Monday 31 October 2016

Village News

 with Margaret Morbey

An Extraordinary Parish Council Planning Meeting will be held this evening Wednesday November 2 in the village hall at 6.30pm. On the agenda will be 2 planning matters. Application no. 16/03609/APP for a single storey rear infill extension at The Old Granary, Chilton Road and Application no. 16/03565/APP at 2-4 Winchendon Road for removal of existing dwellings and residential redevelopment to create 5 x 2 bed dwellings and 1 x 3 bed dwelling and 1 x 4 bed dwelling and revised access.
All villagers are welcome to attend to hear the Parish Council’s considerations and comments on these matters for return to AVDC and there is a 15 minutes time set aside to receive representations from members of the public at the start of the meeting.

Poppy Selling
It is very good news to hear that Sue Grimsdell is feeling well enough to undertake her 18th year of poppy selling in Chearsley, despite having undergone operations and chemotherapy over the past months. It is a big task to visit all the houses in the village and although Sue is feeling well, she is very pleased to have the offer of assistance from Joy Payne to help collect from the whole village. Both Sue and Joy have very strong connections with the Armed Services. There will be a Service of Morning Celebration at St Nicholas Church at 10 am on Remembrance Sunday November 13 followed by a service led by John Scholefield at The War Memorial at 10.45am to which everyone is invited and to refreshments in the village hall afterwards.

This event organised by Anne Pratt and Alicia Howard to raise funds for the New Village Hall needs craft items and tasty Christmas gifts and Anne Pratt is encouraging everyone to get their needles, crotchet hooks, scissors and ovens busy to make suitable items to donate. Please contact Anne with any proposed donations on 01844 201611 or email her at . Elevensies will be held on Saturday December 3 in the village hall from 11 to 1pm.

Calendar Photos
As well as the recently published Chearsley Boys calendar, on sale for £10 with proceeds going to the New Hall Fund, Sharon Sampson, the photographer, has a library of “out-takes” of photos to view and for sale. An A4 size photo costs £10 and is available from Sharon who can be contacted at

AGM of Village Hall Management committee
This will be held in the Village Hall on Monday November 14 at 8pm and all members of the public are welcome to attend. On the Agenda will be reports from the Chairman, the Treasurer, The Bookings Secretary and the Secretary and an up to date report on progress on the building of the new village hall.

Florence Nightingale Hospice Tree of Light
Anyone who has lost family or friends, whether or not they were cared for by Florence Nightingale Hospice and regardless of faith or religion, is invited by the Hospice to join them at one of their Tree of Light Ceremonies being held this December, for an opportunity to honour and remember their loved one by sponsoring a Christmas light in their memory. As well as sponsoring a light, a dedication and tribute can be made which will be included in the Books of Honour on view at the Tree of Light Ceremonies.
Their name can also be included in a Roll of Honour to be published in the Bucks Herald in December. The Ceremonies will be lead by the Hospice Chaplain, The Revd Carole Hough with carols, a selection of readings and music by the Leighton Buzzard Salvation Army Band. The first event will be held at The Head Office of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity at Walton Lodge, Walton Street, Aylesbury on Sunday December 4 at 5pm and the second at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Buckingham on Saturday December 10 at 3.30pm. Please contact the Fundraising Team on 01296 429975 for more information and to request a Tree of Light Form.

Refuse Collections: Wednesday November 2 when the recycling bins and food bins will be collected

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday November 6 10am Family communion and 6-7.30pm Rock Solid

Diary Dates:
  • Wednesday November 2 (tonight) Extraordinary Planning Meeting in the village hall at 6.30pm
  • Sunday November 6 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday November 12 Bette Davis On the Edge Charity Evening at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington Ring Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets
  • Saturday November 19 Cricket Club Dinner and Dance
  • Monday November 21 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm
  • Saturday November 26 “ Murder at The Manor” with The Thame Players at the village hall. Fund raising for the new village hall. Tickets £15 to include 2 course dinner. Email
  • Saturday December 3 11am to 1pm Elevensies in the village hall with Christmas food and crafts to buy

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Calling all Crafters and Cooks!

