Thursday 15 May 2008

Village News

from Margaret Morbey
Lizzie Carte 
Lizzie's Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving took place in St. Nicholas' Church on Friday 9th May at 11.30, conducted by Canon Peter Bugg.  It was a beautiful spring day and a beautiful service - so fitting for such a beautiful lady - with the church full to overflowing into the churchyard where the service was also broadcast. There were tributes and recollections of her life from family members and friends and the bible reading by Anthony Valentine. Our thoughts and love are with her family particularly, Eric, who is inviting donations to a fund to enable her brother, Billy, to continue his treatment for MS.
Cheques should be sent to K.Y. Green, 29 Cambridge Street, Aylesbury HP20 1RP.
Race for Life, Sunday May 11th
About 70 ladies of all ages from Chearsley completed the 5km run through the grounds of Waddesdon Manor on  a really hot day. The final amount raised for Cancer Research is not yet known.
A great afternoon in the Village Hall grounds where there was a brilliant young band playing, barbeque, pink tombola, auction and raffle was enjoyed by many of the walkers ad runners and other villagers, when about £4,000 was raised for MacMillan Nurses. Thanks to all the organizers and to all sponsors.
CHUF - 40 years on
The playgroup held in Chearsley Village Hall each day is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. It is inviting all past staff, helpers, parents, committee members to a Dinner Dance at The Oxfordshire on June 20th. Tickets cost £40 each. There will also be an Auction. The present committee are gathering together photos and mementos of the last 40 years to produce a display at the Dinner Dance and would welcome any contributions from past Chuf people. If you can help or would  like to attend the Dinner Dance, phone Karen on 01844 299321.
CHUF - Ofsted report
 Chuf are delighted and proud to have been deemed "outstanding" by a recent Ofsted report. Congratulations to all the hard work put in by the Committee and staff.
Parish Council Meeting 12th May 2008
 A new Chairman was elected by the Council. Nic Brown takes over from Michael Edmonds. Leif Hytten continues to the Vice Chairman and Clare Clark the Clerk and Treasurer.
Points occurring at the meeting :
Public Session : Perry Smith put forward his idea of commencing an environmental group in Chearsley, to encourage everyone and in particular, children in learning and understanding about the local environment, flora and fauna, and the possibility of there being an allotment especially for the children.  The council was in support of this scheme and asked Perry to produce a plan of action.
Chearsley News: The importance of sharing news on a regular basis in the village was brought up, and it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed to investigate the best method of producing this.
Public Seat by the War memorial: The seat has now been restored and looking good by Jamie Cadle.
Parking: This is still an on-going issue in the village, together with speeding..  The possibility of extra parking places in Bernards Close and School Lane were touched on and Dave Smith of Highways department, Bucks County Council is to be approached for his advice.
Shop: Jay reported that alterations and decorations are going well and the shop and tea room should be able to open in June. She is in talks with the Post Office for some post office provision to be provided. She asked the Council to consider whether the notice board and possibly the post-box could be returned to its original position by the shop.
Planning Matters:
Several planning applications had been approved - side extension at Bees Cottage; felling of trees at Mulberry; refurbishment at The Cottage. It was agreed to  hold a site meeting at 7 Old Plough Close where an application for an extension had been received.
Summer Fayre: The village roads by the Village Green will be temporarily closed on the day of the summer Fayre, Saturday, June 28th.
Bottom Orchard: The possibility of erecting a convex mirror to aid visibility was discussed.
The next meeting was arranged for Monday, June 16th at the Village Hall.