Friday, 13 June 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council meeting at the Cricket Club on Monday June 9.
About 8 members of the public attended the meeting chaired by Nic Brown, who was duly re-elected by the Council for another term as Chairman, with John Lewis as Vice Chairman and Clare Clark as the Financial Officer. Clare Lazaruk would continue as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Management committee and Sandra Towel who was absent from the meeting would be asked if she would continue to be the Parochial church council representative.
During the Open session, it was requested that the frequent large farm vehicles which are currently driving from Long Crendon towards Winchendon at a speed not suitable for such a large size should be asked to be more considerate. It was agreed to write to John Lloyd. Similarly to Bucks Recycling as it was considered some of these vehicles drove without due consideration through the village. There was also a request and discussion about buying a Defibrilator for the village at a cost of about £800. This would be discussed in full at the next meeting and to decide its location and details of training available.
  • John Lewis asked that the Council’s proposals regarding the recent 2 planning application should be minuted in detail.
  • A letter had been received from Long Crendon Parish Council concerning the inability of some children in Long Crendon being able to attend the local first school and schools in surrounding villages, as these are at full capacity. They are interested to learn if such difficulties have been encountered by Chearsley families. It seems that all local schools will be at full capacity by September of this year. Long Crendon Council is of the opinion that there should be a second reception class at Long Crendon School.
  • Nic Brown put forward the possibility of increasing the village precept to enable village projects, such as repair of the village roads, to be undertaken. This would mean an increase in the council tax, so that the Parish Council would have more money to use in the village . Nic is keen to have comments on this suggestion from villagers. A decision could not be made until the Budget meeting which takes place in December.
  • It was reported that a Give Way sign had been re-instated and that white lines around The Green and on the main road will be painted late July/August. The vehicle activated sign which has been acquired should be put in place shortly.
  • Entry into the Best Kept Village has brought about a big tidy up of sign cleaning, litter pick, The Green and churchyard tidied. The railings by the bus shelter are to be painted black and the duck pond will be tidied by the local residents. It was questioned whether the Church Lane road sign had been mended.
  • Mike Heybrook gave a report on the progress of the cycle path between Chearsley and Haddenham Railway station. Little had happened as yet, with different departments of Chiltern Railway and Network Rail becoming involved.
(I am unable to report on the rest of the Parish Council meeting as I had to leave to get home for my supper (ready and waiting on the table by my husband/cook!) 
The Minutes of this meeting will be made available to read on the notice board a few days before the next meeting in July. Please come to the next meeting to find out what is being planned and what has happened in your village by the volunteer Parish councillors who do a thankless job.