Thursday 31 March 2011

From "The Mayor"...


From The Chairman of the Parish Council to the good people of Chearsley
Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of chairing the Parish Council, and although it would be some what untruthful if I did not admit to at times feeling frustrated by the fact that things are so very different in the public sector compared to the one I enjoy so much in the private commercial world.
Nevertheless, it has, on balance, been more rewarding and fun for a number of reasons, so I will not complain but instead simply cut to the chase as to why I am circulating this note as an update and a call to action to the folks of Chearsley.
Elections are taking place in Aylesbury Vale in 2011
Elections are being held for all District Council (59) and Parish Council (652) seats.  In addition, a referendum will be held on the same day on changing the way MPs are elected to the House of Commons – the “Alternative vote” system versus the current ‘first past the post’.
When are they taking place?
Thursday 5 May 2011 with polling taking place between 7.00am and 10.00pm.
What are the key dates in the election process?
Publication of Notice of Election
21 March
Close of nominations
4 April (Noon)
Publication of Statement of Persons nominated
6 April (Noon)
Last day to register to vote or apply for a postal/proxy vote
14 April
Publication of Notice of Poll
21 April
So what does this mean for the main issues of the Chearsley Parish Council and its future prosperity ?
For the past years the parish Council in my view has continued to bubble along with an almost blatant disregard for the notion that we, as serving members, should be elected and not just co opted or voted on by luck or coincidence, so if we are to have an elected body representing the Parish, then the time has come for village folks to stand up and declare an interest in being nominated. Once all the candidates are known the population can VOTE for the candidate they feel will represent local interests into the future .
In my view, by doing this we can put aside the sterile conversations that go on from time to time in dark and hallowed places, about what is right or wrong for the village and instead have faith in those that you vote for as being the representatives of the village and its best interests. By the way - if it is really important, attend some Parish council meetings where your comments, thoughts and views can be shared and debated with all in an atmosphere of honesty and trust.
What is the key information so that I can understand how to get involved?
As stated, the notice of elections was published on the 21st March and anyone wishing to stand for election should contact the clerk, Clare Clark on 01844 201208 or email for a nomination pack. Alternatively contact the Electoral Register Manager on 01296 585807 or Email :
The formal election process is handled by the elections team at AVDC and the deadline for nominations is no later than noon on Monday the 4th April. Polling takes place on the 5th May between 7am and 10pm at the village hall and we need to fill seven seats
What are my personal views on all this?
The Parish Council has, with very limited resources, tried very hard to provide a good standard of parish council services where at all possible, aided and abetted by some great work by individuals that have been co opted onto the council to give extra support to some key initiatives such as:  

  • Traffic Calming for the exits and entrances to the village -Mrs Marion Grapes
  • Surveys and reporting on our walkways and bridle paths - Mr Peter Grimsdell
  • Renewal and repairs to the village Grit Bins - Parish Council
  • Replacement of the benches on The Green - Parish Council and a generous legacy from Mrs Duval.
  • Arranging for repairs to the roads and walkways, drainage and ditches - Parish Council
  • Locating benches around in the village - Parish Council
  • Sponsorship and organisation of the Village Green Christmas tree - Parish Council, with Mr Nigel Timberlake and Mr Paul Oliver doing the hard graft.
  • Kerbstones to key locations - Parish council
  • Care of the Stockwell - Mr & Mrs Derek Allen, plus support from many village residents
  • Management of the village notice board - Mrs Alicia Howard
  • Chearsley Village News - Mrs Janine Rees
  • Chearsley Web Page - Mr Leif Hytten
These, and many other projects, are by no means completed, but I am committed to creating the maximum opportunities for Chearsley.
BUT - you all have your part to play to ensure all the nominated and supported councillors feel elected and empowered!
Why not join us and get  involved ??
Nic Brown,  Cornfields,  Cousins Piece, Tel: 07776 161644  

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
23 year old Dave Whiffin who has lived in Chearsley all his life, took part in this year’s Boat race on Saturday March 26th when he was a member of the winning Oxford Isis boat, beating the Cambridge Goldie squad very convincingly.

Dave, an ex Aylesbury Grammar school boy is in his final year at New College Oxford, reading engineering, where he took up rowing as a complete novice. He became president of his college boat club and last year was selected for the Oxford Rowing Squad. Dave’s ambition is to be in the first boat in next year’s Boat Race. Well done to him and good luck for next year.

Mobile Library
This will next be on The Green on Monday 11th April from 12.20 until 12.45. Please note that due to Easter, the library will not be in Chearsley again until Monday May 9th.

