Sunday 30 October 2011

Help wanted!

Volunteers are required to help for 30 minutes or so at next Friday's
to give the main helpers a break.
If you can spare half an hour, please contact either
Maureen Gillis on 208 742 or Angela Gray on 202 105

Thursday 27 October 2011

Community Message - Darker Evenings Crime Prevention Advice

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Thursday 27 October.

As the clocks go back this weekend we would like to remind householders to ‘leave a light on’….

Darker evenings can give good opportunities to potential burglars, to easily spot an empty home that is left in darkness before you come home from work.

Using a timer light is an effective and cheap way of helping to make your home look occupied, when you are out.  They are available from most DIY stores and vary from simple designs to those that can be programmed to come on at varying times, on different days of the week.  If you have an alarm system, make sure it is set before you leave your property.

If you are about during the day, keep an eye out for neighbour’s properties, particularly if you know they are out at work.  Report anything that you feel is suspicious and if you are able to, make a note of persons description and any vehicle they are using.

Call the Police when it is happening – Officers would much rather get an opportunity to check out suspicious activity at the time, rather than getting a call hours later and discovering a burglary has occurred.  Don’t leave it to someone else to report – you might be the only one that has seen it!

Further crime prevention advice is available from our website or by calling our 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Fast Woman
This delightful land captivating performance by Sandra Hunt, as Helle Nice, one time artist’s model turned motor racing champion of the 1920s, entertained about 40 members of the audience on Friday 21st, a good friendly mix of Chearsley villagers and other visitors from “out of town”. Thanks to them all for coming and supporting this Theatre in the Villages event. About £150 was made for Village Hall funds from ticket sales, raffle and teas. Watch out for Theatre in the Villages next year in Chearsley, as it is hoped that after the pleasure and success of this evening to be able to host another show.

Pumpkin Night at The Bell
10 pumpkins ranging from nearly 10lb to the winning one of 65lb were part of the weigh in on Wednesday October 26 at The Bell. Congratulations to Mike from Brill who grew the winning specimen and who was presented with a shield. Commiserations to Nick Richards and Andy Yorke who staggered in with theirs, but failing by 5lb to make the top grade. Thanks to Sharon and Ollie for hosting the evening and providing very tasty hot sausages.

For many years, Sue Grimsdell has been coming round to all houses in the village selling poppies. This year is no exception, and Sue will be calling round in the two weeks before Remembrance Sunday, November 13. If you miss her and would like her to call back, please ring Sue on 201319 and she will try to call again.

Chearsley Fireworks Night Friday November 4
Chearsley Youth Club are organising a Firework night from 6.30 at the village hall. Tickets are £10 for a family; £3 for adults and £2.50 for child of 3+. Free entry for chidren under 3. Ticket includes free cup of mulled wine and free sparkler for children. Children need to wear gloves to handle sparklers and be accompanied by an adult. Any profit raised will go to Youth Club funds. Please contact Angela on 202105 or Maureen on 208742 for more information or to buy tickets. Youth Club need your support and funds to be able to continue, so come along and make this a whizz bang success.

Chuf Christmas Shopping Evening
Chuf are holding a fund raising evening on Wednesday November 30 from 7.30 until 9.30 at Chearsley village hall. Entry is £2.50 per person which includes a glass of mulled wine and festive nibbles. There will be a wide selection of stalls selling cards, children’s books, toys and gifts, jewellery, accessories, fresh Christmas door wreaths and table decorations and festive food. Please contact for more information.

Long Crendon Young Farmers Quiz Night
This will be held on Saturday November 12 at Longwick Village Hall, 7.00 for 7.30 start. Teams of up to 8. Bring your own drinks, nibbles and brainy friends. Tickets cost £7 per person. To book a table, please call Lucy on 07834 762279. The Young Farmers are raising funds for next year’s Country Show to be held on the Waddesdon Estate on June 2nd – a date for your diary for a fun filled family day out with main ring demonstrations, including heavy horses and tractors (new and old), farmers market stalls, trade stands, competitions and craft displays.

