Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Do you want more houses in Chearsley?

Do you want more houses in Chearsley?

That is not a question that we are used to being asked, but because of a new Bill currently going through Parliament, we may be soon.

The Bill will bring major changes to the local government planning system and one effect will be that local people can have a much greater say on building developments in their locality.  Which means Chearsley people having a big say on what happens in Chearsley.

But only if we take the opportunity. 
If we don’t, we will remain subject to what planners in Aylesbury think is best for us.

Specifically, we could soon have the opportunity to:

1.   Make an input to a new planning document called the Vale of Aylesbury Plan, specifically in terms of what it says about housing development in Chearsley

2.      Develop our own ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ that would bring statutory planning powers on building development to the people of Chearsley through its Parish Council

3.      Develop a complimentary ‘Parish Plan’ in which we can lay out what we want for the village in terms of such things as the Environment, Local Transport and Community facilities

This can only happen however if the village wants it – and takes the necessary steps to make it happen. 

Your Parish Council will shortly be asking you some questions about all this, and to help you decide how you want to respond we are holding a

Public Meeting in the Village Hall on
Monday 28 November at 8.00pm.

At which speakers, both local and from AVDC, will explain what is happening and what you need to do both now and in the future.

It is hard to overstate how important these developments could be for the future of our Village. 
 Do please make every effort to come along.