with Margaret Morbey
Fast Woman
This delightful land captivating performance by Sandra Hunt, as Helle Nice, one time artist’s model turned motor racing champion of the 1920s, entertained about 40 members of the audience on Friday 21st, a good friendly mix of Chearsley villagers and other visitors from “out of town”. Thanks to them all for coming and supporting this Theatre in the Villages event. About £150 was made for Village Hall funds from ticket sales, raffle and teas. Watch out for Theatre in the Villages next year in Chearsley, as it is hoped that after the pleasure and success of this evening to be able to host another show.
Pumpkin Night at The Bell
10 pumpkins ranging from nearly 10lb to the winning one of 65lb were part of the weigh in on Wednesday October 26 at The Bell. Congratulations to Mike from Brill who grew the winning specimen and who was presented with a shield. Commiserations to Nick Richards and Andy Yorke who staggered in with theirs, but failing by 5lb to make the top grade. Thanks to Sharon and Ollie for hosting the evening and providing very tasty hot sausages.
For many years, Sue Grimsdell has been coming round to all houses in the village selling poppies. This year is no exception, and Sue will be calling round in the two weeks before Remembrance Sunday, November 13. If you miss her and would like her to call back, please ring Sue on 201319 and she will try to call again.
Chearsley Fireworks Night Friday November 4
Chearsley Youth Club are organising a Firework night from 6.30 at the village hall. Tickets are £10 for a family; £3 for adults and £2.50 for child of 3+. Free entry for chidren under 3. Ticket includes free cup of mulled wine and free sparkler for children. Children need to wear gloves to handle sparklers and be accompanied by an adult. Any profit raised will go to Youth Club funds. Please contact Angela on 202105 or Maureen on 208742 for more information or to buy tickets. Youth Club need your support and funds to be able to continue, so come along and make this a whizz bang success.
Chuf Christmas Shopping Evening
Chuf are holding a fund raising evening on Wednesday November 30 from 7.30 until 9.30 at Chearsley village hall. Entry is £2.50 per person which includes a glass of mulled wine and festive nibbles. There will be a wide selection of stalls selling cards, children’s books, toys and gifts, jewellery, accessories, fresh Christmas door wreaths and table decorations and festive food. Please contact info@chufpreschool.co.uk for more information.
Long Crendon Young Farmers Quiz Night
This will be held on Saturday November 12 at Longwick Village Hall, 7.00 for 7.30 start. Teams of up to 8. Bring your own drinks, nibbles and brainy friends. Tickets cost £7 per person. To book a table, please call Lucy on 07834 762279. The Young Farmers are raising funds for next year’s Country Show to be held on the Waddesdon Estate on June 2nd – a date for your diary for a fun filled family day out with main ring demonstrations, including heavy horses and tractors (new and old), farmers market stalls, trade stands, competitions and craft displays.
Cuddington Traditional Christmas Fayre Saturday November 12
This will be held in the Bernard Hall from 2 until 4.30pm when all Cuddington enterprises, clubs and organisations are taking part and selling an array of presents and orders can be placed in time for Christmas. The hall will be decked with holly, fairy lights with background music of carols and Christmas songs to create a very festive atmosphere for Christmas shopping.
Help in the snow
Bucks County Council would like to hear from anyone who would be able to help clear snow locally, or from owners of 4 x 4 vehicles who could help transport vital home carers to where they are needed. Please contact the Council at locality-services@buckscc.gov.uk or ring 01296 383409. This would tie in with Chearsley’s plan to organize a phone tree of volunteers to help out in snowy conditions. So ring me, Margaret 208913, as well, if you would be prepared to help.