You will already know that there is an “Elevensies" Coffee and Crafts morning planned in aid of the Village Hall on Saturday 3rd December.
Now is the time for me to call on your talents to make good quality craft items or tasty Christmas gifts to donate to the craft sale. You do not have to fill a stall, just make a few interesting gifts! I shall co-ordinate stalls to combine different types of items.
I have already started on a few crochet pieces and I know one or two others have some ideas, so get those needles, hooks, scissors and ovens busy please. It is our hall, so let’s all help where we can.
Please contact me to let me know what you hope to make.

Anne Pratt - Tel: 201611 -

Halloween / Trick Or Treat Advice

This is a message sent via Thames Valley Alert and has been sent on behalf of Thames Valley Police.

Halloween / trick or treat advice - Aylesbury Vale

On and around Halloween, Thames Valley Police will be carrying out patrols in the evenings to make sure that people who are trick-or-treating are doing so in a friendly manner and not causing a nuisance.

For some people, this time of the year can be a bother as your evenings are interrupted with people knocking on your doors for treats. Most of these children or teenagers are just getting involved in the Halloween celebrations and will be friendly.

If you feel unsafe:
  • Don’t open your door if you’re unsure who is there. Use your spyhole, look out of a window, and use your door chain if you do decide to open your door.
  • Have a contact number of a close relative or good neighbour to hand by your telephone, just in case you need to phone them.
  • If you are part of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, let your coordinator know that you will be on your own at Halloween. If you are a coordinator, please identity people in your scheme that may be vulnerable and offer them reassurance.
Thames Valley Police will not tolerate any anti-social behaviour at any time of the year.

To report anti-social behaviour, call 101, the 24-hour Thames Valley Police non-emergency number. If you feel threatened, if it’s an emergency, or if a crime is in progress, call 999.

For more information and to download a ‘no trick or treat’ poster / card please visit the Thames Valley Police website

Click for the Thames Valley Police website

Monday 24 October 2016

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Calendar Launch
The new village hall fund has had a boost of £1000 from the sale of 100 calendars of Chearsley Boys which were sold at this very crowded event in The Bell on Friday October 14. Calendars can still be bought from The Bell or by emailing Calendars cost £10 each and all proceeds will go towards the new village hall fund. Sharon Sampson, the Calendar’s imaginative photographer, has a large number of out-takes in her photographic library. A4 copies of prints costing £10 each are available to buy. Please contact Sharon directly at to see her collection and to buy a print.

Spot The Bot
The identity of the male diving into the swimming pool in this spin-off competition from the Calendar photos was revealed as John Howard. A bottle of champagne went to the winning entry.

Welcome to the Parish Council’s new Clerk, Helen Spurgeon, who can be contacted for Parish Council matters at 41 Giffard Way, Long Crendon HP18 9DN or by email at

Proposed Development in Winchendon Road
A public planning site meeting took place on Saturday. Details of the proposed plans can be viewed via with the planning reference 16/03565/APP. Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust are proposing to remove the existing dwellings and residential development to create 5 x 2bedroom dwellings, 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 4 bedroom dwelling with revised access.

Chearsley Christmas Cards
Alicia Howard’s delightful Christmas cards of four different designs of local scenes, including the Christmas tree on Chearsley Green, a snowman at Chearsley Church, the three churches in our parish in a winter setting and new this year, choirboys singing in church. There are four cards of single design with envelopes in each pack which cost £3.50 and can be purchased from The Bell or from Alicia herself at

Mobile Library - This will next be in the village on October 31 from 10 until 10.25am.

