with Margaret Morbey
Harvest Supper -Saturday September 25th
A good crowd of about 50 villagers enjoyed a supper of homemade salads with cooked meats from our local butcher of the next village, followed by pudding, tea and coffee, at the second of Chearsley Harvest Suppers, organized by Alicia Howard. The raffle of hamper of vegetables grown on Chearsley allotments raised about £150 which will go towards The Jenny and Jessey School in Uganda. Entertainment was provided by Jeremy and Ann Pratt, Fenella Tillier and Pat Miles, who all braved the stage to delight us. Hearty singing was led by our Vicar, John Wyndburne and his guitar.
Pumpkin Night - Thursday October 28th
Hopefully other pumpkins being grown for the Pumpkin Night at The Bell are considerably bigger than the one Podge and myself are growing! However, we are setting our sights on the prize for the smallest! Make a note in your diary to come along with or without pumpkins and join in this Village occasion.
Mobile Library
This will next be in the village by The Green on Monday 11th October from 12.20 to 12.45pm
Parish Council Meeting –Monday 11th October 7.30pm
All members of the public are invited to the next meeting at Chearsley Village Hall on Monday 11th October at 7.30pm. Come and find out what is happening in your village. There is a 15 minute opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to voice any concerns or comments you may have.
Pub Lunch 28th October
October’s Pub Lunch will be on Thursday (normally Wednesdays), October 28th at The Bell at 12.30pm. Please come along if you would like to meet and eat with others from Chearsley. On the menu this month is vegetable curry, sausage and mash and cottage pie. For pudding, there is a choice of fruit crumble, strawberry cheesecake or ice cream. Tea and coffee finish off the meal. The cost is a very reasonable £5.95. Please ring Ann Hooton on 208306 or Alan Mitchener on 208893 a week beforehand to book your place and order your meal.
Epilepsy Action Tea Party - Friday October 22nd 2.30 to 5.00pm
Debbie Corpe, Chearsley’s fine Pilates teacher, invites us all to tea on Friday 22nd October from 2.30 to 5.00pm at Farmfields, Willow Gate, Aylesbury Road, Chearsley. As well as tea and cake, there will be a raffle, plants, bring and buy, second hand books and other gifts. All the proceeds go to Epilepsy Action.
French Evening
Tickets are still available for this evening on Saturday October 16th at Chearsley Village Hall at 7.30pm, when a four course meal will be served. Tickets cost £16.50 which includes the meal, music and entertainment, but not wine. Please phone Pauline Parkes on 202250.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Neighbourhood Action Group - tonight
There will be a meeting of the local Neighbourhood Action Group followed by the Haddenham and Long Crendon Local Community Area Forum tonight starting at 6:30pm at the Bernard Hall, Cuddington.
Further details and the full agenda can be seen here and there will be an opportunity for questions.
Further details and the full agenda can be seen here and there will be an opportunity for questions.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Traditional Afternoon Tea on Tuesdays
Dainty sandwiches and home made cakes with a pot of tea are being served every Tuesday from 4.00 to 5.30pm at Chearsley tea rooms. Come and treat yourself to a taste of the past.
Plastics, cans and paper baskets are next due to be collected on Tuesday, October 5th
Chearsley Village Trust
The Trust is now inviting applications from individuals or groups in the village for an award for finance for their project or activity. Please write to Val Davies, the Clerk to the Trustees at Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA giving details of your project, who benefits and what other funds are available. The deadline for applications is Sunday, October 31st.
Summer Fayre 2010
The total amount raised this year from our Fayre in June was a little over £5,000. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to make this such a fine effort. Generally, most stalls and attractions raised slightly less money than the 2008 Fayre, with the exception of the Coconut Shy, the Bric a Brac stall, the Plant stall, Wet Sponges, icecreams, and the Pound in the Bucket. More details can be found on the noticeboard.
Transport Information Event
All villagers in the area are invited to this free event at Haddenham Village Hall on Thursday, 21st October from 1.30 to 4.30pm. There is no need to book. It will take the format of talks followed by a question and answer session from 1.30 to 3pm. There will be speakers from Community Impact Bucks rural transport office, Bucks County Council transport Services, Stoke Mandeville Hospital transport scheme, Haddenham Fish Scheme (a community transport scheme). There will also be stands concerning RADAR, Chiltern Rail, NHS Simply Walk, JMS Mobility, Haddenham Safe Cycling and Walking Group, Haddenham Fish Scheme and Bucks Transport Customer Service. Come along and find out what community transport schemes exist in the area and how they can help you.
