Friday, 27 March 2015

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Stand for Election as a Parish Councillor - details of how to apply are now on the notice board and can be found here. Nomination forms must be hand delivered to AVDC by 4pm on April 9. Please contact the Clerk, Clare Clark at for more information.

Annual Parish Meeting
Chearsley Parish Council invite all members of the Parish to this meeting on Monday April 20 at 8pm in the village hall. This is an opportunity to have your say about what goes on in the village and to hear about current projects. Members of the Parish Council will be in the hall at 7.30pm for informal discussions. Items on the agenda for discussion are kerbing and damage to lanes, traffic calming, and the Best Kept Village Competition.
Any other suggestions for topics to be included on the agenda would be very welcome by the Parish Council. Please contact Clare Clark on 01844 201206 or email There will also be a report from the District councillor and County Councillor, Chairman’s Question and Answer Session, financial report, village projects report, police report, Village Hall report, Village Trust report, Neighbourhood watch report, car pool report and cricket club report.

New Development on the site of the Millennium Playing Fields, Chilton Road.
Rectory Homes will be starting building work at this site very shortly. The Site Manager is Brian White who can be contacted at with any concerns or problems in this connection.

April at The Bell Easter Sunday April 5 Easter Egg Hunt in The Bell Garden with sausage and bacon baps available. Monthly Bingo will be held as usual on the first Tuesday of the month April 7 and the monthly Sunday Quiz on April 12.
There is a new game Chase The Ace now started on Friday evenings. Tickets costing £1 can be bought throughout the week, but not on the Friday evening, ready for the draw at 8.30pm on Fridays for the chance to win £50. Picking an Ace gives you the chance to win a share of the total prize fund when all 4 aces have been found. It is a very popular evening, so the advice is to get to The Bell early if you wish to have a seat.
2 Meals for £15 are on offer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Meat Raffle continues on Sunday afternoons at 3pm.

Call My Cheese and Wine Bluff
The 3 new bells were installed in the tower at St Nicholas Church just before Christmas. There is still a small amount to raise to pay off the whole project. Another fun fundraising evening will take place on April 18 Call My Cheese and Wine Bluff in the village hall when a panel of “experts” will tease your knowledge and taste buds. Contact Joy on 208513 or Jeremy on 201611 for tickets which cost £15 each.  See poster.

Chearsley Cricket Club Annual End of Season Dinner and Dance – this will be held on Saturday October 17 at The Kings Hotel, Stokenchurch, the same venue as last year’s successful evening.

New Multifit Fitness class on Mondays at Haddenham Youth Centre. Bucks County Council adult learning have a new course starting on Monday April 20 for 10 weeks until July 13 from 10.45 until 11.45am. The cost is £53. Each session will offer a variety of fitness activities to ultimately improve all round fitness and will be suitable for all ages. More information can be found by visiting or by phoning 01296 382403 to book your place.

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Tuesday March 31 Compline will be said at 8pm with meditations
  • Maundy Thursday April 2 Holy Communion at 8pm
  • Good Friday April 3 Service for Good Friday at 10am A service of quiet reflection on the last week of the life of Jesus Easter Day
  • Sunday April 5 Easter Garden Service and Communion at 10am
  • Details of other services at Nether Winchendon and Long Crendon and Pew Sheets for the week can be found on-line on the St Nicholas web-page.

Diary Dates:
  • Sunday March 29 Devotional Service at St Mary's Long Crendon at 6pm. A service of music, readings and hymns.
  • Monday March 30 Footsteps Easter Holiday Fun at Chearsley village hall 10 to 1pm.
  • Friday April 3 Chase the Ace – chance to win £50 every Friday at 8.30pm
  • Sunday April 5 Easter Egg Hunt in The Bell Garden Sausage and bacon baps available
  • Sunday April 5 The weekly Meat Raffle
  • Tuesday April 7 Bingo at The Bell at 8.30pm – good cash prizes. Special meal deal for bingo players
  • Sunday April 12 Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday April 18 Jumble Sale in the village hall 1.30 to 3.30pm.
  • Saturday April 18 Call My Bluff in the village hall fundraising for the 3 bells.
  • Monday April 20 Annual Parish Meeting in the village hall at 8pm
  • Friday April 24 Chuf Quiz in the village hall

Are you registered to vote?

Aylesbury Vale residents who are not yet registered to vote in the May elections have less than a month left to register.

