Friday 26 September 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Village Hall Open Meeting Monday September 22 – this was attended by about 40 villagers. A more detailed account of the evening will be available shortly. The meeting was told that for facilities at the hall to be improved, a new building on the present site would be the practical and sensible route to take. 2 Concept designs had been drawn up as an initial idea of what could be built and a show of hands favoured Layout 2 with an approximate size of 275sq.metres. The next step will be for consultations to take place with AVDC by PCMS, the architects and project management firm appointed by the Village Hall Management committee, regarding detailed planning, and a further public meeting will be called in due course.

Flower Festival

For 3 days a marvellous display of various flower arrangements with bells as the theme was put on in St Nicholas church. The Festival attracted many admiring visitors, from the village, and further afield and some just passing through who detoured to visit the church. They were treated to some lovely displays – Mary, Mary Quite Contrary by Chuf children, flowers celebrating the ringing in of the New Year , one with poppies celebrating W.W. I and one especially for the six o’clock Pub goers (Alicia and John Howard’s handiwork), all accompanied with a varied menu of appropriate music. £640 in donations was raised for The 3 new Bells Fund. The Flower festival was organised by Joy Payne and a team of talented Chearsley flower ladies, who spent a lot of time and effort in planning and then creating the arrangements.

Matilda – Matilda was a very familiar sight and favourite to visit by many families over the past 30 or more years. She was a donkey belonging to the Edmonds family of Lower Green Farm and was thought to be about 42 years old. Sadly, she has had to be put down and is now very much missed by Michael, Yvonne and family, having become “part of the furniture”. I am sure she will also be missed by many Chearsley villagers of all ages.

Congratulations to Janine and Kevin on their engagement who are planning their wedding for next August 2015 with celebrations in the village hall. Chearsley has Janine to thank for coming into the village and buying the house with the shop which had at that time been closed for a year or more. She opened up the shop and extended it to become a tearoom. Now, it is rented out to Jay and Suki. Good luck to Jay and Kevin and all the best for your forthcoming wedding.

Car Break Ins - On the night of September 20 2 cars in Chilton Road were broken into. One car which was not locked had nothing taken, just a rummage around. A neighbour lost a sat. nav. and a drill. It is thought they were probably opportunists, as other cars in the drive were not touched and nothing was damaged. It is however a reminder to take valuables out of cars, keep them locked and to always be on the alert for strangers creeping around the village at night.

Morgan & West - Parlour Tricks. Tickets are still available for this show which is part of the Theatre in the Villages programme. The performance will be held on Saturday October 4 at 7.30pm in Chearsley Village Hall. It is a show of magic, mystery, illusion and impossibility, fit for children 7 and over and grown-ups alike. Morgan & West have recently appeared again in the Edinburgh Fringe festival with their show – “these impressively dressed gentlemen will deliver incredible tricks with flair and style ... there is a lot of audience participation ... capable of making even the ordinary seem extraordinary and able to perform tricks and acts of misdirection with charm and humour ... not simply an everyday magic show”. Tickets are available from me, on 01844 208913 or Tony Fleetwood on 01844 201176. Adult ticket is £12; children £10 and family ticket of 2 adults and 2 children £40. There will be a bar and refreshments and FUN!

Diary Dates:
  • Friday October 3 - Coffee and Cake at The Bell 10.00am until 12.00pm. Open for everyone to call in.
  • Saturday October 4 - Theatre in the Villages performance by Morgan & West “Top Victorian Magicians” in the village hall at 7.30pm.A show of illusion, magic and mystery, suitable for all the family. Come early and have a drink at the bar. Contact Margaret Morbey 208913 for tickets.
  • Sunday October 5 - 10.00am Family Communion at St Nicholas church with Junior Church and Rock Solid
  • Monday October 6 - The Mobile Library will be in The Bell car park from 10.00am until 10.25am.
  • Tuesday October 7 - Bingo in The Bell. Eyes down at 8.30pm
  • Wednesday October 8 – Pub Lunch of roast chicken and pudding. 12.30pm in The Bell. Phone Margaret on 208913 if you would like to come.
  • Sunday October 12 - Sunday Quiz in The Bell at 8.00pm

Wednesday 24 September 2014

For One Night Only...

