Sunday 29 September 2019

In Memoriam - David Golby

It is very sad news to learn that David Golby died last week in Hillingdon Hospital. He had not been well for many months.  He and Jackie moved into Nerefield, Lammas Lane nearly 2 years ago and immediately felt at home in Chearsley, particularly in The Bell where David became a regular member of the 6 o’clockers. He will be missed by everyone who knew him. There will be a cremation at Amersham on Thursday October 3  at 11am to which everyone is welcome to attend and  Jackie invites everyone to her  home after the ceremony for a drink and refreshments to celebrate David’s life whether or not they can attend the service at Amersham.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Village News September 23 2019

by Margaret Morbey 01844 208913  email

Flag Day Organiser for the RNLI needed    Is there anyone in the Village who would be able to take on this worthwhile job?   Tony Hall, now in his 80s has raised between £25,000 and £30,000 for the RNLI over the past decade as Flag Day organiser for the Aylesbury Branch of the Royal National Lifeboats Institution. Reluctantly Tony has to give up the responsibility of fundraising in order to spend more and more time caring for his wife with increasingly severe Parkinson’s Disease.  Together with fellow committee members and a team of volunteer collectors, Tony has been trying unsuccessfully since January to recruit someone to take over the role. The post entails organising about 5 collections a year, maintaining a list of volunteer collectors and attending 2 or 3 committee meetings a year. All the data and mechanisms involved are in place and are computer based. Anyone taking on the role would need to drive and to have a small amount of storage space for a few collecting boxes.  Please contact Tony by email or by phone 01844 208474 if you would be prepared to try to take on this important job.

Chearsley Show   was another highly successful day for the village bringing  an increase this year  in entries and entrants and a crowded hall in the afternoon of villagers to view the results and enjoy a cup of tea and chat. Have a look at the photos posted on the day on the Chearsley blog of some of the many entries, flowers, cakes, and  handicrafts and an interesting bunch of scarecrows.  Well done to everyone who took part and to Joy and her committee whose hard work made it all possible.

Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day  was a fantastic day in every way – over 350 vehicles crammed into the Cricket field, crowds, great music and wonderful sunshine. This year, it is anticipated that there will be a profit of around £8,000 compared to £6,600 last year and £4,100 in 2017. The Show just gets better and better. All funds will be invested in Chearsley Cricket Club Junior Cricket and to improve the facilities at the Club.   The whole Chearsley team in their distinctive pink shirts worked tirelessly serving food, drinks, selling raffle tickets, the tombola, tea and cakes, directing the entrants to their spot on the field, all contributing to make the day such a success and were much praised by many visitors who appreciated the cheerfulness and  helpfulness of everyone. Well done to them all. The Spitfire flypast was an added attraction to the day. The Fred Crawford Best in Show cup was awarded to Lionel Walker, owner of the 1944 US Army Jeep. The committee welcome all feedback so that the Show can become even better next year – hard to imagine how it can improve.

Festival of Flowers   Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6, 10am to 5pm.  Visit St Nicholas Church in Chearsley to enjoy an array of wonderful flower arrangements and displays. There will be refreshments and home made cakes.  On the Sunday, there will be a Harvest Festival Family Communion for at 10am for everyone followed by a Ploughmans Lunch in the churchyard. There is no admission charge but all donations will go towards the upkeep of our lovely church.

Festival of Remembrance  Fred Crawford, original founder of the Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day, is now in the process of organising a fund raising evening for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.  It is proposed to hold  an evening, along the lines of the Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance  on November 9 in the village hall.  Planning is still in its early stages and Fred would like to hear from anyone who would be able to help and from everyone who would be interested in coming along to the evening.   Already planned is for there to be a screening of a very interesting film of old photos depicting  Bucks during the WWII, a procession of representatives of all the Armed Forces, a speaker from the British Legion and also an opportunity to join in a good old singsong of some of the songs of the war.  Please email Fred, via if you are interested in supporting Fred. Without some extra  help and encouragement, this great idea will not be able to proceed.

Rugby World Cup at The Cricket Club  The Cricket Club plan to broadcast all England’s weekend games.  Bacon Butties will be served at half time.  Matches are on Saturday October 5th v Argentina with Kick Off at 9am, followed by Saturday October 12 v France with Kick Off at 9.15am.  Hopefully, if England progress, it is planned to screen their next matches.  Everyone is welcome to come up.

Macmillan Fundraising Coffee event in Chearsley    Sandra Saunders and her daughter, Tasha are raising money as part of the Macmillan Biggest Coffee Morning 2019  on Friday September 27.  This will be held at Springs Medley, Shupps Lane from 11am until 7pm when they will welcome you to take part in a Raffle and enjoy refreshments and meet up with friends.  Come along and support them in this worthwhile cause raising funds for people facing Cancer.

