Thursday, 17 December 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

British Legion Poppy Appeal
Sue Grimsdell, who has been selling poppies door-to-door in Chearsley for about 10 years, would like to thank everyone for their generosity this year which has resulted in a collection of over £355 – a record amount for Sue. Having two sons as officers in the Army and knowing other village lads in the Army, Sue is particularly grateful for Chearsley for their magnificent support. Sue is to be congratulated on the good job she does.

Chearsley Newsletter
Jay from the Tea Rooms and shop plans to produce a monthly newsletter starting this coming January. She would welcome contributions and information from as many sources as possible, with no cost for notices about village events or adverts for groups. Please contact Jay on or phone 208486 or email for more information. It is quite a few years since we regularly enjoyed The Chearsley Newsletter produced by Ann and Ted Hooton. Please support this new venture by Jay.

Chearsley Cricket Quiz
This was well attended in the Village Hall on Saturday 12th December, resulting in a win for a team from Aylesbury. Ticket sales and raffle produced around £350 for Club funds. Thanks go to Larry “butterfingers” Warr as the Quiz Master.

Patience Clowes
Everyone who knew Patience will be saddened to learn of her death at the age of 95. Having qualified as an Almoner, she worked for many years in Social Services, her last job before retirement as Director of Social Services in Bucks. Patience first lived in The Boot, then moved to Chiltern View in Watts Green until she became a resident in Leonard Pullen House at Halton, of which she was a founder member. Patience will be remembered by many for her contributions to Chearsley life as a long serving member of the Parochial Church Council, support of the Church and as member and President of Chearsley W.I. Our condolences go to her nephews and families.

Congratulations to:
Della and Alan Mitchener of Shupps Lane on becoming the proud grandparents of their first granddaughter, born on December 16th to their youngest son, Daniel and his wife Victoria.
John Howard of School Lane on his recent “special” birthday
Peter and Pam Green of Lammas Lane on their 40th Wedding anniversary.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
I would like to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and New Year and to thank you for reading this column!