Please see this programme of events or contact Lynne Maddocks on 01296 585364 for more information.
Traditional Afternoon Tea on Tuesdays
Dainty sandwiches and home made cakes with a pot of tea are being served every Tuesday from 4.00 to 5.30pm at Chearsley tea rooms. Come and treat yourself to a taste of the past.
Plastics, cans and paper baskets are next due to be collected on Tuesday, October 5th
Chearsley Village Trust
The Trust is now inviting applications from individuals or groups in the village for an award for finance for their project or activity. Please write to Val Davies, the Clerk to the Trustees at Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA giving details of your project, who benefits and what other funds are available. The deadline for applications is Sunday, October 31st.
Summer Fayre 2010
The total amount raised this year from our Fayre in June was a little over £5,000. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to make this such a fine effort. Generally, most stalls and attractions raised slightly less money than the 2008 Fayre, with the exception of the Coconut Shy, the Bric a Brac stall, the Plant stall, Wet Sponges, icecreams, and the Pound in the Bucket. More details can be found on the noticeboard.
Transport Information Event
All villagers in the area are invited to this free event at Haddenham Village Hall on Thursday, 21st October from 1.30 to 4.30pm. There is no need to book. It will take the format of talks followed by a question and answer session from 1.30 to 3pm. There will be speakers from Community Impact Bucks rural transport office, Bucks County Council transport Services, Stoke Mandeville Hospital transport scheme, Haddenham Fish Scheme (a community transport scheme). There will also be stands concerning RADAR, Chiltern Rail, NHS Simply Walk, JMS Mobility, Haddenham Safe Cycling and Walking Group, Haddenham Fish Scheme and Bucks Transport Customer Service. Come along and find out what community transport schemes exist in the area and how they can help you.
Please see this programme of events or contact Lynne Maddocks on 01296 585364 for more information.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Community Message
This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office with information from our partners at Trading Standards.
Bucks Trading Standards have had reports of cold calling telephone salespeople phoning High Wycombe residents offering to clean carpets for £8.99. The company is actually offering to clean carpets for £8.99 per sq metre. The company also appears not to give cancellation rights in writing.
Trading Standards advise people not to deal with cold calling traders. Carpet cleaning companies can be found by visiting the Buy With Confidence website www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk . Traders on the Buy With Confidence website have all been Trading Standards approved. Companies offering services in your home must give cancellation rights in writing. Where possible get written quotations before agreeing to having the work done.
Doorstep selling information and information about Scams and cons can be found on the Bucks County Council website www.buckscc.gov.uk and click on the Trading Standards link.
Bucks Trading Standards have had reports of cold calling telephone salespeople phoning High Wycombe residents offering to clean carpets for £8.99. The company is actually offering to clean carpets for £8.99 per sq metre. The company also appears not to give cancellation rights in writing.
Trading Standards advise people not to deal with cold calling traders. Carpet cleaning companies can be found by visiting the Buy With Confidence website www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk . Traders on the Buy With Confidence website have all been Trading Standards approved. Companies offering services in your home must give cancellation rights in writing. Where possible get written quotations before agreeing to having the work done.
Doorstep selling information and information about Scams and cons can be found on the Bucks County Council website www.buckscc.gov.uk and click on the Trading Standards link.
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Harvest Festival Supper
This will be held on Saturday, 25th September starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Tickets are on sale for £10 each for a 2 course meal including wine or beer and are available from Alicia Howard on 07970 804330
Harvest Festival at St. Nicholas Church
This will be held on Sunday 26th at 10am as part of the Family Service. Please donate produce if you can, which will be given to Long Crendon Day Centre.
Long Crendon and Chearsley Art Group
This is a small friendly group meeting every Wednesday from 10 – 12pm in Church House, Long Crendon, suitable for all abilities. Please contact Jann Grimshaw, the chairman on 202630 for more information.