Annual Parish Meeting
All Chearsley residents are invited to this meeting in the village hall on Monday April 11th at 8pm, when a review of the past year’s events are given and when members of the public are able to give their opinions about future issues.

Jumble Sale
Please support this Jumble Sale on Saturday April 9th in Chearsley Village Hall starting at 2pm. Please bring any jumble donations, raffle prizes or cakes to the hall on the morning.

Crendon Morris Men
The Crendon Morris Dancers, who have provided entertainment and raised money for charity for many years at various pubs and venues in the area, are looking for some new blood, so that one of England’s oldest traditions can be maintained.  Anyone interested should call Ray Shurrock on 01844 351848 or email him at

Mothering Sunday at St Nicholas
Children are welcome to come and help make the posies for the Mothering Sunday service which is part of the Family Service at 10am on Sunday April 3rd. Please come to Great Barn on Saturday at 10am.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Monday 28 March 2011

Community Message

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Monday 28 March 2011.

In the last week, four thefts of purses have been reported in the Aylesbury Vale area.  On at least two occasions the offender has telephoned the victim, claiming to be from their bank, regarding the theft of their cards.  He has then requested that they confirm their details and pin number.  Money has then been withdrawn from the account.  The victims have stated that the offender sounded very plausible and genuinely believe him to be from their bank

These offences have occurred in the Buckingham and Winslow area but it is worth reminding everyone about keeping their wallets / purses safe when out and about in the Aylesbury Vale area.  Make sure purses are in a zipped bag and that access cannot be gained to the purse from anyone walking behind you.  Do not leave property unattended in handbags and do not leave handbags in shopping trolley whilst you are getting items from the shelves.  Do not have your wallet in an accessible back pocket, where it could easily be lifted by someone ‘bumping into you’.

NEVER give your pin number out to anyone, including anyone ‘claiming’ to be from your bank.  Your bank will never ask you for your pin number over the phone.

Police are following a number of lines of enquiries in relation to these offences and we will keep you updated of any developments.   Officers are keen to hear from anyone that might have any information in relation to these offences.  Police would also like to hear from anyone that might have been victim of a similar crime that has not reported it yet.  If you have any information please call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

Further crime prevention advice can be found on our website or by calling on 0845 8 505 505.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Bingo at The Bell
The next session of Bingo will be held on Tuesday 5th April with Eyes Down at about 8.30pm. The Bell offer a special price for Bingo players who wish to have a meal beforehand.

Bins, and all baskets including the glass boxes will be collected on Tuesday 5th April.

Royal Wedding Plans for Friday 29th April
The Bell will be open all day on The Royal Wedding Day, showing the wedding on a big screen. A barbeque will be available for everyone. A children’s street party organized by Chearsley Toddler Group and Youth Club in conjunction with The Bell will be held outside The Bell at 1pm. Donations of £1.50 per child would be appreciated. Please contact Angela Gray if you would like to attend the street party or are able to help on 202105 or email

Cricket Quiz
The quiz planned for Saturday March 26th has now been arranged to be held in Chearsley Village Hall on Friday May 13th at 7.15 for 8.00pm start. Tickets will cost £10 each for tables of 8. There will be a Curry Dinner, bar with real ales and fine wines, raffle and auction. Please contact John Howard on 07970651326 or Alex Brown on 07731578923.

Steam Train information
The steam train advertised to run from Aylesbury to Norwich (via Princes Risborough) on March 31st has been postponed until Bank Holiday Monday, August 29th.
For those of you who may be interested in watching a steam train pass along the line through Chearsley, there will be a Shakespeare special to Stratford on Avon, with Britannia planned to be its engine, leaving London Paddington at 9.36am on Easter Saturday, April 23rd. It is due at High Wycombe at 10.26am.

Waddesdon Manor
The House opens on Wednesday, 30th for the new season, when many events and exhibitions are planned, including a French Market over the weekend of April 2nd and 3rd on the North Front. It is the turn of Waddesdon Manor to be the subject of Royal Upstairs Downstairs to be shown on BBC 2 at 6.30pm on Thursday, 31st March. This is one of a series following the footsteps of Queen Victoria as she visited many grand houses and castles across Great Britain throughout her life. There are many opportunities to volunteer at Waddesdon Manor. Please contact Liz Wilkinson on 01296 653307 or email

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Keep Safe, Keep Well

For further information, please contact Karen Adamson of Buckinghamshire County Council's Adults & Family Wellbeing Strategic Commission.She can be contacted by email ( or on 01296 383847 or 0750083586.

Community Message

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Tuesday 22 March 2011.