Paddington 2 at Cuddington Matinee Cinema in the Bernard Hall  On Monday 30th September at 1.30pm (doors open 1pm) there will be a showing of Paddington 2 made in 2017 a live-action animated comedy with actors, Hugh Bonneville, Jim Broadbent and Julie Walters, delightful escapist entertainment and a sequel to Paddington made in 2014. Entry is £5 which includes tea and cake during the interval. To book please phone 01844 291526 (during office hours) or on the door subject to availability.

Volunteer Car Services
Currently there are 2 schemes for villagers who need help with local transport.
1. There is a volunteer driver service operating out of Long Crendon GP surgery if you are registered  there and need lifts to attend appointments. Call the surgery on 01844 208228 and they contact the volunteers.
2.  There is a free bookable service of an accessible vehicle manned by trained volunteers for residents in our area with disabilities. This can be booked for a local door-to-door trip to the shops, to relatives and friends or to the medical centre, clinics or hospitals. More information here

Services at St Nicholas Church:

Sunday September 29       Benefice Communion at 10am at Nether Winchendon

Sunday October 6               Family Harvest Festival at 10am and Ploughman’s lunch

Diary Dates:

Friday September 27     Sandra and Tasha’s  Macmillan Coffee event 11am to 7pm at Springs Medley, Shupps Lane

Tuesday October 1          Bingo at The Bell

Saturday October 5          Flower Festival at Chearsley Church   10am to 5pm

Sunday October 6             Flower Festival at Chearsley Church  10am to 5pm

Sunday November 10      Messy Church Bonfire 4 to 5.30pm

Saturday November 16   Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner and Dance at The Oxford Belfry

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Oxford Cambridge Expressway (OCE) Meeting Sept 9th - Notes & Presentations

John Howard, who chaired this village hall  meeting, opened by explaining the Parish Council are ensuring villagers are as well informed as possible on this major infrastructure plan and are asking for feedback as to what position the PC should take on the OCE. This is so the PC can accurately represent the views of the village in any discussions with AVDC/BCC councillors and Highways England. As no requested Arc representatives were available, John presented a summary of the aims of the Oxford Cambridge Arc, based on available public documents. There was also a statement from one of our local AVDC/BCC councillors Clive Hariss. He indicated that he and other colleagues were not clear on the merits of the expressway plan versus upgrading existing roads and the BCC would be debating further. The link to Johns presentation is here.

John then introduced Professor David Rogers and Olivia Field of the No Expressway Group. They have performed detailed research on available documents plus engaged with Highways England. They outlined some of the possible consequences for Buckinghamshire and in particular Chearsley. In summary, while there is positive feedback for the East-West rail link plan, they pointed out the car focused expressway plan, together with very large amounts of housing, much in in areas of natural beauty, would seem at odds with preserving the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. They also predicted increased congestion from cars and HGVs in many existing local roads as a result of the expressway.

Their presentation is here

There was then a question and answer session with David and Olivia. Note that they will have a stand at the Car show this coming Sunday if you would like to ask further questions and gather more information. There are links to their website, Facebook and Twitter in their presentation also.

In summary the PC requests that you read both presentations and, if not already done, complete the questionnaire sent out as hardcopy, returning to John Howard at Great Barn or via the Bell. Alternatively complete the online questionnaire at this link. If you have further comments or questions then please send to

Keith Turnbull

Saturday 7 September 2019

Village Show - today 2.45-4pm

Don't forget to come along to the village hall at 2.45 to see all the entrants to our annual village show and enjoy a cup of tea.  Competition is fierce for the Victoria sponges and tomatoes.  Who will be crowned winner?

Messy Church - tomorrow

After our summer break, Messy Church restarts tomorrow at 4pm in the Village Hall, with Harvest themed crafts and activities.  Do join us.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Vintage Fun Day Bottle Appeal


The Annual Chearsley Classic & Vintage Fun Day Sunday 15th Sept 2019  

This is a major fundraiser for our Junior Section, which goes from strength to strength.  We now have over 100 juniors at the club (mostly from the village), which includes 46 girls (now the largest in Bucks) with the ages ranging from 5 to 16 year olds.   

We will be walking around The Village on Sunday 8th September between 1-3pm with a wheelbarrow collecting Bottles for the Bottle Tombola. If you have a spare bottle that you would like to kindly donate, please leave a bottle of anything on your doorstep (except Milk) and we will collect.