Quiz in Chearsley village hall in aid of Florence Nightingale Hospice Fund
Celebrate the fireworks season by coming to Bright Sparks Quiz Night at the village hall on Friday November 11 at 7.15pm. All proceeds will go to the Florence Nightingale Hospice Fund. Bring your own food and drink to fuel your brainpower. Tables are for up to teams of 8 with tickets costing £6 each and can be obtained by ringing 01296 419975 or email

Aylesbury Beer Festival
Trying out new local beers might be to your taste and also help to raise funds for Florence Nightingale Hospice Fund at the Aylesbury Beer Festival this coming Friday October 28 from 6 to 11pm, or on Saturday October 29 from 11am to 11pm at Bucks County Council Sports & Social Club, Lower Road, Stoke Mandeville. There will be over 20 real ales, plus cider and perries, soft drinks, hot and cold food. On Saturday there will be live music and entertainment. Tickets cost £6 on the door or £5 in bought in advance by phoning Florence Nightingale Fundraising team on 01296 429975

Refuse Collections: Wednesday October 26 when the general waste bins and food bins will be collected

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday October 30 United Benefice Service and baptism at 10am
Diary Dates:
  • Saturday October 29 Halloween Disco and Fancy Dress at The Bell 8 till late.
  • Monday October 31 Mobile Library 10 to 10.25am
  • Monday October 31 Children’s Halloween Party at The Bell 4.15 to 6pm. Tickets £5 for tea and games.
  • Tuesday November 1 Bingo at The Bell with Eyes Down at 8.45pm. Good cash prizes.
  • Sunday November 6 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday November 12 Bette Davis On the Edge Charity Evening at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington. Ring Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets
  • Saturday November 19 Cricket Club Dinner and Dance
  • Monday November 21 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm
  • Saturday November 26 “ Murder at The Manor” with The Thame Players at the village hall. Fund raising for the new village hall. Tickets £15 to include 2 course dinner. Email
  • Saturday December 3 11am to 1pm Elevensies in the village hall with Christmas food and crafts to buy

Thursday 20 October 2016

Planning Application: PC Site Visit

The Parish Council will be conducting a site visit on Saturday 22nd October at 10.30am for planning application:
  • 16/03565/APP - 2-4 Winchendon Road, Chearsley, Buckinghamshire, HP18 0DP
    Removal of existing dwellings and residential redevelopment to create 5 x 2 bed dwellings and 1 x 3 bed dwelling and 1 x 4 bed dwelling and revised access.
Parishioners are welcome to attend. For any queries or petitions regarding this application, please contact the Parish Clerk – details can be found here.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Monday 17 October 2016

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

September Parish Council Meeting
This took place on Monday September 19. The full draft Minutes are available to view on the Parish Council link and are also displayed on the notice board. The following are some of the matters discussed.
  • The overhanging hedge in Church Piece is still blocking the footpath. Aylesbury Vale Housing Association will be contacted to ascertain whose responsibility it is to keep it trimmed.
  • AVDC would be notified about the missing dog bin in Church Lane.
  • Villagers to be encouraged to report potholes to Bucks County Council at
  • Site meetings with 3 contractors to carry out kerbing work had been arranged. Julia Witcher would circulate proposals and timetables to councillors.
  • Site meetings with 3 contractors concerning verges had been arranged and a policy and schedule would be drawn up.
  • Interviews for a new parish clerk had been arranged. Robert Parkes had been appointed Advisor - Responsible Financial Officer for 1 year from October 1. This is a new, unpaid post . Thanks were given to Venetia Davies who had acted as interim clerk.