An attempted distraction burglary has been reported on Waterperry Road, Worminghall shortly after 10:30am this morning (22 March).  A male called at the address of an elderly female, claiming that he was from social services.  He told the occupant that she was owed £60 and producing 2 x £50 notes asked her if she had any cash in the house to change the notes.  The resident told the offender that she did not, at which point he left the property.
The male is described as white, middle aged with short grey hair.  He was wearing grey trousers and a grey top and is described as having bad teeth, with the bottom set being black.  He left the property on foot and no vehicle was seen at that time.
Anyone that might have witnessed this male, or seen any suspicious vehicles in the area this morning is urged to contact the Police on 0845 8 505 505.

It is also worth reminding friends, relatives and neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable people how to deal with unexpected callers.  Do not allow entry to anyone that turns up unannounced, unless you have seen Identification and you are able to verify that this ID is genuine, by calling the company that they claim to be working for.  If any doubt remains, DO NOT LET THEM IN, but call the Police immediately.
Make sure a door chain is being used if one is fitted and if you know of anyone elderly or vulnerable, make sure they have contact details of someone local that can pop around and help them check out any callers.
Genuine callers will usually make an appointment first, will ALWAYS have identification on them and will be happy to wait outside whilst this is checked.
Further information and advice on bogus callers and preventing distraction burglary can be found on our website or by call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

Monday 21 March 2011

CCC Quiz Night - March 26th - cancelled

Regrettably, the Chearsley Cricket Club Quiz Night scheduled for March 26th has had to be rescheduled for May 13th. Further details to follow...

Thursday 17 March 2011

District and Parish Council Elections



(01844 201 208

(01296 585050 or  585051





Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Easter Egg Hunt
Chuf are organising an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday 2nd April at Haddenham St Mary’s C of E School. As well as lots of fun, there will be craft activities, stalls, raffle, refreshments and of course an Easter Egg hunt. Tickets cost £4 per child on the door and he fun starts at 2.30 until 4.30pm.

Mobile Library
This will next be in the village on Monday 28th from 12.10 until 12.45pm.

Earth Hour - March 26th
Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF to raise awareness of the need to take action on climate change, taking place every year on the last Saturday in March. Last year, Earth Hour became the biggest Earth Hour ever when a record 128 countries and territories joined the global display of climate action. Will you join in with many others across the world to support this by turning off your lights for 1 hour on Saturday March 26th from 8.30 until 9.30pm?

Mother’s Day - April 3rd
This brings opportunities to support the shop where there are Mother’s Day cards on sale, alongside chocolates, jewellery and other gifts; The Bell where you can treat your Mother to lunch and St Nicholas, where the Mothering Sunday service will be held at 10.00am as part of the Family Service.

Chearsley Parish Council Council

This met on Monday 14th March in the Village hall with Nic Brown as chairman. About 12 villagers were present. Some of the points discussed were :

Millennium Field – the permission for this to be used by villagers has now lapsed. Mike Heybrook agreed to take down the Millennium Field notice and to store it until a decision is made as to where it should be kept.

Salt bin near the Old School – in response to a complaint, it was agreed this should be moved back from Dark Lane to near the School. Grit refilling should take place in April.

Benches on The Green – it was agreed that these looked good, although children had been allowed to stand on them which had left the benches in a muddy state. Advice would be sought as to staining the benches. A plaque recognising Betty Duval’s legacy which provided finance for the benches will be made once the wording had been agreed.

Village Skip – there were now health and safety issues about having a village skip. Other villages have overcome these difficulties by having the skip for just a few hours.

Parish Council Elections – these take place on Thursday May 5th when the Referendum on the voting system will be held. Nic Brown is very keen for more Chearsley villagers to stand for election on to the Committee.

Wedding Party – this is to take place on Saturday April 30th, organized by Julie Timberlake. The Parish Council is paying for the mugs for the children.

Wind turbines at Dinton
– progress of this planning application will be monitored.
Traffic calming – the most suitable traffic calming for Chearsley was considered to be one flashing 30s sign, which could be moved to different positions and to have a red band painted across the roads on entry to the village with 30 painted on it. These suggestions are awaiting final confirmation and final authorisation of funding from the Local Area Funding meeting. Marion Grapes agreed to address the Annual Parish Meeting on April 11th about these findings.

Alterations to Speed Limits – new speed limits come into force at the end of this month in this area. As I understand it, the extent of the 30mph limit in Chilton Road will extend to include Hill Farm. Also Upper Winchendon will be included in a 30mph area.

