Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Community Message

This is a Community Message from Aylesbury Watch Office on Tuesday 6 March.

A burglary has been reported on Seven Acres, Long Crendon, between 11:30pm on Monday 5 and 7am on Tuesday 6 March. Offenders gained entry by forcing two ground floor windows and stole property including mobile phones, computer equipment and cash from inside.

Please remain on your guard and ensure any suspicious activity is reported immediately to the Police. Where possible, gain a description of any persons along with the make, model, colour and registration number of any vehicle.

Officers dealing with this crime would like to hear from anyone that might have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area between the times given. If you have any information please call the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre on 101 and state that you are responding to this message.
If you don't wish to speak to the Police or give your details you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.