Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Village News

with Margaret Morbey : margmorb@mail.com : 01844-208913

Sue Gray
In case there are some villagers who have not already heard or read reports in the newspapers that Air Vice Marshal Sue Gray, who has lived in Chearsley for some years, has now been promoted to Air Marshall and Director General of the Defence Safety Authority, an appointment she takes up in March. Many congratulations to Sue on this achievement. She becomes the RAF’s first female 3star office and the most senior female military officer in the British Armed Forces. A great example to all young women of just what can be achieved. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said “This is an historic moment as we see the most senior female appointment in the British military. Air Marshal Gray’s career shows that with hard work, skill and determination, gender is no obstacle to achieving the top ranks in the Armed Forces...” Sue has laid the wreath at the War Memorial in Chearsley on Armistice Day for several years.

Litter Pick
As many volunteers as possible are wanted for the Litter Pick on Thursday February 28 Hopefully the present lovely weather will hold. Please meet at 9.30am outside the Village Shop wearing brightly coloured visible clothing for safety and have protective gloves. Black sacks are provided by AVDC. Litter pickers will clear rubbish from all village roads and the surrounding main roads, ending up at The Bell at 11am for hot drinks and cake. Please contact Alicia at alicia@greatbarn.net for more information. Many hands make light work to clear up and cheer up Chearsley.

Parish Councillor Vacancy
There will no election for this vacancy as the required number of requests for an election were not received and it is the job of the Parish Council to now appoint a new Councillor. To this end, they are inviting anyone interested in serving on the Parish Council to get in touch with the Parish Clerk at helen.v.spurgeon@gmail.com by March 8 2019. A copy of the formal notice and conditions can be found on the notice board. It will be a short term appointment as the next elections to the Parish Council will be held in April or May 2020 which makes this an ideal opportunity to try out being a Parish Councillor. Please contact Helen Spurgeon noting your interest or for any other information.

Chearsley Annual Village Meeting
The Parish Council invite everyone to this meeting in the Village Hall on Monday March 18 at 7pm for wine or soft drinks and nibbles and the meeting starting at 7.30pm. An opportunity to hear key updates on village matters by the Parish council with contributions from many other village groups and an open discussion when villagers are welcome to raise any points. It is also hoped there will be a presentation about the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway.

The Oxford-Cambridge Expressway
The Parish Council is actively supporting EAG (Express Action Group) an accredited stakeholder in the consultation of the building of this new road, to run in parallel with a new cross -country rail link. The Council plan to set up a Working Group and need help from villagers who are interested in joining the Working Group. Please contact Councillors, Julia Witcher at juleswitcher@googlemail.com or John Howard at jnh@dbmc.co.uk as soon as possible for more information. It is hoped that there will be a formal presentation by EAG at the Village Meeting on Monday March 18.

Services at St Nicholas Church: 
  • Sunday March 3 10am Family Holy Communion
  • Wednesday March 6 7pm Benefice Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday
  • Sunday March 10 9am Holy Communion
  • Sunday March 10 4pm Messy Church in the Village Hall

Diary Dates:
  • Thursday February 28 Litter Pick Meet outside the shop at 9.30am.
  • Saturday March 9 Rugby at the Cricket Pavilion England v Italy. Kick off 4.45pm
  • Saturday March 16 Rugby at the Cricket Pavilion England v Scotland. Kick off 5pm
  • Monday March 18 Annual Village Meeting in the village hall. Refreshments at 7pm for 7.30pm start
  • Saturday March 23 Cricket Club Quiz at Chearsley Village Hall 7.30pm start. Contact Leslie Arnott on 01844 290153 to book tickets
  • April 9 to 13 West Side Story by Cuddington Youth Drama

Monday, 18 February 2019

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Revised Bin Day

Due to 'adverse weather conditions', AVDC announce that the next collection day for the village will be Tuesday, February 5th.

Village News

with Margaret Morbey : margmorb@mail.com : 01844-208913

Parish Councillor Vacancy
Following the sad death of Michael Edmonds last November, there is now a councillor vacancy on Chearsley Parish council. The Parish Council is not obliged to fill this vacancy, but because the next elections are not scheduled until May 2020, it has been decided it will be in the best interests of the village to fill the vacancy.
A formal notice has now been published which states that if any ten electors in the Chearsley Parish give notice in writing to the Returning Officer by February 13 requesting that an election be held, the vacancy will be filled at a by-election. If no such notice is received by the Returning Officer, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-opting a suitably qualified person. Written requests for an election must be sent to Andrew Grant, the Returning Officer at Electoral Services, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury Bucks HP19 8FF.

Cuddington Youth Drama
Rehearsals are well under way for Cuddington Youth Drama’s April performance of West Side Story. This talented group of 7 to 27 year olds are learning to sing and dance their hearts out to the story of Romeo and Juliet. So please save the date of April 9 to 13 to come and watch performances of West Side Story. Ticket information will be available in due course.

Bingo and Quiz at The Bell
The start of a new month means that there will be Bingo at The Bell on Tuesday February 5. Eyes Down at 8.45pm. Followed by the monthly Sunday Quiz at The Bell on February 10. Questions start at 8pm. Everyone welcome to come along.

Rugby 6 Nations at Chearsley Cricket Club
This tournament will be starting this weekend and Chearsley Cricket Club will again be opening their pavilion up to show the games. The bar will be open and bacon butties will be available to buy

Services at St Nicholas Church:
  • Sunday February 3 10am Family Communion
  • Sunday February 10 9am Holy Communion
  • Sunday February 10 4pm Messy Church at the Village Hall
Diary Dates:
  • Monday January 28 “Oliver” at Cuddington Matinee Cinema, Bernard Hall at 1.30pm. All welcome
  • Saturday February 2 Ireland play England at Dublin. Cricket Club pavilion doors open at 4pm for 4.45pm kick off
  • Tuesday February 5 Bingo at The Bell Eyes Down at 8.45pm. Come early and eat for a special Bingo players price
  • Sunday February 10 Rugby at the Cricket Pavilion England v France. Kick off at 3pm
  • Sunday February 10 Quiz at The Bell. Starts at 8pm . Everyone welcome
  • Monday February 18 Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm in the hall
  • Tuesday February 19 W.I. Meeting in the hall Talk on” Agent Zig Zag” 2.30pm start
  • Saturday February 23 Rugby at the Cricket Pavilion Wales v England. Kick off 4.45pm
  • Saturday March 9 Rugby at the Cricket Pavilion England v Italy. Kick off 4.45pm
  • Saturday March 16 Rugby at the Cricket Pavilion England v Scotland. Kick off 5pm
  • Saturday March 23 Cricket Club Quiz at Chearsley Village Hall 7.30pm start. Contact Leslie Arnott on 01844 290153 to book tickets
  • April 9 to 13 West Side Story by Cuddington Youth Drama