Thursday, 4 September 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Ann Veness Memorial Cricket Match – Richard Veness has sent Florence Nightingale Hospice a cheque for £250 raised at the memorial match.

Bingo at The Bell – There was only a small group of villagers and non-villagers gathered for the first Bingo session after the summer break. Nevertheless, lack of numbers did not mean lack of fun and hilarity and still some good cash prizes won and impromptu refreshments enjoyed thanks to the generosity of Alan when we were invited to tuck into the cake he won in the raffle. A new Snowball game was introduced for Game 3 when an extra £15 could be won if the full house was called before 45 numbers had been drawn. This didn’t happen, so the £15 will be rolled over to next month. £23 was made by the Raffle. Bingo callers, Paul and Andy, assisted by a giggly Charlie longing to pull out the 88 ball (Two Fat Andys) were on top form as usual. The next Bingo session will be on Tuesday October 7 with Eyes Down at 8.30pm. Don’t miss it. Come and win some cash.

Family Quiz Saturday September 13cancelled

Parish Council Meeting – Monday September 15 at 7.30pm. All villagers are welcome to attend this Parish Council Meeting in the village hall. There is a 15 minute session at the beginning of the meeting when any problems or concerns about the village can be aired.

W.I. – September Meeting – Tuesday September 16 at 2.00pm - New members are always welcome to join. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday every month in the afternoon at 2.00pm in the village hall. This month’s meeting is entitled “Herbaceous Borders” a talk with slides by Rob Jacobs, manager at Waterperry Gardens. Non–members are welcome to come. The talk will start at 2.30pm after W.I. official business.

Harvest Supper - this will be held on Saturday September 27 in the village hall at 7.30pm. There will be a 2 course meal with wine or beer followed by entertainment for the price of £10 per ticket. Please contact Paula Johnson on 201447 to buy a ticket.

3 New Bells - Fund-raising over the past months for The Bell Fund has now reached £35,000 on its way to £40,000 with the aim of £55,000 to pay for the 3 New Bells for St Nicholas Church. If you would like to make a donation to the fund, please make cheques payable to St Nicholas’ Church, Chearsley PCC and send to Maureen Gillis at Blake House, Cousin’s Piece, Chearsley HP18 90EY. The next fund raising event will be the Flower Festival in the church on Friday September 19 until Sunday 21.

Kop Hill – Saturday September 20 and Sunday September 21 This is the sixth year of the Kop Hill Climb Revival. Chearsley will not be so well represented this year in the Climb, as Phil has not entered The Riley and Siân and Jonathan's application for their MGs to go up the hill was not successful. However Jonathan of Church Lane will be sharing the driving of a 1935 Railton Light Tourer with his father Richard Hirst of Haddenham and Siân’s 1954 MGTF will be on display in the paddock. The gates are open at 9.00am both days with runs up Kop Hill from 9.45am to 1.00pm and again at 2.00pm until 5.15pm. Tickets are £10 for adults for a day of family fun and entertainment including historic cars and bikes on display in the paddock, gravity powered soapbox derby challenge when teams of young people make and drive their soapboxes; Red Arrows simulator, refreshments including Kop Hill ale, live bands on the stage, and traders and charities avenue. Last year, £50,000 was raised for Buckinghamshire Community Foundation which gives grants to local community groups.

Lindengate Charity – is asking for help in setting up this new charity, based in Wendover, which has the aim of using the healing nature of horticulture to support people dealing with and overcoming mental distress. They need plants, seeds, horticultural equipment, timber paint, general tools and DIY supplies, and anything you think they might be able to use. Donations and volunteers are also welcome. Please email or ring 02081444291.

Barnardo's Support 4 Parents – is looking for volunteers in Bucks to be trained to help families with young children who need help, possibly due to illness, disability or financial problems. Although it is a voluntary job, expenses are paid and full training and support is given. The next training course starts on October 10. Please contact Nina Loader, Project Worker on 01494 568955 or email

Diary Dates:
  • Wednesday September 10 - Pub Roast Lunch at 12.30pm. Let Sharon at The Bell know if you would like to come.
  • Saturday September 13 – Family Quiz – 5.00pm in the village hall
  • Sunday September 14 - Evensong at 6pm at St Nicholas Church
  • Monday September 15 - Parish Council Meeting 7.30m in the village hall
  • Friday September 19 to Sunday 21 - Flower Festival in St Nicholas church in aid of The 3 New Bells
  • Friday September 19 to Sunday 21 - Celebration of Flowers, Words and Music - St Nicholas Church will be full of flowers, words and music and welcomes everyone to come at any time from 10.00am until 4.00pm to have a walk round our lovely church. All donations will go towards the 3 New Bells Fund. Tea and cakes will be on sale. Please contact Joy Payne at for more information.
  • Monday September 22 – Open Meeting for all the village about the future of the village hall. 7.30pm in the village hall
  • Saturday September 27 – Harvest Supper in the village hall at 7.30pm