Click for leaflet
Time travelling magic duo Morgan & West present a brand new show chock full of jaw dropping, brain busting, gasp eliciting feats of magic and mystery. The dashing chaps offer up a plateful of illusion and impossibility, all served with wit, charm and no small amount of panache. (Suitable for 7+ years.)

Saturday October 4th at 7:30pm in the Village Hall
~ Bar and Refreshments available ~
Tickets: Adults £12; Children £10; Family of 2+2: £40 
Available from:
Margaret Morbey on 01844 208913 or Tony Fleetwood on 01844 201176

Click the image above or here for the leaflet.

Monday 22 September 2014

New Media Star.....

Go to this link …the Nick Coffer Show last Thursday afternoon on BBC Three Counties radio

Someone you know quite well follows the Ann Widdecombe interview and James Blunt – one of the final items on the show about 2 hours 47 minutes into the three hour broadcast.

Friday 19 September 2014

Cuddington & Dinton CE School - Open Days

Is your child due to start school in September 2015?
If so, we would like to invite you tolook around our infant site in Cuddington.
Thursday 9th October at 9.30am
Tuesday 21st October at 9.30am
Friday 28th November at 1.30pm

For more information, phone the school office on 01844 291206 or email

Thursday 18 September 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Best Kept Village Competition Result

Click for the report

Chearsley entered into this competition again this year and has been awarded a Certificate of Merit for achieving a Highly Commended grade in the Morris Cup the category for inhabitants in villages of 500 – 1500, scoring 88 marks out of a possible 100. Hedgerley, near Farnham Common, were the winners with a score of 94 points. Hedgerley impressed the judges with the hard work put into transforming Glebe Field into a wildlife-friendly meadow which is an on-going project providing a valuable amenity for the residents and visitors.
The judges have some interesting comments about Chearsley -
St Nicholas Church was open and showed evidence of support and commitment from the village over many years. The graveyard has been tended with care. The cricket field is in excellent condition.

Grassy areas near the pub and shops are immaculately tended and form an attractive centre to the village. Roadside verges are extensively highlighted on the map and it is clear that some have been left un-mown to encourage wildlife.

The Bell pub has a very attractive and welcoming frontage, as has the shop. A good standard of care was evident in the presentation of bus shelters, the notice board, the pump (its position on the map is slightly misplaced) and particularly the war memorial. We liked the “insect haven” near the children’s playground outside the village hall.

This small village shows much evidence of community effort in projects such as raising money for replacing the bells in the church tower and the insect haven.
Richard Pushman, chairman of the competition, thanked the Parish Council for entering the competition and congratulated everyone involved for all their hard work in maintaining such a well-kept village. Well done us.