Waste Depot at Long Crendon Industrial Estate
– Julie Timberlake agreed to attend the next meeting of Long Crendon Parish Council when this matter would be discussed and recommend any supporting action which might be needed to Chearsley Parish Council.

Annual Parish Meeting April 11th
– leaflets about this will shortly be circulated.

Barn Owls Scheme
– more suitable sites are being sought in Chearsley, where nest boxes can be provided to encourage Barn Owls. Contact David Short at AVDC on 10296 435134 for more information.

Cuddington Road
– the poor state of this road should be properly mended during April. The gulleys had been cleaned out and will be kept clear as will the ditch in the field.
Future work by AVDC in Chearsley will also include continuation of resurfacing of Lower Green Lane and erecting more bollards to protect The Green.

The next meeting will be The Annual Parish Meeting on Monday April 11th in the Village Hall.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Neighbourhood Police Team: March Newsletter

The March 2011 Newsletter can be downloaded from the Haddenham area web-page.

Friday 11 March 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Recycling baskets for paper, plastics and cans will be collected on Tuesday 22nd March

Pub Lunch in The Bell
The next Pub Lunch takes place in The Bell on Wednesday, 23rd March. There are now about 20 regularly meeting to enjoy a good 2 course meal including tea or coffee for £5.95 and good conversation. New pub-lunchers are welcome whether Chearsley residents or not. It is a good way of supporting the local Pub and meeting up with old friends and making new ones. Please contact Ann Hooton on 208306 or Alan Mitchener on 208893 for more information and to book your meal.

Rugby at The Bell on Saturday 19th March
The Bell will be open all day ready to watch England v Ireland with kick off at Come and join them and enjoy a bacon bap with chips for £5.00 at half time.

More Questions
If you were unable to take part in the Florence Nightingale Quiz last month, or enjoy quizzing, there is another chance to test out your knowledge and support your local Cricket Club, when Chearsley Cricket Club are organizing a quiz, which will be held on Saturday March 26th, 7.15 for 8.00pm prompt start. Tickets are £5 each for tables of a maximum of 8. Bring your own( brain) food and drink. This quiz is a great fun evening and is usually a very well supported event so book your table in good time. Please contact either John Howard on 07970651326 or Alex Brown on 07731578923 to book.

Jumble Sale in the Village Hall on Saturday 9th April

A Jumble Sale in aid of funds for the Village Hall will be held on Saturday 9th April from 2 until 4pm. If you have any jumble, bric-a-brac, toys, etc. please get in touch with me, Margaret Morbey. Volunteers to make a cake for the cake stall or to come and help on the day are most welcome.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Village News

with Margaret Morbey.

Parish Council Meeting
This will next meet on Monday March 14th in Chearsley Village Hall at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend and there is a 15minute session at the beginning of the meeting when members of the public are permitted to raise any problem or matter they wish to bring to the Council’s attention.

Mobile Library
This will visit the village by The Green on Monday March 14th from 12.10 until 12.45pm.

Chearsley W.I.
Their next meeting is on the afternoon of Tuesday March 15th when a talk entitled The Puzzle Centre will be given by Jo Garside which will give an insight into the work of the Puzzle Centre supporting children with autism. Non members are welcome to attend. Please contact Ann Lewis on 201011 for more information.

Chearsley Village Trust
It is time again when the Trust invites applications from individuals or groups in the village for an award for finance for their project or activity. Please write to Val Davies, the Clerk to the Trustees at Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA giving details of your project, who benefits and what other funds are available. The deadline for applications is Sunday, April 10th.

Rugby on TV at The Bell

The Bell will be open all day on Sunday March 13th ready for England v. Scotland kick off at 3.00pm. Bacon bap and chips will be available at a cost of £5.00 during half-time.

Florence Nightingale Quiz
A very successful and enjoyable quiz was held in Chearsley Village Hall on Saturday February 26th. It was well supported with 10 tables booked. The entry fee and raffle made a profit of £380 which will go towards maintaining the hospice. The organisers would like to thank everyone who took part and look forward to seeing them again at the next Quiz in the hall.

Royal Wedding Party – Saturday 30th April

A tea party in the Village Hall is being organised for Saturday 30th April from 2.30 until 5.00pm to celebrate the Royal Wedding. Children who will be under the age of 11 by April 30th will be given a mug to celebrate the occasion and for a small fee, mugs can be ordered for older siblings. Please let Julie of 1 Church Lane have details of any children who would like to come, together with their age and address. Alternatively, leave completed forms at the shop by Friday March 18th. Donations of party food will be much appreciated. A list of required food is available in the shop, or contact Julie.