Thursday 29 January 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema
Extra seats had to be brought out to accommodate around 80 people who had come to the Bernard Hall to see a showing of the 1958 film South Pacific on Monday January 27. This was the first performance of the matinee cinema arranged by The Sunshine Club with thanks to the Cuddington Village Picture House, The Bernard Hall Management Committee and The Buckinghamshire Community Foundation.
What a success it was. It made for a very enjoyable afternoon with a splendid array of home made cakes to go with a cup of tea during the interval.
The next performance will be on Monday March 23 when The King and I will be shown. Doors open at 1pm for a 1.30pm start. I would recommend getting to The Bernard Hall in good time, as parking can be quite tricky (there is plenty of parking space in the playing fields car park).
The bi-monthly programme includes High Society with Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra to be shown on Monday May 18; My Fair Lady on Monday July 27; Hello Dolly on Monday September 28 and Singin’ in the Rain on November 23.

Chearsley Fête - Please mark Saturday June 20 on the calendar as the date for Chearsley Fête this year. Angela Gray, who organised the last very successful Fête is asking for volunteers and help. She cannot run the fête on her own and needs villagers to support her. Please contact Angela on 202105 or email Any ideas or offers to run stalls will be much appreciated. An initial meeting has been arranged in The Bell on this Monday February 2 at 8pm. Please come if you are happy to help.

More incidents of scams in the villages – just over a year ago, a Chearsley couple fell victim to a “sob story” when their car was flagged down by someone in obvious distress, asking for money to buy petrol and offering a ring as payment. The ring turned out to be worthless. Similar scenarios are still happening. Recently, a Chearsley villager was stopped just before the turn from Haddenham at Kings Cross by a well dressed, portly man probably of Turkish or Eastern European looks who asked for money for petrol. His car with another person at the wheel was parked in the farm gateway. He tried to get into the car, but failed. Although our Chearsley villager was very suspicious and wary that this was a scam, he could not be certain that it was not a genuine plea for help, so agreed to pay for some petrol at the Haddenham garage for them. The garage attendant knew of other similar incidents in Haddenham. A warning to be aware of what could happen and to keep car doors locked when travelling, as in this incident the man was very quick to try to gain access into the car.

The Bells Ring Out for Rene- a special peal of all 6 bells was rung on Thursday January 22 to celebrate Rene Baker’s 92nd birthday. Rene was born and bred in Chearsley and has lived here all her life. There are several references and photos of her in Ted Hooton’s book of Chearsley. One photo is of her about a year old and another of her aged about 10 while at Chearsley school. When she left school she went to work at The Vicarage in 1937 when the new vicar, Elliot Wigg came to the village. During the war, she worked at Thame airport making propellers for Spitfires. Congratulations to Rene.

Rugby at Chearsley Cricket Club
The Cricket Club is showing all the main games of the RBS Six Nations Tournament in the pavilion and welcome everyone to come along. The first game will be on Friday February 6 when Wales play England at the Millennium Stadium with kick off at 8.05pm. The Club bar will be open at 7pm. A delivery of curry meals from House of Spice is being arranged for half time. Please view the House of Spice menu and let John Howard know your menu choice so that this can be pre-ordered on the Thursday beforehand. Everyone including youngsters is welcome to come up. The second match to be shown will be on Saturday February 14 when England play Italy with kick off at 2.30pm, followed by Ireland against France at 6pm.

Pub Lunch at The Bell - the next Pub lunch will be held on Wednesday February 11 at The Bell at 12.30pm. This is for any older person who would like to come to enjoy a good meal at a very reasonable price of £7.50 for 2 courses including tea and coffee. This date’s menu provides for a roast dinner with choice of pudding. Please let me know if you would like to come – it is a way of supporting The Bell and meeting other Chearsley people – please ring me on 208913. Sharon needs to know how many to cater for and their choice of menu. The next lunch will be on February 25.

Brown Bins – collection of the garden refuse brown bins recommences on Monday February 2 and now continues every other Monday in the week when the general refuse bins are collected until the end of November. Contact AVDC if you are interested in registering with them for this garden waste collection service at this AVDC web page. The cost is £38 annual payment for 1 bin. Each household can have up to 3 bins and the bins are collected every fortnight.

