Thursday, 30 April 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Coffee morning for Steve Vear
Steve Vear died nearly 1 year ago and it is planned to plant a tree in the village in his memory. Steve will be remembered by many for his involvement in many aspects of the village – the shop, the church, the cricket club, The Bell, his veg boxes, eggs and not least his noisy old Landrover straight out of Midsomer Murders. He was known and loved by many including the children he coached in mathematics. Please come to a coffee morning in the village hall on Saturday May 9 from 10 to 12pm for tea and coffee and home-made cakes to raise money for a memorial tree for Steve. Any donations of help on the day or of cakes will be much appreciated. Contact Julie on 01844 208983.

Dave Payne Catches His Biggest Fish

Joy Payne, of Bernard’s Close, and known to so many for everything she does in the village, is very proud of her son, David who has had his photo printed in a recent copy of The Angling Times. Dave recently turned up for an overnighter at Shallow Pit, part of the St Ives Complex on the Cambridgeshire venue and caught the lake’s biggest resident – Colin - weighing just over 50lb. Having changed his swim when another better one become available, Dave had settled in for the night, hopeful that an early indication on his left hand rod would develop. He was woken by a flurry of beeps that merged into a streaming run and the rod doubled over. He pulled it over the net cord safely into the net. The fish was identified as Colin, the biggest in the lake, Dave’s first fish in the St Ives complex and beating his personal best by 25lb. Well done Dave. A good story to tell in The Bell when you are next home.

The Bell
Sharon and her staff put on a splendid St George’s Day celebration on Saturday April 25 enjoyed by around 30 villagers. The Bell continues to offer 2 meals for £15 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday evenings; The Chase The Ace game on Friday evenings when there is the chance to win £50 and if an Ace is picked, a share of the final prize fund; the Meat Raffle on Sunday afternoons; Bingo on the first Tuesday of the month and the Sunday Quiz on the Sunday following Bingo. Back on the menu again is Friday morning coffee, tea and home-made cake from 10 until 12.

Wednesday Evening Pilates in Chearsley Village Hall
Apologies for the confusion I caused recently by writing the wrong day for Debbie’s Pilates classes. Debbie Corpe holds pilates classes in the village hall on Wednesday evenings from 6 to7pm. The classes have classic pilates exercises to tone, strengthen, stretch and lengthen using a variety of small props. You will need to bring your own mat. Please contact Debbie for more information and to book your place on 077706494 or email her at

Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day - a new committee under the leadership of Fred Crawford is now hard at work organising an even bigger and better classic car show hoping to beat last year’s £3000 raised for the Juniors at Chearsley Cricket Club. It will be held at Chearsley Cricket Club, Winchendon Road on Sunday September 13 from noon to 4.30pm with a large number of classic and vintage vehicles on display, also arts and crafts, pets corner, fair, bands, bar, refreshments, barbeque, Spitfire flyover. It is planned for better advertising and signage for the event and improved email and website communications for on-line registration. There will be no car boot sale this year. Put the date in your diary and make sure you come to a great day out. There will be plenty of nearby parking for visitors.

Turn End Trust Workshop
Turn End Trust conserving Turn End Estate in Haddenham is holding a workshop on Thursday May 14 from 10 to 4pm entitled Learn to Propagate your own plants. The workshop is ideal for beginners and improvers and includes tips and techniques for propagating plants, seed sowing, dividing plants and taking cuttings. The cost for the day is £50. Please email or phone 07591 018601 for more information and to book your place. To find out more about gardening at Turn End, visit the Gardener’s blog at

National Trust Aylesbury Centre
Local residents who have recently joined the National Trust, existing members who have moved into the Aylesbury area, and those who have been members for 10 years should have received an invitation to join the Aylesbury Centre of the National Trust. This centre offers social activities to National Trust members and volunteers from across the Aylesbury Vale, including monthly talks at Broughton Junior School, outings to National Trust and other properties, holidays and other activities. If you did not receive this letter and invitation and would like to find out more about the Aylesbury National Trust Centre, Tony Fanthorpe, the Hon Secretary and membership secretary of the centre would very much like you to contact him. And anyone who is a National Trust member or volunteer who has not heard about the centre. Please phone 01296 612117 or email Tony is also the Bucks Herald village correspondent for Weston Turville.

