This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Tuesday 22 March
An attempted distraction burglary has been reported on Waterperry Road,
Worminghall shortly after 10:30am this morning (22 March). A male called at the
address of an elderly female, claiming that he was from social services. He
told the occupant that she was owed £60 and producing 2 x £50 notes asked her if
she had any cash in the house to change the notes. The resident told the
offender that she did not, at which point he left the property.
The male is described as white, middle aged with short grey hair. He was
wearing grey trousers and a grey top and is described as having bad teeth, with
the bottom set being black. He left the property on foot and no vehicle was
seen at that time.
Anyone that might have witnessed this male, or seen any suspicious vehicles
in the area this morning is urged to contact the Police on 0845 8 505 505.
It is also worth reminding friends, relatives and neighbours, particularly
elderly or vulnerable people how to deal with unexpected callers. Do not allow
entry to anyone that turns up unannounced, unless you have seen Identification
and you are able to verify that this ID is genuine, by calling the company that
they claim to be working for. If any doubt remains, DO NOT LET THEM IN, but
call the Police immediately.
Make sure a door chain is being used if one is fitted and if you know of
anyone elderly or vulnerable, make sure they have contact details of someone
local that can pop around and help them check out any callers.
Genuine callers will usually make an appointment first, will ALWAYS have
identification on them and will be happy to wait outside whilst this is
Further information and advice on bogus callers and preventing distraction
burglary can be found on our website or by
call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.