Services at St Nicholas
  • Sunday February 1 at 10am Family communion.
    3pm Bells Dedication Service.
    6 - 7.30pm Rock Solid at Paul and Ann's
Diary Dates:
  • Monday February 2 Fête meeting at 8pm in The Bell
  • Tuesday February 3 Bingo at The Bell at 8.30pm
  • Friday February 6 Six Nations Tournament . Wales v England k.o. 8.05pm being shown in the Cricket Club pavilion
  • Sunday February 8 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Wednesday February 11 Pub Lunch at The Bell at 12.30pm
  • Saturday February 14 Valentine’s Meal in The Bell, please book
  • Monday February 16 Parish Council Meeting at the Village hall at 7.30pm.
  • Tuesday February 17 Pancakes on the menu at lunchtime and evening at The Bell. Pancake party at the church from 2pm

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Chearsley Fête - Saturday 20th June!

from Angela Gray:

Your help is needed to help organise and plan the fête, therefore, a meeting is being held in The Bell on Monday 2nd February at 8pm.

I hope that you can bring some ideas and enthusiasm to help arrange this fantastic village event. Without enough volunteers it will not take place.

If you have any ideas or would like to run a stall, please contact me on or 202105.

I look forward to seeing you,
Angela Gray.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Village News - Pothole Special Edition

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council meeting on January 19
  • Four members of the public attended. During the open session, the on-going Pothole Problem of the village roads was raised again and details heard of how to contact Bucks County Council via their website to report a pothole which had lead to the potholes being filled in. There is a link to the Bucks County Council  in the village links panel, or visit the B.C.C. Pothole web page directly, which gives a step by step guide to reporting the pothole. Perhaps this is the way to get all the potholes considered severe enough by the Council mended, by householders reporting the potholes in their road. Co-incidentally, road closure due to roadworks notices have been put up in the village, so hopefully our roads will shortly be repaired. 
  • The Parish Council agreed to meet to draw up a plan of the potholes in the village and send this to Bucks County Council also pointing out that piecemeal repairs were a waste of time and money. It was appreciated that Chearsley is not the only village with this on-going problem and that lack of money is preventing the roads being maintained.
  • The Budget for next year was discussed in great detail, whether to plan to provide funds to enable the Council to takeover village work presently carried out by AVDC. It was agreed to increase the Clerk’s salary and that the Council’s responsibility was to keep the village in good repair, with an emphasis on kerbing . It was eventually agreed that the precept should be raised by £500 to £8000.
  • Chairman, Nic Brown, agreed to contact the developer of the building of the 10 new houses in Chilton Road concerning the money possibly due to the village from this development.
  • Vehicle Activated Sign – the roadside holes to locate the sign have now been found and the sign will shortly be put up in Aylesbury Road. A second sign will soon be supplied.
  • Planning a site meeting at Manor Farm was arranged to consider the planning permission sought to knock down and rebuild a lean-to.
  • Parish Council Elections May 7 – this will happen at the same time as the General Election. All councillors have to re-apply to stand and there will be an election if there are more nominations than the 7 seats available. Notices will be put on the noticeboard in due course detailing the procedure to stand for election to the Parish Council. This is an opportunity for anyone in the village who feels able to contribute to the running of Chearsley to become involved. There will be no election if less than 7 people apply to stand.
  • Parish council Next Meeting Monday February 16 at 7.30pm in the village hall.
New Grandparents Ben and Jan Benskin of Elmbrook Close are delighted and proud to have become grandparents to William Thomas Benskin who was born in Macclesfield on January 15. Congratulations to their younger son Sam and his wife, Lisa on the birth of William. Good luck and good wishes to them all.

Pancake Party Tuesday February 17 - there will be plenty of opportunities to eat pancakes in Chearsley on Shrove Tuesday. The church is holding a Pancake Party in the church from 2pm for everyone. It will be half term so an ideal place to bring the children for pancakes. The Bell will also be including pancakes with various toppings on their menu at lunchtime and evening sessions on February 17.