Cuddington Bridge Closure
It seems that May 10 is the expected date for work on the bridge to be completed, but according to other Transport for Bucks messages on the website, if the repair work takes more time than this to complete, the bridge could stay closed until the beginning of June. Let’s hope that by May 10 the bridge is open again. The closure is resulting in the pubs and shops in both Cuddington and Chearsley having less business than usual. So please continue to support them during this difficult time.

Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema – tickets for this highly popular bi-monthly event in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington, will go on sale on May 1. High Society will be shown on Monday May 18 in the hall at 1.30pm with doors open at 1pm. The film is 111minutes long and stars Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra. Entry is by ticket which includes tea and cake and costs £5 or £4 concession price. Please phone Liz Davies on 01844 299150 to book a ticket.

Church Services at St Nicholas Church:
  • Sunday May 3 10 am Family Communion and Junior Church. Rock Solid Camp
  • Sunday May 10 Morning Celebration at 10am; Evensong at 6pm

Diary Dates:
  • Friday May 1 Coffee and Cake at The Bell 10 to 12pm
  • Monday May 4 Bank Holiday Turn End Garden open under the National Garden Scheme from 2 - 5pm
  • Tuesday May 5 Bingo at The Bell. Eyes Down at 8.30pm
  • Thursday May 7 National and Local Elections in the village hall from 7am until 10pm.
  • Friday May 8 Coffee and Cake at The Bell 10 to 12pm
  • Saturday May 9 Coffee Morning at Chearsley Village hall from 10 to 12pm raising funds for a Steve Vear Memorial
  • Saturday May 9 A Night at the Opera, at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church Long Crendon
  • Sunday May 10 Monthly Quiz at The Bell 8pm
  • Tuesday May 12 Late Spring Walk from 11 – 12pm at Turn End Garden
  • Thursday May 14 Propagate your Own plants session 10 – 4pm at Turn End

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Friday, 24 April 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Annual Parish Meeting
This was held on Monday April 20 with about 20 villagers attending. The following is only my notes on the meeting, not the official Minutes.
  • Mike Edmonds, who has been our District Councillor for many years, is now standing for the Haddenham and Stone area, as the boundaries have been changed. He reported that finances had been tight, but the weekly refuse collection had been maintained with recycling increased. The Council was considered one of the best local authorities in the country and had been given a Gold award for savings made. Nic Brown, as chairman of the Parish Council, thanked Mike for his hard work and support he always had given.
  • During the Chairman’s Question and Answer session, the problems of heavy lorries delivering to house extensions and alterations and damage caused by them to the village roads was again discussed and whether any active efforts to curb this had been made by the Parish Council. It was suggested and agreed that the Parish council stipulate the use of small lorries when they accepted future planning proposals.
  • John Lewis reported that there had been no overspend of the budget this year, but that the village should expect the precept to increase in the future, as it had in many other neighbouring villages, to enable more projects to be financed, e.g. kerbing, upkeep of footpaths and benches.
  • The Council would welcome anyone who would like to take on a particular project as contained in the Village Plan.
  • The new village hall scheme is the only project where any progress has been made with thanks to Antonia Stratford of the village hall management committee. Antonia reported that after a positive village meeting concerning a new village hall, pre-planning advice was very positive. Further ideas and quotes for a new hall were currently being requested from other architects, as the cost of the ones shown at the public meeting were considered too high. Fundraising would be increased in anticipation of the new build in addition to funds from the new housing development and the village hall has joined The purchase of a new glazed notice board is being considered.
  • Adam Lazaruk reported that the Cricket Club is flourishing particularly the Junior Section with 110 under-18 members, with 50% living in the village. The Club manages to be self-funded holding various fund raising activities in the year. The problems of dog mess on the field was highlighted; incidents could be reported to the dog warden.
  • There was no Police Report.
  • Sandra Towell and Clare Lazaruk are standing down from the Council and were thanked by Nic for their hard work over the years and he encouraged others to be prepared to do the same.
  • Only two new nominations had been received to sit on the council, which means there is no need for an election for the Parish Council on May 7.

