The church is hosting a pancake party on Shrove Tuesday at 2pm, so after lunch, why not come along and have a pancake for your pudd? It is half term, so bring the kids along too.
Here are some photos from 2010. Can you recognise everyone?
Jake the pancake boy
This is the story of a boy called Jake.
He liked to eat lots of pancakes.

‘I’m hungry’, he said and rubbed his tummy
I will make a pancake that’s tasty and yummy.

He mixed the batter and started to fry.
He thought about different pancakes to try.

He flipped the pancake – it didn’t drop.
Then he tried to decide what to put on top.

Sugar and lemon, that’s easy and sweet
or I could try tuna or perhaps some meat.

What about chocolate, cream and honey,
Or cheese and pickle – that would be funny.

‘I know’, he said, ‘I will make them all.
All that food will make me grow tall.’

So he cooked for two hours without stopping.
Then ate all those pancakes – his tummy kept growing.

But he’d eaten too much and felt very ill.
So he went to the bathroom and took a pill.

He decided maybe pancakes were not his favourite dinner.
‘I won’t eat another pancake until I get thinner'
This is the story of a boy called Jake.
He liked to eat lots of pancakes.

‘I’m hungry’, he said and rubbed his tummy
I will make a pancake that’s tasty and yummy.

He mixed the batter and started to fry.
He thought about different pancakes to try.

He flipped the pancake – it didn’t drop.
Then he tried to decide what to put on top.

Sugar and lemon, that’s easy and sweet
or I could try tuna or perhaps some meat.

What about chocolate, cream and honey,
Or cheese and pickle – that would be funny.

‘I know’, he said, ‘I will make them all.
All that food will make me grow tall.’

So he cooked for two hours without stopping.
Then ate all those pancakes – his tummy kept growing.

But he’d eaten too much and felt very ill.
So he went to the bathroom and took a pill.

He decided maybe pancakes were not his favourite dinner.
‘I won’t eat another pancake until I get thinner'