    Planning Matters:
  • Results of Site Meetings. The council supported the application to widen the existing vehicular access at Bramley House Shupps Lane The Council opposes the application for demolition of garage and erection of a 2 storey dwelling at The Lodge, Church Lane. The Boot, Watts Green had applied for permission for tree works and Lammas Cottage of School Lane for tree and ivy clearance and creation of steps to create a rear access to Lammas footpath. The Council had no objection to these.
  • HGVs and Speeding in the village Paul Bown had attended a recent meeting about HGVs. “Unsuitable for HGVs” signage could be positioned at the start of major roads in villages to deter large lorries entering. John Howard would request a representative from BCC to attend a meeting to outline speed restriction measures and he would investigate speed limit stickers on wheelie bins.
  • Handyman or contractor should be appointed to paint the railings by the bus stop, install the new notice board and erect the new flagpole. Nic Brown would investigate “No parking” signs near the bus stop area and having bollards to protect the village green. John Howard would arrange new bus stop signs and timetables. Also the restoration or repainting of the white gates on the main roads into the village and a new Welcome to Chearsley sign for the Chilton Road.
  • Defibrillator: John Howard would research final costs, which is part funded by the fete proceeds and which will be situated on the wall of Byeways, The Green, facing the shop. Funding from the AVDC Community Chest might be available.
  • AOB: Members of the village hall committee to be invited to update the Parish Council on the new village hall at a future meeting. Congratulations were given to Fred Crawford and team for another very successful Classic & Vintage Fun Day. Councillors were invited to attend a meeting of Cuddington Parish Council on Monday December 12 when representatives from BCC will outline details of streaming local government.
  • Next meeting to be held on Monday October 17 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Theatre in the Villages
The Village Hall Committee were very pleased to be able to take part in this year’s programme, which enables professional productions to perform in rural places and is organised by AVDC. 50 people, mostly from the village, came to the village hall on Friday October 7. and thoroughly enjoyed the Utterly Spiffing Magic Show by Morgan & West. The children entered into the spirit of the evening with great enthusiasm and were all eager to become a volunteer and take part in the fun. Although there were not enough tickets sold for the village hall fund to benefit, a small amount was made from the refreshments sold.

Halloween at The Bell
Saturday October 29 There will be a Halloween Fancy Dress Party from 8 until late with Disco and DJ. There will be a prize for the best fancy dress of a meal for 2 at The Bell.
Monday October 31 There will be a children’s Halloween Party in The Bell from 4.15 until 6pm. Tickets for £5 per child are available to buy at the bar. There is a menu choice for tea of jacket potato with cheese and beans, or hot dog and chips or fish fingers with chips peas or beans. Plenty of Halloween spooky fun and games of wrap up the Mummy and Halloween chocolate hunt. Phone Sharon on 01844 208077 for more information or to book beforehand.

Refuse Collections: Wednesday October 19 when the blue lidded recycling refuse bins and food bins will be collected

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday October 23 Family Service at 10am
Diary Dates:
  • Monday October 17 Parish Council Meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm. If you are interested in your village, please come to support the councillors and new Parish Clerk
  • Wednesday October 19 Pub lunch at The Bell at 12.30. Contact Sharon to book your meal.
  • Saturday October 29 Halloween Fancy Dress Disco at The Bell from 8 till late
  • Monday October 31 Children’s Halloween Party at The Bell from 4.15 until 6pm. Tickets £5 from The Bell
  • Tuesday November 1 Bingo at The Bell. Eyes Down at 8.45pm. Good cash prizes
  • Sunday November 6 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday November 12 Bette Davis On the Edge Charity Evening at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington Ring Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets
  • Saturday November 19 Cricket Club Dinner and Dance email Angela Gray or Claire Lazaruk
  • Saturday November 26 “ Murder at The Manor” with The Thame Players at the village hall. Fund raising for the new village hall. Tickets £15 to include 2 course dinner. Email
  • Saturday December 3 11am to 1pm Elevensies in the village hall with Christmas food and crafts to buy

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Damaris Biffen
There is sad news that Miss Biffen as she was known to so many Chearsley children, who would now be around the age of 40, has died. Adelina Lilias Damaris Biffen, eldest sister to Blanche, Rhoda and Grace, was a very much loved and respected head teacher of Chearsley School from the mid 70s for about 10 years. Her family have written that Damaris’s health had deteriorated for a few months and she was looked after by her family with love and devotion in Bourne End. She was 94. Her funeral and Thanksgiving service at Granville Street Church, Aylesbury has taken place.
Chearsley school had been under threat of closure in 1973 when pupil numbers had been halved due to a change in the leaving age from 11 to 8, but with the arrival of Miss Biffen, the school developed well and children numbers increased to 27 in 1979. Unfortunately, after Miss Biffen left, a final threat of closure succeeded despite a campaign by governors, parents and the local MP to keep the school open, and Chearsley school closed in 1988. Donations can be made in her memory to Tearfund, a charity Damaris supported and believed in. Log on to the justgiving website, and the donation page will come up by typing in her name and where there is a photo of her.