Parish Council Meeting on Monday September 15

Nic Brown was in the chair. 7 members of the public attended.
  •  During the open session, the matter was raised of the overgrown hawthorn hedge on the footpath in Chilton Road which needs to be cut. John Lloyd will be asked to attend to this. It was noted that potholes in some village roads have been marked in white ready for repair and a discussion about the erosion of the lanes, particularly Dark Lane and the necessity or not of having white traffic lines. Some felt that caution at unmarked junctions was preferable to having white lines.
  • Grass and verge cutting was now only done by contractors on the main village roads. Any other verges had been attended to by householders. The village mainly looked good. The possibility of the village being responsible for all the verges could be discussed at the budget meeting in December. A quote for memorial plaques for the benches on The Green of £80 each should be accepted and ordered. This is from money bequeathed by Betty Duval for benches on The Green. The second bench should be cleaned up before the plaque is put on.
  • There was no objection to planning permission for alteration to a window at Needlemakers, Watts Green. The bathroom window at Foxgloves, Turnip Close still needs to be obscured. The householder will be contacted again. 
  • It was agreed that a donation from a villager towards daffodils in the grass verges which had been used for a wildflower area in Crendon Road, should be returned to her, as this had been unsuccessful. It was discussed whether the amount kept in reserve of £4000 needed to be so high, and whether some of this money could be put to other uses in the village such as being added to the amount kept aside for kerbing. As Julia Witcher, who is looking into kerbing was absent from the meeting, no further details of plans for kerbing could be discussed. Areas to be kerbed should be prioritized and funding from Bucks County Council and from the LAF should be requested.
  • Funding for another vehicle activated sign in the village had been applied for from the LAF. The present sign which had been situated in Chilton Road is having its battery recharged and will be repositioned on another main road once the appropriate holes in the verge to receive the sign are found! The speed limit would then be set at 30mph.
  • Mike Heybrook gave an up to date report on work he and others have done on a possible cycle path from the village to Haddenham Station. Although Chiltern Railways supported the use of land adjoining the railway for this project, it would take a very long time for it to be possible, and a crossing over the floodplain would make it almost impossible - “a pipe dream”, and although this idea had come as a result of the Village Plan suggestions, it was decided that it should be taken off the Action Plan for the foreseeable future.
  • The Open Meeting regarding plans for the village hall is to be held on Monday September 22 and any repercussions should be discussed as an agenda item at the next Council meeting. It was noted that the salt bins should be topped up. In the public session at the end of the meeting, it was suggested to find out how much it would cost the village to have all of the potholes mended, even though it would be unlikely that this would happen.
  • Discussions to have warning signs erected concerning lorries turning into Grove Farm, Crendon Road are still taking place with John Lloyd. The grass verges at the new house, Odyssey in Aylesbury Road should be restored by the builder.
  • The next meeting will be held in the village hall on October 20 at 7.30pm. Although 7 members of the public attended, it was commented that it would be encouraging if more villagers would attend.

Ron Dorsett – I am very sad to write that Ron who was a good friend and neighbour in Lammas Lane for a number of years, died on September 17. Ron and his wife, June moved to Princes Risborough 3 years ago as Ron was not in the best of health. Whilst in Chearsley, he was often to be seen on his many walks round the village , and gave a lot of time to village life, enjoying the monthly Pub lunches and helping out as maintenance man at the village hall for several years. His funeral will be on Friday September 26 at 11.30am at Amersham Crematorium. Our sympathies and love to June and their family.

The Bell - 2 Fish and Chip meals for £15 continue to be on special offer on Tuesday to Thursday evenings from 6.30 to 9.00pm. A new seasonal menu will come into operation on October 6.

Tea, Coffee and Cake Mornings - a new initiative by Sharon at The Bell on the first Friday of every month invites anyone and everyone to call in, meet old friends and make new ones over a cup of tea or coffee with home-made cakes and enjoy the charm of The Bell. The first one will be on Friday October 3 from 10.00am to 12.00pm.

Yoga Classes - are now taking place every Thursday evening in the village hall from 7.00pm until 8.00pm. Phone Rachel on 01844 351301 for more information.

Harvest Supper on Saturday September 27 in the village hall at 7.30pm. Tickets are available price £10 from Paula Johnson on 201447 for a two course meal with wine or beer followed by entertainment.

Harvest Festival Family Service – All are welcome to this service to be held on Sunday September 28 at St Nicholas Church at 10.00am. Gifts will be donated to The Steppin’ Stone Centre for the homeless in Oxford. Donations of fresh fruit and vegetables are welcome as are dry produce, such as tinned food, rice, sugar, pasta and all foods which can be used in the Centre’s kitchen.

