Friday 30 March 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

First Granddaughter
Rowena and Alan Parry of Aylesbury Road are very proud to have become Grandparents to Ellen Grace who was born on March 25 to their daughter Joanna and Martin, a sister for Ben. Congratulations and best wishes to you all.

Unwanted clothes in aid of Cancer
Give Up Clothes for Good is a scheme running from April 1 to 30 when we are being encouraged to fill a bag with no longer needed clothes and take them into any branch of TK Maxx. These will then be sold in Cancer Research shops.

Jubilee Arrangements
It’s going to be a great celebration in Chearsley on Monday June 4. Make sure you are coming to take part from lunchtime until night. Fun for everyone. Games and treasure hunt and rides for the children, music, dancing, evening food by The Bell, candlelit procession to the Church for the lighting of the beacon. Royal scarecrows and a surprise Royal feature will adorn The Green for a week beforehand, when the bunting will go up. If you have flags to fly in your garden, join in. It will be a right royal do.

Parish Council AGM
A reminder that all villagers are invited to come to the Parish Council AGM in the village hall on Monday April 16 at 8.00pm.

Royal Scarecrows
This is a competition for children and their families as part of Chearsley Jubilee celebrations to make a royal scarecrow – king, queen, duke, duchess, prince, princess whatever you like - of any shape or size. It must be attached to a pole and sturdy enough to be able to be on the village green for 2 weeks and needs to be in place by 12pm on Sunday May 27 when judging will take place at 12.30pm. Results and prizes will be announced at the Street Party on Monday June 4. Please ring Claire on 208087 for more information.

Donation to Barnardos in remembrance of Cyndy Whiffin
Cyndy’s family, Alan, Ruth, Toby and David are very pleased to have been able to send a cheque to Barnardos for £1353.70 as a result of donations received at Cyndy’s funeral and afterwards. Such an amount reflects the high regard and esteem which many people held for her.

Oli and Sharon at The Bell would like to thank everyone who has overwhelmed them with messages of best wishes for Oli during his recent illness. Oli is now home and is on the slow road to recovery.

Easter Footsteps
Another Footsteps is being arranged for Saturday April 7th for children . One group of older 7+ children will be acting out the Easter story, starting with the Final supper, while the younger ones will make bread and “wine”, and make an Easter Garden. Everyone will then get together for a simple lunch. Younger children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please contact Sharon Sampson on 01844 208740 for more information and to book a place as soon as possible.

Easter Bin collections and recycling
Our bins will be collected on Wednesday April 11. No recycling baskets on this day.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Charity Bottle

Over the past months customers of The Bell, Chearsley, have been raising money for the Stoke Mandeville Eye Scanner Appeal. Fund raising included a sponsored diet for one customer, regular raffles held at the monthly bingo night, a weekly donation from the bonus ball lottery draw and regular contributions from patrons. The contents of the bottle was counted by a band of loyal locals on Tuesday 27th, concluding with a magnificent £1,305 being raised.

From left to right: Ted Franklin, Ian Houseman, Sarah Fowler, Nicky Harrison, Sharon Woodford, Paul Kingsman, Jamie Cadle, Tracey Camden, Tony Babington.

Sharon Woodford, landlady of The Bell, was delighted with such a large total and thanked all those who helped on the night and those who had donated so generously to this cause.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Jubilee Planning Meeting

The next planning meeting for the Jubilee Celebrations will be on Thursday 29th March at 7:30pm at The Bell.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Charity Count

The contents of The Bell's Charity Bottle will be counted this coming Tuesday evening from 7:00pm, with the proceeds heading fro the Stoke Mandeville Eye Scanner Appeal. The usual menu will be available, plus the pub's new chef will be doing a 'curry special' for just £5.95 - book now!

Easter Footsteps

If your children enjoyed Footsteps in the summer holidays, then you might like to book them in to our special Easter Footsteps on Saturday 7th April.