Reporting a pothole - there is now a link to BCC transport for Bucks permanently displayed on the village links section on the main web page.

Bingo at The Bell
A very good cash prize of over £70 went to a lucky customer for the final full house of the evening on Monday’s October bingo evening at The Bell and the Snowball Game prize has now reached nearly £180. £45 went into the charity pot from the proceeds of the raffle. Next month’s Bingo night will be on November 1 with Eyes Down at around 8.30pm. Come and try your luck for some very good cash prizes and a lot of fun. Have a meal beforehand at a special price for bingo players.

What’s On At The Bell in October
  • The Friday night game of Higher or Lower has now finished when over £800 was won by a lucky customer and a new game called Domination will start this Friday October 14.
  • Coffee and Cake Friday mornings are becoming increasingly well supported and enjoyed when The Bell is open from 10am for coffee and homemade cake, welcoming anyone to call in as an informal way of chatting to and meeting new villagers.
  • Calendar Boys - The much heralded calendar of Chearsley men will be launched in The Bell on Friday October 14 at 8pm. All proceeds of the Calendar, costing £10 will go to the new village hall fund. Advance orders can be made with Antonia at
  • Spot The Bot - As a sideline of this, there is a photo on the bar counter of an unknown Chearsley male diving into a swimming pool and you are invited to guess his identity from the evidence provided in the photo, It costs a £1 to have a go and the winner will be the first correct entry pulled out of the pot to win a bottle of bubbly.
  • Halloween Disco - Saturday October 29 there will be a Halloween Disco when spooky costumes will be welcome, if not obligatory, followed by a
  • Kids Halloween Party - on Monday October 31. More details of this later.
  • Tuesday Curry and a Pint evenings for £10 and Thursday Burger Nights for £9.95 will continue to be on offer throughout October.
The Fred Crawford Best in Show Winner
An Austin 12/4 London taxi belonging to Ian and Julie Smith of Kingswood was the winner of this award at the recent Classic Car show held at Chearsley cricket club. They were awarded the trophy and a bottle of vintage port by Fred Crawford at a small reception at the cricket pavilion. Their prize-winning vehicle was built in 1933 and used as a taxi in London until the outbreak of war in 1939 when it was used by the London Fire Brigade as an auxiliary fire tender to transport hoses or pull water pumps. After the war, it returned to taxi life until in 1952 is was exported to Canada. It was returned to England in 1995 to be restored and used as a wedding car until 2014 when it was acquired by Ian.
The committee of the Classic & Vintage Fun day thank all those who attended and especially the 30 or so volunteers who helped out on the day. Over £5,000 - which is almost double last year’s figure - was raised, which will be used primarily for the development of Junior Cricket to purchase kit and equipment and improve the coaching resources for the 100 youngsters on the club’s books. It will also enable improvements to be made to the fabric of the pavilion including much need additional storage space. The date for next year’s event is Sunday September 10 and feedback with ideas for improvements are welcome. Go to for photos and more information.

Cricket Club Dinner and Dance
This will be held at a new venue this year at Magnolia Park Golf Club on Saturday November 19 at 7 for 7.30pm. Tickets cost £35 per head (the same price as last year) for a 3 course dinner and dancing until 1am. Please contact Angela or Claire for menu choices and if you would like to book a place on the coach from Chearsley. Email or

Volunteer of The Year
More Cricket News from John Howard: “Adam Lazaruk is on a short-list of 3 to win the Volunteer of the Year 2016 in The Bucks and Milton Keynes Sports Awards. 3 candidates were selected from over 100 nominations and the winner will be announced at a black tie dinner at The Waterside Theatre on Friday November 18. As many will know “Laz” has played a massive part in getting Chearsley Cricket Club to where it is today. He has been closely involved with the club from its “rebirth” in 1989. He has been our 2nd XI (Dream Team”) captain since 2003 and has been a driving force behind the development of our successful Juniors section, which currently boasts over 100 youngsters in its ranks. He takes up near permanent residency at our club during the summer months, whether it is playing cricket, leading the Dream Team to victory, coaching the juniors, serving beer to thirsty cricketers, flipping burgers, helping get pitches ready, fundraising name it, Laz does it.
When he finally gets home, he assumes the role of the Cricket Club webmaster/facebook poster/tweeter. He was also instrumental in the club securing a Community Chest grant, which enabled us to go ahead with the installation of the “state of the art” practice nets this summer. Laz, we are all deeply in your debt for the selfless devotion shown to our club which now has a “beacon” status in our happy village community. We shall all be rooting for you on Friday November 18 and whatever the outcome, champagne corks will be popping on the following evening at our Dinner and Dance”. Congratulations to Adam and good luck for November 18.