Diary Dates:
  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 19,20 and 21 - Flower Festival at St Nicholas Church.
  • Monday September 22 - Open Meeting about the future of the village hall at 8.00pm in the hall
  • Wednesday September 24 - Pub lunch in The Bell
  • Saturday September 27 – Harvest Supper in the village hall at 7.30pm
  • Sunday September 28 - Harvest Festival Family Service at 10.00am in St Nicholas church
  • Friday October 3 - Coffee and Cake at The Bell 10.00am until 12.00pm. Open for everyone to call in.
  • Saturday October 4 - Theatre in the Villages performance by Morgan & West “Top Victorian Magicians” in the village hall at 7.30pm. Contact Margaret Morbey 208913 for tickets

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Flower Festival in the church this weekend

From Friday 19th to Sunday 21st September, our beautiful Medieval church will be even more beautiful than ever! Come and see some wonderful floral arrangements, all with a bells theme – not just church bells – Christmas bells, cow bells, wedding bells, the Bell pub, school bells, silver bells and cockle shells and much, much more.

The church will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm each day, with tea and home-made cakes on sale.

Entrance is FREE but donations towards our fundraising for 3 new bells would be greatly appreciated
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience a very special celebration of flowers, words & music in a stunning and historic setting.

 Our team of Chearsley bellringers will be ringing from 3.00 to 3.30 on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
Please come and support this joyful village event.
For more information contact Joy Payne. Email:


Thursday 11 September 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Show - Saturday September 6 -a good number of entrants and entries were on show in the village hall making a fine display of flowers, fruit and vegetables, cakes, photos and handicrafts. It was pleasing to have some first time entrants this year. Andy Yorke, for one, must be extremely proud of his entries, winning The Gadsby Trophy for best Vegetables and the Vic Walker Cup as Overall Winner of the show at his first attempt.
A decorated hard-boiled egg, a new entry for this year, attracted a lot of entries from the children as did the fairy cakes and pictures and models from vegetables. Congratulations to Harry Lazaruk who won the Harold Braley Cup for Best Children’s Entry and Jessica Taylor for winning the cup for Children’s Champion.
The children received cash prizes from Andy Bell known to many of them at St Nicholas Church. No such incentives for the adults - winners received an attractive certificate, designed by Alicia Howard, who is also responsible for designing the new Show brochure, and the pleasure of taking part. Ann Persson won a plaque for Best Photograph; Toby Sampson a plaque for Best Model; Jann Grimshaw a plaque for Best Art Entry; Ineta Green a plaque for Craft; Giles Witcher won the Eli Godfrey Glass Plate for Men’s Jam Tarts; Julia Witcher the Wilfred Kind Cup for Best Domestic; Pauline Parkes the Olive Ashworth Cup for Best Flowers; Rachel Sampson the Lane Bud Vase for Best Flower Arrangement; Toby Sampson the Harry Gregory Cup for Craftsmanship; Michael Heybrook a wooden bowl for Best Fruit and Alan Parry, the Pat Marshall Cup for Best Tomatoes.
Well done to everyone who took part. Joy Payne as President and Ann Lewis as entries co-ordinator heading a small committee are to be thanked for their hard work on the day and days leading up to it and should be rightly proud of another successful show.

Classic and Vintage Car and Fun Day - This family day on Sunday September 7 at the Cricket Club, opened by Vice President, Mike Heybrook and compered on the microphone by John Howard is the third year this has been organised by Fred Crawford and his team of Mark Haynes, Larry Greenfield, Adam Lazaruk, Terry Gadsby, Paul Kingsman and Angela Gray and was a great success.
All the hard work of the team and helpers, supported by the sponsors and the crowds that attended has enabled an amount of around £3000 to be given towards cricket equipment for the ever growing junior section of the Cricket Club. The weather played its part encouraging villagers and visitors to stay all afternoon enjoying the sunshine while inspecting the many classic and vintage cars on show, sitting and chatting, having a drink or cup of tea from the Cricket pavilion and listening to the voice of Emily–Jane, a talented 15 year old, and a band led by Larry Warr, the groundsman at the Club, while the children enjoyed the fairground and games.
The RAF Hurricane Fly Past was a spectacular finish to the show. Congratulations to Fred and his team. The Bucks Herald has printed 2 good photos of the Show, one of Batman’s Batmobile and one of Emily-Jane Rutland in this week’s edition.