Bingo at The Bell – There will be another bingo session for cash prizes on Tuesday February 3 at 8.30pm. Come early to make sure of a table and enjoy a meal at a special Bingo player price. The Bell continues to offer 2 courses for £11 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday lunch and evening times and 2 fish meals for £15 Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Celebrate Valentine’s Day Saturday February 14 with a special set menu available. Unlock The Box on Friday nights at 8.30pm. The correct key has not yet been picked. But with only a few keys left, there is a very good chance of winning the prize which has now been capped at £1800, with a £50 prize for the winning ticket each week.

Family Quiz Night - Saturday January 31st, 5pm until 8pm - Tickets are £10 each with a family ticket for 4 at £30 and £7.50 per person thereafter. The price includes a fish and chip supper and pudding. Tickets are available from Angela at or Alex at All proceeds will be in aid of Chearsley village hall.

Bells Dedication Service – everyone is invited to the Church on Sunday. February 1 when the 3 New Bells will be dedicated. The service starts at 3pm. There will be refreshments afterwards when all 6 bells will be rung.

Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday January 25 Family Service at 10am
  • Sunday February 1 Family Communion at 10am. Bells Dedication Service at 3pm. Rock Solid at 6 until 7.30pm at Paul and Ann’s.

Diary Dates:
  • Saturday January 24 Burns Night at The Bell. 2 courses for £16.95; 3 courses for £19.95. Please ring The Bell to book.
  • Saturday January 31 Family Quiz at the village hall 5 to 8pm
  • Sunday February 1 Bells Dedication Service at 3pm.
  • Tuesday February 3 at 8.30pm Bingo
  • Sunday February 8 Monthly Quiz at The Bell

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Pancake Party - 17th February

The church is hosting a pancake party on Shrove Tuesday at 2pm, so after lunch, why not come along and have a pancake for your pudd?  It is half term, so bring the kids along too.
Here are some photos from 2010.  Can you recognise everyone?
Jake the pancake boy
This is the story of a boy called Jake.
He liked to eat lots of pancakes.

‘I’m hungry’, he said and rubbed his tummy
I will make a pancake that’s tasty and yummy.

He mixed the batter and started to fry.
He thought about different pancakes to try.

He flipped the pancake – it didn’t drop.
Then he tried to decide what to put on top.

Sugar and lemon, that’s easy and sweet
or I could try tuna or perhaps some meat.

What about chocolate, cream and honey,
Or cheese and pickle – that would be funny.

‘I know’, he said, ‘I will make them all.
All that food will make me grow tall.’

So he cooked for two hours without stopping.
Then ate all those pancakes – his tummy kept growing.

But he’d eaten too much and felt very ill.
So he went to the bathroom and took a pill.

He decided maybe pancakes were not his favourite dinner.
‘I won’t eat another pancake until I get thinner'

Saturday 17 January 2015

Saturday 10 January 2015

Do you know enough about online safety?

This is a message sent via Thames Valley Alert and has been sent on behalf of Thames Valley Police.

Happy New Year from Thames Valley Police. We hope that everyone had a peaceful and enjoyable festive season.

We thought we’d provide some advice for people who gave or received a new smart device for Christmas, and for anyone who’s New Year’s resolution is to get more internet safety aware.

Internet Security advice through Get Safe Online

Did you know that 80% of online crime is easily preventable by taking simple steps to protect computers, smart phones and tablets?

During 2015, Thames Valley Police will be working in partnership with Get Safe Online to provide practical advice to help our communities protect themselves on the internet.

The website covers a wide range of topics, and will be a useful read for parents, businesses and the vulnerable and elderly too.


Are you a parent or carer of a child aged 8 – 12?

You may have already seen or heard about the new NSPCC online safety campaign, Share Aware which launched today.

Many parents feel out of their depth in understanding what their children are doing online and what the risks might be.

This campaign is aimed at parents and carers of children aged 8-12, and is a good tool to help with understanding what children like to get up to online, that will certainly help parents to have those difficult conversations with children about staying safe.