Refuse Collections: Wednesday October 12 when the green lidded general refuse bins and food bins will be collected

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday October 16 Holy Communion at 9am

Diary Dates:
  • Friday October 14 Chearsley Boys Calendar launch at The Bell at 8pm
  • Monday October 17 Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall
  • Saturday November 12 Bette Davis On the Edge Charity Evening at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington Ring Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets
  • Saturday November 19 Cricket Club Dinner and Dance email Angela Gray or Claire Lazaruk
  • Saturday November 26 “ Murder at The Manor” with The Thame Players at the village hall. Fund raising for the new village hall. Tickets £15 to include 2 course dinner. Email
  • Saturday December 3 11am to 1pm Elevensies in the village hall with Christmas food and crafts to buy

Monday 3 October 2016

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Harvest Celebrations in Chearsley
The village hall looked resplendent for the Harvest Supper on Friday September 23, when flickering candelabras on delightful oak tables, laden with a great spread of home produced food set the scene for another well supported and noisy village occasion. There was a wealth of home-grown entertainment, including a song from Fenella, a vicar sketch from Sheepy, an opera song from Neville who then dressed as a nun to take part in a rendition of “How do you solve a problem like Maria” and not least, our vicar, Richard who bravely joined in and played the piano to accompany his wife Louse with her beautiful flute music.
There were many splendid raffle prizes all kindly donated by local businesses and friends of Chearsley and 2 auction prizes. An amount of over £1000 was raised from the raffle and auction which will go to the Maggie’s Centre in Oxford – a place of sanctuary, a place to have a cup of tea and a chat with people who understand the emotional and physical toil of lengthy, often debilitating treatment, and where several Chearsley villagers have found great support recently. Tara and her team , including several youngsters volunteering to be waiters and waitresses, are to be congratulated on their hard work in providing a wonderful, successful evening.

Harvest Festival was held the next day in the church with beautiful floral decorations, loaves and other produce with a giant harvest mosaic displayed above the altar. This was the work of many of the village children working with Alicia on 2 Saturday morning sessions to make a mosaic of coloured paper on canvas. This will remain in the church for a few weeks and is well worth a visit. All proceeds from the Festival were taken to Steppin’ Stone centre for the homeless in Oxford. Photos and more details of the supper and festival can be found on the church web page.

Parish Council Meeting and Potholes
I had planned to attend this meeting on Monday September 26, but was led astray to the cinema for a great evening watching Bridget Jones Baby! I have had some feedback however, concerning village potholes. The Parish Council urges us all to contact Bucks County Council with details of any potholes in any of the village roads. It is felt that the only way to get the holes mended is by constantly reporting these holes and not just leaving it for someone else to do. It can be done quite easily over the internet, by visiting where you will be asked to enter your postcode and pinpoint where the pothole is located. Alternatively you could phone Transport and roads at Bucks County Council on 01296 382316.

Parish Council Next Meeting
I hope to have details of the last meeting held on Monday September 26 in due course, but please note the date of the October meeting which will be on Monday October 17 at 7.30pm in the village hall. The Council would really appreciate more support and attendance at their monthly meetings. We compare badly to other nearby villages who offer much more support and help to their Parish Council. I understand there were about 20 at one recent meeting, whereas, Chearsley are lucky if they get four or five.
Please do think about coming to this next meeting, to find out what is being discussed and to offer comments and opinions on any matters under discussion and on decisions made and any other topics you would like to raise. It is our village after all and the councillors are volunteers in their spare time to make it the best it can be. They need our help.