Theatre in the Villages – Saturday October 4
Tickets are now on sale for a performance by Morgan and West of Parlour Tricks in Chearsley village hall on Saturday October 4 starting at 7.30pm. Morgan and West’s brand new show of illusion and magic has been very well received throughout the UK and abroad, being voted Best Comedy Show at Buxton Fringe. “It’s a true pleasure to spend an hour in their conjuring company ... feel-good entertainment courses through this show” is a comment from Fringe Guru.
The show is suitable for adults and children from 7+. Some tickets have already been sold, and we are hoping for a full house, so please book early if you would like to come. Contact Margaret Morbey on 01844 208913 or Tony Fleetwood on 01844 201176. Tickets cost £12 each. There is a Family ticket for £40 for 2 adults and 2 children. The show is about 90 minutes long, so allowing for an interval, it should end about 9.30pm – not too late for children on a Saturday night. There will be a bar and tea and coffee and soft drinks available.
Theatre in the Villages supported by Mix 96, Wycombe District Council and Aylesbury Vale District council brings professional performances on your doorstep.

Flower Festival - “To The Swinging and The Ringing of The Bells” when beautiful flower arrangements, words and music will be in St Nicholas Church, Chearsley on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 19 to 21 September from 10.00am until 4.00pm each day. Everyone is welcome to come and visit our beautiful church when Church archives will be on display as well as refreshments of tea and cakes and plants for sale. All donations will go to the fund for Three New bells for the church.

Harvest Festival Family Service – All are welcome to this service to be held on Sunday September 28 at St Nicholas Church at 10.00am. Gifts will be donated to The Steppin’ Stone Centre for the homeless in Oxford. Donations of fresh fruit and vegetables are welcome as are dry produce, such as tinned food, rice, sugar, pasta and all foods which can be used in the Centre’s kitchen.

Open Meeting about plans for the Village Hall – Monday September 22 at 8.00pm. The trustees of the Village Hall hope there will be a good attendance of villagers to hear plans and proposals for the future of the hall and to contribute their suggestions and ideas.

Diary Dates:
  • Saturday September 13 - Cricket Club Awards Evening for Senior Team and Under 15s team. Doors Open 7.00pm. Awards at 7.30pm. There will be a Curry delivery. Please order before 7.30pm on the night.
  • Monday September 15 - Parish Council meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm
  • Tuesday September 16 - W.I. in the village hall at 2.00pm
  • Friday September 19 to Sunday 21 - Celebration of Flowers, Words and Music - St Nicholas Church will be open from 10.00am until 4.00pm each day. Fun. Tea and cakes and plants will be on sale. Please contact Joy Payne at for more information.
  • Sunday September 21 – Communion at 9.00am at St Nicholas Church
  • Monday September 22 – Open Meeting for all the village about the future of the village hall. 7.30pm in the village hall
  • Wednesday September 24 - Pub Lunch at The Bell. Contact Margaret Morbey on 208913 for details of the menu and to book your place.
  • Saturday September 27 – Harvest Supper in the village hall at 7.30pm
  • Sunday September 28 - Harvest Festival Family Service at 10.00am in St Nicholas church

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Pub Quiz - Sunday 14th

from Sharon at The Bell:

Join us and show off your knowledge

It's Adam's team's turn this week to set the questions following his stunning victory at the end of last season.

Are they invincible?  Are they heck! In fact if I wasn't having to cook sausages all evening, I'd give them a run for their money.