There is a downloadable Share Aware guide for parents that has three main purposes:
  • to provide an overview of sites, apps and games that children and young people use from a user-perspective;
  • to give parents the confidence to facilitate balanced and informed conversations about what their children are doing online; and
  • to encourage parents to look at social networking platforms themselves and form their own views about the appropriateness of popular sites for their children.
Thames Valley Police supports the campaign, and we encourage you to read the guide, watch the video with your children, and to start having those important conversations about staying safe as a family.

Visit, follow @NSPCC and #ShareAware

Taking a few moments now to familiarise yourself with the best ways to protect yourself, your family and your devices online might be a smart and safe way to start 2015.

Click for the Thames Valley Police website

Thursday 8 January 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting Monday January 19 at 7.30pm The next meeting of Chearsley Parish Council will be held on January 19 at 7.30pm in the village hall. The minutes of the last meeting and details of the agenda for this meeting can be found on the notice board. Members of the public have the opportunity at the beginning and end of the meeting to voice any concerns, comments or opinions. The Council welcome support from villagers and would like to see more villagers attending the monthly meetings, which are held on the 3rd Monday of the month.

Chearsley News travels afar I was very pleased to hear from Ann Hooton who, as a result of my recent report, had been able to listen to a recording of Joy Payne talking about the 3 New Bells on Three Counties Radio. She had been delighted to hear Joy’s familiar voice again and to hear such good news of the village. Ann moved from Chearsley over a year ago having lived here for many years and had contributed a great deal to Chearsley life.

January at The Bell
The monthly Sunday Quiz is this week, January 11 at 8.30pm. Come on your own and join in a team or come as a team. Burns’ Night will be celebrated on Saturday January 24 at The Bell. Booking will be required for the meal. More details available at The Bell.
The weekly Unlock The Box on Friday nights at 8.30pm continues– the winning key is yet to be found and the prize money mounts up each week.
On Sundays the Meat Raffle is drawn at 3pm when a £2 ticket could win you a meat prize worth considerably more than the cost of the ticket.
The next Lunch Club will be on Wednesday January 21 at 12.30pm, open to anyone who would like to join the group for a 2 course meal for £7.00 including tea and coffee. Contact me on 01844 208913 for more information on the choice of menu and to book your place.

Dedication of the 3 New Bells
Everyone is warmly invited to attend a Service for the Dedication of the 3 New bells for Chearsley at St Nicholas Church on Sunday Feb 1 at 3pm. Refreshments will be served after the service as the peals of 6 bells ring out across the village.

Meadowsong 2015
Following the success of this great Chearsley event in 2013, international singers Paul Shinar and Laura Fealy will be returning to perform with a great Ye Hah! Flavour on Saturday July 4, American Independence Day. American burgers, hot dogs, chocolate brownies (just like Mom used to make) and ice-cream will be on sale. The 6 Bells Saloon Bar will be well stocked with Uncle Sam’s finest beers. Tickets cost £15 per adult. Children are free. The evening which starts at 6.30pm will be held at Long Meadow, Dark Lane. Please email Joy Payne on or telephone her on 01844 208513 for tickets and more information. All proceeds from this event go towards the fund for the 3 New Bells.

Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema
Cuddington, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon Sunshine Club in conjunction with Bucks Community Foundation is pleased to announce an exciting new venture – Matinee Cinema. Villagers from Cuddington and neighbouring villages are invited to this bi-monthly treat beginning on Monday January 26 when South Pacific (157mins) will be screened in the Bernard Hall. Doors open at 1pm to start at 1.30pm. Admission is £4 with concessions £3. Tea and home-made cake will be served during the interval for £1. The plan is to show well loved films which you will delight to see again. The seats in the hall are comfortable and you are assured of a friendly welcome. Please contact Liz Davies on 01844 299150 for more information.

Burglary in Cuddington A house in Cuddington was recently burgled when entry was gained by forcing a rear ground floor window. A handbag, wallet and cash were stolen. A timely reminder to be as vigilant as possible in keeping your property secure.