Chearsley Village Hall fund-raising
Although no definite plans for a new village hall have yet been decided upon, fund-raising towards the new hall has already started. The recent family quiz raised £900 and money collected in the charity bottle in The Bell over the next few months will go towards a new village hall. As a considerable amount of money will needed to be raised for a new village hall to be built, it is important to start fund raising now more seriously. One way in which everyone can easily contribute is by signing up to This generates free donations by around 3,000 retailers listed on the site – Tesco, John Lewis, Argos and Amazon – who will pay Chearsley Village Hall a percentage of your online spend – for free. In brief, users of easyfundraising pay the usual price and the retailer makes the donation. Once you are registered, you are ready to shop and raise money. Register by going to I found that it is really is very easy to register and you can agree to download a tool from the site which will remind you to donate when you are shopping online. After a purchase, easyfundraising will send you an email telling you how much you have raised and will pass the donation to the village hall. The purchase itself will be dealt with by the retailer as normal. Have a look and register. If you are making a purchase anyway, then why not let the village hall benefit?

Please clean up after your dog
The groundsman for Chearsley Cricket Club has put out an impassioned plea for people who walk their dogs in the cricket field to please clear up the mess made by their dogs. The Cricket Club has a thriving junior side and the children are being put at risk from exposure to the dog mess caused by the thoughtless dog walkers. This has been an ongoing problem which has now become intolerable and it is being considered that the field should be made into a no dog area unless things improve. If anyone knows who the offending dog owners are, please let the Club know. It seems that the Cricket Club is not the only area in Chearsley experiencing problems with dog walkers and dog mess. At the bottom of Church Lane, there is a notice imploring dog owners to clear up any mess their dog may make and put it in the bin specially provided for this purpose by the Parish Council, close by in Church Lane.

Road Closure at Cuddington Mill Bridge
I am sure everyone is now aware of the closure of the road out of Chearsley towards Cuddington which is planned to last until May 26 for repairs to the bridge. Should you have any queries about this, please contact Bucks County Council quoting reference BH002G-5M-01094695/01. The 110 bus between Aylesbury and Thame is still running to a slightly different timetable which can be viewed via the link here (pdf). I have downloaded a copy of the amended timetable and put this on the notice board. Please note that the footpath is also closed, with metal barriers right across the road and verges, so there is no way of getting round the closure by foot or bike. It would have been helpful if Bucks County Council could have given villagers in Chearsley and Cuddington some warning of this sudden closure of the road, having already put up with a month of inconvenience at the bridge with one side of the road sometimes coned off, and with traffic lights, sometimes operating and sometimes not.
Please realize the affect the road closure is having on the business of the shop and pub in Cuddington and if you normally use them, please make the effort to continue giving them your vital custom. There will be no compensation for the inevitable loss of business which they will suffer for the next month. If it is a pleasant day, the walk across the fields to Cuddington is an alternative or a drive to park in Nether Winchendon and a walk along the paths and tarmac drive into Cuddington is an alternative.

Bingo at The Bell – Your chance to win some good cash prizes at April’s Bingo in The Bell will be on Tuesday May 5 with Eyes Down at 8.30pm. Last month, the full house prize on the last game was for £68. The amount which could be won on the snowball game has now reached nearly £200. The raffle which also has some good prizes raised over £40 for the charity bottle which for funds for the new village hall. Come early and have a meal at a special price for Bingo players.

Friday Coffee and Cake at The Bell – the weekly coffee and cake mornings are starting again on Friday May 1. Have a break from household and garden jobs to come up to The Bell and have a chat and natter while enjoying tea or coffee and home-made cakes. No booking necessary. If you don’t visit the pub for meals or a drink at the bar, this is a way of supporting this vital village amenity. You will be made very welcome by Sharon and her staff.

Sunshine Club Matinee Cinema – tickets for this highly popular bi-monthly event in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington will go on sale on May 1. High Society will be shown on Monday May 18 in the hall at 1.30pm with doors open at 1pm. The film is 111minutes long and stars Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra.
Entry is by ticket which includes tea and cake and costs £5 or £4 concession price. Please phone Liz Davies on 01844 299150 to book a ticket. Be aware, that the last showing was fully booked, so get your tickets in good time. Parking has caused problems for the school minibus, so visitors are asked to park in the Playing Field car park at the end of Bernard Close. This will leave room for disabled drivers to park near the hall and disabled passengers can be dropped off outside the hall before parking in the car park.