The local government and parliamentary elections are just over six weeks away, with 59 seats in all district wards being contested alongside the Aylesbury and Buckingham constituencies in the General Election. All parish council elections are being held on the same day.

If people are not registered to vote they will be unable to have their say in these elections unless they take action now, before it is too late.

Aylesbury Vale District Council is urging those who are not yet on the electoral register to apply to register by the deadline of 20 April to protect their right to vote on Election Day – 7 May 2015.

Chris Sheard, Electoral Services Manager, said: “Time is now running short to make sure you can take part in these elections, so I’d encourage everyone in Aylesbury Vale to take action now if they aren’t registered to vote. Those particularly at risk of missing the chance to vote are people who have moved house recently, and who mistakenly assume they are automatically registered at their new address because they pay council tax. The two processes are completely separate.

“Online registration makes registering to vote easier and more convenient than ever before. It only takes a few minutes to do at and people can access it through their computer, smartphone or tablet.”

AVDC is particularly keen to remind young people that they need to be registered by the closing date to be able to cast their vote in May.

Sixteen and 17-year-olds can register themselves now so that they will be able to vote as soon as they turn 18. Students who are living away at university can also register at both their term time address and home address.

Under the new Individual Electoral Registration system, which was introduced last summer, everyone is responsible for registering themselves. Those registering will need to prove their identity by providing their name, address, National Insurance number and date of birth when applying.

Those who would prefer a postal vote, rather than going along to a polling station, need to be registered individually before they can apply for a postal vote. The closing date for postal vote applications is Tuesday 21 April, at 5pm.

For further information about voting in the May elections, visit or call the elections team on 01296 585807.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Parish Council Elections

Stand for Election for
Chearsley Parish Council
Thursday 7th May
(Nomination forms by 4pm on 9th April)

By standing as a Parish Councillor, you would have an opportunity to contribute to the wellbeing and care of Chearsley; the home to c600 Parishioners and blessed with many fine amenities. The Parish Council Elections will be combined with the General Election on Thursday 7th May.

The Parish Council takes responsibility for a range of local matters and community needs and is funded by the precept (raised as part of Council Tax). The seven elected Councillors, who work together as a team or participate in various working groups, aim to improve the services of the village by:
  • Maintaining parish land
  • Caring for the environment through litter and dog control
  • Overseeing the repair and maintenance of highways including footpaths and bridleways
  • Reviewing planning applications
  • Repairing and maintaining the war memorial/bus shelters
    (responsibilities that will undoubtedly increase with the proposed devolution or a services by BCC).
As a general rule, meetings are held on the third Monday of the month (at 7.30pm in the Chearsley village hall or sometimes at the cricket club) and aim to last no more than two hours. The AGM takes place every Spring. Every meeting is a public meeting where villagers are given the opportunity to raise concerns or ask questions. Councillors are given support in performing their duties from the Parish Council Clerk and training is available.

To become a Councillor you must be over 18 and a British national or qualifying citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Community. To stand for an election of Chearsley Parish Council, you must be an elector of the parish or; for the whole of the previous 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the parish, or; during the previous 12 months have worked in the parish (as your principal or only place of work), or; for the whole of the previous 12 months lived in the parish or within three miles of the parish boundary.

To apply, please contact (after 23rd March):
Jo Sara, AVDC Senior Electoral Service Officer: 01296 585051
Clare Clark, Parish Clerk:

The nomination form needs to be supported by a Proposer and Seconder (from two people on the electoral register within the Parish).

The deadline for completed nomination forms is 4pm on Thursday 9th April 2015. It must be hand delivered to AVDC.

Being a Councillor is a rewarding role and offers the opportunity to put something back into village life. Our village needs your support. Please consider standing for Election.