Chearsley Show
The overall winner of this annual Chearsley event which was held in the Village Hall on Saturday 4th September, was Alan Whiffin who won the Vic Walker Cup. Alan also won the Gadsby Trophy for Best Vegetables, and the Wooden Bowl for Best Fruit. Congratulations Alan. Perhaps you could pass on some tips.
Other winners were Suzanne Jacobs for Best Photograph; Pat Miles for Best Model; Joy Payne for best Art Entry; Julian George for Men’s Jam Tarts; Cyndy Whiffin for Best Domestic; Mary Scholefield for Best Flowers and winning the Harry Gregory Cup for Craftsmanship; Anne Pratt for Best Flower Arrangement, Alicia Howard for best Hanging Basket. Congratulations to all the children who took part, particularly Oliver Sampson who won a plaque for Craft; Edward Richards who won the Harold Braley Cup for Best Children’s Entry and Spencer Siddall for winning a cup for Children’s Champion. Have a look at some good photos of entries and participants on our website, www.chearsley.com taken by Sharon Sampson – you might see yourself!
Photos on Chearsley.com
There are also photos of the Flower Festival held in Chearsley Church recently, and also Footsteps.
Bingo at The Bell
This will restart on Tuesday, October 5th with Eyes Down at 8pm. All good fun. Sharon and Olllie are offering a special price for a Before Bingo meal on the night.
Mobile Library
This will next be on The Green on Monday, 27th September from 12.20 until 12.45pm
Wedding Congratulations
To Brian and Ineta Green on their marriage at St Nicholas Church on Saturday 11th, when the sun shone as they left the Church for photos before the Wedding breakfast at The Village Hall.
Birthday Congratulations
To Blitz baby, Gladys Arnott of Nether Winchendon, who celebrated in appropriate style.
Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th September
This was a lively meeting attended by several members of the public.
The Public session brought up several topics. The question of whether curbing in Dark Lane was planned in the future, as recent building work to Dieu Donne has been damaging and eroding the bank at Walnut Orchard, thereby comprising its stability. It was confirmed by Nic Brown that this was part of future plans and that the Parish Council wanted to protect all Chearsley lanes and had set aside £1500 to this end.
There were non-favourable comments about the state of the verges after the recent grass cutting had taken place.
There was a complaint about recent bonfires off Winchendon Road, beyond the allotment area, when plastic and tyres had been burnt. Nic Brown would investigate the source.
Concern was voiced about the speed of dumper trucks in connection with new building work and for care to be taken not to damage the village roads.
The question was asked as to what the Parish Council had achieved this year, particularly as the benches on The Green were still not installed. Nic Brown commented that much had been achieved and the election for Council members in May next year offered the opportunity for new nominees to come forward.
It was emphasized that Claire Lazaruk and Marion Grapes had been responsible for submitting plans for funding via LAF for help with restricting speeding in the village and they were thanked for their hard work. Marion agreed to continue to follow this up.
Christmas Plans
These are well in hand with this year’s tree ordered and arrangements made for the lights to be turned on on Friday 3rd December when there would be food and drink available.
Best Kept Village
The suggestion that Chearsley may like to enter was decided to be put on the agenda of the next AGM.
There was further talk about the new benches on The Green to be ordered very soon; the bench at The Memorial to be painted; the willow arch in the grounds of the village hall was being trimmed; the hedge at the village hall needing to be cut and the Village Hall committee to be contacted; aviation noise observed to have increased lately, and for AVDC to be contacted about this and also a Chearsley pilot about more information. The Tug of War against Cuddington had so far failed to produce a Chearsley team.
The date of the next meeting has been arranged for October 11th at 7.30 in the Village Hall.
Harvest Festival Supper
This will be held on Saturday, 25th September starting at 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Tickets are on sale for £10 each for a 2 course meal including wine or beer and are available from Alicia Howard on 07970 804330
Harvest Festival at St. Nicholas Church
This will be held on Sunday 26th at 10am as part of the Family Service. Please donate produce if you can, which will be given to Long Crendon Day Centre.
Long Crendon and Chearsley Art Group
This is a small friendly group meeting every Wednesday from 10 – 12pm in Church House, Long Crendon, suitable for all abilities. Please contact Jann Grimshaw, the chairman on 202630 for more information.