Church Services at St Nicholas Church:
  • Sunday April 26 Family Service at 10am
  • Sunday May 3 10am Family Communion and Junior Church. Rock Solid Camp
Diary Dates:
  • Friday April 24 Chuf Quiz in the village hall at 8pm
  • Saturday April 25 St George's Day meal at The Bell at 7.30pm. Booking essential
  • Friday May 1 Coffee and Cake at The Bell 10 to 12pm
  • Monday May 4 Bank Holiday Turn End garden open under the National Garden Scheme 2 – 5pm
  • Tuesday May 5 Bingo at The Bell. Eyes Down at 8.30pm
  • Thursday May 7 National and Local Elections in the village hall from 7am until 10pm.
  • Saturday May 9 A Night at the Opera, at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church Long Crendon
  • Tuesday May 12 Late Spring Walk from 11 – 12pm at Turn End Garden
  • Thursday May 14 Propagate your Own plants session 10 – 4pm at Turn End

Spring Concert

Advance tickets can also be purchased from Giles Witcher or Mike Haybrook

Monday, 20 April 2015

Annual Parish Meeting

Monday 20th April
7.30 for 8.00pm

This is your opportunity to hear about what the Parish Council has been doing for your village (and with your money) over the past year, what it plans to do next year, and for you to voice your thoughts on what it should focus on.

It is particularly important this year as the Parish Council term of office ends in May, with a new Council forming up after election day.

The agenda can be viewed here - if there is anything else you would like to have included, please let me or Clare Clark know. Click to Email the PC.

We look forward to seeing you there.

On behalf of the Parish Council

John Lewis
Vice Chairman

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Road Closure - Chearsley/Cuddington

The road between Chearsley and Cuddington is due to be closed from tomorrow, 20th April, until 22nd May while urgent repairs are carried out on the bridge at Cuddington Mill.

Bus route 110 will operate to a revised route and timetable, operating at earlier times on journeys to school.See timetable here (pdf)

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Clean It Up!

The groundsman for Chearsley Cricket Club has put out an impassioned plea for people who walk their dogs in the cricket field to please clear up the mess made by their dogs.

If you are a dog owner, you have a legal duty to clean up every time your dog messes in a public place.

The Cricket Club has a thriving junior side and the children are being put at risk from exposure to the dog mess caused by the thoughtless dog walkers. This has been an ongoing problem and the dog walkers have been made aware of it by the Club. The problem has now become intolerable and it is being considered that the field should be made into a no dog area unless things improve.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Ron Toop 
Ron who lived in Winchendon Road, Chearsley for over 53 years and was married to Beryl for nearly 60 years died on March 27 aged 84. Ron was very much involved in the village taking great pride in mowing and caring for the church yard and the War Memorial area for many years. His health deteriorated and Ron spent his last 2 years in a care home. His funeral took place at Chearsley Church led by The Revd. Canon John Wynburne on Thursday April 9 with many family friends and neighbours there. Ron would have appreciated the lovely warm sunny day chosen for his goodbye and Service of Thanksgiving. Love and sympathy go to Beryl and her family.

New Baby
Sue and Peter Grimsdell of Elmbrook Close are delighted to announce that their son, Richard and his wife Dawn have become parents to their first baby, Orla Elizabeth who was born in Camberley on Easter Sunday. Congratulations to all the family.

St George’s Day celebrations - a traditional meal of either roast beef or fish and chips is on the menu to celebrate St George’s Day at The Bell on Saturday April 25 at 7.30pm. A 2 course menu costs £15.95 and 3 courses cost £19.95. Please contact Sharon as soon as possible as booking is essential.

Pilates in Chearsley Village Hall - weekly classes are held by Debbie Corpe on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7pm. The classes have classic pilates exercises to tone, strengthen, stretch and lengthen using a variety of small props. You will need to bring your own mat. Please contact Debbie for more information and to book your place on 07770646494 or email her at

Chearsley Cricket Club are looking for new players. The Club belongs to the Cherwell Cricket league and has Saturday 1st and 2nd team fixtures with friendly matches on Sundays. Indoor nets have already started at Ashfold School, Dorton. Please contact James Veness at, Adam Lazaruk at or Peter Redfern at for more information.