We will have 2 groups, the older ones (age 7+) will act out the Easter story starting with the Final Supper (making bread, washing feet, crushing grapes into “wine”), then moving on to a nearby orchard for the garden of Gethsemane (acting out the soldiers arriving and Peter cutting of an ear in a fight.)  Then the trial of Jesus and the crowd heckling and shouting for Barabbas the murderer to be freed instead of Jesus. Then lugging a wooden cross, wrapping Jesus in a white sheet and acting out the resurrection.

The younger children will make bread (with a marshmallow inside that will disappear when baked to become an empty tomb) and “wine” (by squashing fruit). Then they will get messy making an Easter garden with compost and flowers and sticks and stones.

Then we will all get back together for a simple lunch.

If this sounds fun and your children would like to join in, please book a place with Sharon Sampson (01844 208740 / by 31st March.  Please note that the older children can be unaccompanied but the younger ones would need a responsible adult with them.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting
Leif Hytten chaired the meeting at the village hall on Monday March 19 when 4 members of the public were present.
It was noted that the sycamore by The Bell had now been chopped down and found to be rotten and hollow inside, thus re-enforcing the wisdom in this action to avert a possible accident. The adjacent sycamore has been pollarded, but not considered to be in good health.
An application for Jubilee hedging trees from the Woodland Trust has been put in, which if successful would arrive in November.
It was agreed to donate £100 towards the cost of the Jubilee beacon at the church, and for £120 for Jubilee mugs. No grant for Jubilee flag would be applied for. The route of the Olympic flame which goes through Waddesdon on July 9th can be found at
Entering the Best Kept Village competition would be a subject for public discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting.
Damaged verges need to be restored. Concern was expressed at the damaged verges at the house extension in Church Lane, and for the householder to be reminded about reinstating them. Also for the footpath to be restored to its original position after work had finished.
Village map would be updated where there had been a change of house name.
It was reported that bonfires in the Winchendon Road area, when builders’ rubbish and window frames were being burnt, creating an acrid smell had restarted. Incidences of these should be noted and reported to the Environment Agency.
The wildflower verge in Crendon Road had now been dug over ready for planting with mixed wildflowers.
The recent burglaries in the village and nearby villages prompted advice from the Police not to leave evidence – cardboard boxes - of the recent purchase of valuable electrical equipment outside the house, and to ring the non-emergency police number of 101 if suspicions were raised by strangers in the area or having cold callers knock on the door.
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday April 16 at 8.00pm. Some councillors will be available for consultation from 7.30pm.

AGM Monday April 16 at 8.00pm in Chearsley Village Hall
Everyone is invited to this meeting. Among items on the agenda will be District Councillor@s Report, County Councillor’s Report, Chairman’s report, financial report and items on Best Kept Village, Village Plan, Neighbourhood Watch and cold callers, Police report, Cricket Club Report, village car service, Village Trust, Village Hall, location of dog bins, footpath across the Green, village hall signage, Jubilee hedge trees, open spaces, highway, verges and wildflowers; thermal imaging. Sounds like a late night!

Easter Services at St Nicholas
Tuesday April 3 at 8.00pm – Compline, a quiet late-night service that traditionally ends the day in convents and monasteries and lasts about 35 minutes will be said with readings, prayers and reflections on the Cross
Good Friday April 6 at 10.00am - Service for Good Friday
Easter Day April 8 at 10.00am – Easter Garden Service and Communion

Jubilee Meeting
The next meeting to discuss the Jubilee celebrations in the village will be on Thursday March 29 at 7.30 in The Bell.


Baskets for paper, plastics and cans and boxes for glass will next be collected on Tuesday April 3.

Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Quiz
The third very popular quiz will be held in Chearsley Village Hall on Saturday 28th ~April at 7.15pm. Teams of a maximum of 8 are invited to book a table. Tickets cost £5 each. Bring your own food and drink and glass. Please contact the hospice on 01296 429975 or find more information at their website

Volunteer of the Year
Nominations for this award are now invited by AVDC. Nominations can be for anyone of any age who has committed their time and energy as a volunteer in their local community. Please contact Alice Fisher at or write to The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF with suggestions and giving as much information as possible. Closing date for entries is April 27.

Bingo at The Bell
April’s Bingo session will be at The Bell on Tuesday April 3rd at about 8.30pm. Come early and enjoy a meal at a special Bingo price of £6.99.

Monday 19 March 2012

Jubilee Beacon

As part of the Diamond Jubilee, churches up and down the country will be joining the celebration by the lighting of Church Beacons.
In 1953 church bells rang across the whole country to herald the Coronation of The Queen and it is fitting that on the 4th June 2012 St Nicholas’ Church, Chearsley will be giving thanks for her reign by lighting one of these beacons.
Everyone in the village is welcome to join a candle-lit procession at 9.30 pm from The Green to the church, where there will be a ceremonial lighting up of the beacon on the tower at 10.00pm and a toast to Her Majesty The Queen.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Planning Forum Meeting Tuesday 20th March

The next meeting of the Planning Forum is this coming Tuesday 20 March at the Chearsley Cricket Club. 

We have two guest speakers:
Paul O’Hare from Community Impact Bucks will talk about the advice, guidance and support his organisation can provide in the preparation of Local Plans
Ian Metherell from Marsh Gibbon will share with us his village’s experiences in preparing a plan.

The Marsh Gibbon plan is well worth looking at beforehand and can be found (along with other local plans) at

Friday 16 March 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Crime in Chearsley
It is disturbing to learn that a few days ago a house in Shupps Lane  was broken into overnight and electrical goods stolen. Four quad tyres were also stolen on the same night from a garden in Crendon Road, Chearsley. During the night of Sunday March 11, an unlocked car in School Lane had its contents rifled through. A warning to be vigilant at all times and to be aware of strangers in the village.

Jubilee Celebrations
Please book Monday June 4 as the day over the Jubilee weekend to come and celebrate in Chearsley.  More details will be circulated over the next weeks ,but it will comprise a Royal Scarecrow competition on The Green in the week beforehand – so families get thinking and creating; bring your own picnic on The Green, while a street  lunch is provided for all the children; afternoon activities and entertainment for the children; evening celebrations of music and food; candle lit procession to the Church to light the beacon and toast to the Queen. Chearsley always celebrates in style and it will be another good day to get together.

Mobile Library
This will next be in the village on Monday March 26 from 12.20 until 12.45pm.

Monthly Lunch at The Bell
It is time to book your place for the March Lunch which will be on Wednesday March 28 at 12.30pm. This month’s menu choice is from Fish Pie and vegetables, vegetable lasagne, or cottage pie with puddings of fruit crumble, cheesecake or ice-cream, followed by tea or coffee, all for a very reasonable price. If you are tempted to join this little band of villagers and friends as a way of supporting The Bell and meeting up each month,  please ring Ann Hooton on 208306

Easter Egg Hunt in The Bell Garden
This will be held on Sunday April 8 at 11.00 at a cost of £4.00 per child to include refreshments.

Our Shop
I hope that everyone in Chearsley appreciates just how lucky the village is to have our shop open again and for such long hours. New items appear all the time, the latest one being takeaway tea and coffee from a very neat  machine for a very reasonable price. Thank you Jeyan and Suki for all your hard work and enthusiasm.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Volunteer of the Year

Each year a panel of Councillors selects a volunteer who they believe has demonstrated exceptional qualities of volunteering in their local communities.

Last year AVDC Councillors chose Mrs Nicolette Pike of Steeple Claydon as overall winner with Mrs Phyl Saw of Haddenham as runner-up. Both were selected due to the range of activities that they were giving their time & energy to - all in their local community.

