Thursday, 22 March 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting
Leif Hytten chaired the meeting at the village hall on Monday March 19 when 4 members of the public were present.
It was noted that the sycamore by The Bell had now been chopped down and found to be rotten and hollow inside, thus re-enforcing the wisdom in this action to avert a possible accident. The adjacent sycamore has been pollarded, but not considered to be in good health.
An application for Jubilee hedging trees from the Woodland Trust has been put in, which if successful would arrive in November.
It was agreed to donate £100 towards the cost of the Jubilee beacon at the church, and for £120 for Jubilee mugs. No grant for Jubilee flag would be applied for. The route of the Olympic flame which goes through Waddesdon on July 9th can be found at
Entering the Best Kept Village competition would be a subject for public discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting.
Damaged verges need to be restored. Concern was expressed at the damaged verges at the house extension in Church Lane, and for the householder to be reminded about reinstating them. Also for the footpath to be restored to its original position after work had finished.
Village map would be updated where there had been a change of house name.
It was reported that bonfires in the Winchendon Road area, when builders’ rubbish and window frames were being burnt, creating an acrid smell had restarted. Incidences of these should be noted and reported to the Environment Agency.
The wildflower verge in Crendon Road had now been dug over ready for planting with mixed wildflowers.
The recent burglaries in the village and nearby villages prompted advice from the Police not to leave evidence – cardboard boxes - of the recent purchase of valuable electrical equipment outside the house, and to ring the non-emergency police number of 101 if suspicions were raised by strangers in the area or having cold callers knock on the door.
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday April 16 at 8.00pm. Some councillors will be available for consultation from 7.30pm.

AGM Monday April 16 at 8.00pm in Chearsley Village Hall
Everyone is invited to this meeting. Among items on the agenda will be District Councillor@s Report, County Councillor’s Report, Chairman’s report, financial report and items on Best Kept Village, Village Plan, Neighbourhood Watch and cold callers, Police report, Cricket Club Report, village car service, Village Trust, Village Hall, location of dog bins, footpath across the Green, village hall signage, Jubilee hedge trees, open spaces, highway, verges and wildflowers; thermal imaging. Sounds like a late night!

Easter Services at St Nicholas
Tuesday April 3 at 8.00pm – Compline, a quiet late-night service that traditionally ends the day in convents and monasteries and lasts about 35 minutes will be said with readings, prayers and reflections on the Cross
Good Friday April 6 at 10.00am - Service for Good Friday
Easter Day April 8 at 10.00am – Easter Garden Service and Communion

Jubilee Meeting
The next meeting to discuss the Jubilee celebrations in the village will be on Thursday March 29 at 7.30 in The Bell.


Baskets for paper, plastics and cans and boxes for glass will next be collected on Tuesday April 3.

Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Quiz
The third very popular quiz will be held in Chearsley Village Hall on Saturday 28th ~April at 7.15pm. Teams of a maximum of 8 are invited to book a table. Tickets cost £5 each. Bring your own food and drink and glass. Please contact the hospice on 01296 429975 or find more information at their website

Volunteer of the Year
Nominations for this award are now invited by AVDC. Nominations can be for anyone of any age who has committed their time and energy as a volunteer in their local community. Please contact Alice Fisher at or write to The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF with suggestions and giving as much information as possible. Closing date for entries is April 27.

Bingo at The Bell
April’s Bingo session will be at The Bell on Tuesday April 3rd at about 8.30pm. Come early and enjoy a meal at a special Bingo price of £6.99.