Cuddington Traditional Christmas Fayre Saturday November 12
This will be held in the Bernard Hall from 2 until 4.30pm when all Cuddington enterprises, clubs and organisations are taking part and selling an array of presents and orders can be placed in time for Christmas. The hall will be decked with holly, fairy lights with background music of carols and Christmas songs to create a very festive atmosphere for Christmas shopping.

Help in the snow
Bucks County Council would like to hear from anyone who would be able to help clear snow locally, or from owners of 4 x 4 vehicles who could help transport vital home carers to where they are needed. Please contact the Council at or ring 01296 383409. This would tie in with Chearsley’s plan to organize a phone tree of volunteers to help out in snowy conditions. So ring me, Margaret 208913, as well, if you would be prepared to help.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Neighbourhood Police Team: October Newsletter

The Neighbourhood Police Newsletter for October can be downloaded here.

Monday 24 October 2011

Remember, Remember...

Chearsley Fireworks Night
Brought to you by
Chearsley Youth Club
Friday 4th November 6:30pm
at the Village Hall
Mulled wine ~ Soup ~ Hot Dogs
Child (3+)

Ticket includes free cup of mulled wine for adults
and free sparkler for children
Children under 3 free entry
Children need to wear gloves to handle sparklers and be accompanied by an adult.
Any profit to be put back into Chearsley Youth Club
Volunteer Helpers are needed - can you spare some time?
Further info : Angela 01844 202 105 or Maureen 01844 208 742

Sunday 23 October 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Pumpkin Night - Wednesday October 26 at The Bell
Weigh in of the pumpkins will start at 7.30pm.

Halloween at The Bell - Monday October 31
Chearsley children and friends are invited to take part in Halloween activities at The Bell from 4.45 until 6.00pm for games, wrap the mummy, pin the wart on the witch, find the Halloween chocolates. Soup, jacket potato, beans, sausage, mulled wine and squash available to buy before trick or treating round the village. Tickets available at the bar.

Bingo at The Bell - Tuesday November 1

It’s time for Bingo again. Eyes down at around 8.30. Prizes for a line and full house in each game, with the last round attracting a bumper amount, depending on how many bingo players are taking part. Raffle for the charity bottle. Meals at a special price for bingo players. Booking is advised. I am hoping for a big win this month – Christmas is coming!

Waddesdon Christmas Gift Fair
Over 50 stalls offering stocking fillers, presents for everyone and accessories and decorations for the home are to be found at the Gift Fair at Waddesdon Plant Centre on Thursday November 3 until Sunday November 6 from 10.30 until 4.30. Whilst there, why not enjoy the refreshments available in the plant centre cafe and browse the Christmas decorations and plants for sale.

Mobile Library Monday November 7
The mobile library will be in Chearsley by The Green from 12.20 until 12.45. It is good to learn that the mobile library service is not part of the planned library closures.

Baskets for paper, cans and plastics will next be collected on Tuesday November 1

Village Hall Management Committee Annual Meeting - Monday November 7

This will be held in Chearsley village hall on Monday November 7 at 8.00pm. All members of the public are invited. The committee is made up of representatives of the clubs and groups who use the hall, but more members would be greatly welcomed. More fund raising ideas and ways of beneficially using the hall are needed. Phone Tony Fleetwood, present Chairman on 201176  for offers of help or more information.

Parish Council Meeting

This took place at Chearsley village hall on Monday 17th with Nic Brown as Chairman, and attended by half a dozen members of the public.

Points brought up by the public included the collection time of 4pm from the post box; hole in Dark Lane which the Council would report, and bank erosion. More kerbing would take place in the Spring. The Council were asked to organize a first public meeting to discuss interest in celebrations during 2012 for the Queen’s Silver jubilee, the Olympics and the fete. Householders should be informed that the use of smaller lorries to avoid bank erosion might well involve extra cost to them. Commemorative plaques for the benches on The Green still need to be ordered; approval of the removal of the picnic table near to the War Memorial.

Vale of Aylesbury Plan
John Lewis reported on the Vale of Aylesbury Plan in which Parish Councils are consulted about future requirements as to housing, business, jobs, etc. John agreed to lead an initial public meeting in the near future to explain the proposed questions and to come up with answers and report back to AVDC.