The search is now on for this year’s Volunteer of the Year. Do you know someone in your local community who makes the lives of the people in that community better or more enjoyable? Anyone of any age can be nominated provided that they live or work within Aylesbury Vale District Council area.

Please send your nominations to Alice Fisher at or write to The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF, and include as much information about your nominee as possible.  Ring Alice for more details on 01296 585041 or see the Volunteer of the Year Webpage

The closing date for entries is 27 April 2012.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Soul Spark

Don’t forget that this week is the ideal opportunity to visit our beautiful parish church of St Nicholas, in which a special event called “Soul Spark” is taking place.  Drop in and listen to the gentle background music and take a look at the ten interactive “stations” designed to uplift your spirits and touch your hearts.
The church will be open from 8am to 8pm so please do drop in.  Comments by those who have visited already include ‘refreshing, calm, inspiring, uplifting and very moving.’

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Community Message - Payday Loans

received from Thame and District Citizens Advice Bureau

Payday Loans
If you have taken out a Payday loan you may find that your lender is taking money from your account that you need to pay for essentials, like food or rent, so what can you do to stop this from happening? There’s a common myth that once you’ve agreed to such payments, you have no power to stop them.

This is not true.

When you give your credit or debit card details to a company and authorise them to take regular payments from your account, it is known as a ‘recurring transaction’ or ‘continuous payment authority’. This is not the same as a direct debit.

To cancel a regular payment just phone your bank and tell them you are withdrawing your consent for further payments to be taken. You don’t need to tell the company taking the payments or confirm your instructions in writing for your bank to stop payments. Your bank should stop making payments as soon as you tell them you have withdrawn your consent - regardless of whether you have also told your payday lender - and you can do this verbally.

If you have contacted your bank in time, and a payment is made after you have told it that you wish to stop the payment being taken from your account, it will be regarded as an unauthorised transaction and your bank must give you an immediate refund, and put the account back in the position it would have been if the payment had not been made – in other words refund any interest and charges applied as a result of payment being made.

If you’re still having problems, get free, independent advice:

Citizens Advice website
CAB adviceline  08 444 111 444 or 0300 3300 650(mobile)
Your local CAB is in Market Square, Thame

Thursday 8 March 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Planning Forum
There will be another meeting on Tuesday March 20 at 7.30 at The Cricket Club when it is hoped there will be a speaker to give some guidance in developing the Plan. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come along and get involved in compiling the plan for Chearsley’s future.

Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday March 19 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and to find out what the Council are planning for the village. There is an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting for members of the public to raise any questions or concerns held.


The next meeting of the W.I. will be held in the village hall on Tuesday March 20 when Sherri Scott will be giving a talk entitled “My Work in Burma”. All members of the public are welcome to come along at about 2.30pm. There is a charge of £2.50 which includes a cup of tea. Please phone Pauline on 202250 for more information.

Guided Nature Ramble – Saturday March 24

The W.I. invite us to a guided Nature ramble around Manor Farm with hot dogs and drinks provided in the village hall afterwards. Please meet on the village green at 11.00am. Cost is £4 per adult and £2 for children. No dogs. Please contact Pauline on 202250, or Rachel on 201566 for more information.

The Bell
Best wishes for a complete recovery go to Ollie at The Bell who has recently undergone major surgery. In the meantime, The Bell are continuing to offer a new menu and lunchtime specials of two courses for £10 Monday to Friday. Bookings are being taken for Mothers Day lunch on Sunday March 18 from 12 until 4.

Soul Spark at St. Nicholas Church

Our Church is offering this opportunity for individual quiet reflection from Sunday March 11 until Saturday March 17 when the church will be open all day. The Revd. John Wynburne writes “ I hope that your spirit will be uplifted and your heart touched as you wander around and engage with the “stations” that help us to focus on particular areas of life’s experiences.”.

