Friday 25 January 2019

Village News

with Margaret Morbey : : 01844-208913

Burns Night at The Bell
There might be room to squeeze into The Bell on Saturday night, January 26 to celebrate Burns Night and enjoy a meal including Cullen skink soup, haggis and cranachan and other Scottish delights. A 2 course meal is £17.95, and 3 courses costs £19.95. You will need to let Sharon know as soon as possible if you wish to come in and join in the fun.

Rugby 6 Nations at Chearsley Cricket Club
This tournament will be starting soon and Chearsley Cricket Club will again be opening their pavilion up to show the games. The bar will be open and bacon butties will be available to buy. First match is on Saturday February 2nd when Ireland play England at Dublin. Doors open at 4pm for the 4.45pm kick-off. Everyone welcome. Other matches to be shown are Sunday 10th February England v France kick off 3.00pm. Saturday 23rd February, Wales v England kick off 4.45pm. Saturday March 9 England v Italy, kick off 4.45pm. Saturday March 16 England v Scotland, kick off 5pm.

Parish Council Meetings take place in the village hall on the third Monday of the month. Everyone can attend. The Council welcome comments, good or bad, on how they are looking after our village. The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday February 18. The March meeting takes the form of the Annual Village Meeting on Monday March 18 at 7.30pm.

WI February Meeting takes place on Tuesday February 19 at the village hall when Michael Kushner will be speaking about “Agent Zig Zag” the true story of the fantastic agent who was one of Britain’s top spies (or was he a double agent working for the Germans?) Michael Kushner is a guide and lecturer at Bletchley Park and holds a gold award from the Association of Speakers Clubs. The afternoon is open to everyone, male or female, WI. Member or not. There is a charge of £4 for non members which includes tea or coffee and cake. The talk will begin at 2.30pm after W.I. other business.

Barnardo’s Project Support 4 Parents
This local project is looking for more volunteers to work in a structured way with families in the area who are struggling to parent children under 8. If you are interested in working with families and have experience looking after children and can spare about 3 hours each week, Barnardo’s will train you in how to pass on your precious skills and knowledge to make a difference. Please phone 07715428690 for an informal chat or email

Cricket Club Quiz will be held in the village hall on Saturday March 23 at 7 for 7.30pm start. Another fun evening is promised by the Cricket Club with Larry Warr asking the questions. Cost per person is £5. Make up a team of 8 and bring your own food and drink, and money for a raffle and auction. For more information and to book tickets, please contact Lesley Arnott on 01844 290153 or email her at

Services at St Nicholas Church:
  • Sunday January 27 6pm Evensong
  • Sunday February 3 10am Family Communion
  • Sunday February 10 9am Holy Communion
  • Sunday February 10 4pm Messy Church at the Village Hall
Diary Dates:
  • Monday January 28 “Oliver” at Cuddington Matinee Cinema, Bernard Hall at 1.30pm. All welcome
  • Tuesday February 5 Bingo at The Bell Eyes Down at 8.45pm. Come early and eat for a special Bingo players price
  • Sunday February 10 Quiz at The Bell. Starts at 8pm . Everyone welcome
  • Monday February 18 Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm in the hall
  • Tuesday February 19 W.I. Meeting in the hall Talk on” Agent Zig Zag” 2.30pm start
  • Saturday March 23 Cricket Club Quiz at Chearsley Village Hall 7.30pm start

Friday 18 January 2019

Monday 14 January 2019

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Scam Alert

Action Fraud has received more than 5,000 reports about fake emails and texts purporting to be from TV Licensing. The messages contain links to genuine-looking websites that are designed to steal personal and financial information.

Always question unsolicited requests for your personal or financial information in case it’s a scam. Never automatically click on a link in an unexpected email or text.

For more information about how to stay safe online, visit

Saturday 5 January 2019

Village News

with Margaret Morbey : 01844-208913

Audrey Cooper’s funeral will be held at St Nicholas Church on Monday January 7th at 11.30am.

Survey - Still time before the Closing Date
The Parish Council has been asked by the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to pass on details of a short survey seeking the public view on an increase in the police element of the Council tax which equates to £2 a month for Band D. The closing date is Wednesday January 9th at 5pm and the survey and more information can be found at

Qi Gong Classes restart on Tuesday January 8 at an earlier time of 10am in Chearsley Village Hall. Lessons are £7 per session and are suitable for adults of any age. New members are always welcome. Please contact Ben Olding at or phone 07473 118676 for more information.

Bingo and Quiz at The Bell
Everyone is welcome to the next Bingo session at The Bell on Tuesday January 8 with Eyes Down at about 8.45pm. Come and eat beforehand at a Bingo player’s special price. Good cash prizes and a raffle during the interval. The Sunday Quiz will be held on January 13 at 8pm. Come on your own or in a team.

Treasurer Needed for Chearsley Village Hall Management Committee
After almost 5 years, the current Treasurer, Alex Wall Morris is keen to step down from her duties and pass the baton on to another member of the Chearsley community. All that is required is simple book keeping and reports of the hall’s finances to the Committee which meets 4 times a year. The majority of the hall’s bills are paid by direct debit, but some bills will need to be paid manually (i.e. cleaner, long term users of the hall etc.). This is a great opportunity for a Chearsley villager to refresh (or learn!) some key financial skills and help ensure that our new village hall keeps going from strength to strength. Time needed is approximately 1 to 2 hours per week. If you are interested in the role, please get in touch with Antonia Stratford at

Next Refuse Collection will be on Tuesday January 8th when the recycling bins and food bins will be collected. Then collections are back to normal on Mondays.

Cuddington Matinee Cinema Monday January 28 will be showing “Oliver”, the 1968 British musical drama of universal appeal. It is based on the stage production and Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist and winner of 6 Academy awards. The film stars Mark Lester, Ron Moody and Shani Wallis. Well known songs include “Food, Glorious Food”, “Consider Yourself” and “You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two”. The performance starts at 1.30pm with doors open at 1pm in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington. Tickets cost £5 which includes tea and cake during the interval with a big screen and comfortable seats. To book, please phone 01844 291526 (office hours) or tickets can be bought on the door subject to availability. Everyone is welcome.

Services at St Nicholas Church:
  • Sunday January 6 10am Family Communion and Baptism
  • Sunday January 13 9am Holy Communion
  • Sunday January 13 4pm Messy Church in the Village Hall, looking at the story of Creation