Nic Brown
Chairman- Chearsley Parish Council

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Parish Council Meeting held on Monday March 16
Please note that these are not the Minutes of the meeting. I attend out of interest and give a report of what is discussed. The Minutes written up by Clare Clark, the Council’s clerk, are published on on the Parish Council web page and displayed on the noticeboard a few days before the next committee meeting.
At this meeting, only three councillors could attend, with apologies from the other four. As there were six members of the public present, it was decided to continue through the Agenda, but no decisions could be made.
During the public session, the problem of the peacocks in the village was discussed. One garden in Turnip Close has a particular attraction for them and the owner was asking for advice and help from the Council. It was agreed that the Parish Council would make further enquiries with the owners to see if the nuisance the peacocks was causing could be dealt with.
Farmyard Footpath by The Old Bakery – Jackie and Derek Allen provided plans from the Land Registry and AVDC showing that the route of the footpath did not run directly next to their house, contradicting the opinion of councillors at the last Parish Council meeting when the subject was discussed.
The recent incident of the dog-walker and large lorry in Dark Lane was now in the hands of the police.
Best Kept Village – as applications had to be in very shortly, it was agreed to enter, following the council’s previous policy and ask for village approval of this at the Annual Parish Meeting in April.
There was no information on the progress of the repair to the vehicle activated sign.
Progress was being made with kerbing and should be done shortly.
A replacement glazed notice board had been investigated which could possibly be funded from a grant from LAF.
A site meeting would be arranged to discuss the planned alterations at Byeways.
Parish Council Elections – notices would soon be displayed on the notice board with details of the information packs necessary for prospective candidates. It is hoped there will be a good response from villagers interested in becoming a Parish councillor.
Annual Parish Meeting – there should be a leaflet drop inviting villagers to this meeting and to put forward their ideas for discussion.
Letter Head – Alicia had agreed to design this, which could be discussed and agreed on at the Annual Parish Meeting.
Plaques commemorating Betty Duval had now been put on the benches. The benches were in urgent need of maintenance. Quotes for this work should be obtained.
Recent damage to banks in Church Lane was discussed and whether agreed kerbing work to be done was in the right place.
Stockwell – maintenance to the pond was needed.
The Allens volunteered to clean the pond out.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be The Annual Parish Meeting on Monday April 20 at 8pm in the village hall.

Annual Parish Meeting
Chearsley Parish Council invite all members of the Parish to this meeting on Monday April 20 at 8pm in the village hall. This is an opportunity to have your say about what goes on in the village and to hear about current projects. Members of the Parish Council will be in the hall at 7.30pm for informal discussions. Items on the agenda for discussion are kerbing and damage to lanes, traffic calming, and the Best Kept Village Competition.
Any other suggestions for topics to be included on the agenda would be very welcome by the Parish Council. Please contact Clare Clark on 01844 201206 or email There will also be a report from the District councillor and County Councillor, Chairman’s Question and Answer Session, financial report, village projects report, police report, Village Hall report, Village Trust report, Neighbourhood watch report, car pool report and cricket club report.

The W.I. Jumble Sale will be held on Saturday April 18 from 1.30 until 3.30pm in Chearsley village hall. Refreshments with home made cakes will be available. Any donations of jumble, bric-a-brac, toys and jewellery are very welcome. Please contact Rachel on 201566, Jann on 202630 or Jean on 202791 if you would like your jumble collected.

CHUF Chearsley and Haddenham Under Fives pre-school welcome children from 2 years old to school entry age. CHUF in Chearsley is held in the village hall, and CHUF in Haddenham is within a building in the school grounds of St Mary’s Church of England school.
Both settings have good outside play areas and children are provided with an exciting environment in which to learn. Visit or phone 01844 208868 or 01844 299123 for more information. Sessions are currently available to Chearsley for the summer term. There is a vacancy for a pre-school assistant at CHUF and the job specification and application form can be viewed and downloaded from their website.

Quiz on Friday April 24 when CHUF are holding a quiz in Chearsley Village Hall. More details available shortly, but keep this date free if you are interested in attending.

Chearsley Midsummer Fête will be held this year on Saturday June 20 at 1pm on the village green. In addition to the usual stalls and games, a massive midsummer murder is being staged and everyone can take part in unmasking the person concerned. More details will be available nearer the time. The latest news can be viewed on the Fête facebook page at In the meantime, Angela Gray is asking for help on the day, just an hour or longer, to help set up, give stall organisers a break and help take the fête down at the end of the day. Please contact Angela on 07944 290264 or email her at if you would like to help and get involved in helping to make this Fête a big success.