Opportunity for villagers to vote for funding for local projects
Villages within the Haddenham and Long Crendon Local Area Forum (LAF) which includes Chearsley are being offered the opportunity to vote for local projects which would then receive funding. Projects that receive the most votes will be given money from the LAF fund. In the summer voting boxes will be put in local pubs, shops, libraries etc. Suggested project ideas are for support for carers and for older people to continue to live in their own homes; traffic calming schemes; activities and facilities for teenagers; encouraging cycling; promoting more sustainable life styles, such as car share; more recycling; tree planting and more use of local businesses and shops and their development as community hubs. Anyone who has a project which could be included on the list for voting should contact Mark Grindall of Bucks County Council on 01296 387542. Voting will be a chance for villagers to influence what happens locally. Look out for voting boxes in due course.

Baskets for plastics, cans and paper will next be collected on Tuesday March 20.

14 Bell Charity Bike Ride Sunday March 25 – and Bike Surgery March 10
The Six Bells in Thame is organizing a charity Bike Ride in aid of Sobell House on Sunday March 25. It is approximately 55 miles incorporating refreshment stops at Fuller’s Bell Pubs en route to Leighton Buzzard, including The Bell at Chearsley. A Bike Surgery is being held on Saturday March 10 at The Six Bells, Thame when anyone taking part can just turn up for their bike to have a fitness check by 2Wheels Bike Shop of Thame and any problems fixed before the ride. If you would like more details, like to register to take part or donate, please call in at The Six Bells, Thame, or email or ring Sam or Susanna on 01844 212088. Entry for the whole ride is £20 or £10 for the half distance.

Burglary in Chearsley

There are reports that there was a burglary in Orchard Close last night/early this morning. More details to follow as they become available, meanwhile please make sure you keep your house, car, garage and shed etc. secure at all times!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Soul Spark

An opportunity for individual quiet reflection
St. Nicholas’ Church
March 11th – 17th
Open all day
also at
Nether Winchendon Church,
March 18 - 24
Long Crendon Church,
March 25 – 31

Revd John Wynburne writes:
We all need to take time out of our routines and busy schedules and find space where we can reflect on our lives and what matters most to us. ‘Soul Spark’ is intended as a way into our inner experiences and the spirit deep within us. I hope that your spirit will be uplifted and your heart touched as you
wander round and engage with the ‘stations’ that help us to focus on particular areas of life’s experiences. You can use your visit in whatever way you find most helpful, at your own pace and in your own time.

Community Message

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Tuesday 6 March.

A burglary has been reported on Seven Acres, Long Crendon, between 11:30pm on Monday 5 and 7am on Tuesday 6 March. Offenders gained entry by forcing two ground floor windows and stole property including mobile phones, computer equipment and cash from inside.

Please remain on your guard and ensure any suspicious activity is reported immediately to the Police. Where possible, gain a description of any persons along with the make, model, colour and registration number of any vehicle.

Officers dealing with this crime would like to hear from anyone that might have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area between the times given. If you have any information please call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 101 and state that you are responding to this message.
If you don't wish to speak to the Police or give your details you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Friday 2 March 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Mothering Sunday
This will be celebrated at St Nicholas on Sunday March 18 as part of the Family Service at 10am. Children may come and make posies of flowers with Alicia at Great Barn on Saturday 17 from 10am. Donations of foliage and small flowers would be much appreciated.

Applications to Village trust
It is time again when the Trust invites applications from individuals or groups in the village for an award for finance for their project or activity. Please write to Val Davies, the Clerk to the Trustees at Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA giving details of your project, who benefits and what other funds are available. The deadline for applications is Sunday April 8.

Community Oil Buying Scheme
This scheme is now up and running in Chearsley with orders scheduled to be completed by March 7 by Butler Fuels. Price per litre charged is 59p plus VAT, which is estimated to give an average saving of £48.75 on orders of 1000litres. If you are interested in joining this scheme, please contact the organizer, Ann Hooton on 201799 or email

Six Nations Rugby at Chearsley Cricket Club

The Club will be open for watching the Rugby on Saturday March 10 when Ireland play Scotland with kick off at 5.00pm. France play England on Sunday 11 at 3.00pm. The bar is open 1 hour before kick-off. Please contact John Howard on 01844 207036 or 0797 65132.

