Thursday, 5 November 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

St Nicholas Church – Toy Service
Everyone is welcome to the annual Family Toy Service,which will be held in Chearsley on Sunday 22nd November at 11am, when Christmas is looked forward to and also children less fortunate than our own are in our thoughts. The Church supports the Mix 96 Christmas Appeal for new toys and we would ask you to bring your gifts to the service. They can be unwrapped or in an open bag, so the organisers can distribute them appropriately.

Pumpkin Night at The Bell on Thursday October 29th
Pumpkin Night was an annual tradition celebrated in The Bell up to a few years ago, attracting pumpkins of a mighty size. This year, the tradition has been re-introduced by Ollie and Sharon. Steve Vear is to be congratulated on becoming Pumpkin Champion of 2009 with the heaviest pumpkin at 51.5lbs, which narrowly beat Mike’s by 1lb. Steve was awarded the Shield, which had been donated by the late Snowy Young many years ago. and had the honour of being dressed in a suitable tee shirt advertising the size of his pumpkin. Brian Arnott won the booby prize, with a pumpkin of 5oz, narrowly beating his son, David, and was similarly given a suitable tee shirt advertising the size of his pumpkin! There are some good photos taken by Perry Smith on the Chearsley website. There was also an award for the Best Dressed Pumpkin which went to Tony and Sandra. During the evening, £95 was very generously raised for the Charity bottle which supports Stoke Mandeville Eye Hospital appeal for vital new equipment. It was a good night, enjoyed by many customers. Already there is talk about next year with bigger and better exhibits.

CHUF Christmas Shopping Evening
Chuf are holding this evening on Wednesday, 18th November at 7.30pm in Chearsley Village Hall. Entry is £2 which includes seasonal refreshments and a chance to browse and buy books, gifts, jewellery, Christmas cards, kitchen and glassware, chocolates and much more from the many and varied stalls which will be there.

Village Hall Committee AGM
This will be held in the Village Hall on Monday, 16th November at 7pm when all members of the public are welcome

Parish Council Meeting
This will follow the Village Hall Committee meeting on Monday 16th November and starts at 7.45pm.

Litter Pick
Please come and help clean up our Village on Saturday November 14th. Meet at The Bell at 10am. You will be given a small area to tidy. Many hands make light work, if we all help.

Recycling Tuesday 17th November
Everything that is collected at the roadside is collected today – glass, paper, plastics, cans and bins of course.

Does anyone know?
You have probably all noticed the white dormer mobile, which has been parked either by The Bell or currently by the Post Box over the past 6 weeks. Does anyone know who owns it? The police have been informed and asked the owner to contact them.