Sunday, 23 October 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Pumpkin Night - Wednesday October 26 at The Bell
Weigh in of the pumpkins will start at 7.30pm.

Halloween at The Bell - Monday October 31
Chearsley children and friends are invited to take part in Halloween activities at The Bell from 4.45 until 6.00pm for games, wrap the mummy, pin the wart on the witch, find the Halloween chocolates. Soup, jacket potato, beans, sausage, mulled wine and squash available to buy before trick or treating round the village. Tickets available at the bar.

Bingo at The Bell - Tuesday November 1

It’s time for Bingo again. Eyes down at around 8.30. Prizes for a line and full house in each game, with the last round attracting a bumper amount, depending on how many bingo players are taking part. Raffle for the charity bottle. Meals at a special price for bingo players. Booking is advised. I am hoping for a big win this month – Christmas is coming!

Waddesdon Christmas Gift Fair
Over 50 stalls offering stocking fillers, presents for everyone and accessories and decorations for the home are to be found at the Gift Fair at Waddesdon Plant Centre on Thursday November 3 until Sunday November 6 from 10.30 until 4.30. Whilst there, why not enjoy the refreshments available in the plant centre cafe and browse the Christmas decorations and plants for sale.

Mobile Library Monday November 7
The mobile library will be in Chearsley by The Green from 12.20 until 12.45. It is good to learn that the mobile library service is not part of the planned library closures.

Baskets for paper, cans and plastics will next be collected on Tuesday November 1

Village Hall Management Committee Annual Meeting - Monday November 7

This will be held in Chearsley village hall on Monday November 7 at 8.00pm. All members of the public are invited. The committee is made up of representatives of the clubs and groups who use the hall, but more members would be greatly welcomed. More fund raising ideas and ways of beneficially using the hall are needed. Phone Tony Fleetwood, present Chairman on 201176  for offers of help or more information.

Parish Council Meeting

This took place at Chearsley village hall on Monday 17th with Nic Brown as Chairman, and attended by half a dozen members of the public.

Points brought up by the public included the collection time of 4pm from the post box; hole in Dark Lane which the Council would report, and bank erosion. More kerbing would take place in the Spring. The Council were asked to organize a first public meeting to discuss interest in celebrations during 2012 for the Queen’s Silver jubilee, the Olympics and the fete. Householders should be informed that the use of smaller lorries to avoid bank erosion might well involve extra cost to them. Commemorative plaques for the benches on The Green still need to be ordered; approval of the removal of the picnic table near to the War Memorial.

Vale of Aylesbury Plan
John Lewis reported on the Vale of Aylesbury Plan in which Parish Councils are consulted about future requirements as to housing, business, jobs, etc. John agreed to lead an initial public meeting in the near future to explain the proposed questions and to come up with answers and report back to AVDC.

LAF and NAG meetings
It was reported that the non-emergency number for contacting the Police would change to 101 in November; more speeding checks in the village would be held in the near future; there had been an increase in break-ins due to new pvc doors not being locked properly and that scrap metal theft had risen. Mobile libraries are not under threat. An emergency village plan for helping the elderly or vulnerable people during severe weather should be set up – a phone tree detailing people willing to help out with transport, etc. The Bell had already offered to provide hot meals. A future LAF and NAG meeting would be held in Chearsley village hall on March 21 which is a great opportunity for Chearsley villagers to attend.

Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree should be ordered forthwith; to apply to the Village Trust for a grant and to ask Chuf to provide decorations; the lights switched on and celebrations on December 10. The positioning of the tree should be looked into.

Trees on The Green
It was suggested that the 3 hornbeams should be trimmed and 1 sycamore pollarded and the one next to the stump removed, as some decay was apparent. It was agreed that as Parish Council members needed more time to consider this matter, a decision would be made at the next committee meeting in November as to removal or pollarding of the trees and clarification concerning the conflicting advice over planning permission would have been obtained. Future cost of maintenance of the sycamores and affect of lack of light for the Bell were factors. The chestnut in the triangle needed crown lifting and the walnut tree by the phone box needed evening up.

Remembrance Sunday
The wreath had been ordered and a serving member of the armed forces would be requested to lay the wreath.

John Bercow, opposed to this scheme, was encouraging people to still write in with their opinions, as the matter was not yet decided.

Date of next meeting
14th November 7.30 in the village hall.

Clocks altering
A reminder that the clocks go back one hour on the morning of Sunday 30th.