Thursday, 12 March 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Cuddington and Dinton School are holding a quiz on Saturday, 21st March at the Bernard Hall, Cuddington at 7.30 for a 7.45 start. Price of each ticket is £8.00 to include a fish and chip supper. There will be a bar. There will be teams of 8. All proceeds go to the school. For more details, please contact Hayley on 07731593957 or Angela on 07794290264.

Mothering Sunday
As part of the Family Service at St. Nicholas, Chearsley, a celebration of Mothering Sunday will take place on Sunday, 22nd March.

Local Neighbourhood questionnaire
We are invited to complete a short survey about our local area. This consultation has been commissioned by the Police, our local Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG), AVDC and Bucks County Council. Forms are available from Chearsley Tea Rooms and shop.

Litter Pick
Please come and help keep our village tidy. If a lot of volunteers all come, it will not take long. A litter pick has been arranged for Saturday, March 28th 21st at 9.30am, meeting outside The Bell. Gloves and bin bags will be provided.

Parish Council meeting, Monday 9th March.
A disappointing number of villagers attended this meeting. It is to be hoped more will make an effort to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday, 20th April. There will be more details about the agenda beforehand.

A few points arising from the meeting are :
A member of the public raised the question about litter beyond the village boundary in Aylesbury Road. It was agreed that the litterline would be contacted to come and remove it.

Cricket Club parking
Cars are to be parked on the Millennium Field, for which a padlock with a combination has been purchased, so the gate can be kept locked. It was agreed that parking away from the nearby house would be encouraged.

Phone Box
It was decided to ask the village at the Annual Parish Meeting about the possibility of purchasing a traditional red box, and the costs involved.

It was reported that a meeting had been held to discuss the preliminary tidying work necessary. It is hoped that this will take place by a group of volunteers from an environmental group, in October. Possible grants, including one from Chearsley Village Trust are being applied for.

The Green
One quote had been received with regard to the path across the Green, involving, concrete and brushed gravel and with a slope and handrail to replace the steps down to the road. More quotes are in hand and a grant for this work applied for. It was also agreed that the benches to be bought from a legacy from Betty Duval should be installed as soon as possible.

Annual Parish Meeting
This will take place on Monday, April 20th and will include the topics of the phone box and a Christmas tree on The Green.

Lanes and Highways
A photo of an oil delivery lorry damaging the verges had been received, and taken up with the company involved.

Planning matters
Planning application at Dieudonne, Dark Lane had been withdrawn

The Parish Council decided at a site meeting at the Old Grain Store, Long Crendon Road, that more details were needed.

Bus Shelter
Quotes for this work had been received and the work already carried out.

Village Gates
It was agreed that quotes for the painting of these should be obtained as soon as possible.

Community Policing Awards 2009
The council wholeheartedly agreed that Chearsley’s local PCSOs, Sue Jones and Caroline Day should be nominated for this award.

The date of the next meeting was fixed for Monday, 11th May at 7.30.

Village news wanted
Please do let me have your news – of special birthdays, births, deaths, sponsored walks and events, meetings, etc. We are all interested in what is happening in our village, so let me know!