Tony Hall of Church Lane, who is the Flag Day organizer for the RNLI Aylesbury Branch, needs help with volunteers to man a collecting box in Aylesbury for a 2 hour stint. Help is needed for April 21 and May 18 and 19. Please contact Tony, email, or contact me.

World Kidney Day March 8

A day when we are reminded and encouraged to look after these vital organs, by staying hydrated, eating healthily, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, keeping a check on blood pressure, keeping slim and exercising regularly.

Parish council meeting held on February 20

A few members of the public attended this meeting chaired by Nic Brown. Some of the points arising : A meeting concerning Jubilee celebrations would be arranged shortly by Nic.; Clare Lazaruk would liaise with Mike Heybrook about a possible site for planting the free hedging trees available from the Woodland Trust to commemorate the Jubilee.

Planning matters: The application for planning to the rear of the Old House, School Lane had been granted.
The Parish Council had no objection to interior alterations to Manor Farm. Site meetings were arranged for Turnip Close and Walnut Orchard. Planning permission for the removal of one of the sycamores on The Green, which had been classed as dangerous , had been submitted to AVDC.

Planning Forum: John Lewis reported that the results of the survey had been passed on to AVDC. Meetings for the Village Plan were going ahead and more volunteers were needed to become involved.

Traffic calming:
funding from LAF fund for speed calming measures to be applied for.

Survey of village roads: repair of Aylesbury Road would take place in April. Village roads were on the list to be repaired and blocked drains cleared. AVDC to be asked about road markings at Church Lane and Shupps Lane near The Bell. Church Lane had deteriorated after a water leak and needs repair.

Wild flowers: £300 had been received from Tina Rogers for this scheme.

Wind turbine project at Ford –It was for individuals to object rather than the Parish Council.

The bus stop signs still need to be updated. Arriva have been contacted.

Graffiti in the bus stops still needs to be removed.

The benches on The Green still need plaques in memory of Betty Duval.

A broken gate in Lower Green Lane needs repair.

The next meeting will take place on Monday March 19 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Meeting

Nic Brown is organizing a Do or Die meeting on Tuesday March 13 at 7.30 in The Bell for everyone to get involved with celebrations during the Bank Holiday weekend at the beginning of June. Volunteers to put forward ideas, discuss, plan and organize are needed to make the Jubilee celebrations happen. Present ideas are that the celebrations should take place on Bank Holiday Monday June 4 with a picnic on The Green, with music and games for children, including a fancy dress competition. The evening could see dancing and hog roast on The Green. Please come along and bring any ideas. If no-one comes, nothing will happen.

Planning Forum
The Third meeting was held in the village hall on Wednesday February 29 when around 40 interested villagers attended. It is planned for a speaker from Community Impact Bucks with knowledge of making a village plan to address the next meeting. It is also hoped to find speakers from other villages who have already submitted a village plan prepared to come and share their experiences.
Another letter will be compiled for distribution round the village explaining how the Village Plan is being compiled and encouraging those not yet involved to volunteer.

Discussion about the various topics making up the Village Plan produced 5 topics with co-ordinators and contributors appointed.
It was agreed that there should be a Steering Group comprising John Lewis as chairman, a secretary and the topic co-ordinators to oversee and bring together all matters and points which will be raised by the topic group investigations.
It was agreed that this is an exciting but daunting project to be involved with, but a project which will ultimately be of great importance for Chearsley.
More villagers are urged to come forward and give their imput.

Garage space needed
Fred of Chearsley is looking for a home to house his classic car. If anyone has garage space, please contact Fred on 07739915559

Mobile Library

This is next in the village on Monday March 12 from 12.20 until 12.45pm