Services at St Nicholas:
  • This Sunday, January 11 Morning Celebration - an all-age informal service. Drama and video clips. Refreshments on arrival with the service starting at about 10.10am.
  • Sunday January 18 at 9am Communion

Diary Dates:
  • Wednesday January 14 Pilates classes with Debbie start in the village hall at 6 to 7pm.
  • Monday January 19 Parish Council meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm.
  • Wednesday January 21 Pub lunch in The Bell at 12.30pm.
  • Saturday January 24 Burns Night at The Bell.
  • Saturday January 31 Family Quiz at the village hall from 5 to 8pm. Tickets available from Angela at or Alex at

Monday 5 January 2015

Meadowsong 4th July

Following the success of this great Chearsley family event in 2013, Paul and Laura are returning this Summer to perform for us on the 4th of July – with a great “ye Hah flavour!

American burgers, hot-dogs, chocolate brownies (just like Mom used to make) and ice cream will all be on sale, and “the Six Bells Saloon Bar” will be well-stocked with Uncle Sam’s finest beers.

Tickets available from Joy and Alicia

All proceeds will go to the church bells fund.

Friday 2 January 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Carols round the village - £360 was collected from the carol singing round the village, which will be divided between Cystic Fibrosis and Debra.

Eric Carte at Windsor - Eric will be appearing in And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie with the Agatha Christie Company. Performances start at The Theatre Royal Windsor on Tuesday January 13 and run until Saturday January 24. There are matinees on Thursday and Saturday. The production is based on Agatha Christie’s own stage adaptation of her mystery novel – a dark and captivating tale which will thrill and enthral as murder unfolds. It stars Paul Nicholas alongside Eric. It is planned for the production to be in Milton Keynes from July 20 for a week. All the best to Eric in his latest role and in his new home.

Pilates in Chearsley - Debbie Corpe who introduced weekly pilates classes to the village a few years ago is starting up a new class in Chearsley village hall on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7pm starting on January 14. Tone and strengthen, stretch and lengthen with Classic pilates exercises and a variety of small props. You will need to bring your own mat. Please contact Debbie for more information and to book your place on 07770646494 or email her at . Debbie will also be continuing her Pilates Barre classes in the Bernard Hall, Cuddington on Friday mornings from 9.15 to 10.15am. These consist of a warm up, arm weights, standing Barre work, pilates mat and stretching section. Contact Debbie on the above number for more information. These classes start on Friday January 9tth

Chearsley Cricket Club report on another memorable year with mixed fortunes on the field and with creditable performances from the 1st and 2nd XIs both finishing mid-table in their respective divisions in the Cherwell League. The Juniors Section goes from strength to strength with around 100 members signed up in 2014 with Alcatel One Touch as their new sponsor for the 2015 season. The club’s future has now been secured by the granting of a 50 year lease on the ground by the Heybrook family. Before the next season starts the Club is looking forward to the RBS Rugby Six Nations tournament when there will be big screen showings of the matches at the pavilion. The first match will be between Wales and England on Friday February 5

Six New Bells at St Nicholas - there is still time to listen to the recording of Joy Payne, church warden speaking by phone to Roberto Perrone of BBC Three Counties radio. Joy was talking on December 22 about the 3 new bells describing how the £55,000 needed has been raised in under 2 years through donations, auctions ,a flower festival, coffee mornings, mentioning that Jeremy Pratt who is one of the main bell ringers at Westminster Abbey and his wife Ann who is the tower captain have both taught 5 adults and 7 children how to ring the new bells. The recording is nearly 5 minutes long. Go to the BBC Three Counties website, Robert Peronne and episode guide for December 22. Joy starts about 19 minutes into the programme.

Quiz night at The Bell on Sunday January 11 at 8pm - just turn up in a team or on your own for a light-hearted evening.

Family Quiz night - Saturday January 31 5pm until 8pm - Tickets are £10 each with a family ticket for 4 at £30 and £7.50 per person thereafter. The price includes a fish and chip supper and pudding. Tickets are available from Angela at or Alex at All proceeds will be in aid of Chearsley village hall.

Diary Dates:
  • Sunday January 11 Morning Celebration at 10am 
  • Sunday January 11 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday January 31 Family Quiz at the village hall 5 to 8pm