Capital of England - E of course!
Add 19 and 23  - 1923 - I don't see the problem here

As you can see, pretty devastating stuff... but we need new blood.

So can you get a team together and come and join us this Sunday for an 8pm start?

It doesn't need to be a big team - ideally 3 or 4 people would be great (obviously the more you have the greater you range of knowledge, but there again, the fewer there are, the less arguments there tends to be.) In fact even if you want to come up on your own we'll always find you a team you can join.

It's only a pound a person and the winning team takes the pot
So come on up this Sunday and join in the fun.

Friday 5 September 2014

Quiz Night Cancelled

Due to a conflict with another Chearsley event, the Quiz Night scheduled for September 13th has been cancelled. A rearranged date will be publicised in due course.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Ann Veness Memorial Cricket Match – Richard Veness has sent Florence Nightingale Hospice a cheque for £250 raised at the memorial match.

Bingo at The Bell – There was only a small group of villagers and non-villagers gathered for the first Bingo session after the summer break. Nevertheless, lack of numbers did not mean lack of fun and hilarity and still some good cash prizes won and impromptu refreshments enjoyed thanks to the generosity of Alan when we were invited to tuck into the cake he won in the raffle. A new Snowball game was introduced for Game 3 when an extra £15 could be won if the full house was called before 45 numbers had been drawn. This didn’t happen, so the £15 will be rolled over to next month. £23 was made by the Raffle. Bingo callers, Paul and Andy, assisted by a giggly Charlie longing to pull out the 88 ball (Two Fat Andys) were on top form as usual. The next Bingo session will be on Tuesday October 7 with Eyes Down at 8.30pm. Don’t miss it. Come and win some cash.

Family Quiz Saturday September 13cancelled

Parish Council Meeting – Monday September 15 at 7.30pm. All villagers are welcome to attend this Parish Council Meeting in the village hall. There is a 15 minute session at the beginning of the meeting when any problems or concerns about the village can be aired.

W.I. – September Meeting – Tuesday September 16 at 2.00pm - New members are always welcome to join. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday every month in the afternoon at 2.00pm in the village hall. This month’s meeting is entitled “Herbaceous Borders” a talk with slides by Rob Jacobs, manager at Waterperry Gardens. Non–members are welcome to come. The talk will start at 2.30pm after W.I. official business.

Harvest Supper - this will be held on Saturday September 27 in the village hall at 7.30pm. There will be a 2 course meal with wine or beer followed by entertainment for the price of £10 per ticket. Please contact Paula Johnson on 201447 to buy a ticket.

3 New Bells - Fund-raising over the past months for The Bell Fund has now reached £35,000 on its way to £40,000 with the aim of £55,000 to pay for the 3 New Bells for St Nicholas Church. If you would like to make a donation to the fund, please make cheques payable to St Nicholas’ Church, Chearsley PCC and send to Maureen Gillis at Blake House, Cousin’s Piece, Chearsley HP18 90EY. The next fund raising event will be the Flower Festival in the church on Friday September 19 until Sunday 21.

Kop Hill – Saturday September 20 and Sunday September 21 This is the sixth year of the Kop Hill Climb Revival. Chearsley will not be so well represented this year in the Climb, as Phil has not entered The Riley and Siân and Jonathan's application for their MGs to go up the hill was not successful. However Jonathan of Church Lane will be sharing the driving of a 1935 Railton Light Tourer with his father Richard Hirst of Haddenham and Siân’s 1954 MGTF will be on display in the paddock. The gates are open at 9.00am both days with runs up Kop Hill from 9.45am to 1.00pm and again at 2.00pm until 5.15pm. Tickets are £10 for adults for a day of family fun and entertainment including historic cars and bikes on display in the paddock, gravity powered soapbox derby challenge when teams of young people make and drive their soapboxes; Red Arrows simulator, refreshments including Kop Hill ale, live bands on the stage, and traders and charities avenue. Last year, £50,000 was raised for Buckinghamshire Community Foundation which gives grants to local community groups.

