Thursday 5 August 2010

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Leaving Chearsley
Good luck  to Gerry Reilly of Bottom Orchard who is leaving Chearsley for Milford on Sea.

Get Well wishes
To Perry Smith who is hopefully home from hospital.  We promise not to put you in the stocks again!

Mobile Library
The mobile Library will next be in Chearsley on Monday August 16th from  12.20 to 12.45pm

Parish Council Meeting
This was held on Thursday 5th August in the Village Hall, when planning applications by Chuf for patio doors, a patio and awning at the Village Hall and a 2 storey extension at The Granary, School Lane were discussed.
Nic Brown reported on footpaths where the overgrown hedges had now been cut by their owners and that Graham King would be trimming the large overgrown hedge at the top of Dark Lane.  The problem with the hedge by the Cricket Field was still to be resolved.  Quotes for the maintenance of the white entry gates and of the Memorial were to be sought.
The benches for The Green were soon to be ordered
The position  and purchase of new  salt bins had been investigated which are to be kept in their original positions with the addition of a new one in Lower Green Lane.
The question of dog poo bins will be discussed at the September meeting of the Parish Council.
Nic reported that he had found the Millennium Field to be in good condition, but the signage had weathered. The question of the continuation of the lease of the field was to be investigated with Mike Heybrook.
It was hoped that Nic and Leif had recently been successful in getting  Chearsley funding via LAF (Local Area Funding) to go towards costs of any schemes decided upon to help curb speeding in the village.