Eric Carte at Milton Keynes
Eric is currently touring the country with The Agatha Christie Theatre Co performing And Then There Were None with Paul Nicholas taking the lead. A dark and captivating tale that will thrill and enthral as murder unfolds. The nearest venue to us is Milton Keynes for 1 week from Monday July 20 until Saturday July 25 with matinees starting at 2.30pm on Wednesday and Saturday.

Spring Events at Turn End, Haddenham there will be a Leather Journals Workshop on Thursday April 23 and Sunday April 26 from 10 – 4pm with Heather Hunter to make a wraparound non-adhesive journal in sturdy leather. Booking essential. Cost is £50. Come on a leisurely walk around the garden with Jackie Hunt, Turn End’s gardener on a Late Spring Walk on Tuesday May 12 from 11 – 12pm at a cost of £10.
Propagate your Own plants session is being held on Thursday May 14 from 10-4pm at a cost of £50. Booking essential.
The garden will be open under the National Garden Scheme on Bank Holiday Monday May 4 from 2 – 5.30pm. Entry £4 for adults, no charge for children. Teas, cakes will be on sale in aid of Christian Aid. Plants, greetings cards and books will be on sale. The gallery of photographer Paul Wilkinson’s work will be open and artist in Residence, Heather Hunter will be exhibiting her artist’s books and prints.
Contact Venetia Davies of Turn End Charitable Trust on 07717 834606.

A Night At The Opera Saturday May 9 at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church Long Crendon Friends of St Mary’s Church, Long Crendon and Aylesbury Opera Group are presenting a concert programme featuring a quartet of local professional singers accompanied at the piano by Anthony McCarthy. The programme will comprise famous and popular arias and ensembles from across the opera repertoire, including Handel, Mozart, Rossini and Verdi. Tickets cost £10 each and can be obtained by emailing or phoning Lindsay Kennedy on 290602.

Church Services at St Nicholas Church for Sunday April 12
Morning Celebration at 10am when another drama is planned to decide if the Resurrection was real. Refreshments before hand. Ready to start at 10.10am.Evensong at 6pm
April 19 9am Communion

Diary Dates:
  • Saturday April 18 W.I. Jumble Sale in the village hall 1.30 to 3.30pm.
  • Saturday April 18 Sunshine Club Bazaar in the Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 2pm
  • Saturday April 18 Call my Bluff in the village hall, fundraising for the 3 bells 7.45 for 8pm start
  • Monday April 20 Mobile Library 10 until 10.25am
  • Monday April 20 Annual Parish Meeting in the village hall at 8pm
  • Thursday April 23 and Sunday April 26 Leather Journals Workshop at Turn End
  • Friday April 24 Chuf Quiz in the village hall at 8pm
  • Saturday April 25 St George’s Day meal at The Bell 7.30pm. Booking essential.
  • Monday May 4 Bank Holiday Turn End garden open under the National Garden Scheme 2 – 5pm
  • Thursday May 7 National and Local Elections in the village hall from 7am until 10pm.
  • Saturday May 9 A Night at the Opera, at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church Long Crendon
  • Tuesday May 12 Late Spring Walk from 11 – 12pm at Turn End Garden
  • Thursday May 14 Propagate your Own plants session 10 – 4pm at Turn End

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Honey Bees

A message from Brian Bush (MBBKA and BBKA area swarm officer) 

The honey bee swarming season is fast approaching and The Beekeepers Of the Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association and their colleagues in the British Beekeepers Association need the help of the general public.
Last year was a record year for the number of Honey Bee Swarms.
Members of the public in the MBBKA area reported over 250 swarms of which approx. half were collected by MBBA members and housed safely.
 How Can You Help?

If you think you have a swarm of honey bees:
  • Try and ensure they are Honey Bees and not Wasps or Bumble Bees.
  • Ring a swarm collector.
Please give accurate information:
  • A post code and address as well as a contact name and number.
  • Where the bees are situated:
  • In a tree?
  • How far off the ground?
  • Will a ladder be required?
  • Do they represent a potential danger to the public?
  • Overhanging a footpath?
  • In school grounds?
Keep the bee keeper updated. (He does not want to drive 20 miles to be told the swarm departed just after you rang!!)

