with Margaret MorbeyMobile LibraryPlease try and use this village facility when it next visits on Monday, 29th September. It is important to show that we need the library to keep coming to Chearsley. The library van will be in The Bell car park from 10.35 until 11.05.
Chearsley Mother and Toddler Group
It is good to learn that there are new ventures happening. The first meeting of the Mother and Toddler Group will take place today, Wednesday 24th September at 9.30 at the Cricket Club, Winchendon Road. Phone Angela on 202105 for any further information.
Short Mat Bowls
This has now started again and the next meeting will be this Friday, 19th September in the village hall, 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Meetings are held every Friday except the first Friday of the month (when there is Youth Club). Everyone is welcome to turn up and play and enjoy a friendly but competitive atmosphere. Each session costs £1.00.
Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner and DanceThis annual event is taking place this year at The Spread Eagle Hotel, Thame on Saturday October 24th. Tickets are £30 each. Contact Neil Davies on 07736638055 or James Venness on 07732438568 for more details, or see the advert in the Tea Room’s window.
Chearsley Tea RoomsJanine is looking to employ part time assistants. Please contact her on 07506731191 or call in and see her – it’s a good place to work!
Chearsley Environmental GroupAnother new venture in the village – it is proposed to hold monthly meetings with the aim of encouraging young and old in the village to get actively involved in conservation and environmental issues within Chearsley. The group will undertake practical conservation work, which could be anything from flora, fauna, hedgerow and tree identification, bat watching, pond dipping, bulb planting, litter picking, growing your own vegetables, fun days and teaching the importance of recycling and understanding global warming on our ecosystem. Membership will be open to anyone interested in taking an active part within the group. Please contact Perry Smith of 1 Church Piece on 201393.
Francis HeybrookCongratulations to Francis and Diana who were due to be married in Gallicia, Northern Spain on Friday, September 19th.
Parish Council Meeting
A few matters arising from the meeting held on Monday 15th September.
During the time open to the public to put any points to the committee, it was reported that there has been no further progress concerning the proposal for a new area for car parking in School Lane. Nic Brown, chairman promised that a decision about this would be ready for the next meeting.
There was a general discussion about speeding in the village and the possible proposal that the money set aside from the fayre be put towards a permanent fence around the village green with children’s safety in mind and the use of a speed gun and camera to record speeding drivers. Clare Lazaruk notified the meeting that there would be a meeting open to all the village to decide how to spend the £1500 put aside for village amenities. Notices advertising this meeting would soon be put round the village.
It was reported that there had been thefts and trespass problems in the old Cricket Club field, Aylesbury Road.
Pollarding of trees on The Green.
It is necessary for planning permission to be granted for the pollarding of the trees outside The Bell and this will be put in hand.
Shop and Tearooms
Perry reported that it is early days , but the tearoom is being used by the villagers and passing trade- bacon sarnies on a Saturday and Sunday morning when newspapers are collected , being a welcome novelty. He emphasized the importance of the shop and tearoom being used to help keep it open. He confirmed that it would not be possible for the Post Office in any form to be there. It was hoped that a facility for bill payment, phone top-ups and cash back would soon be available in the shop.
Planning Matters
Planning application at Regency Cottage had been withdrawn. A meeting to discuss the application at Prospect Cottage was arranged.
Betty Duval Legacy
There was a discussion about placing a bench on The Green engraved with Betty’s name as a fitting use for her legacy.
Next meeting is planned for Monday, 13th October at the Village Hall at 7.30pm