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday March 22 Family Service at 10am
  • Sunday March 29 Palm Sunday service at 10am.
  • Sunday March 29 Devotional service at St Mary’s Long Crendon at 6pm. A service of music, readings and hymns. All welcome.
Diary Dates:
  • Saturday March 21 RBS Six Nations Rugby at The Cricket Club Chearsley. Italy v Wales kick off at 12.30. Door and bar open at 12noon. Bacon Butties before Scotland v Ireland match at 2.30pm. More bacon butties. England v France at
  • Saturday March 21 2 to 4pm Chuf Easter Egg Hunt and Activities at Chearsley Village Hall
  • Monday Mrch 23 Mobile Library from 10 to 10.25am
  • Monday March 23 Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema The King and I at The Bernard Hall 1.30pm
  • Tuesday March 24 Spring Walk at Turn End Garden from 11-12pm Phone 07591 01860.
  • Wednesday March 25 Pub Lunch inThe Bell at 12.30.
  • Monday March 30 Footsteps Easter Holiday Fun at Chearsley village hall 10 to 1pm
  • Sunday April 5 Easter Egg Hunt in The Bell Garden
  • Tuesday April 7 Bingo at The Bell at 8.30pm

Devotional Palm Sunday Service

The United Benefice of Long Crendon, Chearsley & Nether Winchendon.
Palm Sunday
Come and join us in a Service of Choral Music, Readings and Hymns.
Featuring the music of Byrd, Bach, Mozart and Palestrina.
St. Mary's Church, Long Crendon
6pm - Sunday 29th March.
Everyone welcome, Admission free, retiring collection.

Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the LORD. 
Psalm 118:19

Monday, 16 March 2015

Easter Egg Hunt and Activities

Chearsley & Haddenham Under Fives Pre-School
are holding their annual
Easter Egg Hunt and Activities
Saturday 21st March 2015
2pm - 4pm
Chearsley Village Hall and Grounds
Come and join in the Easter fun…

~ Easter Egg Hunt ~ Crafts ~ Activities ~
~ Refreshments ~ Stalls ~ Raffle
~ Face Painting ~

Tickets £4 per child
For more information contact a member of the CHUF Voluntary Committee
Tracy Brown on 07887 493179 or via email at

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Litter Pick – I hope all villagers are appreciating the tidy and litter free village lanes after a group of about 10 villagers met for a much needed litter pick on Monday March 9. The village lanes and roads leading into the village, with the exception of Aylesbury Road as time ran out, were scoured by the volunteers, producing many bags of rubbish. Much of it could be recycled – beer cans and fast food wrappers predominating , nothing more interesting.
Sharon at The Bell provided very welcome and well earned refreshments and home made cakes afterwards. If all villagers were a little more responsible for keeping the verges and lanes around their houses litter free, our village could remain in the pleasant state it is today for all year.
Thanks to Laura for organising the litter pick.

Betty Duval Plaques, commemorating Betty Duval, a quiet, kind lady who lived and loved Chearsley for many years and who died about 8 years ago, have now been attached to the two benches on The Green. These were bought by the Parish Council with a legacy from Betty’s will. The benches are often used by villagers and visitors, taking time and rest for a drink or ice cream and are a welcome addition to The Green, and now we can be reminded that they are there with thanks to Betty’s generosity.

Cuddington and Dinton Ice Ball - this major fund raising event for the two schools which many village children attend needs donations of prizes for the raffle and auction. Please contact Jenny Atkins if you are able to help. Her email is or phone 01844 202512, mobile 07919891612, and leave a message.

Chuf Easter Egg Hunt and Activities There will be an Easter fun afternoon on Saturday March 21 from 2 to 4pm at Chearsley Village Hall with crafts, Easter egg hunt, activities, stalls, face painting, refreshments and raffle.

Cheese & Wine Call My Bluff
A fun evening is being held on Saturday April 18 at Chearsley village hall with proceeds going to the St Nicholas’ Bell Fund. Come on your own or with friends to this evening of cheese and wine tasting. Listen to the “experts” – what’s true and who is bluffing? Tickets cost £15 each which includes tasting a range of wines and cheeses. There will also be a themed raffle. Please contact Joy on 208513 or Jeremy on 201611 for more information and to buy your ticket. The evening is at 7.45pm for an 8pm start.

FootstepsEaster Holiday Family Fun Monday March 30 from 10 – 1pm in Chearsley Village hall for messy crafts and to hear the Easter story followed by bring and share lunch.
No charge but donations welcome. Please sign up by email Sharon at or phone 208740.

