with Margaret Morbey
Chearsley Country Fayre
This highly successful day made a profit of £6,414, the Grand Draw contributing significantly to this. It is proposed to divide this amount in a 4 –way split – to the Village Hall, to the Village Trust, to the Church and something for the village, to be decided at a future meeting. Proposals have been for the Village Green to be fenced permanently by the main road, developing the Millenium field and replacing the seat on the village green. It was also proposed that a Fete meeting would be held in September to discuss next year’s plans, with the suggestion of holding a Barn Dance as an alternative village get together and fundraiser. Please see the Notice Board for dates of future meetings and do come along if you have ideas and would like to become involved.
Village Coach Trip to Sonning Theatre
A coach party of 38 villagers enjoyed a hilarious evening, despite arriving later than anticipated because of the traffic and appallingly wet weather on Wednesday July 9th, when they travelled to see Love’s a Luxury, a comedy by Guy Paxton and Edward V. Hoile, with Chearsley’s Eric Carte as Charles Pentwick. After a good meal and a glass or two of wine, our laughter and fun started as soon as the show opened, continuing right to the end. It was obvious from our noisy participation that we all thoroughly enjoyed it, a fact which didn’t go unnoticed by Eric and the other actors on stage. We made the performance “rock”, Eric said. Thank you Eric for being centre stage and for helping to arrange the evening. The show, Love’s a Luxury is on at The Mill at Sonning until 2nd August.
Glass and basket collections.
It is noticed that some villagers have been putting these out in the wrong week. Tuesday, July 29th is the next collection for glass, cans, plastics and newspapers. You are advised to put them out the night before, as collections start early in the morning.
Parish Council Meeting
The next Council meeting is on Monday, July 28th at the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Come and find out what is being discussed, voice any concerns you may have during the public time, and support your Councillors.