Thursday, 11 October 2007

11th October 2007

Village News from Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Cricket Club Dinner and Dance
This most prestigious event of the season takes place on Friday October 26th at Notley Tythe Barn. Get your tickets from The Bell or ring Adam Lazaruk 07865093154 for more details.

The Bell 70s Fancy Dress and Disco Nite
Come on everyone – get your mini skirts and kipper ties out of the back of the cupboard for an airing and come along to The Bell’s 70s Fancy Dress and Disco Nite on Saturday 10th November from 7.00p.m. till late. There will be a disco, refreshments and a raffle. Prizes for the best dressed and the best dancer. See Sharon or Ollie or bar staff for any more details.

Short Mat Bowls
This takes place in the village hall every Friday except the first of the month. Please check the time with Keith or Beryl Wright on 208607 and to find out more details

Recycling Baskets
Tuesday 23rd October is the next triple whammy for the bins, baskets and bottles. Miss this date for the glass and you have to wait another month.