Chearsley Show
The overall winner of this annual Chearsley event which was held in the Village Hall on Saturday 4th September, was Alan Whiffin who won the Vic Walker Cup. Alan also won the Gadsby Trophy for Best Vegetables, and the Wooden Bowl for Best Fruit. Congratulations Alan. Perhaps you could pass on some tips.
Other winners were Suzanne Jacobs for Best Photograph; Pat Miles for Best Model; Joy Payne for best Art Entry; Julian George for Men’s Jam Tarts; Cyndy Whiffin for Best Domestic; Mary Scholefield for Best Flowers and winning the Harry Gregory Cup for Craftsmanship; Anne Pratt for Best Flower Arrangement, Alicia Howard for best Hanging Basket. Congratulations to all the children who took part, particularly Oliver Sampson who won a plaque for Craft; Edward Richards who won the Harold Braley Cup for Best Children’s Entry and Spencer Siddall for winning a cup for Children’s Champion. Have a look at some good photos of entries and participants on our website, www.chearsley.com taken by Sharon Sampson – you might see yourself!
Photos on Chearsley.com
There are also photos of the Flower Festival held in Chearsley Church recently, and also Footsteps.
Bingo at The Bell
This will restart on Tuesday, October 5th with Eyes Down at 8pm. All good fun. Sharon and Olllie are offering a special price for a Before Bingo meal on the night.
Mobile Library
This will next be on The Green on Monday, 27th September from 12.20 until 12.45pm
Wedding Congratulations
To Brian and Ineta Green on their marriage at St Nicholas Church on Saturday 11th, when the sun shone as they left the Church for photos before the Wedding breakfast at The Village Hall.
Birthday Congratulations
To Blitz baby, Gladys Arnott of Nether Winchendon, who celebrated in appropriate style.
Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th September
This was a lively meeting attended by several members of the public.
The Public session brought up several topics. The question of whether curbing in Dark Lane was planned in the future, as recent building work to Dieu Donne has been damaging and eroding the bank at Walnut Orchard, thereby comprising its stability. It was confirmed by Nic Brown that this was part of future plans and that the Parish Council wanted to protect all Chearsley lanes and had set aside £1500 to this end.
There were non-favourable comments about the state of the verges after the recent grass cutting had taken place.
There was a complaint about recent bonfires off Winchendon Road, beyond the allotment area, when plastic and tyres had been burnt. Nic Brown would investigate the source.
Concern was voiced about the speed of dumper trucks in connection with new building work and for care to be taken not to damage the village roads.
The question was asked as to what the Parish Council had achieved this year, particularly as the benches on The Green were still not installed. Nic Brown commented that much had been achieved and the election for Council members in May next year offered the opportunity for new nominees to come forward.
It was emphasized that Claire Lazaruk and Marion Grapes had been responsible for submitting plans for funding via LAF for help with restricting speeding in the village and they were thanked for their hard work. Marion agreed to continue to follow this up.
Christmas Plans
These are well in hand with this year’s tree ordered and arrangements made for the lights to be turned on on Friday 3rd December when there would be food and drink available.
Best Kept Village
The suggestion that Chearsley may like to enter was decided to be put on the agenda of the next AGM.
There was further talk about the new benches on The Green to be ordered very soon; the bench at The Memorial to be painted; the willow arch in the grounds of the village hall was being trimmed; the hedge at the village hall needing to be cut and the Village Hall committee to be contacted; aviation noise observed to have increased lately, and for AVDC to be contacted about this and also a Chearsley pilot about more information. The Tug of War against Cuddington had so far failed to produce a Chearsley team.
The date of the next meeting has been arranged for October 11th at 7.30 in the Village Hall.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Friday, 10 September 2010
Community Message
This is a Community Message from the Aylesbury watch office on Friday 10th September 2010.
On Thursday 9th September, Police were notified of suspicious activity at a property in Singleborough (between Buckingham and Milton Keynes). Black plastic property ties had been found tied to trees at the location, and an attempt to gain entry to the same location was subsequently discovered.
