Back to School
Although the September return to school can be a relief for hard-pressed parents, it can also be an expensive time of year. Whatever stage of education your child has reached, it is worth checking out whether you are entitled to any financial help. Schools provide information about applying for uniform grants and free school meals, for example, or the Educational Maintenance Allowance, for students staying on after the age of 16 (for more information on this, check the Directgov website at: However, there are some less well known kinds of help, one of which is detailed below.
Home Access Grant for computers
In England, the Home Access Grant scheme provides grants to low income families to buy one of the following:
* a computer, a year's internet access and service and support
* a computer with service and support
* one year's internet access.
You might be able to get a Home Access grant if:
* you have children in school years 3 to 9, your children are at a state school, or their education is paid for by the local authority or the government, and
* you get certain benefits, for example income support, guaranteed pension credit or free school meals for your child, and
* you haven't had a grant for a computer from a scheme like this before.
Carers and foster parents for 'looked after children' in school years one to 13 are also eligible to apply for the grant.
You can find out more about the Home Access Grant scheme and get an application form by calling their helpline on 0333 200 1004, emailing them at or looking online at
(Information from and thanks to Thame and District Citizens Advice Bureau for this article.)
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Pat Marshall
It is sad to report the death of Pat who had lived in Old Plough Close for many years. She had been a member of Chearsley W.I., at one time being the Chairman, but preferring the role of Secretary. She was also a founder-member of the annual Chearsley Fruit and Vegetable show. Her funeral has taken place, and our sympathies go to her family.
Chearsley W.I.
Their next meeting takes place on Tuesday 21st September at The Village Hall. All visitors are welcome to come to hear their speaker, Louise Reed, taking on the role of Elizabeth Barrett Anderson, Britain's, first woman doctor. Please see the Notice Board for more information.
Chearsley Pub Lunch
Another successful lunch was attended by 17 Chearsley residents on Wednesday, 25th at The Bell. September’s meal which costs £5.95 for 2 courses, will be on Wednesday 22nd September at 12.30. Please contact Ann Hooton on 208306 or Alan Mitchener on 208893 a few days beforehand to book your place and choose your meal.
Chearsley Cricket Club 100 Club
Our Cricket Club are appealing for more members of this fund raising scheme. There is an annual subscription of £24 which enables you to take part in the monthly draw, with the chance to win one of three cash prizes. The amount won depends on the number of participants. So come along and join. Sharon at The Bell has application forms.
St Nicholas’ Church Harvest Festival Supper
Tickets are now on sale for the Harvest Supper in the Village Hall on Saturday, September 25th at 7.30pm. A 2 course meal including wine or beer costs £10 which also includes entertainment. Contact Alicia Howard at Great Barn, School Lane. Telephone number 07970 804 330
Harvest Festival Celebration at St Nicholas’ Church
Please come along on Sunday, September 26th at 10am as part of the Family Service. Any produce you can bring will be taken to Long Crendon Day Centre.
Short Mat Bowls
This is now due to start again after the Summer Break on Friday September 17th at 7.15pm at Chearsley Village Hall. Everyone is welcome. It is a friendly, informal group which, if there are sufficient interested people, will arrange matches against other clubs. Meetings are on most Fridays. Please contact Keith and Beryl Wright on 108607 for more information, or see the notice on the noticeboard.
Pat Marshall
It is sad to report the death of Pat who had lived in Old Plough Close for many years. She had been a member of Chearsley W.I., at one time being the Chairman, but preferring the role of Secretary. She was also a founder-member of the annual Chearsley Fruit and Vegetable show. Her funeral has taken place, and our sympathies go to her family.
Chearsley W.I.
Their next meeting takes place on Tuesday 21st September at The Village Hall. All visitors are welcome to come to hear their speaker, Louise Reed, taking on the role of Elizabeth Barrett Anderson, Britain's, first woman doctor. Please see the Notice Board for more information.
Chearsley Pub Lunch
Another successful lunch was attended by 17 Chearsley residents on Wednesday, 25th at The Bell. September’s meal which costs £5.95 for 2 courses, will be on Wednesday 22nd September at 12.30. Please contact Ann Hooton on 208306 or Alan Mitchener on 208893 a few days beforehand to book your place and choose your meal.
Chearsley Cricket Club 100 Club
Our Cricket Club are appealing for more members of this fund raising scheme. There is an annual subscription of £24 which enables you to take part in the monthly draw, with the chance to win one of three cash prizes. The amount won depends on the number of participants. So come along and join. Sharon at The Bell has application forms.