LAF and NAG meetings
It was reported that the non-emergency number for contacting the Police would change to 101 in November; more speeding checks in the village would be held in the near future; there had been an increase in break-ins due to new pvc doors not being locked properly and that scrap metal theft had risen. Mobile libraries are not under threat. An emergency village plan for helping the elderly or vulnerable people during severe weather should be set up – a phone tree detailing people willing to help out with transport, etc. The Bell had already offered to provide hot meals. A future LAF and NAG meeting would be held in Chearsley village hall on March 21 which is a great opportunity for Chearsley villagers to attend.

Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree should be ordered forthwith; to apply to the Village Trust for a grant and to ask Chuf to provide decorations; the lights switched on and celebrations on December 10. The positioning of the tree should be looked into.

Trees on The Green
It was suggested that the 3 hornbeams should be trimmed and 1 sycamore pollarded and the one next to the stump removed, as some decay was apparent. It was agreed that as Parish Council members needed more time to consider this matter, a decision would be made at the next committee meeting in November as to removal or pollarding of the trees and clarification concerning the conflicting advice over planning permission would have been obtained. Future cost of maintenance of the sycamores and affect of lack of light for the Bell were factors. The chestnut in the triangle needed crown lifting and the walnut tree by the phone box needed evening up.

Remembrance Sunday
The wreath had been ordered and a serving member of the armed forces would be requested to lay the wreath.

John Bercow, opposed to this scheme, was encouraging people to still write in with their opinions, as the matter was not yet decided.

Date of next meeting
14th November 7.30 in the village hall.

Clocks altering
A reminder that the clocks go back one hour on the morning of Sunday 30th.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey 

Theatre in The Villages
Fast Woman with Sandra Hunt is being performed in Chearsley Village Hall on Friday October 21. Please contact me for tickets which cost £10 or £8 for concessions or for more information. The show starts at 8.00pm, with an interval when tea and coffee and cake will be served and an opportunity to take part in the raffle. One of the raffle prizes will be a book “Bugatti Queen” about Helle Nice, the “Fast Woman” signed by our evening’s actress, Sandra Hunt. It should be a lively, entertaining evening. It isn’t often we have the opportunity for theatre in Chearsley, so don’t miss this chance – come along, it will be a change from the TV or the pub. (You could do both anyway). A few tickets will probably be available on the night at the door.

Mobile Library

This will next be in Chearsley on Monday October 24 from 12.20 until 12.45pm on The Green.

Monthly Pub Lunch at The Bell

It is time to book your seat and order your meal for October’s lunch for older residents of Chearsley and other villages, which is on Wednesday 26 at 12.30pm. If you haven’t been before or haven’t heard about the monthly meal, perhaps you can be tempted by the 2 course menu which costs £5.95 per person including tea or coffee. This month you can choose from scampi and chips, cottage pie, chicken casserole, followed by ice cream fruit crumble or crème caramel. Please ring Ann Hooton on 208306 or Alan Mitchener on 208893.

Halloween at The Bell

Plans are being made for Halloween happenings for children at the Bell on Monday October 31. More details available later. So, time for broomsticks,capes and cauldrons to be made ready for a really exciting time. Think up some good spells with rats and spider venom , a few old conkers, whatever you can find - it’s about time a spell was cast over the 6 o’ clock club regulars. Sharon needs help dealing with them each night.

Pumpkin night at The Bell

This will be held on Wednesday evening October 26 at about 8.00pm. Come along and see who has managed to grow the biggest pumpkin in this annual village competition. I shall be there as a spectator only, unable to compete, as the slugs took a fancy to the one Podge and I were growing in his garden. Not to despair, there is always next year. Hopefully, others have had more success. We shall see.

Rugby World Cup Finals at Chearsley Cricket ClubThe Club will be open again (presuming they have all recovered from their End of Season Ball celebrations on Friday 14), and welcoming visitors to the Rugby Final on Saturday October 23. Breakfast will be served at 8.30am for the 9.00am kickoff. Please let John Howard know if you are planning to attend on 07970 651326. It is hoped that the 5 winners of the Chearsley Cricket Club Rugby draw will enjoy their VIP package that morning, which includes breakfast with a glass of Bucks Fizz served by a topless waitress!

