John Miles
John died on Sunday night, 24th February at Stoke Mandeville Hospital where he had been since just before Christmas. Our love and sympathies go to his wife, Pat and children, Paul and Ann.
His funeral has been arranged for Wednesday, 5th March. The service will be at Chearsley Church at 2p.m. Members of the Thamensians will be playing jazz and escorting John’s coffin from The Bell to the Church. Everyone is welcome to gather at The Bell beforehand at about 1.30p.m. and to join in the procession to the Church.
Youth Club Friday March 7th
There will be a meeting this Friday at the Village Hall from 6.30 to 8.00. Everyone from the ages of 8 to 14 is welcome. Contact Gillie Travers on 202469 for more information.
Women’s World Day of Prayer - March 7th
Ann Persson from Chearsley is the speaker at two services on this day. They take place at 10.15a.m. and 8.00p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, Thame. The service has been prepared by Christian women of Guyana as part of Women’s World Day of Prayer.
Sunday March 9th - Morning Celebration
This monthly service takes place at St. Nicholas Church 9.45 to 10.35 a.m. this Sunday. It is an all-age service with a lively and informal style when “church” is made an enjoyable experience for all. The theme of this month’s celebration is Into the World, Jesus and people.