St Nicholas’ Church Harvest Festival Supper
Tickets are now on sale for the Harvest Supper in the Village Hall on Saturday, September 25th at 7.30pm. A 2 course meal including wine or beer costs £10 which also includes entertainment. Contact Alicia Howard at Great Barn, School Lane. Telephone number 07970 804 330
Harvest Festival Celebration at St Nicholas’ Church
Please come along on Sunday, September 26th at 10am as part of the Family Service. Any produce you can bring will be taken to Long Crendon Day Centre.
Short Mat Bowls
This is now due to start again after the Summer Break on Friday September 17th at 7.15pm at Chearsley Village Hall. Everyone is welcome. It is a friendly, informal group which, if there are sufficient interested people, will arrange matches against other clubs. Meetings are on most Fridays. Please contact Keith and Beryl Wright on 108607 for more information, or see the notice on the noticeboard.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Neighbourhood Police Team August Newsletter
The August 2010 Newsletter is now available here: August 2010 Update
Curry Night at The Bell
This coming Wednesday sees The Bell host a Curry Night at a cost of £10, to include a pint of beer or a small glass of wine. The usual menu will still be available, but please book if you are coming for the curry!
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Footsteps on 25th August.
St Nicholas Church is holding its craft and drama fun day on Wednesday 25th August from 10am to 3pm for local children. Please contact Sharon Sampson on 208740 or email for more information.
Monthly Pub Lunch at The Bell
This is quickly becoming a very popular and well attended monthly event, with the July lunch attended by over 20. The aim is for Chearsley “ mature” residents to have more social contact by enjoying a reasonably priced meal together in the village pub, to make new friends and catch up on village news. Please contact Ann Hooton to book your place and order your meal for the next lunch on Wednesday, 25th August. Come along and try it.
Baby congratulations
Jay at Chearsley Shop and Tearooms is delighted to be a first time Grandma. Her daughter, Rhianna and Mitch from America are the proud parents of Aiden William, born on Saturday, August 7th. Congratulations to them all.
Chearsley Show on Saturday, 4th September
Hopefully you still have your Show entries to hand and will remember to have them completed and handed in before Tuesday 31st August. Spare copies are available at the Tearooms. Each entry costs 20p and there are classes for flowers, vegetables, fruit, domestic and art and craft. The show is open to the public from 2.30pm with presentation of awards at 3.30pm. Teas will be on sale together with the chance to win a prize in the raffle. Last year, entry numbers were up on the year before, so it would be good for the trend to be maintained this year, particularly as more allotments are now being cultivated. So please, all you gardeners and allotment growers, consider entering your produce even if you don’t think you have prize winners. You may well be surprised.
Morris Dancing
The first really rainy day for months cleared up just in time for the Crendon Morris Men and the Morris Men( and ladies) from Owlswick to put on a splendid show, wielding clubs, jingling bells and flapping hankies, accompanied by accordions and a banjo, outside The Bell on Tuesday, August 10. The crowd were also entertained and charmed by a Barn Owl and Little Owl which accompanied the Owlswick Morris Dancers.
Hopefully, next August, the weather will be a bit warmer.
Book of Chearsley Fayre 2010
A book of photos has been compiled of this year’s very successful Chearsley Fayre. Call in at the Tea rooms where there is a copy on show. Have a cup of tea and cake at the same time.
There will be a collection of baskets for plastic, cans and paper as well as the glass container on Tuesday 24th August.
Please remember that due to the Bank Holiday, collection day for bins only will be a day later on Wednesday September 1st
Footsteps on 25th August.
St Nicholas Church is holding its craft and drama fun day on Wednesday 25th August from 10am to 3pm for local children. Please contact Sharon Sampson on 208740 or email for more information.
Monthly Pub Lunch at The Bell
This is quickly becoming a very popular and well attended monthly event, with the July lunch attended by over 20. The aim is for Chearsley “ mature” residents to have more social contact by enjoying a reasonably priced meal together in the village pub, to make new friends and catch up on village news. Please contact Ann Hooton to book your place and order your meal for the next lunch on Wednesday, 25th August. Come along and try it.
Baby congratulations
Jay at Chearsley Shop and Tearooms is delighted to be a first time Grandma. Her daughter, Rhianna and Mitch from America are the proud parents of Aiden William, born on Saturday, August 7th. Congratulations to them all.
Chearsley Show on Saturday, 4th September
Hopefully you still have your Show entries to hand and will remember to have them completed and handed in before Tuesday 31st August. Spare copies are available at the Tearooms. Each entry costs 20p and there are classes for flowers, vegetables, fruit, domestic and art and craft. The show is open to the public from 2.30pm with presentation of awards at 3.30pm. Teas will be on sale together with the chance to win a prize in the raffle. Last year, entry numbers were up on the year before, so it would be good for the trend to be maintained this year, particularly as more allotments are now being cultivated. So please, all you gardeners and allotment growers, consider entering your produce even if you don’t think you have prize winners. You may well be surprised.