Thanks again for your help and support. Pop along on the day ITS FREE ENTRANCE
 Angela & Adam              Chearsley CC Junior Section

Twitter: @ChearsleyCC    FB:ChearsleyCricketClub 

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Village News September 3 2019

by Margaret Morbey 01844 208913  email

Chearsley Show Saturday September 7 including The Scarecrow Parade.  This  Wednesday September 4 is the deadline for entries.  If you are planning to enter, please make sure your entry form together with the appropriate fee of 20p per item is with Joy Payne at 1 Bernards Close by Wednesday evening. (Forms are available from Joy, the village shop and The Bell). The hall is open at 8.30am on Saturday for entries to be displayed. Judging then takes place at 10.30am. Everyone, whether you have entered exhibits into the Show or not, is welcome to come up to the hall in the afternoon from 2.45pm. Refreshments will be available.

Pilates at Chearsley Village Hall.  After the long Summer break, Debbie would like to remind everyone that classes restart this week.

Mat Class on Wednesdays from 6 to 7pm is a low impact class focusing on strengthening and stretching to tone and realign the body. Posture, breathing and core stability combine to create greater ease of movement, strengthening weak muscles and stretching tight ones. A variety of small equipment is used to enhance the exercises. You will need a mat.  New participants are always welcome. Please contact Debbie at The class starts this Wednesday,  September 4 at 6pm in Chearsley Village Hall.

Barre Class on Fridays at 9.30 to 10.30am starts with a warm-up sequence, followed by arm weights, and then moving to the Ballet Barres for balance, strength and toning work. Class finishes on the mat with Pilates and stretching. Pilates principles are incorporated throughout. You will need a mat.  New participants are always welcome. Please contact Debbie at The class starts this Friday September 6 at 9.30am in Chearsley Village Hall.

Oxford Cambridge Expressway Meeting  (OCE).  Everyone should have received details of the forthcoming  meeting organised by the Parish Council for Monday September 9 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the Village Hall when there will be presentations concerning the proposed development of this project.  The Parish Council also enclosed a questionnaire for all residents to complete and return to John Howard at Great Barn, School Lane either by hand, by email at by Friday September 13 or via online survey at

Rubbish left at the Village Hall.  The Village Hall Management committee would like to remind anyone hiring the hall that it is their responsibility to remove their rubbish and not leave it at the hall.  The disposal of any rubbish left at the Hall has to be paid for by the hall and this cost will be deducted from the hirer’s deposit.

Services at St Nicholas Church:

Sunday September 8     9am   Holy Communion

Diary Dates:

Saturday September 7    Chearsley Show including Scarecrow Parade.  Doors open in the afternoon at 2.45pm

Sunday September 8       The Bell Quiz 8pm

Monday September 9      Oxford Cambridge Expressway Meeting in the village hall  7.30 to 9.30pm

Sunday September 15     Chearsley Classic and Vintage Fun Day  starting at 11am

Monday September 16    Parish Council Meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm

Saturday October 5          Flower Festival at Chearsley Church   10am to 5pm

Sunday October 6            Flower Festival at Chearsley Church  10am to 5pm

Sunday November 10      Messy Church Bonfire 4 to 5.30pm

Saturday November 16   Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner and Dance at The Oxford Belfry

Sunday 1 September 2019

Parish Council Requests Consultation on Plans for the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway

All homes in Chearsley will shortly receive a leaflet (with questionnaire) on current plans for an Oxford-Cambridge Expressway, with the possibility of the building of nearly 65,000 new homes close to our village in an area described as ‘East of Oakley’. There will also be a public meeting on Sept 9 (details below).

Two potential ‘corridors’ for the route of the Expressway are being considered by Highways England. The B1 and B3 routes are indicated in this map – the southern boundary of the B3 corridor runs a few miles north of our village.

A digital version of the leaflet can be accessed at

Map of B1 and B3 corridors

Ahead of its 16th September meeting, the PC is very keen to have the views of all our community on these plans, and the leaflet will be accompanied by a short questionnaire which we would ask all residents to complete. This will be a vital step in assisting the PC to develop its public position on the plans under consideration, which can then be communicated to all relevant contacts and organisations.

A digital version of the questionnaire can be viewed at

Alternatively, you can complete the questionnaire online via

All completed questionnaires (excepting those answered online)  should be returned to John Howard, Great Barn, School Lane, Chearsley or before Sept 13th.

Finally, plans are well advanced for a village meeting to brief all residents on the current status of these plans on the evening of Monday 9th September. Confirmation has already been received that Professor David Rogers of the No Expressway Group will present to the meeting and other speakers are being invited to ensure that all sides of the argument are represented together some Q&A from residents.

Oxford – Cambridge Expressway Village Meeting
Monday 9th September
The Village Hall
19.30 – 21.30