Thursday 20 September 2007

20th September 2007

Village News from Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Village Trust

The deadline for applications for a grant from the Village Trust is Sunday 30th September. Any village society, organization or individual can apply in writing for a grant.

Applications must be made in writing to;
Val Davies, Clerk to the Trustees, Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA
giving details about your project, who will benefit from it, etc.

London to Paris Bike Ride
A final figure of £13,000 in aid of Multiple Sclerosis has been raised by Andy, Rona, Duncan and Simon.
Well done to them all for a magnificent achievement!

Mobile Library.
This will be in The Bell Car Park on Monday 1st October from 10.35 a.m. to 11.05a.m.

Free Young People’s Event.
If you are aged between 11 and 19, go to school or live in Bucks, and would like to have a say on what is important to you, come along to this event on October 23rd. You will have an opportunity to take part in creative workshops, like Grafitti or Drama, fun activities like climbing and mountain biking, all for free.

Contact or ring 01296 382462 for more information.

Moving away.
Our best wishes go to Seamus Bestic, Chairman of the Parish Council for many years, who is moving to Princes Risborough.

Kerbing in Watts Green.
This has now happened and should prevent any further erosion of the banks and verges on these roads.