 Swarm Collection is a Free Service
MBBKA Swarm Hotline 07770370132

For more information, see the British Beekeepers Association website  where you will find help to identify honey bees, contact details and further information.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Refuse Collection - Good Friday April 3 The general refuse bins and food bins will be collected on Saturday April 4.

Stand for Election as a Parish Councillor 
Nomination forms must be with AVDC by 4pm April 9. Details of how to apply are now on the notice board and can be found here.

Footsteps in the village hall Over 80 children and adults enjoyed a morning of Easter crafts in the village hall on Monday March 30 followed by a game of “Jesus Says” and a shared lunch. The St Nicholas web has many photos showing the children enjoying the day with egg painting, egg marbling, handprint angels, Judas money bags, a crown of thorns and an Easter garden.

Plants for Fete
Now is the time to be thinking of growing flower and vegetable seeds for the garden, and maybe splitting or dividing perennials. The Heybrook family, Rose, Laura and Suzie, are running the plant stall at this year’s Midsummer Fete on Saturday June 20 and are putting out a timely request that seeds and plants are planted up with the fete in mind. If anyone needs plastic plant pots, please contact them on 208393 as they have a large selection.
Donations for stalls at the Fete - don’t take any unwanted gifts or clutter to the tip, please save them for the Fete. There will be stalls for toys, bric-a-brac, books, jewellery, handbags, scarves and accessories and the stall holders will be very grateful for any donations you can make. More details about collection will be available nearer the date of June 20.

Sunshine Club April Bazaar – Saturday April 18 A clash with the jumble sale in Chearsley hall on the same day, but no reason not to support both. This Bazaar starts at 2pm in the Bernard Hall when there will be bargains galore in clothing, household goods, books, DVDs, cakes, tombola, raffle and teas. All proceeds go to the very good service provided by the Sunshine Club for older people in Cuddington, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon.

Chuf Quiz on Friday April 24

Come and join Chearsley and Haddenham Under Fives to support their fundraising event at Chearsley village hall commencing at 8pm. Just bring your own drinks and nibbles for the evening. There will be a raffle with the chance to win excellent prizes including dining out vouchers, beauty treatment gift vouchers, days out vouchers, wine. Tickets cost £5 each for tables of 8 to 12 people. Please contact Tracy Brown on 07887 493179 or email her at to book tickets and for more information.

St George’s Day celebrations at The Bell
Click for Menu

This will be celebrated on Saturday April 25 at 7.30pm with a very English 2 or 3 course meal, patriotic singing, a quiz, flag waving and general jolly good English merriment. 2 courses cost £15.95 and 3 courses £19.95. The very English menu includes roast beef or fish and chips and a vegetarian option. Please book with Sharon at The Bell beforehand. Numbers are limited, so book early.

Dinton Litter Pick - Saturday March 28
Thank you very much to Dinton with Ford and Upton Parish Council for organising this recent litter blitz and all the volunteers (and there seemed to be a lot)from our nearby village, who helped clear and tidy the rubbish which scars our roads, particularly the A418. It cannot have been a pleasant or easy task. I travel this route frequently and, as everywhere else, the litter revealed by the hedge cutting is offensive to see.. Do people really just throw their unwanted rubbish out of their car windows as they travel along? It is a good idea (thank you Monica of Ford village column) for villagers to keep an old plastic bag in their pockets, so that any litter we come across in the village roads can be picked up and disposed of in our own bins.

Diary Dates:
  • Sunday April 5 Easter Garden Service and Communion at 10am. Rock Solid is cancelled.
  • Sunday April 5 Easter Egg Hunt in The Bell Garden at 11am.
  • Tuesday April 7 Bingo at The Bell with Eyes Down 8.30pm.
  • Sunday April 12 Monthly Quiz at The Bell at 8pm
  • Saturday April 18 W.I. Jumble Sale in the village hall 1.30 to 3.30pm.
  • Saturday April 18 Sunshine Club Bazaar in the Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 2pm
  • Saturday April 18 Call My Bluff in the village hall fundraising for the 3 bells 7.45 for 8pm start
  • Monday April 20 Mobile Library 10 until 10.25am
  • Monday April 20 Annual Parish Meeting in the village hall at 8pm
  • Friday April 24 Chuf Quiz in the village hall at 8pm
  • Saturday April 25 St George’s Day meal at The Bell 7.30pm. Booking essential.