Morris Dancing
The first really rainy day for months cleared up just in time for the Crendon Morris Men and the Morris Men( and ladies) from Owlswick to put on a splendid show, wielding clubs, jingling bells and flapping hankies, accompanied by accordions and a banjo, outside The Bell on Tuesday, August 10. The crowd were also entertained and charmed by a Barn Owl and Little Owl which accompanied the Owlswick Morris Dancers.
Hopefully, next August, the weather will be a bit warmer.
Book of Chearsley Fayre 2010
A book of photos has been compiled of this year’s very successful Chearsley Fayre. Call in at the Tea rooms where there is a copy on show. Have a cup of tea and cake at the same time.
There will be a collection of baskets for plastic, cans and paper as well as the glass container on Tuesday 24th August.
Please remember that due to the Bank Holiday, collection day for bins only will be a day later on Wednesday September 1st
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Village News
with Margaret Morbey
Leaving Chearsley
Good luck to Gerry Reilly of Bottom Orchard who is leaving Chearsley for Milford on Sea.
Get Well wishes
To Perry Smith who is hopefully home from hospital. We promise not to put you in the stocks again!
Mobile Library
The mobile Library will next be in Chearsley on Monday August 16th from 12.20 to 12.45pm
Parish Council Meeting
This was held on Thursday 5th August in the Village Hall, when planning applications by Chuf for patio doors, a patio and awning at the Village Hall and a 2 storey extension at The Granary, School Lane were discussed.
Nic Brown reported on footpaths where the overgrown hedges had now been cut by their owners and that Graham King would be trimming the large overgrown hedge at the top of Dark Lane. The problem with the hedge by the Cricket Field was still to be resolved. Quotes for the maintenance of the white entry gates and of the Memorial were to be sought.
The benches for The Green were soon to be ordered
The position and purchase of new salt bins had been investigated which are to be kept in their original positions with the addition of a new one in Lower Green Lane.
The question of dog poo bins will be discussed at the September meeting of the Parish Council.
Nic reported that he had found the Millennium Field to be in good condition, but the signage had weathered. The question of the continuation of the lease of the field was to be investigated with Mike Heybrook.
It was hoped that Nic and Leif had recently been successful in getting Chearsley funding via LAF (Local Area Funding) to go towards costs of any schemes decided upon to help curb speeding in the village.
Leaving Chearsley
Good luck to Gerry Reilly of Bottom Orchard who is leaving Chearsley for Milford on Sea.
Get Well wishes
To Perry Smith who is hopefully home from hospital. We promise not to put you in the stocks again!
Mobile Library
The mobile Library will next be in Chearsley on Monday August 16th from 12.20 to 12.45pm
Parish Council Meeting
This was held on Thursday 5th August in the Village Hall, when planning applications by Chuf for patio doors, a patio and awning at the Village Hall and a 2 storey extension at The Granary, School Lane were discussed.
Nic Brown reported on footpaths where the overgrown hedges had now been cut by their owners and that Graham King would be trimming the large overgrown hedge at the top of Dark Lane. The problem with the hedge by the Cricket Field was still to be resolved. Quotes for the maintenance of the white entry gates and of the Memorial were to be sought.
The benches for The Green were soon to be ordered
The position and purchase of new salt bins had been investigated which are to be kept in their original positions with the addition of a new one in Lower Green Lane.
The question of dog poo bins will be discussed at the September meeting of the Parish Council.
Nic reported that he had found the Millennium Field to be in good condition, but the signage had weathered. The question of the continuation of the lease of the field was to be investigated with Mike Heybrook.
It was hoped that Nic and Leif had recently been successful in getting Chearsley funding via LAF (Local Area Funding) to go towards costs of any schemes decided upon to help curb speeding in the village.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Weather Warning
Issued by the Met Office at 12:07 on Wednesday, 4th August 2010:
Heavy, locally thundery showers are expected to give totals of 10-15 mm within one hour, with overall totals of 25 mm or more.
The public are advised to take extra care and refer to the "Highways Agency" for further advice regarding traffic disruption on motorways and trunk roads.
Heavy, locally thundery showers are expected to give totals of 10-15 mm within one hour, with overall totals of 25 mm or more.
The public are advised to take extra care and refer to the "Highways Agency" for further advice regarding traffic disruption on motorways and trunk roads.
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