Turn End House and Garden , Haddenham Turn End, is one of three award-winning village houses of post-war architectural merit, designed by Peter Aldington. Its garden, created as a natural extension to the architect’s own house unfolds as an intriguing series of garden rooms harmonious with the building and landscaped with a rich variety of interesting plants.
Turn End Charitable Trust was established in order to protect the Turn End estate for future generations, make it available for the public benefit and promote public knowledge and understanding of architecture, garden design and the relationship between them. Friends of Turn End Scheme has now been launched which will give members opportunities to access Turn End garden without additional charge as well as other benefits including an Early Bird booking facility for its 2015 events programme. Annual membership to become a friend is £25 (individual) or £35 (joint). A Founding Friend for a one –off minimum donation of £200 is for life.
The diary of events for 2015 includes seasonal walks and Talks, the first Early Spring Walk will take place on Tuesday March 24 from 11am to 12pm at a cost of £10. There will be Arts and Crafts Workshops throughout the year, which will cost £50 for the day. There will also be Gardening Workshops, the first of the year being Propagate your Own Plants to take place on Thursday May 14 from 10am to 4pm at a cost of £50. There will be House and Garden Open Days. Turn End will also be participating in the National Garden Scheme Open Day on Bank Holiday Monday May 4 and in the Bucks Open Studios in June.
Please contact Venetia Davies, Events Co-ordinator, on 07717 834606 or email or phone 07591 018601for more information on becoming a Friend or for further information on the 2015 events.

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday March 15 Mothering Sunday Service at 10am. Posies for Mothers and Beryl’s simnel cake afterwards. Everyone welcome.
  • Sunday March 22 Family Service at 10am
  • Sunday March 29 Palm Sunday service at 10am.
  • Sunday March 29 Devotional service at St Mary’s Long Crendon at 6pm. A service of music, readings and hymns. All welcome.
  • More details of services in Long Crendon and Nether Winchendon and Pew Sheets can be found on the St Nicholas web page.
Diary Dates:
  • Saturday March14 RBS Six Nations rugby at Chearsley Cricket Club. Wales v Ireland at 2.30pm and England v Scotland at 5pm. Bacon Butties served between matches. Doors and bar open at 2pm.
  • Saturday March 14 St Patrick’s Day meal at The Bell.
  • Sunday March 15 Mothering Sunday Meal at The Bell .
  • Monday March 16 Parish Council Meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm.
  • Saturday March 21 2 to 4pm Chuf Easter Egg Hunt and Activities at Chearsley Village Hall.
  • Monday March 23 Mobile Library by The Green from 10am to 10.25am.
  • Monday March 23 Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema. Doors open 1pm for 1.30pm start. The King and I. Tickets cost £5 (£4 concessions) to include tea and cake during the interval. Phone Liz Davies on 299150. Please remember that parting near the hall is limited. There are plenty of spaces at The Playing Field Club car park.
  • Tuesday March 24 Spring Walk at Turn End Garden from 11 – 12pm. Cost £10.Maximum of 10 people. Phone 07591 018601 to book.
  • Wednesday March 25 Monthly Pub lunch in The Bell at 12.30pm. Please contact me on 208913 if you would like to come or see Sharon in The Bell to choose your meal. Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Neighbourhood Police Newsletter

The Neighbourhood Police Update for this month is now available here.

Click for the Thames Valley Police website

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Tour de Vale 2015

Entries for the 2015 Mix 96 Tour De Vale Bike Ride are now open.

Up to 2,000 places are up for grabs for what has long been established as Buckinghamshire’s biggest bike ride.

In aid of WheelPower, the wheelchair sport charity based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, the Tour de Vale fund-raising bike ride has helped transform the lives of thousands of disabled adults and children in the 12 years since it began.

Due to the increasing demand which has seen entry levels soar in recent years WheelPower have confirmed that the 2015 ride will have a maximum of 2,000 cyclists.

Organiser, Jo Hall of WheelPower said:
“Last year was the greatest ever Tour de Vale bike with riders raising over £46,000 for WheelPower for which we would like to thank everyone involved.
We look forward to welcoming the many cyclists of all ages and abilities who come from all around the Aylesbury Vale and much further beyond at the annual this year’s Mix 96 Tour De Vale."
The ride takes place on Sunday 7 June with three routes taking cyclists through the delightful Buckinghamshire countryside and villages.

Advanced entries are £15 for adults and free for children under 16 with an accompanying adult.
Every rider is given chip timing. Helmets are compulsory. Start and finish is at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.

