Please contact Joy Payne at 1 Bernards Close Chearsley. Telephone Number 208513, or email joychearsley@talktalk.net for more information.
Baskets for paper, cans and plastics will next be collected on February 22nd.
Pub Lunch
Have you booked your place and ordered your meal for the next Pub Meal at The Bell on Wednesday 23rd February? If not, please contact Ann Hooton on 208306.
W.I. French Evening
A successful French evening was held on January 29th in the Village Hall when 64 guests enjoyed a French meal, par excellence, cooked by the ladies of Chearsley W.I. Great amusement and fun was provided by very local entertainers, involving can-can dancing dolls, poetry reading and singing. The W.I. would like to thank everyone who participated and helped.
Bridge Club
Aylesbury Aces Bridge Club is a small friendly, relatively new club and would like to hear from anyone who may be new to the area and would like to take up bridge again. The Club meets at Sivatech Training Centre at Gatehouse Close, Aylesbury on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Players of all abilities are welcome and as a host system is played, everyone is assured of a game whether or not accompanied by a partner. Please phone Gill on 07725 338967, email Gloria at gloria.wren@sky.com or visit their website at http://www.aylesburyaces.com
Proud Grandparents
Sue and Peter Grimsdell are very proud to have become first time Grandparents. Holly Rose, a daughter for their son John and wife Heidi, was born on Sunday, February 6th. Congratulations to all the Grimsdell family.
Short Mat Bowls
This takes place in Chearsley Village Hall on most Friday evenings from 7.15pm. More members are needed to keep the group continuing. Everyone of all ages is welcome. Why not come up one evening and give it a try. It is a friendly, informal group. Please contact Keith and Beryl Wright on 208607 for more information.
Thursday 3 February 2011
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Mobile Library
This next visits Chearsley at The Green on Monday 14th February from 12.20 to 12.45pm.
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 14th February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Come and put forward any points you may wish to raise with your Parish Council and hear what is being planned for your village.
February 14th Celebration at The Bell
Why not support your local pub and save yourself the bother of driving or expense of a taxi by booking a table at The Bell for Valentine’s evening? They are offering "2 Dine with Wine" for £25.00 which includes a bottle of wine with meal for 2. Please ring them on 208077 to reserve your table.
A General Knowledge quiz is being held in Chearsley Village Hall on Saturday 26th February at 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Proceeds are in support of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. Tickets cost £5.00. Please ring 01296 429975 to book your place.
Mobile Library
This next visits Chearsley at The Green on Monday 14th February from 12.20 to 12.45pm.
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 14th February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Come and put forward any points you may wish to raise with your Parish Council and hear what is being planned for your village.
February 14th Celebration at The Bell
Why not support your local pub and save yourself the bother of driving or expense of a taxi by booking a table at The Bell for Valentine’s evening? They are offering "2 Dine with Wine" for £25.00 which includes a bottle of wine with meal for 2. Please ring them on 208077 to reserve your table.
A General Knowledge quiz is being held in Chearsley Village Hall on Saturday 26th February at 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Proceeds are in support of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. Tickets cost £5.00. Please ring 01296 429975 to book your place.
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