Don’t Miss Out - Utterly Spiffing Magic Show Friday October 7
There is still time to buy tickets for this show “where magic and silliness abound” in the village hall starting at 6.30pm. Ring Margaret on 01844 208913. The show is suitable for children of all ages from 5 upwards. Refreshments available from 6pm.

Operation Dynamo by Jean Daish
I was pleased to hear from Jean Daish recently with news that her second book Operation Dynamo has now been published by Olympia, a sequel to Operation Pied Piper published in 2013. This second book, like her first, follows the lives and adventures of 6 young evacuees who are separated from their families in Leeds at the start of World War I as part of the evacuee programme and sent to Padstow in Cornwall to escape the bombing when homesickness is replaced by adventure in a land of legend and gossip. Operation Dynamo is set against the backdrop of events leading up to the retreat from Dunkirk and concludes with The Battle of Britain. Both books are aimed at children aged 8 to 13.
Operation Dynamo is available locally from The Book House in Thame and Waddesdon House Book Shop price £6.99 as well as from other well known book shops and through the internet. Jean who recently moved from Chearsley with her husband, John, was born in Leeds, lived in Cornwall for several years and began writing, inspired by the birth of her first grandchild, with short stories, articles and poetry for children. I know many villagers have read and enjoyed her first book and will be delighted to have another book by Jean to read.

Charity Evening with Bette Davis
Bette Davis On The Edge written and performed by Christine St. John will be performed at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington on Saturday November 12 at 7.45pm with doors open at 7pm for canapés. Tickets cost £10 each to include canapés. There will be a bar and raffle (with some very good prizes I understand). Enjoy the comfort of the upholstered seats and appreciate the new lighting and acoustics recently installed, funded by proceeds from the Village Picture House. Proceeds from this evening will be shared between Shikuku Shining Stars Academy in Kakamega, Kenya and The Finley Newell Mobility and Equipment Fund. The school in Kenya was built, staffed and continues to be funded by Dorisilla Shikuku, a mid-wife in London and the Cuddington Youth Drama led by Elaine English have been helping to support this school which now has 10 teachers and 120 children. Money from this event will help pay the teachers’ salaries and provide food for lunches for the children.
Finley Newell, now a lively bright and fun loving 3 year old and the grandson of Liz and Steve Davies who live in Cuddington was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2, a progressive neuromuscular disease when he was 13 months old which means he will never be able to walk. His swallowing and respiratory muscles are also affected leaving him vulnerable to serious chest infections entailing hospital admissions. Funding is now needed for an extension to be made to the family home in Haddenham to make it wheelchair friendly, provide a through-floor lift and a specialized bathroom. The Bette Davis evening begins on October 31 1962 at 4.30 in the morning when Bette Davis is anxiously waiting for the reviews of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane”. As she waits, she reflects on her entire career from the “talkies” to the present day. For tickets, please contact Liz Davies on 01844 299150 or see

Refuse Collections: Wednesday October 5 when the blue lidded recycling bins and food bins will be collected

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday October 2 10am Family Communion
Diary Dates:
  • Tuesday October 4 Bingo at The Bell for cash prizes Eyes down at 8.30ish
  • Wednesday October 5 Pub lunch at The Bell at 12.30pm. Everyone welcome. Ring Sharon at The Bell on 01844 208077 to book.
  • Friday October 7 Theatre in the Villages with Morgan & West’s Utterly Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show in the village hall Doors open at 6pm for refreshments for 6.30pm start.
  • Sunday October 9 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm. Come on your own or in a team. You will be made very welcome.
  • Friday October 14 Chearsley Boys Calendar launch at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday November 12 Bette Davis On the Edge Charity Evening at The Bernard Hall, Cuddington Ring Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for tickets
  • Saturday November 26 “ Murder at The Manor” with The Thame Players at the village hall. Fund raising for the new village hall. Tickets £15 to include 2 course dinner. Email
  • Saturday December 3 11am to 1pm Elevensies in the village hall with Christmas food and crafts to buy