Police believe this action may be a method of "marking" premises and increasing the risk of offending. You are advised to check your property for ties and remove any that are found. Please report any suspicious activity or information which may assist officers dealing with this incident, to your local neighbourhood team via 0845 8 505 505, and state that you are responding to this message.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to give your details, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0 800 555 111)
On Thursday 9th September, Police were notified of suspicious activity at a property in Singleborough (between Buckingham and Milton Keynes). Black plastic property ties had been found tied to trees at the location, and an attempt to gain entry to the same location was subsequently discovered.
Police believe this action may be a method of "marking" premises and increasing the risk of offending. You are advised to check your property for ties and remove any that are found. Please report any suspicious activity or information which may assist officers dealing with this incident, to your local neighbourhood team via 0845 8 505 505, and state that you are responding to this message.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to give your details, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0 800 555 111)
Flower Festival 2010
Thanks to Sharon Sampson, we now have some lovely photographs of the Flower Festival held in St Nicholas Church over the weekend of 10-11 July in our Gallery.
Waddesdon Open Day
This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Thursday 9 September 2010.
Waddesdon emergency services open day is being held this weekend on Saturday 11 September between 10am and 5pm at Waddesdon Manor and everyone is invited to attend.
Waddesdon police station holds an annual open day with Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, and other organisations attending include South Central Ambulance Service, Buckinghamshire County Council and other partner agencies. The day is organised in a bid to offer residents of Aylesbury Vale information on their local organisations and the services which are widely available to them.
With it also being the National Trust's Heritage open day there is the added bonus of Waddesdon Manor being free to enter. An estimated 4,000 to 5,000 people are expected to attend the event, weather permitting.
Your local neighbourhood policing officers will be on hand talking about the role of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and the responsibilities the officers and PCSOs have. The Special Constabulary will also be available to talk to about their role and how other people can help and join the team if interested.
The Force helicopter will hopefully be making an appearance and the local Neighbourhood Action Group will also have a stall explaining their role and the good work they do in the local community.
For the children, a 'power slide' will be available and the Manor will be providing face painting, balloons and much more.
Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Antony Hurd, said: "This will be a great opportunity for everyone, young and old, to find out more about the emergency services and what we do in the area. It will also be a chance for you to meet your local neighbourhood team and highlight the issues affecting you.
"Please come along to this free event, not only to support the Manor but your emergency services too."
Waddesdon emergency services open day is being held this weekend on Saturday 11 September between 10am and 5pm at Waddesdon Manor and everyone is invited to attend.
Waddesdon police station holds an annual open day with Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, and other organisations attending include South Central Ambulance Service, Buckinghamshire County Council and other partner agencies. The day is organised in a bid to offer residents of Aylesbury Vale information on their local organisations and the services which are widely available to them.
With it also being the National Trust's Heritage open day there is the added bonus of Waddesdon Manor being free to enter. An estimated 4,000 to 5,000 people are expected to attend the event, weather permitting.
Your local neighbourhood policing officers will be on hand talking about the role of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and the responsibilities the officers and PCSOs have. The Special Constabulary will also be available to talk to about their role and how other people can help and join the team if interested.
The Force helicopter will hopefully be making an appearance and the local Neighbourhood Action Group will also have a stall explaining their role and the good work they do in the local community.
For the children, a 'power slide' will be available and the Manor will be providing face painting, balloons and much more.
Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Antony Hurd, said: "This will be a great opportunity for everyone, young and old, to find out more about the emergency services and what we do in the area. It will also be a chance for you to meet your local neighbourhood team and highlight the issues affecting you.
"Please come along to this free event, not only to support the Manor but your emergency services too."
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Parish Council Meeting: Monday 13th
The next meeting of Chearsley Parish Council will take place on Monday 13th September at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Details of the Agenda, plus details of previous meetings, can be found on the Chearsley Parish Council web page - all are welcome.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Neighbourhood Police Team: September Newsletter
The September newsletter is now available here: September 2010 Newsletter
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Parish Council Meeting
The September meeting will be held in Chearsley Village Hall on Monday, 13th September at 7.30pm when all Chearsley residents are invited to attend.
Mobile Library
This next comes to The Green, on Monday 13th September from 12.20 until 12.45pm
French Night
A French Night is planned for Saturday 16th October in Chearsley Village Hall by the W.I. Tickets cost £16.50 which will buy a 4-course dinner, music and entertainment. Bring your own wine. Aperitifs will be served at 7.30pm. Please ring Jan on 202630 or Pauline on 202250 for more information.