Click here for more information and entry forms.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Scams and Frauds abound

Please check out the Community Messages web page for updates on the latest warnings from Thames Valley Police, Action Fraud and Neighbourhood Watch.
Note that links to the latest posts appear under the weather panel in the right-hand column of the main Chearsley web page.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Jumble Sale
Chearsley W.I. are holding a jumble sale in Chearsley village hall on Saturday April 18 in the afternoon. The time has not yet been finalised. Refreshments with home-made cakes will be available. Donations of jumble, bric-a-brac, toys and jewellery are requested. For more details or request for jumble to be collected, please contact Rachel on 201566, Jann on 202630 or Jean on 202791.

National Plant Monitoring Scheme

This scheme launched this Spring will for the first time enable scientists to take an annual stock take of the UK’s wild plants and their habitats. This cannot happen without the help of volunteers who are need to carry out surveys of wild-flowers and their habitats which will provided robust evidence of which widespread plants are increasing or declining as well as indicating the changing state of our most valued habitats such as grassland, fenland and even road verges. Volunteers will be given a convenient 1km square plot to visit. Each visit involves recording plant “indicator species” in plots within the kilometre area. Anyone interested in nature who can identify plants or who is keen to learn – you do not have to be an experienced botanist – would be ideal to get involved. Visit their website for more information and details of how to join in this new scheme.

Stand for Election
The elections for parish councillors takes place on Thursday May 7 alongside the General Election. Nic Brown, the current Chairman of Chearsley Parish Council is asking everyone who has either lived or worked in Chearsley for the past year to consider standing for election and writes that
“by standing as a Parish Councillor, you could have an opportunity to contribute to the well-being and care of Chearsley. The Parish Council takes responsibility for a range of local matters and community needs and is funded by the precept (raised as part of the Council Tax). The 7 elected Councillors who work together as a team or participate in various working groups, aim to improve the services of the village by maintaining the parish land, caring for the environment through litter and dog control, overseeing the repair and maintenance of highways including footpaths and bridleways, reviewing planning applications, repairing and maintaining the war memorial/bus shelters (responsibilities that will undoubtedly increase with the proposed devolution of services by Bucks County Council). Being a councillor is a rewarding role and offers the opportunity to put something back into village life. Our village needs your support. Please consider standing for Election”. 
There will be information about applications on the notice board in due course. The nomination form needs to be supported by a proposer and seconder from 2 people on the electoral register within the Parish and must be delivered to AVDC by Thursday April 9.
John Lewis, vice-chairman of the Parish Council adds that
“the only way to ensure we have the right Parish Council for the village is by lots of people putting their names forward and having a strongly contested election for the 7 available places”.
If you are interested, why not attend the next Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday March 16 in the village hall at 7.30pm to find out more.

Church Services at St Nicholas:
  • Sunday March 8 Morning Celebration at 10am. A special drama is lined up for this informal service. Fresh real coffee, tea, squash and biscuits available on arrival. The service will start at about 10.10am. Evensong at 6pm
  • Sunday March 15 Mothering Sunday Service 10am. During the service the children will present posies of flowers to their Mothers and Beryl’s simnel cake will be shared afterwards. Everyone welcome to this joyful celebration. More details of services in Long Crendon and Nether Winchendon and Pew Sheets can be found on the St Nicholas website

Diary Dates:
  • Saturday March 14 RBS Six Nations rugby at Chearsley Cricket Club Wales v Ireland kick off at 2.30pm and England v Scotland kick off at 5pm. The bar will be open half an hour before kick off. Bacon butties at half time. Everyone welcome to come up.
  • Saturday March 14 Celebrate St Patrick’s Day at The Bell. More details available at The Bell.
  • Sunday March 15 Celebrate Mothering Sunday at St Nicholas church at 10am.
  • Mothering Sunday lunch at The Bell – please book your table in good time with Sharon at The Bell as places are limited. 
  • Monday March 16 Parish Council Meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm
  • Monday March 23 Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema. The King and I will be shown. Doors open 1pm. Tickets available at £5 or £4 concessions to include tea and cake during the interval from Liz Davies on 299150. Please remember that parking near the hall is limited. There are plenty of spaces at the Playing Field Club car park.
  • Sunday March 29 Devotional service at 6pm at Long Crendon Church