For the over 60s
Weekly sessions of activities for adults over 60 begin on Monday October 31 (just witches and wizards?!) in Aylesbury from 10 to 12.30pm at a cost of £4.00. The sessions will include practical and fun activities to keep the mind, body and soul active and will include lunch. Please contact the Healthy Living Centre at Walton Court Shopping Centre, Aylesbury on 01296 334562. It is good to see another opportunity available for getting out and doing something different.

Postal collection times from Chearsley Box

I had suspected for a couple of weeks that post was being collected earlier than the advertised Monday to Friday time of 4.45pm. This has now been confirmed by another member of the village, who has spoken to the postman collecting at 4.00pm. Having personally and professionally experienced Royal Mail’s lack of customer -first approach, it is of little surprise that no notice or warning of this change has been given. It wouldn’t have taken much to have put up a temporary notice on the pillar box advertising the change of time, until proper signage is organized. Be warned, collection time now is 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Who knows what time on Saturday – Royal Mail?

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Community Message - Free fitting of anti-theft number plate screws

This is a Community Message from Insp Abu-Rish, Aylesbury Town Neighbourhood Inspector.

Following the success of our previous events in Aylesbury where we fitted over 700 cars with tamper proof number plate screws we have decided to run more events again in partnership with Halfords Auto Centre.

It is completely free of charge and only takes a moment to do so. We would like to invite people to pop along to one of the events in Aylesbury to be held on:

  • Weds 5th Oct at B&Q Car Park, Aylesbury from 10amtill 2pm
  • Weds 12th Oct at B&Q Car Park, Aylesbury from 10amtill 2pm
  • Thurs 20th Oct at Tesco Broadfields Car Park, Aylesbury from 4pmtill 8pm

Vehicle identity theft can present all sorts of problems for motorists and this is a free and easy way to eliminate the chance of being a victim to this type of crime. Stolen number plates can be used in committing crime such as making off without payment from garages, burglaries and avoiding congestion charging to name but a few.

Over 700 satisfied local residents have taken up this offer and there will only be another 3 dates this year to take up the offer. Members of the Aylesbury Neighbourhood Policing Team will also be in attendance for advice and crime reduction information.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Mobile Library
This is next in Chearsley on Monday October 10th by The Green from 12.20 until 12.45pm.

Chearsley Cricket Club End of Season Ball
This will be held at The Spread Eagle Hotel, Thame on Friday October 14. This very successful event, which was attended by over 150 people last year, takes the form of reception and canapés, dinner, presentations, raffle, auction, and dancing to live music, by Squid. Tickets cost £40 each. Please contact Alex Brown on 07731 578923 or John Howard on 07970 651326 to book your ticket.

Chearsley Village Trust
The Trust would like to hear from anyone, individuals or groups who would like to apply for an award for finance for their project or activity. Please write to Val Davies, the clerk to the Trustees at Minster Dark Lane Chearsley HP18 0DA giving details of the project, who benefits and what other funds are available. The deadline for applications is Sunday October 23.

The Bell
The next Sunday Pub Quiz will be on October 9 starting at 7.30. Paul and Tony, last month’s winners will be the quizmasters. This monthly event is rapidly becoming very competitive and popular. Please book your table with Sharon or Ollie as soon as possible. Their phone number is 01844 208077 or email

Thursday evenings in The Bell are now Steak nights when 2 steaks plus a bottle of wine costs £25. Friday evenings offer fish, chips and peas for 2 plus a bottle wine costing £25.

The Christmas menu is now available and bookings taken. There is a two course menu for £16 or a 3 course menu for £21.

Theatre in The Villages
Fast Woman with Sandra Hunt is being performed in Chearsley Village Hall on Friday October 21. Please contact me for tickets which cost £10 or £8 for concessions or for more information. The show starts at 8.00, with an interval when tea and coffee and cake will be served and an opportunity to take part in the raffle. It should be a lively, entertaining evening – come along and see.