Lindengate Charity – is asking for help in setting up this new charity, based in Wendover, which has the aim of using the healing nature of horticulture to support people dealing with and overcoming mental distress. They need plants, seeds, horticultural equipment, timber paint, general tools and DIY supplies, and anything you think they might be able to use. Donations and volunteers are also welcome. Please email or ring 02081444291.

Barnardo's Support 4 Parents – is looking for volunteers in Bucks to be trained to help families with young children who need help, possibly due to illness, disability or financial problems. Although it is a voluntary job, expenses are paid and full training and support is given. The next training course starts on October 10. Please contact Nina Loader, Project Worker on 01494 568955 or email

Diary Dates:
  • Wednesday September 10 - Pub Roast Lunch at 12.30pm. Let Sharon at The Bell know if you would like to come.
  • Saturday September 13 – Family Quiz – 5.00pm in the village hall
  • Sunday September 14 - Evensong at 6pm at St Nicholas Church
  • Monday September 15 - Parish Council Meeting 7.30m in the village hall
  • Friday September 19 to Sunday 21 - Flower Festival in St Nicholas church in aid of The 3 New Bells
  • Friday September 19 to Sunday 21 - Celebration of Flowers, Words and Music - St Nicholas Church will be full of flowers, words and music and welcomes everyone to come at any time from 10.00am until 4.00pm to have a walk round our lovely church. All donations will go towards the 3 New Bells Fund. Tea and cakes will be on sale. Please contact Joy Payne at for more information.
  • Monday September 22 – Open Meeting for all the village about the future of the village hall. 7.30pm in the village hall
  • Saturday September 27 – Harvest Supper in the village hall at 7.30pm

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Neighbourhood Police: Appeal for Witnesses and news of arrests

Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses after a fatal collision in Brill.

At 12.20pm Sunday (31/8), a cyclist was travelling down Muswell Hill near Brill when he was in collision with a grey Land Rover Freelander that was travelling in the opposite direction.

The cyclist, a 40-year-old man, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Officers would like to speak to anyone who may have seen the collision.

The cyclist was riding a grey bicycle and was travelling away from Brill at the time of the collision.

If anyone has any information please call PC Alex Dearden quoting URN 753 of 31/8 via the Thames Valley Police 24-hour enquiry line 101.

Warrants executed in Aylesbury today – Update 1

Ten men have now been arrested after a series of warrants were executed in Aylesbury and other Buckinghamshire towns this morning relating to child sexual exploitation.

Around 120 officers executed warrants at 11 properties from 7am. Seven warrants were carried out in Aylesbury, one in Milton Keynes, one in Buckingham, one in Chesham and one in Hayes, Middlesex.

A number of other addresses in Aylesbury were visited and another man was arrested by Immigration authorities on suspicion of an immigration offence.

Aylesbury Vale LPA Commander A/Supt Olly Wright said: “We have now arrested a total of ten men as part of a series of warrants this morning and all of them are currently in police custody.

“I want to thank the community of Aylesbury and the other affected towns for their continued patience this morning and apologise for any inconvenience which may have been caused.

“Child sexual exploitation is an issue which we take extremely seriously and I want to reassure the community that these allegations are being thoroughly investigated.
“If you have been a victim of this type of crime, know anyone who has, or have information, please don’t hesitate to call 101.”

If you don’t want to speak to police you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

If you are worried about somebody who you think may be a victim of child exploitation you can call ChildLine on 0800 11 11 or visit their website

Concerned about a child in Buckinghamshire? Call First Response - Buckinghamshire County Council: 0845 460 0001 or email:

Bucks has a county-wide service for young people, Barnardo’s ‘R-U-Safe?’ which is able to offer advice and support to any young person worried about these issues. Email: Text: 07546 075 638 or visit

Click for the Thames Valley Police website