St Nicholas Church and in particular, Sharon Sampson, organised this art and drama day for local children on Wednesday, August 25th. Despite the day turning very wet, 50 Chearsley children and their mothers and helpers had a very noisy, successful time in the village hall, “following in the footsteps of Moses”. Great fun was had making all the props for the story, including Moses baskets, locusts, frogs and pyramids which was then enacted with the help of vicar, John Wynburne on his guitar accompanying the children to songs. Centre piece was a magnificent life-sized papier-mâché calf made by a local resident which the children delighted in covering with gold before dancing around it until the reappearance of Moses with the stone tablets broke up their worship of the idol.
Thank You
Perry Smith would like to thank his friends in Chearsley for their help and support while he has been ill. He is now on the long road to recovery.
Parish Council Meeting
The September meeting will be held in Chearsley Village Hall on Monday, 13th September at 7.30pm when all Chearsley residents are invited to attend.
Mobile Library
This next comes to The Green, on Monday 13th September from 12.20 until 12.45pm
French Night
A French Night is planned for Saturday 16th October in Chearsley Village Hall by the W.I. Tickets cost £16.50 which will buy a 4-course dinner, music and entertainment. Bring your own wine. Aperitifs will be served at 7.30pm. Please ring Jan on 202630 or Pauline on 202250 for more information.

Thank You
Perry Smith would like to thank his friends in Chearsley for their help and support while he has been ill. He is now on the long road to recovery.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Community Message No.2
This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch office, sent on behalf of our partner agency Bucks County Council.
Bucks County Council is facing serious reductions in funding; 25% or more over the next four years. It can’t continue to do everything it does now, and needs you to help get the priorities right. Your ideas and suggestions will be used to develop proposals about which services need to change and residents will be consulted again in the Autumn.
If you are a Buckinghamshire resident, you are encouraged to join The Bucks Debate - go online or come along to an event near you. See the website for more details: www.buckscc.gov.uk/bucksdebate
Bucks County Council is facing serious reductions in funding; 25% or more over the next four years. It can’t continue to do everything it does now, and needs you to help get the priorities right. Your ideas and suggestions will be used to develop proposals about which services need to change and residents will be consulted again in the Autumn.
If you are a Buckinghamshire resident, you are encouraged to join The Bucks Debate - go online or come along to an event near you. See the website for more details: www.buckscc.gov.uk/bucksdebate
Community Message
This is a Community Message from Thames Valley Police
Members of the public in the Thames Valley can play a greater role in bringing serious offenders to justice with the launch of a Most Wanted website for the region.
It allows members of the public to look at pictures and E-fits and view CCTV footage of people currently wanted by the police in Thames Valley. The site is run by the independent charity Crimestoppers, which allows people to give information about crime anonymously by telephone or via the Crimestoppers website.
Launched in late 2005 the national Most Wanted site has successfully resulted in the arrest of more than 900 criminals, for offences ranging from murder, rape and drug smuggling to robbery and assault.
Members of the public can find the gallery of Thames Valley’s Most Wanted criminals at: http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/thamesvalley and click on Most Wanted.
The Most Wanted website for this region is being officially launched at the Thames Valley Police Open Day at Sulhamstead, West Berkshire, on 4 September 2010.
Members of the public in the Thames Valley can play a greater role in bringing serious offenders to justice with the launch of a Most Wanted website for the region.
It allows members of the public to look at pictures and E-fits and view CCTV footage of people currently wanted by the police in Thames Valley. The site is run by the independent charity Crimestoppers, which allows people to give information about crime anonymously by telephone or via the Crimestoppers website.
Launched in late 2005 the national Most Wanted site has successfully resulted in the arrest of more than 900 criminals, for offences ranging from murder, rape and drug smuggling to robbery and assault.
Members of the public can find the gallery of Thames Valley’s Most Wanted criminals at: http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/thamesvalley and click on Most Wanted.
The Most Wanted website for this region is being officially launched at the Thames Valley Police Open Day at Sulhamstead, West Berkshire, on 4 September 2010.
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